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Adrenal chromaffin granules must shuttle reducing equivalents from the cytosol inward to reduce ascorbic acid oxidized during norepinephrine biosynthesis by intragranular dopamine-beta-hydroxylase. A transmembrane electron shuttle between the external (cytosolic) and intragranular ascorbate pools was demonstrated in vitro in intact bovine chromaffin granules undergoing tyramine- or dopamine-stimulated dopamine-beta-hydroxylase turnover. Incubation of intact chromaffin granules with tyramine results in a time-dependent decrease in reduced intragranular ascorbate and production of octopamine. The rate of ascorbate oxidation is a function of the extragranular concentrations of tyramine over the range 50 microM to 2 mM and is 95% inhibited by addition of the dopamine-beta-hydroxylase inhibitor disulfiram. The stoichiometry of octopamine synthesized/ascorbate oxidized closely approximates unity. The presence of extragranular dopamine also induces oxidation of intragranular ascorbate which is inhibited by blocking dopamine transport with reserpine. On the other hand, incubation with octopamine, which is also transported by the granules, causes no net decrease in reduced intragranular ascorbate. The presence of 400 microM extragranular ascorbate abolishes the observed tyramine-induced intragranular ascorbate oxidation. The addition of ascorbate extragranularly 30 min after addition of tyramine reverses the oxidation of intragranular ascorbate. The measurement of [14C]ascorbate distribution ratios in granule pellets and supernatants indicates that there is no transmembrane transport of ascorbate. Extravesicular NADH had no significant effect on matrix ascorbate levels during beta-hydroxylation. These data provide new in vitro evidence that chromaffin granules shuttle reducing equivalents inwardly from an extra- to an intravesicular ascorbate pool and that cytosolic ascorbate is the source of the intragranular reducing equivalents required during norepinephrine biosynthesis.  相似文献   
E Wiener  A Scarpa 《Cell calcium》1985,6(5):385-395
Two new techniques for internalizing metallochromic indicators into the cytosol of mammalian cells are described. One method consists of hypertonically treating the cells in the presence of the indicator, followed by a hypoosmotic treatment. The second method consists of incubating the cells at high density in a concentrated indicator solution in physiological saline. Using either method, arsenazo III or antipyrylazo III was internalized into Ehrlich Ascites tumor (EAT) cells at concentrations yielding measurable differential absorbance changes which correspond to changes in the intracellular Ca2+ concentration. In the case of antipyrylazo III, the amount of indicator internalized ranged between 140 and 350 microM, and was dependent on the metabolic state of the cell during loading. Control and loaded cells possessed virtually identical ATP/ADP ratios, as measured by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) in cell extracts. Antipyrylazo III was also internalized by rat hepatocytes without detectable cell damage. Treatment of metabolically active EAT cells with the calcium ionophore A23187 results in only a slight increase in the intracellular free Ca2+ concentration, [Ca2+]i, whereas treatment with the calcium ionophore ionomycin induces a substantial but transient increase in the [Ca2+]i. In contrast, metabolically inhibited EAT cells show a large rise in the [Ca2+]i upon addition of A23187. Thus, these techniques offer another way of measuring intracellular free Ca2+ changes in mammalian cells and may prove useful, especially where concentrations of free cytosolic Ca2+ larger than 1 microM are expected.  相似文献   
A fraction of enriched plasma membranes from bovine parathyroid cells has been prepared by differential centrifugation. Biochemical characterization shows that this fraction has a specific activity enrichment of 7.2-fold in ouabain-sensitive Na+-K+ ATPase, and 3.5-fold in 5'-nucleotidase. Less than 4% of the total mitochondria and lysosomes are present within the plasma membranes, while microsomal contamination accounts for 14% of total specific activity. Parathyroid hormone radioimmunoassay also reveals the presence of some secretory granules within the plasma membrane fraction. The characteristic morphological aspect of the unusual surface membrane is shown by freeze-fracture electron microscopy. In the enriched pellets, vesicles identified as having a plasma membrane origin have variable sizes, and 50% show an inside-out conformation. Even though the plasma membrane fraction described herein is not absolutely free from contamination by other subcellular components, this protocol represents the first attempt to purify surface membrane from parathyroid tissue and provide the starting material for understanding, at a molecular level, the properties of extracellular Ca2+ regulation and its coupling with secretion of parathyroid hormone.  相似文献   
