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Aspergillus fumigatus is an important pathogen of the immunocompromised host, causing pneumonia and invasive disseminated disease with high mortality. In order to determine the importance of lysine biosynthesis for growth and pathogenicity, the A. fumigatus lysF gene, encoding a homologue of the A. nidulans homoaconitase LysF, was cloned and characterized. Cosmid cosGTM encoding lysF complemented a lysF mutant of Aspergillus nidulans. A. fumigatus lysF was deleted, resulting in a lysine-auxotroph. This phenotype was complemented to the wild-type by supplementation of the medium with both L-lysine and -aminoadipic acid, or transformation using cosmid cosGTM. To study the virulence of the lysF deletion mutant of A. fumigatus, a low-dose intranasal mouse infection model of invasive aspergillosis was optimized for immunosuppressed BALB/c mice, allowing the application of an infection dose as low as 5×103 conidia per mouse. In this murine model, the lysF mutant was avirulent, suggesting that lysine biosynthesis, or at least a functional homoaconitase, is important for survival of A. fumigatus in vivo and a potential target for antifungal drugs.  相似文献   
Summary The present paper is a contribution to the molecular analysis of photomorphogenesis. L-phenylalanine ammonia-lyase (=PAL) (EC has been used as a model system to demonstrate that enzyme synthesis, enzyme inactivation and gene repression are important in determining the response of a particular enzyme to phytochrome.The level of PAL in the mustard seedling is controlled by Pfr (the active form of phytochrome) in a characteristic manner which is illustrated in Fig. 1. The seedlings were irradiated with continuous standard far-red light. Long time irradiation with far-red will maintain a low but virtually constant level of the effector molecule Pfr in the seedling over an extended period of time. At the moment when the far-red light is turned off the action of Pfr will instantly decrease and will eventually cease probably within the order of an hour (cf. Karow and Mohr, 1969). The approach followed in the present paper has been to turn off the far-red light after varying periods and follow the enzyme kinetics in darkness (Fig. 2). The main results can be summarized as follows: The far-red kinetics of PAL (Fig. 1) can be explained as the result of three processes, namely, Pfr-mediated enzyme synthesis, inactivation of PAL by an inactivator, and eventual repression of enzyme synthesis.—During the period 1.5–12 hrs after the onset of far-red only enzyme synthesis occurs. Then enzyme inactivation comes into play while enzyme synthesis continues at a constant rate (Fig. 3). This antagonism of synthesis and inactivation leads to a true steady state which is observed between about 24 and 27 hrs after the onset of far-red. After this period the rate of enzyme synthesis decreases and as a consequence, inactivation dominates. 36 hours after the onset of far-red the Pfr-mediated PAL synthesis is hardly dtectable. The results of secondary irradiations with far-red (Fig.4) indicate that the inactivator of PAL does not have any direct influence on PAL synthesis. The kinetics in darkness (Fig.1,2) can best be understood by assuming that a certain enzyme level represented by the plateau cannot be overcome in the dark. The overshoot response which is obvious in the enzyme kinetics immediately after the cessation of far-red (Fig. 2) cannot be explained readily in molecular terms.

PAL=Phenylalaninammoniumlyase (EC

Diese Arbeit ist Herrn Professor H. Borris, Greifswald, mit guten Wünschen zum 60. Geburtstag gewidmet.  相似文献   
Modification of macrophage phagosomes begins shortly after formation as Toxoplasma cells secrete membranous vesicles that form a reticulate network within the vacuole. The Toxoplasma-modified compartments then resist normal endocytic processing and digestion. We have used the pronounced Ca++-dependent stability of the intraphagosomal membrane (IPM) network to purify and characterize the structural proteins of this assembly. In addition to the structural matrix, Toxoplasma secretes a discrete set of soluble proteins, including a newly described 22-kD calcium-binding protein. The IPM network adheres to intact Toxoplasma cells after host cell lysis in the presence of 1 mM Ca++; however, the network readily disperses in calcium-free buffer and was purified as vesicles that sedimented at 100,000 g. Purified IPM vesicles were specifically recognized by immune sera from mice with chronic Toxoplasma infection and consisted primarily of a 30-kD protein when analyzed by SDS PAGE. IPM network proteins share a major antigenic component located on the surface of extracellular Toxoplasma cells as shown by immunoperoxidase electron microscopy using a polyclonal antibody prepared against the IPM vesicles. Moreover, in Toxoplasma-infected macrophages, anti-IMP antibody confirmed that the extensive IPM array contains proteins also found on the Toxoplasma cell surface. Our results indicate the IMP network represents a unique structural modification of the phagosome comprised in part of Toxoplasma surface proteins.  相似文献   
In the quail, a sex-linked albino mutation is associated with buphthalmic glaucoma. This progressive disorder is detectable 3 to 6 months after hatching. Its development leads to a degeneration of retinal projection according to a relatively orderly sequence progressing from the tegmentum to the tectum and from the pretectum to the thalamus. We suggest that the degeneration of visual axons might be produced by mechanical compression resulting from an increase in intraocular pressure.  相似文献   
