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Carl L. Strojan 《Oecologia》1978,32(2):203-212
Summary Concentrations of about 26,000 ppm Zn, 10,000 ppm Fe, 2,300 ppm Pb, 900 ppm Cd, 340 ppm Cu, and 0.40% S were measured in the O2 litter horizon about 1 km from a zinc smelter at Palmerton, Pennsylvania. Samples taken about 6 km east of the smelter had concentrations of about 15,000 ppm Zn, 6,500 ppm Fe, 970 ppm Pb, 250 ppm Cd, 170 ppm Cu, and 0.26% S. Samples from a control area about 40 km east of the smelter had concentrations of 2,800 ppm Fe, 650 ppm Zn, 260 ppm Pb, 50 ppm Cu, 9 ppm Cd, and 0.13% S.Litter bags were used to estimate first-year weight loss in sassafras leaves and a mixture of chestnut oak/red oak leaves in the three sites. At the end of one year, average weight loss for sassafras was 39.3% in the control site, 21.8% at 6 km, and 17.5% at the 1 km site. For the chestnut oak/red oak mixture, average weight loss was 36.8% (40 km), 25.7% (6 km), and 19.1% (1 km). Numbers and diversity of soil microarthropods inhabiting the litter bags showed a corresponding decline at sites near the smelter. Concentrations of Ca, Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mg, Mn, N, Na, Ni, P, Pb, S and Zn in the decomposing litter were also measured.The average amount of organic matter on the forest floor was estimated to be 3.8 kg/m2 in the control site, about 3.8 kg/m2 at 6 km, and about 8.1 kg/m2 1 km from the smelter. Average thickness of the litter horizons in these three sites was 6.0 cm (40 km), 7.0 cm (6 km), and 12.4 cm (1 km), suggesting a long-term depression of decomposition and mineral cycling near the smelter.  相似文献   
Microbial transformations of 14C-labeled substrates (sodium glutamate, Casamino Acids, glucose, and sodium acetate) were measured in undecompressed seawater samples collected from depths of 1,800 to 6,000 m, during 14- to 21-day incubation periods at in situ temperature (3°C). Each substrate was tested at two concentrations (ca. 0.5 and 5.0 μg/ml) and two in situ pressures. The data were compared to 1-atmosphere (ca. 1.013 × 102 kPa) controls. The rates of 14C incorporation and 14CO2 production as well as the amounts of total substrate utilization were generally lower at pressure than in the decompressed controls but were significantly different for each of the four substrates used. The utilization of acetate was the least affected by pressure; rates were similar to those measured at 1 atmosphere in two out of four experiments. In contrast, transformation rates of the amino acids at pressure averaged to only 38% of those in the controls. A single but reproducible “barophilic” response was observed with glucose as a substrate in samples collected from a depth of 4,500 m at a specific area in the northwestern Atlantic Ocean. Except for this latter set of experiments, the transformation of all substrates showed an increased lag period at pressure as compared to the 1-atmosphere controls.  相似文献   
Summary A cell culture system is described for the growth of rat tracheal epithelial (RTE) cells at clonal density. The system uses normal, early passage RTE cells grown on feeder layers of lethally irradiated 3T3 cells. The RTE cells have a high colony forming efficiency (5 to 10%) in culture, can be passaged up to 5 times, and are capable of more than 20 cumulative doublings per colony forming cell. The epithelial nature of the cells was confirmed by cell and colony morphology, immunoperoxidase staining of intracellular keratin, and cellular ultrastructural studies. The cytotoxic response of RTE cells to a variety of carcinogens, including a direct acting chemical carcinogen, a physical carcinogen, and a series of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, was quantitated. A linear decrease in the logarithm of survival was observed with increasing doses ofN-methyl-N′-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine (MNNG), γ-irradiation, 7,12-dimethylbenz(a)anthracene, and a diol-epoxide of benzo(a)pyrene. No toxicity was observed after treatment with benzo(a)pyrene or 3-methylcholanthrene over the concentration range examined. In contrast, phorbol ester tumor promoters stimulated cell growth markedly. Based on these and other studies, the RTE cell culture system represents a model system that will be useful for quantitative studies of epithelial cell growth, differentiation, and carcinogenesis.  相似文献   
