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Automatic control of the blood gas parameters during extracorporeal circulation has the potential to improve the quality of this procedure and to relieve the personnel from a time consuming task. This paper describes a model of the underlying system for a standard clinical set-up and pinpoints the major difficulties which are the variations of the process gains and the blood- and gas-flow dependent dead times and time constants. Scheduled PI-controllers both for the arterial oxygen as well as for the carbon dioxide partial pressure were designed. Scheduling was based on the blood flow rate. These controllers were tested in a simulation environment. The control systems remained stable under all tested operating condition, but if the blood flow rate was changed abruptly rather large load errors occurred. The performance was improved markedly by adding a feed-forward control path which directly influences the actuating signals based on the actual blood flow rate and the hemoglobin contents, variables which are measured anyway. The major conclusion of this study is to use such direct feed-forward compensation even if more sophisticated control algorithms are used.  相似文献   
An in vivo model system to study the initiation of embryo development is presented. From the so-called Salmon system of wheat (alloplasmic lines with a 1BL-1RS chromosome translocation), three completely isogenic and homozygous lines were produced by selection for uniformity in about 20 selfing/backcross generations as well as between sublines of doubled haploids. The line (aestivum)-Salmon is male fertile and sexual. The lines (caudata)-Salmon and (kotschyi)-Salmon are male sterile and have a parthenogenetic capacity of about 90%. The expression of nuclear-cytoplasmic male sterility is different for the two parthenogenetic lines. The initiation of autonomous embryo development at defined developmental stages of the ovaries and the maximum degree of parthenogenesis are identical in both parthenogenetic lines as proved by the auxin test and progeny analyses. The protein patterns from ovary extracts of the three isogenic lines were identical for more than 200 spots of 2-D polyacrylamide gels, confirming their homogeneity. However, one protein (P 115.1) was found 3 days before and during anthesis only in ovaries of the parthenogenetic lines. It seems to be involved in the initiation of parthenogenesis.  相似文献   
Keyhole limpet hemocyanin is a respiratory glycoprotein of high molecular weight from the gastropod mollusc Megathura crenulata. Two subunits, KLH1 and KLH2, were isolated using ion exchange chromatography and their physical properties are compared with the parent molecule. The various proteins are characterized by fluorescence spectroscopy, combined with fluorescence quenching studies, using acrylamide, cesium chloride and potassium iodide as tryptophan quenchers. The conformational stability of the native aggregate and its isolated structural subunits are also studied by circular dichroism and fluorescence spectroscopy as a function of temperature, as well as in the presence of guanidinium hydrochloride and urea. The associated subunits in the hemocyanin aggregates increase considerably the melting temperature to 67 degrees C and the free energy of stabilization in water, DeltaG(H(2)O)(D), towards guanidinium hydrochloride is higher for the decamer as compared to the isolated subunits; this difference can be accounted for by the stabilizing effects of intra-subunit interactions exerted within the oligomer. The copper-dioxygen complex at the active site additionally stabilizes the molecule, and removing of the copper ions increases the tryptophan emission and the quantum yield of the fluorescence.  相似文献   
UV-B inhibits the motility of the green flagellate, Euglena gracilis, at fluences rates higher than those expected to occur in the natural sunlight even when the stratospheric ozone layer is partially reduced by manmade pollutants. The phototactic orientation of the cells, however, is drastically impaired by only slightly enhanced levels of UV-B irradiation. Since only negative phototaxis (movement away from a strong light source) is impaired while positive phototaxis (movement toward a weak light source) is not, the delicate balance by which the organisms adjust their position in their habitat is disturbed. Under these conditions the cells are unable to retreat from hazardous levels of radiation and are eventually killed not by the UV-B irradiation but by photobleaching of their photosynthetic pigments in the strong daylight at the surface.  相似文献   
Primarily, 50 characters taken from herbarium specimens, cultivated plants, and whole populations ofPrimula veris L. were critically evaluated. Only 24 characters were found to be suitable for taxonomic use. The geographical and multivariate analysis of about 1000 herbarium specimens from the whole area lead to a reduction of the number of subspecies. Only a less restricted subsp.veris (incl. subsp.canescens, subsp.inflata and probably including subsp.macrocalyx) and subsp.columnae (incl. subsp.suaveolens) can be distinguished considering the variability of characters within an individuum, under different culture conditions, and during the growth period. The status of the taxon macrocalyx cannot be cleared presently.  相似文献   
Species with narrow ranges and specialised traits are most at risk, and the extinction wave is further enhanced by coextinctions. We studied the conservation value and indicator potential of Stratiotes aloides, an aquatic macrophyte that has declined considerably in Europe. Our purpose was to determine whether S. aloides could be used as an indicator of a valuable habitat in terms of macroarthropod diversity and species richness. The potential occurrence of an internationally endangered Stratiotes-habitat specialist, the dragonfly Aeshna viridis, can increase the conservation value of plant colonies. S. aloides beds harboured diverse macroarthropod fauna often containing species of conservation concern, including A. viridis. Stratiotes is a potential indicator of a valuable habitat, and its indicator value is enhanced by the easy identification of the species. However, its use as an indicator of a defined macroarthropod community is limited because no particular community type is connected to it. We suggest that protecting Stratiotes simultaneously conserves valuable arthropod fauna, including A. viridis.  相似文献   
Aspergillus fumigatus is an important pathogen of the immunocompromised host. Previously, it was shown that the polyketide synthase encoded by the pksP (alb1) gene represents a virulence determinant. pksP is part of a gene cluster involved in dihydroxynaphthalene (DHN)-like melanin biosynthesis. Because a putative laccase-encoding gene (abr2) is also part of the cluster and a laccase was found to represent a virulence factor in Cryptococcus neoformans, here, the Abr2 laccase was characterised. Deletion of the abr2 gene changed the gray-green conidial pigment to a brown color and the ornamentation of conidia was reduced compared with wild-type conidia. In contrast to the white pksP mutant, the susceptibility of the Δabr2 mutant against reactive oxygen species (ROS) was not increased, suggesting that the intermediate of DHN-like melanin produced up to the step catalysed by Abr2 already possesses ROS scavenging activity. In an intranasal mouse infection model, the Δabr2 mutant strain showed no reduction in virulence compared with the wild type. In the Δabr2 mutant, overall laccase activity was reduced only during sporulation, but not during vegetative growth. An abr2p-lacZ gene fusion was expressed during sporulation, but not during vegetative growth confirming the pattern of laccase activity due to Abr2.  相似文献   
In freely moving toads, the temporal discharge patterns of tectal and medullary neurons were observed during prey-catching.