In a study of the translational efficiency of ribosomal subunits as a function of an in vivo temperature pretreatment, ribosomes were isolated from heat-pretreated (36°C) and reference (20°C) wheat seedlings (Triticum aestivum L.). The efficiency of recombined subunits in translating polyuridylic acid was assessed. A threefold increase in the rate of incorporation of phenylalanine by ribosomes from heat-pretreated plants was due to the large ribosomal subunit. This adaptive temperature effect was not correlated with a higher thermal stability of ribosomes or subunits from heat-pretreated seedlings, and two-dimensional gel electrophoresis failed to detect structural alterations of ribosomal proteins. Phosphorylation of ribosomal proteins in vitro showed no differences between ribosomes or subunits from heat-pretreated and reference plants. Incubation with [32P]orthophosphate in vivo led to twice the amount of phosphate in ribosomal proteins from heat-pretreated wheat seedlings. This result is important with respect to the evaluation of the molecular basis of enhanced translational efficiency of ribosomes isolated from heat-pretreated wheat seedlings.  相似文献   
M. Voß  M. Weidner 《Planta》1988,173(1):96-103
Tonoplast vesicles were prepared from red-beet (Beta vulgaris L. ssp. conditiva) hypocotyl tubers (beetroot) known to store sucrose. Uptake experiments, employing uridine 5-diphospho-[14C]glucose (UDP-[14C]glucose) showed the operation of an UDP-glucose-dependent group translocator for vectorial synthesis and accumulation of sucrose, recently described for sugarcane and red-beet vacuoles and for tonoplast vesicles prepared from sugarcane suspension cells. Characterization of the kinetic properties yielded the following results. Uptake of UDP-glucose was linear for 15 min. The apparent K m was 0.75 mM for UDP-glucose (at pH 7.2, 1 mM Mg2+), V max was 32 nmol·(mg protein)-1·min-1. The incorporation of UDP-glucose exhibited a sigmoidal substrate-saturation curve in the absence of Mg2+, the Hill coefficient (n H) was 1.33; Michaelis-Menten kinetics were obtained, however, in the presence of 1 mM MgCl2. For the reaction sequence under the control of the group translocator a dual pH optimum was found at pH 7.2 and 7.9, respectively. All reaction intermediates and the end product sucrose could be identified by two-dimensional high-performance thin-layer chromatography and autoradiography. The distribution pattern of radioactivity showed almost uniformly high labeling of all intermediates and sucrose. The physiological relevance of the results is discussed in the light of the fact that the tonoplast of red-beet storage cells accommodates two mechanisms of sucrose uptake (i) vectorial sucrose synthesis and (ii) direct ATP-dependent sucrose assimilation.Abbreviations HPTLC High-performance thin-layer chromatography - UDP uridine 5-diphosphate - SDS sodium dodecyl sulfate  相似文献   
Summary The fluorochrome AMHA (3-amino-6-methoxy-9-(2-hydroxyethylamino)acridine) stains the nuclear chromatin and the chromosomes of living HeLa cells. At relatively low dye concentrations C F10–4 M and short incubation periods t I2 h cell growth is not affected by the drug. But at higher C F and longer t I the population doubling time of the cell cultures rapidly increases, and finally the cells die.In vital staining experiments the dye AMHA preferentially binds to the DNA of the nuclei and to the chromosomes of the cells, respectively. The dye binding to DNA has been proved by the absorption and emission microspectra of the stained cells, and by the comparison with authentic spectra of AMHA bound to DNA in aqueous solutions. Within the limits of experimental errors both types of spectra are identical. The spectra of DNA-bound AMHA show a characteristic gap of ca. 3500 cm–1 between the 0-0-transitions of the long wave length 1 L a absorption and the fluorescence. AMHA molecules dissolved in the polar solvent water have a gap of even 4100 cm–1. This energy gap shows that the electron distribution of AMHA is strongly changed by light absorption and emission.Finally, using absorption spectroscopy, we investigated the binding of AMHA to DNA in aqueous solutions over a wide range of concentrations of the dye, of nuceleic acid (calf thymus), and of the competitor NaCl respectively. The Scatchard binding isotherms were determined. With the method of competitive salt effect three different bonds of AMHA to DNA can be distinguished even at low dye concentrations: The intercalation 1 of the fluorochrome F, binding constant K F1=1,1·105 M –1, binding parameter n 1=0,15; the pre-intercalative or external binding 2, K F2=6,9·105 M –1, n 2=0,21; the external binding 3, K F3=2,8·105 M –1, n 3=0,55. Externally bound dye molecules 2 and 3 occupy two phosphodiester residues of the DNA. A detailed discussion of the data and the competitive salt effect shows that in living cells only intercalated and small amounts of pre-intercalatively bound molecules 1 and 2 exist. The binding constant K F1=1,1·105 M –1 of AMHA is unusual high in comparison with the constants of intercalation of other dyes, K F1=(1–4)·104 M –1. Therefore, the amount of intercalated AMHA is also relatively high, and it is possible to visualize the DNA-bound fluorochrome in the nuclei and chromosomes of the living cells under the fluorescence microscope.  相似文献   
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