The profile structure of functional sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) membranes was investigated by X-ray diffraction methods to a resolution of 10 A. The lamellar diffraction data from hydrated oriented multilayers of SR vesicles showed monotonically increasing widths for higher order lamellar reflections, indicative of simple lattice disorder within the multilayer. A generalized Patterson function analysis, previously developed for treating lamellar diffraction from lattice-disordered multilayers, was used to identify the autocorrelation function of the unit cell electron density profile. Subsequent deconvolution of this autocorrelation function provided the most probable unit cell electron density profile of the SR vesicle membrane pair. The resulting single membrane profile possesses marked asymmetry, suggesting that a major portion of the Ca++ -ATPase resides on the exterior of the vesicle. The electron density profile also suggests that the Ca++-dependent ATPase penetrates into the lipid hydrocarbon core of the SR membrane. Under conditions suitable for X-ray analysis, SR vesicles prepared as partially dehydrated oriented multilayers are shown to conserve most of their ATP-induced Ca++ uptake functionality, as monitored spectrophotometrically with the Ca++ indicator arsenazo III. This has been verified both in resuspensions of SR after centrifugation and slow partial dehydration, and directly in SR multilayers in a partially dehydrated state (20-30 percent water). Therefore, the profile structure of the SR membrane that we have determined may closely resemble that found in vivo.  相似文献   
Linearity of response "day-to-day" and "within-day" variation of a simple method for serum monoaminoxidase (SMAO) activity have been evaluated. SMAO determination in 209 clinically healthy subjects was performed to find out the "reference values" for the method.  相似文献   
Serum monoaminoxidase activity (SMAO) has been determined in patients with different connective tissue diseases. Preliminary results show a constant and significative increase sclerosis.  相似文献   
Albino rats (Sprague-Dawley) of mean weight 100 g were divided into four groups and given for 7 days a balanced diet. They were then placed in metabolic cages for fifteen days and fed diets containing different quantities of casein: 18% (D18), 36% (D36), 50% (D50) and 72% (D72). The levels of total calcium, inorganic phosphorus, alkaline phosphatase activity, total proteins and urea were determined. The urinary and fecal excretion of calcium were determined on specimens of urine and stool collected every two days. The metabolic balance of nitrogen was also estimated. The results show there is not a linear relationship between a high protein diet and plasma protein levels, but a progressive body calcium loss was observed with the increase of casein in the diet, which confirms what other workers have already suggested.  相似文献   
The cocarcinogen 12-O-tetradecanoyl-phorbol-13-acetate (TPA) has a prompt and selective effect on striated myofibrils in well-formed, multinucleated myotubes. The myofibrillar apparatus is totally disrupted and largely degraded after 3 days in TPA. Fluorescent-tagged antibodies to muscle-specific light meromyosin and electron microscopy document this catabolic effect of TPA. This selective degradation of fully assembled striated myofibrils is readily reversible. This reassembly of myofibrils requires de novo protein synthesis. The TPA-treated myotubes are unusually rich in autophagosomes, organelles rarely observed in normal myotubes. TPA has no discernable effect on the morphology of the subsarcolemmal microfilaments, mitochondria, microtubules, or sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR). The programmed disappearance of the fibroblast-type, intermediate 10-nm filaments (FIF) that occurs as normal myotubes mature is not altered by TPA. However, the TPA-treated myotubes depleted of myofibrils are filled with an extensive meshwork of the muscle-type intermediate 10-nm filaments (MIF). The drug has no obvious effect on the constitutive contractile proteins comprising the submembranous microfilaments, or the FIF in presumptive myoblasts or fibroblasts, nor does it affect the motility associated with these replicating cells. The striking increase in total calcium content which occurs as normal myotubes mature is absent in myotubes treated with TPA.  相似文献   
The addition of norepinephrine, epinephrine, or forskolin to collagenase-dispersed rat liver hepatocytes increase cAMP and result in a 15% loss in total cell Mg2+ within 5 min. Conversely, carbachol and vasopressin induce a 10-15% increase of total cell Mg2+. Permeabilized hepatocytes also mobilize a large pool of Mg2+ when stimulated by ADP or cAMP. This stimulation is completely inhibited by atractyloside and bongkrekic acid, two different specific inhibitors of the mitochondrial adenine nucleotide translocase. cAMP directly mobilizes Mg2+ efflux from isolated rat liver mitochondria. 50 nM cAMP or 250 microM ADP induces in 5 min a mitochondrial loss of about 6 nmol of Mg2+/mg of protein and a stimulation of ATP efflux. The effect of cAMP is specific, is not reproduced by other cyclic or noncyclic nucleotides, and is inhibited by inhibitors of the adenine nucleotide translocase. These data indicate that cAMP is a messenger for a major mobilization of Mg2+ in hepatocytes. A major target for the effect of cAMP are mitochondria, which lose up to 20-25% of their total Mg2+ in 5 min, both within the cell and after isolation. Evidence is presented suggesting that the adenine nucleotide translocase is the target of the cAMP-dependent Mg2+ efflux and that cAMP may change the operation of the translocase. This, in turn, could change within the matrix the substrate of choice of the translocase from ATP to ATP.Mg.  相似文献   
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