  1. Tectal T5.2 and T8.1 neurons displayed a premotor warming up firing that in the former was addressed specifically to prey orienting or snapping and in the latter generally to almost any kind of body movement.
  2. The temporal discharge patterns of T5.2 neurons during snapping were different from those during orienting toward prey. Snapping started in the peak phase of warming up; firing was immediately terminated during the snap; thereafter some rebound activity was observed. Orienting started after the premotor warming up in the declining phase whilst the neuron kept on firing during orienting and then settled when the orienting movement was completed.
  3. In toads which were not motivated to catch prey — comparabl to immobilized ones — the discharge frequency of T5.2 neurons toward a prey stimulus revealed no such warming up.
  4. Because it is known that prey-selective T5.2 neurons are controlled by pretectal inhibitory influences, the following experiment was conducted: during recording a T5.2 neuron a pretectal lesion was applied ipsilaterally to the recording site. After a few seconds, the neuron showed a strong premotor wanning up in response to any kind of moving object, followed by prey-catching.
  5. In the medulla oblongata, different H-type neurons of the hypoglossal nucleus displayed specific discharge patterns which resembled the tongue protractor and retractor muscle activities; a third type resembled the activity of the genio/sterno-hyoid muscle, which are suggested to stabilize the hyoid bone during snapping.
  6. There were medullary M8-type neurons with properties similar to T8.1.
  7. Snapping could be triggered by electrical stimulation of the optic tectum in the representation of the frontal visual field, but not by stimulation in the hypoglossal nucleus or the adjacent medial reticular formation.
  8. A concept of a neuronal circuit for the coordination of tongue muscle contractions in response to prey is proposed.
K. Haas  J. Schönherr 《Planta》1979,146(4):399-403
Water permeability and composition of soluble cuticular lipids of isolated cuticular membranes from leaves of Citrus aurantium L. were investigated for 3 successive years. The average water permeability coefficient determined using 169 cuticular membranes was 1.09·10–7 cm s–1 with a standard deviation of 0.78·10–7 cm s–1. There were no significant differences in water permeability between years. Cuticular membranes are characterized by a great variability in water permeability both within and between years. Both water permeability of individual membranes and variability between membranes are shown to be determined by soluble cuticular lipids contained within the cuticular membranes. The soluble cuticular lipids of Citrus leaves are composed of fatty acids, primary alcohols, esters, and hydrocarbons. They occur in amounts of 9.84 g cm–2, which represents approx. 3% of the total mass of isolated cuticular membranes. The specific weight of cuticular membranes (365.4 g cm–1) and total amount of soluble cuticular lipids did not vary significantly between years. Significant differences were observed for the amounts and composition of the constituent classes of lipids. Six homologues comprise 86% of the fatty acids (C16; C18; C19; C21; C24; C26), 83% of the primary alcohols (C24; C26; C28; C30; C32; C34) and 88% of the esters (C36; C38; C40; C41; C42; C44). Eleven major homologues amount only to 62% of the total hydrocarbons (C16; C17; C18; C20; C26; C27; C29; C30; C31; C32; C33). Variability in the composition of soluble cuticular lipids between years was much smaller than variability of water permeability and, therefore, no relation between composition of soluble cuticular lipids and water permeability could be found. It is suggested that this may be due to the fact that the lipid composition observed represents the averages of 20 to 30 membranes analyzed so that differences between individual membranes may have been leveled out.Abbreviations CM cuticular membranes - MX polymer matrix - Pd permeability coefficient for diffusion of water - SCL soluble cuticular lipids - MES morpholinoethane sulphonic acid  相似文献   
Eyestalks of the palinuran species Jasus lalandii and Panulirus homarus, and the brachyuran species Carcinus maenas, were examined with antisera raised against purified crustacean hyperglycaemic hormone (cHH) of the astacidean species Homarus americanus and Procambarus bouvieri, as well as the brachyuran species Cancer pagurus. Other antisera used in this investigation were raised against purified moult-inhibiting hormone (MIH) of C. pagurus and vitellogenesis-inhibiting hormone (VIH) of H. americanus. Positive immunoreactions to all the antisera were localised in perikarya of the X-organ and the axon terminals in the sinus gland of all the crustaceans investigated. These results illustrate the existence of an immunological similarity, detectable at the immunocytochemical level, between the cHH/MIH/VIH neurohormones of the Astacidae, Palinura and Brachyura infraorders. Furthermore, results from consecutive tissue sections indicate that cHH, MIH and VIH are co-localised in a subpopulation of X-organ neurons.  相似文献   
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