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Thermophily is thought to be a primitive trait, characteristic of early forms of life on Earth, that has been gradually lost over evolutionary time. The genus Bacillus provides an ideal model for studying the evolution of thermophily as it is an ancient taxon and its contemporary species inhabit a range of thermal environments. The thermostability of reconstructed ancestral proteins has been used as a proxy for ancient thermal adaptation. The reconstruction of ancestral "enzymes" has the added advantages of demonstrable activity, which acts as an internal control for accurate inference, and providing insights into the evolution of enzymatic catalysis. Here, we report the reconstruction of the structurally complex core metabolic enzyme LeuB (3-isopropylmalate dehydrogenase, E. C. from the last common ancestor (LCA) of Bacillus using both maximum likelihood (ML) and Bayesian inference. ML LeuB from the LCA of Bacillus shares only 76% sequence identity with its closest contemporary homolog, yet it is fully functional, thermophilic, and exhibits high values for k(cat), k(cat)/K(M), and ΔG(?) for unfolding. The Bayesian version of this enzyme is also thermophilic but exhibits anomalous catalytic kinetics. We have determined the 3D structure of the ML enzyme and found that it is more closely aligned with LeuB from deeply branching bacteria, such as Thermotoga maritima, than contemporary Bacillus species. To investigate the evolution of thermophily, three descendents of LeuB from the LCA of Bacillus were also reconstructed. They reveal a fluctuating trend in thermal evolution, with a temporal adaptation toward mesophily followed by a more recent return to thermophily. Structural analysis suggests that the determinants of thermophily in LeuB from the LCA of Bacillus and the most recent ancestor are distinct and that thermophily has arisen in this genus at least twice via independent evolutionary paths. Our results add significant fluctuations to the broad trend in thermal adaptation previously proposed and demonstrate that thermophily is not exclusively a primitive trait, as it can be readily gained as well as lost. Our findings also demonstrate that reconstruction of complex functional Precambrian enzymes is possible and can provide empirical access to the evolution of ancient phenotypes and metabolisms.  相似文献   
Azospirillum brasilense is a plant growth promoting rhizobacterium (PGPR) that is being increasingly used in agriculture in a commercial scale. Recent research has elucidated key properties of A.?brasilense that contribute to its ability to adapt to the rhizosphere habitat and to promote plant growth. They include synthesis of the auxin indole-3-acetic acid, nitric oxide, carotenoids, and a range of cell surface components as well as the ability to undergo phenotypic variation. Storage and utilization of polybetahydroxyalkanoate polymers are important for the shelf life of the bacteria in production of inoculants, products containing bacterial cells in a suitable carrier for agricultural use. Azospirillum brasilense is able to fix nitrogen, but despite some controversy, as judging from most systems evaluated so far, contribution of fixed nitrogen by this bacterium does not seem to play a major role in plant growth promotion. In this review, we focus on recent advances in the understanding of physiological properties of A.?brasilense that are important for rhizosphere performance and successful interactions with plant roots.  相似文献   
Aging is associated with the loss of muscle volume (MV) and force leading to difficulties with activities of daily living. However, the relationship between upper limb MV and joint strength has not been characterized for older adults. Quantifying this relationship may help our understanding of the functional declines of the upper limb that older adults experience. Our objective was to assess the relationship between upper limb MV and maximal isometric joint moment-generating capacity (IJM) in a single cohort of healthy older adults (age ≥ 65 years) for 6 major functional groups (32 muscles). MV was determined from MRI for 18 participants (75.1±4.3 years). IJM at the shoulder (abduction/adduction), elbow (flexion/extension), and wrist (flexion/extension) was measured. MV and IJM measurements were compared to previous reports for young adults (28.6±4.5 years). On average older adults had 16.5% less total upper limb MV compared to young adults. Additionally, older adult wrist extensors composed a significantly increased percentage of upper limb MV. Older adult IJM was reduced across all joints, with significant differences for shoulder abductors (p<0.0001), adductors (p=0.01), and wrist flexors (p<0.0001). Young adults were strongest at the shoulder, which was not the case for older adults. In older adults, 40.6% of the variation in IJM was accounted for by MV changes (p≤0.027), compared to 81.0% in young adults. We conclude that for older adults, MV and IJM are, on average, reduced but the significant linear relationship between MV and IJM is maintained. These results suggest that older adult MV and IJM cannot be simply scaled from young adults.  相似文献   
