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Conditional knockout (cKO) based on site-specific recombination (SSR) technology is a powerful approach for estimating gene functions in a spatially and temporally specific manner in many model animals. In Caenorhabditis elegans (C. elegans), spatial- and temporal-specific gene functions have been largely determined by mosaic analyses, rescue experiments and feeding RNAi methods. To develop a systematic and stable cKO system in C. elegans, we generated Cre recombinase expression vectors that are driven by various tissue-specific or heat-shock promoters. Validation using Cre-mediated fluorescence protein inactivation or activation systems demonstrated successful Cre-dependent loxP excision. We established a collection of multi-copy Cre transgenic strains for each evaluated vector. To evaluate our Cre/loxP-based cKO system, we generated sid-1 deletion mutants harboring floxed sid-1 single-copy integration (SCI) using ultraviolet trimethylpsoralen (UV/TMP) methods. sid-1 mutants that were rescued by the floxed sid-1 SCI were then crossed with the Pdpy-7::Cre strain for cKO in the hypodermis. The sid-1 cKO animals were resistant to bli-3 RNAi, which causes the Bli-phenotyple in the hypodermis, but they were sensitive to unc-22 RNAi, which leads to twitching of the body wall muscle. Our system, which is based on the combination of a transgenic Cre collection, pre-existing deletion mutants, and UV/TMP SCI methods, provided a systematic approach for cKO in C. elegans.  相似文献   
Breeding ecology of the stream goby,Rhinogobius sp. LD (Large Dark), was investigated under natural conditions. Males selectively courted females of similar size to lead them to the nests, whereas females followed courting males preferentially when the relative male size was greater. Male-male competition for a female was relatively infrequent and not severe. Developmental stages of eggs and egg numbers in one nest indicated that males receive 1–3 clutches during one breeding cycle. Males guarding multiple clutches frequently ate some of the eggs, but those guarding single clutches rarely did so. Gravid females in the nest also frequently cannibalized eggs laid by a previous female, probably in order to extend the area available for egg deposition. Mate choice in this species is discussed in relation to paternal ability, limitation of available spawning area and the female-biased sex ratio.  相似文献   
DNA barcoding using a partial region (648 bp) of the cytochrome c oxidase I (COI) gene is a powerful tool for species identification and has revealed many cryptic species in various animal taxa. In birds, cryptic species are likely to occur in insular regions like the Japanese Archipelago due to the prevention of gene flow by sea barriers. Using COI sequences of 234 of the 251 Japanese‐breeding bird species, we established a DNA barcoding library for species identification and estimated the number of cryptic species candidates. A total of 226 species (96.6%) had unique COI sequences with large genetic divergence among the closest species based on neighbour‐joining clusters, genetic distance criterion and diagnostic substitutions. Eleven cryptic species candidates were detected, with distinct intraspecific deep genetic divergences, nine lineages of which were geographically separated by islands and straits within the Japanese Archipelago. To identify Japan‐specific cryptic species from trans‐Paleartic birds, we investigated the genetic structure of 142 shared species over an extended region covering Japan and Eurasia; 19 of these species formed two or more clades with high bootstrap values. Excluding six duplicated species from the total of 11 species within the Japanese Archipelago and 19 trans‐Paleartic species, we identified 24 species that were cryptic species candidates within and surrounding the Japanese Archipelago. Repeated sea level changes during the glacial and interglacial periods may be responsible for the deep genetic divergences of Japanese birds in this insular region, which has led to inconsistencies in traditional taxonomies based on morphology.  相似文献   
We characterized three-dimensional human hepatoma cell lines, functional liver cell (FLC) cell lines, to establish a highly differentiated hepatoma cell line. We investigated the effect of extracellular matrix and cell morphology on liver-specific gene expression in FLC cells. The hepatocyte nuclear factor-4α (HNF-4α) and other liver-specific gene expressions were enhanced in spherical FLC-4 cells on EHS-gel, but other human hepatoma cells such as HepG2 did not show the enhancement. Importantly, the liver-specific gene expression levels in spherical FLC-4 cells cultured on EHS-gel were comparable to those of human liver and were much higher than those of other human hepatoma cell lines. The major matrix components and growth factors in EHS-gel did not affect cell shape and liver functions. To exclude any effect of the extracellular matrix, we made spherical FLC-4 cells by actin filament disruption. The actin-disrupted spherical cells also showed an enhanced liver-specific gene expression. We concluded that three-dimensional cell shape per se is one of the most important determinants of liver differentiation functions in FLC-4 cells. Cell morphology-dependent induction of liver-specific gene expression was mediated through microtubule organization. In conclusion, differentiation of FLC-4 human hepatoma cell line can be enhanced to a human liver-like level through the three-dimensional cell shape in a microtubule-dependent manner.  相似文献   
