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Tolerance to imidazolinone herbicides in wheat   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
An imidazolinone-tolerant wheat (Triticum aestivum L. em Thell) mutant in the winter wheat cultivar Fidel has been identified and characterized. The mutant was isolated from a population derived through seed mutagenesis of the variety with an aqueous solution containing sodium azide. Imidazolinone-tolerant wheat seedlings were selected from the M2 generation of the population in the presence of imazethapyr herbicide and identified as herbicide-insensitive individuals. The trait is inherited as a single semidominant gene and confers high levels of tolerance to imazethapyr. Acetohydroxyacid synthase activity in extracts from imidazolinonetolerant plants was less inhibited by imazethapyr than the enzyme from the wild type. The herbicide-tolerant plants have a completely normal phenotype and display no negative effects on growth and yield in either the absence or presence of imazethapyr.  相似文献   
Persistent infection by hepatitis B virus (HBV) is epidemiologically correlated with the prevalence of hepatocellular carcinoma, but its role in tumor development is not yet understood. To study the putative oncogenic potential of HBV, a non-malignant immortal mouse hepatocyte line FMH202 harboring metallothionein promoter-driven simian virus 40 large tumor antigen was transfected with HBV DNA. All stably transfected clones which replicated HBV displayed malignant growth characteristics in soft agar and were tumorigenic upon inoculation in nude mice. The nude mice tumors were histologically classified as differentiated or anaplastic hepatocellular carcinomas. As with human liver carcinomas, rearrangements of in vitro integrated HBV sequences were observed in the nude mouse tumors, and in tumor-derived cell lines. In one case, expression of viral core and surface antigens was blocked in the tumors, correlating with hypermethylation of the HBV genome. However, the expression of X gene was maintained in most tumors and tumor-derived cell lines. X protein was detected in nuclei by immune fluorescence and by immune blot. These results provide the first demonstration that HBV displays oncogenic potential in an experimental system. This system could be useful to functionally identify HBV genes which convey a tumorigenic phenotype.  相似文献   
The purpose of this study was to test the hypothesis that exercise training induces enhanced intracellular free Ca2+ (Cai) availability to the contractile elements of cardiac cells. Cai transients were directly measured in single isolated contracting ventricular myocytes from exercise-trained (EX) and sedentary control (SED) rats. Male Sprague-Dawley rats underwent 16 wk of progressive treadmill exercise (32 m/min, 8% grade, 1.5 h/day) (EX) or were cage confined (SED). EX rats had lower resting heart rate and elevated skeletal muscle oxidative capacity. Cai was measured with the fluorescent Cai indicator fura-2. Simultaneous video monitoring indicated that myocytes suspended in physiological salt solution were quiescent until stimulated electrically at a frequency of 0.2 Hz (12-36 V, 2-ms duration). Stimulated Cai transients, measured from changes in fura-2 fluorescence, were similar in cells from EX and SED groups. Peak shortening, time to peak shortening, velocity of shortening, contraction duration, and time to half-relaxation were also similar in cells from EX and SED rats. Ryanodine (10 microM) was applied to eliminate the contribution of Ca2+ release from sarcoplasmic reticulum to the Cai transient. Verapamil was applied to eliminate the contribution of voltage-gated Ca2+ channels to Cai transients. Cai transients were also similar in cells from EX and SED groups after these pharmacological interventions. These results suggest that treadmill training of rats does not alter Cai availability to the contractile elements in isolated ventricular myocytes.  相似文献   
In vitro binding experiments were carried out using (32)P-labeled cells of the virulent Agrobacterium tumefaciens strain B6 and Datura innoxia cells from suspension culture. Binding kinetics showed that adherence of bacteria to Datura cells increased gradually during the first 60 minutes and attained a maximum level within 120 minutes of incubation. Maximum binding occurred at pH 6.0. The presence of Ca(2+) and Mg(2+) reduced binding slightly and EDTA had little effect at concentrations of 0.1 to 10 millimolar. The binding of bacteria to Datura cells was temperature-dependent. Escherichia coli, Salmonella typhimurium, Rhizobium japonicum, and Micrococcus lysodeikticus did not compete with virulent A. tumefaciens strain B6 for binding to Datura cells. The admixture of avirulent A. tumefaciens strain IIBNV6 enhanced adherence of virulent A. tumefaciens strain B6 to Datura cells. Octopine had no effect on the binding of virulent A. tumefaciens strain B6 to Datura cells, but 10 millimolar canavanine was inhibitory. Arginine enhanced the adherence of the bacteria at concentrations higher than 0.1 millimolar. Incubation with DNase, RNase, and lipase did not affect the binding, but protease stimulated the adherence of bacteria to Datura cells. Concanavaline A and soybean lectin had little effect whereas lecithin and lysolecithin enhanced binding slightly. Poly-l-lysine markedly stimulated the bacteria-plant cell adherence. Cells from suspension cultures of pea, vetch, and soybean had a 2- to 3-fold higher binding capacity than Datura cells, whereas cells from wheat, corn, rice, and sorghum had a considerably lower affinity for binding with virulent A. tumefaciens strain B6. Bacterial adherence to plant cells was confirmed by autoradiography and electron microscopy. Autoradiographic analysis showed that bacteria were associated with the cell wall, and that often binding of bacteria was localized. Electron micrographs clearly illustrated a tight association of virulent A. tumefaciens strain B6 cells to the Datura cell wall.  相似文献   