Here, the sizes of the pores created by square-wave electric pulses with the duration of 100μs and 2ms are compared for pulses with the amplitudes close to the threshold of electroporation. Experiments were carried out with three types of cells: mouse hepatoma MH-22A cells, Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells, and human erythrocytes. In the case of a short pulse (square-wave with the duration of 100μs or exponential with the time constant of 22μs), in the large portion (30-60%) of electroporated (permeable to potassium ions) cells, an electric pulse created only the pores, which were smaller than the molecule of bleomycin (molecular mass of 1450Da, r≈0.8nm) or sucrose (molecular mass of 342.3Da, radius-0.44-0.52nm). In the case of a long 2-ms duration pulse, in almost all cells, which were electroporated, there were the pores larger than the molecules of bleomycin and/or sucrose. Kinetics of pore resealing depended on the pulse duration and was faster after the shorter pulse. After a short 100-μs duration pulse, the disappearance of the pores permeable to bleomycin was completed after 6-7min at 24-26°C, while after a long 2-ms duration pulse, this process was slower and lasted 15-20min. Thus, it can be concluded that a short 100-μs duration pulse created smaller pores than the longer 2-ms duration pulse. This could be attributed to the time inadequacy for pores to grow and expand during the pulse, in the case of short pulses.  相似文献   
In spite of widespread anecdotal and scientific evidence much remains to be understood about the long-suspected connection between psychological factors and susceptibility to cancer. The skin is the most common site of cancer, accounting for nearly half of all cancers in the US, with approximately 2-3 million cases of non-melanoma cancers occurring each year worldwide. We hypothesized that a high-anxious, stress-prone behavioral phenotype would result in a higher chronic stress burden, lower protective-immunity, and increased progression of the immuno-responsive skin cancer, squamous cell carcinoma. SKH1 mice were phenotyped as high- or low-anxious at baseline, and subsequently exposed to ultraviolet-B light (1 minimal erythemal dose (MED), 3 times/week, 10-weeks). The significant strengths of this cancer model are that it uses a normal, immunocompetent, outbred strain, without surgery/injection of exogenous tumor cells/cell lines, and produces lesions that resemble human tumors. Tumors were counted weekly (primary outcome), and tissues collected during early and late phases of tumor development. Chemokine/cytokine gene-expression was quantified by PCR, tumor-infiltrating helper (Th), cytolytic (CTL), and regulatory (Treg) T cells by immunohistochemistry, lymph node T and B cells by flow cytometry, adrenal and plasma corticosterone and tissue vascular-endothelial-growth-factor (VEGF) by ELISA. High-anxious mice showed a higher tumor burden during all phases of tumor development. They also showed: higher corticosterone levels (indicating greater chronic stress burden), increased CCL22 expression and Treg infiltration (increased tumor-recruited immuno-suppression), lower CTACK/CCL27, IL-12, and IFN-γ gene-expression and lower numbers of tumor infiltrating Th and CTLs (suppressed protective immunity), and higher VEGF concentrations (increased tumor angiogenesis/invasion/metastasis). These results suggest that the deleterious effects of high trait anxiety could be: exacerbated by life-stressors, accentuated by the stress of cancer diagnosis/treatment, and mediate increased tumor progression and/or metastasis. Therefore, it may be beneficial to investigate the use of chemotherapy-compatible anxiolytic treatments immediately following cancer diagnosis, and during cancer treatment/survivorship.  相似文献   
