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A simple numerical procedure is presented for the problem of estimating the parameters of models for the distribution of eggs oviposited in a host. The modelling is extended to incorporate both host density and time dependence to produce a remarkably parsimonious structure with only seven parameters to describe a data set of over 3,000 observations. This is further refined using a mixed model to accommodate several large outliers. Both models show that the level of superparasitism declines with increasing host density, and the rate declines over time. It is proposed that the differing behaviours represented by the mixed model may reflect a balance between behavioural strategies of different selective benefit.  相似文献   
Naturally occurring foam constituent and surfactant proteins with intriguing structures and functions are now being identified from a variety of biological sources. The ranaspumins from tropical frog foam nests comprise a range of proteins with a mixture of surfactant, carbohydrate binding and antimicrobial activities that together provide a stable, biocompatible, protective foam environment for developing eggs and embryos. Ranasmurfin, a blue protein from a different species of frog, displays a novel structure with a unique chromophoric crosslink. Latherin, primarily from horse sweat, but with similarities to salivary, oral and upper respiratory tract proteins, illustrates several potential roles for surfactant proteins in mammalian systems. These proteins, together with the previously discovered hydrophobins of fungi, throw new light on biomolecular processes at air-water and other interfaces. This review provides a perspective on these recent findings, focussing on structure and biophysical properties.  相似文献   
The detection of low affinity interactions between proteins and ligands by biophysical methods is challenging. It is often necessary to use competition methods that are time consuming and require well characterized known binders. A mass spectrometry approach is presented for identifying low affinity protein-ligand binding which does not require direct detection of the parent protein-ligand complex but depends on characteristic changes observed in the protein mass spectrum. We observe that on titration of ligand there are characteristic ‘charge-state shifts’ which manifest as changes in the relative intensities of protein peaks that correlate with the degree of protein-ligand complex formation. We suggest that use of this phenomenon will be particularly suitable for the identification of low affinity complexes where the intensity of any complex ion would be close to noise.  相似文献   
Studies of bacterial ion channels have provided significant insights into the structure-function relationships of mechanosensitive and voltage-gated ion channels. However, to date, very few bacterial channels that respond to small molecules have been identified, cloned, and characterized. Here, we use bioinformatics to identify a novel family of bacterial cyclic nucleotide-gated (bCNG) ion channels containing a channel domain related by sequence homology to the mechanosensitive channel of small conductance (MscS). In this initial report, we clone selected members of this channel family, use electrophysiological measurements to verify their ability to directly gate in response to cyclic nucleotides, and use osmotic downshock to demonstrate their lack of mechanosensitivity. In addition to providing insight into bacterial physiology, these channels will provide researchers with a useful model system to investigate the role of ligand-gated ion channels (LGICs) in the signaling processes of higher organisms. The identification of these channels provides a foundation for structural and functional studies of LGICs that would be difficult to perform on mammalian channels. Moreover, the discovery of bCNG channels implies that bacteria have cyclic nucleotide-gated and cyclic nucleotide-modulated ion channels, which are analogous to the ion channels involved in eukaryotic secondary messenger signaling pathways.  相似文献   