Mating in Candida albicans and Saccharomyces cerevisiae is regulated by the secretion of peptide pheromones that initiate the mating process. An important regulator of pheromone activity in S. cerevisiae is barrier activity, involving an extracellular aspartyl protease encoded by the BAR1 gene that degrades the alpha pheromone. We have characterized an equivalent barrier activity in C. albicans and demonstrate that the loss of C. albicans BAR1 activity results in opaque a cells exhibiting hypersensitivity to alpha pheromone. Hypersensitivity to pheromone is clearly seen in halo assays; in response to alpha pheromone, a lawn of C. albicans Deltabar1 mutant cells produces a marked zone in which cell growth is inhibited, whereas wild-type strains fail to show halo formation. C. albicans mutants lacking BAR1 also exhibit a striking mating defect in a cells, but not in alpha cells, due to overstimulation of the response to alpha pheromone. The block to mating occurs prior to cell fusion, as very few mating zygotes were observed in mixes of Deltabar1 a and alpha cells. Finally, in a barrier assay using a highly pheromone-sensitive strain, we were able to demonstrate that barrier activity in C. albicans is dependent on Bar1p. These studies reveal that a barrier activity to alpha pheromone exists in C. albicans and that the activity is analogous to that caused by Bar1p in S. cerevisiae.  相似文献   
Despite the strength of climatic variability at high latitudes and upper elevations, we still do not fully understand how plants in North America that are distributed between Arctic and alpine areas responded to the environmental changes of the Quaternary. To address this question, we set out to resolve the evolutionary history of the King’s Crown, Rhodiola integrifolia using multi-locus population genetic and phylogenetic analyses in combination with ecological niche modeling. Our population genetic analyses of multiple anonymous nuclear loci revealed two major clades within R. integrifolia that diverged from each other ~ 700 kya: one occurring in Beringia to the north (including members of subspecies leedyi and part of subspecies integrifolia), and the other restricted to the Southern Rocky Mountain refugium in the south (including individuals of subspecies neomexicana and part of subspecies integrifolia). Ecological niche models corroborate our hypothesized locations of refugial areas inferred from our phylogeographic analyses and revealed some environmental differences between the regions inhabited by its two subclades. Our study underscores the role of geographic isolation in promoting genetic divergence and the evolution of endemic subspecies in R. integrifolia. Furthermore, our phylogenetic analyses of the plastid spacer region trnL-F demonstrate that among the native North American species, R. integrifolia and R. rhodantha are more closely related to one another than either is to R. rosea. An understanding of these historic processes lies at the heart of making informed management decisions regarding this and other Arctic-alpine species of concern in this increasingly threatened biome.  相似文献   
This study addresses some enduring issues of ontogenetic and evolutionary integration in the form of the hominid cranium. Our sample consists of 38 crania: 20 modern adult Homo sapiens, 14 sub-adult H. sapiens, and four archaic Homo. All specimens were CT-scanned except for two infant H. sapiens, who were imaged by MR instead. For each specimen 84 landmarks and semi-landmarks were located on the midsagittal plane and converted to Procrustes shape coordinates. Integration was quantified by the method of singular warps, a new geometric-statistical approach to visualizing correlations among regions. The two classic patterns of integration, evolutionary and ontogenetic, were jointly explored by comparing analyses of overlapping subsamples that span ranges of different hypothetical factors. Evolutionary integration is expressed in the subsample of 24 adult Homo, and ontogenetic integration in the subsample of 34 H. sapiens. In this data set, vault, cranial base, and face show striking and localized patterns of covariation over ontogeny, similar but not identical to the patterns seen over evolution. The principal differences between ontogeny and phylogeny pertain to the cranial base. There is also a component of cranial length to height ratio not reducible to either process. Our methodology allows a separation of these independent processes (and their impact on cranial shape) that conventional methods have not found.  相似文献   
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