A recombinase-based in vivo expression technology (RIVET) approach with Xanthomonas campestris pv. vesicatoria (Xcv) revealed that lipA, annotated as putative secreted lipase, is expressed during the interaction between this pathogen and tomato. Here, the tnpR and uidA reporter genes were used to show that lipA is strongly induced in XVM2 minimal medium and during the early stages of tomato infection by Xcv. A mutant strain impaired in lipA was generated by insertional mutagenesis. This mutant grew in a similar manner to the wild-type in rich medium, but its growth was significantly compromised in a medium containing olive oil as a single carbon source. The lipolytic activity of the extracellular fraction of the lipA mutant was reduced significantly relative to that of the wild-type strain, thus confirming that lipA indeed encodes a functional secreted enzyme with lipolytic activity. A plasmid carrying a wild-type copy of lipA complemented the lipA mutant for extracellular lipolytic activity. Dip inoculation experiments with tomato lines Hawaii 7998 (H7998) and Micro Tom showed that the lipA mutant grew to a lesser extent than the wild-type in tomato leaves. Following leaf syringe infiltrations, the mutant strain induced disease symptoms that were less severe than those induced by the wild-type strain, supporting a significant role of lipA in the pathogenicity of Xcv.  相似文献   
A recent study from our laboratory indicated the cardioprotective ability of the tocotrienol-rich fraction (TRF) from red palm oil. The present study compared cardioprotective abilities of different isomers of tocotrienol against TRF as recently tocotrienol has been found to function as a potent neuroprotective agent against stroke. Rats were randomly assigned to one of the following groups: animals were given, by gavage, either 0.35%, 1%, or 3.5% TRF for two different periods of time (2 or 4 wk) or 0.03, 0.3, and 3 mg/kg body wt of one of the isomers of tocotrienol (alpha, gamma, or delta) for 4 wk; control animals were given, by gavage, vehicle only. After 2 or 4 wk, rats were killed, and their hearts were then subjected to 30 min of global ischemia followed by 2 h of reperfusion. Dose-response and time-response experiments revealed that the optimal concentration for TRF was 3.5% TRF and 0.3 mg/kg body wt of tocotrienol given for 4 wk. TRF as well as all the isomers of tocotrienol used in our study provided cardioprotection, as evidenced by their ability to improve postischemic ventricular function and reduce myocardial infarct size. The gamma-isoform of tocotrienol was the most cardioprotective of all the isomers followed by the alpha- and delta-isoforms. The molecular mechanisms of cardioprotection afforded by tocotrienol isoforms were probed by evaluating their respective abilities to stabilize the proteasome, allowing it to maintain a balance between prodeath and prosurvival signals. Our results demonstrated that tocotrienol isoforms reduced c-Src but increased the phosphorylation of Akt, thus generating a survival signal.  相似文献   
Abstract We examined the potential of forest plantations to support communities of forest‐using insects when planted into an area with greatly reduced native forest cover. We surveyed the insect fauna of Eucalyptus globulus (Myrtaceae) plantations and native Eucalyptus marginata dominated remnant woodland in south‐western Australia, comparing edge to interior habitats, and plantations surrounded by a pastoral matrix to plantations adjacent to native remnants. We also surveyed insects in open pasture. Analyses focused on three major insect orders: Coleoptera, Lepidoptera and Hymenoptera. Plantations were found to support many forest‐using insect species, but the fauna had an overall composition that was distinct from the remnant forest. The pasture fauna had more in common with plantations than forest remnants. Insect communities of plantations were different from native forest both because fewer insect species were present, and because they had a few more abundant insect species. Some of the dominant species in plantations were known forestry pests. One pest species (Gonipterus scutellatus) was also very abundant in remnant forest, although it was only recently first recorded in Western Australia. It may be that plantation forestry provided an ecological bridge that facilitated invasion of the native forest by this nonendemic pest species. Plantation communities had more leaf‐feeding moths and beetles than remnant forests. Plantations also had fewer ants, bees, evanioid wasps and predatory canopy beetles than remnants, but predatory beetles were more common in the understory of plantations than remnants. Use of broad spectrum insecticides in plantations might limit the ability of these natural enemies to regulate herbivore populations. There were only weak indications of differences in composition of the fauna at habitat edges and no consistent differences between the fauna of plantations adjacent to remnant vegetation and those surrounded by agriculture, suggesting that there is little scope for managing biodiversity outcomes by choosing different edge to interior ratios or by locating plantations near or far from remnants.  相似文献   
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