Streptococcus pneumoniae D39 AdcR (adhesin competence repressor) is the first metal-sensing member of the MarR (multiple antibiotic resistance repressor) family to be characterized. Expression profiling with a ΔadcR strain grown in liquid culture (brain-heart infusion) under microaerobic conditions revealed upregulation of 13 genes, including adcR and adcCBA, encoding a high-affinity ABC uptake system for zinc, and genes encoding cell-surface zinc-binding pneumococcal histidine triad (Pht) proteins and AdcAII (Lmb, laminin binding). The ΔadcR, H108Q and H112Q adcR mutant allelic strains grown in 0.2 mM Zn(II) exhibit a slow-growth phenotype and an approximately twofold increase in cell-associated Zn(II). Apo- and Zn(II)-bound AdcR are homodimers in solution and binding to a 28-mer DNA containing an adc operator is strongly stimulated by Zn(II) with KDNA-Zn = 2.4 × 108 M- 1 (pH 6.0, 0.2 M NaCl, 25 °C). AdcR binds two Zn(II) per dimer, with stepwise Zn(II) affinities KZn1 and KZn2 of ≥ 109 M- 1 at pH 6.0 and ≥ 1012 M- 1 at pH 8.0, and one to three lower affinity Zn(II) depending on the pH. X-ray absorption spectroscopy of the high-affinity site reveals a pentacoordinate N/O complex and no cysteine coordination, the latter finding corroborated by wild type-like functional properties of C30A AdcR. Alanine substitution of conserved residues His42 in the DNA-binding domain, and His108 and His112 in the C-terminal regulatory domain, abolish high-affinity Zn(II) binding and greatly reduce Zn(II)-activated binding to DNA. NMR studies reveal that these mutants adopt the same folded conformation as dimeric wild type apo-AdcR, but fail to conformationally switch upon Zn(II) binding. These studies implicate His42, His108 and H112 as metalloregulatory zinc ligands in S. pneumoniae AdcR.  相似文献   
Cellular folates function as co-enzymes in one-carbon metabolism and are predominantly decorated with a polyglutamate tail that enhances co-enzyme affinity, subcellular compartmentation and stability. Polyglutamylation is catalysed by folylpolyglutamate synthetases (FPGSs) that are specified by three genes in Arabidopsis, FPGS1, 2 and 3, which reportedly encode plastidic, mitochondrial and cytosolic isoforms, respectively. A mutational approach was used to probe the functional importance of folate polyglutamylation in one-carbon metabolism and development. Biochemical analysis of single FPGS loss-of-function mutants established that folate polyglutamylation is essential for organellar and whole-plant folate homeostasis. However, polyglutamylated folates were still detectable, albeit at lower levels, in organelles isolated from the corresponding isozyme knockout lines, e.g. in plastids and mitochondria of the fpgs1 (plastidial) and fpgs2 (mitochondrial) mutants. This result is surprising given the purported single-compartment targeting of each FPGS isozyme. These results indicate redundancy in compartmentalised FPGS activity, which in turn explains the lack of anticipated phenotypic defects for the single FPGS mutants. In agreement with this hypothesis, fpgs1 fpgs2 double mutants were embryo-lethal, fpgs2 fpgs3 mutants exhibited seedling lethality, and fpgs1 fpgs3 mutants were dwarfed with reduced fertility. These phenotypic, metabolic and genetic observations are consistent with targeting of one or more FPGS isozymes to multiple organelles. These data confirm the importance of polyglutamylation in folate compartmentation, folate homeostasis and folate-dependent metabolic processes, including photorespiration, methionine and pantothenate biosynthesis.  相似文献   
Most cellular folates carry a short poly-γ-glutamate tail, and this tail is believed to affect their efficacy and stability. The tail can be removed by γ-glutamyl hydrolase (GGH; EC, a vacuolar enzyme whose role in folate homeostasis remains unclear. In order to probe the function of GGH, we modulated its level of expression and subcellular location in Arabidopsis plants and tomato fruit. Three-fold overexpression of GGH in vacuoles caused extensive deglutamylation of folate polyglutamates and lowered the total folate content by approximately 40% in Arabidopsis and tomato. No such effects were seen when GGH was overexpressed to a similar extent in the cytosol. Ablation of either of the major Arabidopsis GGH genes (AtGGH1 and AtGGH2) alone did not significantly affect folate status. However, a combination of ablation of one gene plus RNA interference (RNAi)-mediated suppression of the other (which lowered total GGH activity by 99%) increased total folate content by 34%. The excess folate accumulated as polyglutamate derivatives in the vacuole. Taken together, these results suggest a model in which: (i) folates continuously enter the vacuole as polyglutamates, accumulate there, are hydrolyzed by GGH, and exit as monoglutamates; and (ii) GGH consequently has an important influence on polyglutamyl tail length and hence on folate stability and cellular folate content.  相似文献   
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