Involvement of the endocannabinoid system in periodontal healing   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Endocannabinoids including anandamide (AEA) and 2-arachidonoylglycerol (2-AG) are important lipid mediators for immunosuppressive effects and for appropriate homeostasis via their G-protein-coupled cannabinoid (CB) receptors in mammalian organs and tissues, and may be involved in wound healing in some organs. The physiological roles of endocannabinoids in periodontal healing remain unknown. We observed upregulation of the expression of CB1/CB2 receptors localized on fibroblasts and macrophage-like cells in granulation tissue during wound healing in a wound-healing model in rats, as well as an increase in AEA levels in gingival crevicular fluid after periodontal surgery in human patients with periodontitis. In-vitro, the proliferation of human gingival fibroblasts (HGFs) by AEA was significantly attenuated by AM251 and AM630, which are selective antagonists of CB1 and CB2, respectively. CP55940 (CB1/CB2 agonist) induced phosphorylation of the extracellular-regulated kinases (ERK) 1/2, p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase (p38MAPK), and Akt in HGFs. Wound closure by CP55940 in an in-vitro scratch assay was significantly suppressed by inhibitors of MAP kinase kinase (MEK), p38MAPK, and phosphoinositol 3-kinase (PI3-K). These findings suggest that endocannabinoid system may have an important role in periodontal healing.  相似文献   
Morphinan derivatives lacking the 4,5-epoxy ring were synthesized to examine the participation of the 14-OH group, the 3-OMe group, and the aromaticity of the A-ring in the activity and selectivity for the orexin 1 receptor (OX1R). The assay results and the conformational analyses of the 14-dehydrated and 14-H derivatives suggested that the orientations of the 6-amide side chain and the 17-benzenesulfonyl group would play important roles in the activity for OX1R. In the 6β-derivatives, removal of the 3-OMe group and the reduction of the A-ring significantly decreased the activity toward the OX1R, but these changes did not affect the 6α-derivatives. These results indicate that the 3-OMe group and the A-ring would be essential structural moieties for the 6β-derivatives.  相似文献   
Microsatellite markers of Kandelia candel were developed. Forty‐nine clones yielded strong positive signals among 331 clones hybridized to repetitive sequence probes. Primer pairs were designed for 19 of these positive clones according to their sequence data. Five of the primer pairs showed polymorphism for 16 individuals from Amami‐O‐Shima Island, Japan. Three to nine alleles per locus were detected, and the observed heterozygosities ranged from 0.250 to 0.938. Because our previous study reported very low level of genetic diversity for allozymes in the same Amami population, these microsatellite markers should be powerful tools for the analysis of genetic structure.  相似文献   
Historically, the genus Nannochloris has been classified using the morphology of cell division, although the mechanics of division remain relatively poorly understood. Nannochloris bacillaris reproduces by binary fission. Microscopic observation with fluorescein isothiocyanate-phalloidin showed that actin filaments localized near the nucleus and appeared as a ring- or beltlike structure in the septum-forming area in the middle of the cell during cell division. In primitive unicellular Chlorophyta such as N. bacillaris, actin is also thought to play important roles in nuclear migration and cell division. The N. bacillaris actin gene has three exons and two introns defined by two exon–intron junctions with splice site consensus sequences. The two introns are located at codons specifying amino acids 3/4 and 47/48. One of these, intron position 3/4, is conserved in the actin gene of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The actin gene product was predicted to be 378 amino acids long with an estimated molecular weight of 42 kDa. There is only one copy of the actin gene in the N. bacillaris genome. Nannochloris bacillaris has 14 chromosomes that range in size from 230 kb to 3000 kb, and the total size of the genome was estimated to be 20.3 Mb. The actin gene is on either chromosome XI or XII. In a phylogenetic tree based on the actin gene sequence, N. bacillaris diverged before the divergence of Volvox, Chlamydomonas, and higher plants, and very shortly after the radiation of the Rhodophyta.  相似文献   
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