Manipulation of the ribosome content of E. coli by means of a nutrient shift-up leads to predictable changes in cellular specific gravity. Thus whole-cell pycnography can be used to monitor the proliferative status of the rRNA loci which cluster closely about the genetic origin of DNA synthesis. In this manner the rate of initiating new rounds of genome replication was followed during an upshift. The results indicate that after a short lag initiation of new rounds abruptly and completely shifts to the rate appropriate to the enriched conditions.  相似文献   
Four field experiments were designed to study calling and satellite mating strategies in the green treefrog, Hyla cinerea. (1) The calling male was removed from 19 satellite associations and 11 of the 19 satellite males began calling. (2) After the calling male was removed from 10 satellite associations, a speaker broadcast synthetic mating calls. All of the satellite males oriented to the speaker. (3) Synthetic mating calls were played back to 14 calling males. Eleven males stopped calling and oriented to the speaker during at least one trial. (4) Sequences of synthetic mating calls and synthetic encounter calls were broadcast to 12 calling males. Nine males became satellites when the speaker emitted mating calls; none did so when encounter calls were presented.  相似文献   
Two genes encoding 6-phosphofructo-2-kinase/fructose-2,6-bisphosphatase were localized in human and rat chromosomes. PFKFB1 (previously PFRX), which encodes the liver and muscle isozymes, was assigned to Xq22-q31 in the rat and to Xq27–q28 in the human by in situ hybridization using probes generated by the polymerase chain reaction. PFKFB2, which encodes the heart isozyme of 6-phosphofructo-2-kinase/fructose-2,6-bisphosphatase, was assigned to chromosome 13 in the rat and to chromosome 1 in the human by hybridization of DNA from somatic cell hybrids. By in situ hybridization, this gene was localized to the regions 13q24–25 in the rat and 1q31 in the human.  相似文献   
The zebrafish is rapidly increasing in popularity with developmental biologists. Driving this interest are the elegant methods for in vivo observations and recovery of early developmental mutations. The past year has seen the introduction of additional methods for in vivo manipulation of identified cells and the application of these methods to mutant analysis.  相似文献   
Neonatal treatment with estrogens is associated with development of uterine adenocarcinomas in CD-1 mice. Treatment with the synthetic estrogen diethylstilbestrol (DES) on Days 1 to 5 after birth results in 90% incidence of these hormonedependent lesions in 18-mo.-old mice. Three cell lines were established from these DES-associated tumors. Each of these cell lines exhibited morphologic and ultrastructural characteristics of transformed epithelial cells, including an increased nuclear:ytoplasmic ratio, enlarged and irregular nuclei with multiple nucleoli and areas of chromatin condensation, positive staining for cytokeratin, desmosomes, and microvilli. After subcutaneous injection into nude mice, all three cell lines formed solid tumors within 4 wk. Although the primary uterine tumors and tumor transplants in nude mice had been shown to be estrogen-dependent and estrogen-receptor positive, neither the monolayer growth nor the tumorigenicity of any of the three cell lines in this study was enhanced by or dependent on estrogen. Estrogen receptor levels were low in early and intermediate passage cells. Allele-specific oligonucleotide hybridization analysis of PCR-amplified cell line DNA revealed no point mutations in the 12th, 13th, or 61st codons of the K-ras or H-ras protooncogenes. Southern analysis revealed no changes in genomic organization of the putative tumor suppressor gene DCC, but demonstrated a three-to four-fold amplification of the c-myc gene in one cell line. Expression of c-myc RNA was concomitantly increased in the same cell line. These three transformed cell lines represent the end point in the process of hormone-associated tumorigenesis and as such should prove useful in investigating the molecular changes and the mechanisms involved in hormonal carcinogenesis.  相似文献   
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