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The arc and mnt genes of bacteriophage P22 encode small repressor proteins. We have cloned these genes onto plasmids that overproduce Arc and Mnt to greater than 1% of the soluble cellular protein. Both proteins were purified to greater than 95% homogeneity, and N-terminal sequences and amino acid compositions were determined. These data, in combination with previously determined gene sequences, establish the complete protein sequences for Arc (53 residues) and Mnt (82 residues). Both proteins have melting temperatures between 45 and 55 degrees C and can be renatured to a fully active species. Arc is a dimer in solution and Mnt is a tetramer.  相似文献   
We report the chemically determined sequence of most of the polypeptide chain of the coat protein of tomato bushy stunt virus. Peptide locations have been determined by comparison with the high-resolution electron density map from X-ray crystallographic analysis as well as by conventional chemical overlaps. Three small gaps remain in the 387-residue sequence. Positively charged side-chains are concentrated in the N-terminal part of the polypeptide (the R domain) as well as on inward-facing surfaces of the S domain. There is homology of S-domain sequences with structurally corresponding residues in southern bean mosaic virus.  相似文献   
High-resolution flow cytometry, using avian erythrocytes as an internal standard, was employed to study constitutive genome size variation of G2-phase nuclei of Physarum polycephalum strains during the macroplasmodial stage of their life cycle. Our results document a previously unknown extent of genome size variation and mixoploidy in this organism. The unimodal diploid strain Tu 291 displayed the largest genome of the strains tested; in contrast, the Colonia strain displayed only half of the Tu 291 G2-phase fluorescence, confirming its haploid nature. An additional strain, derived from a recent cross between Lu897 and Lu898 amoebae, must have arisen by selfing (propagation of only one of the parental genomes to the macroplasmodial stage), since its nuclei display close to the haploid G2-phase DNA content. The observation of a small fraction of corresponding diploid nuclei within the haploid population of this strain, while maintained as microplasmodia, supports the notion that meiosis in haploid strains may require the presence of diploid nuclei. Two of the descendants of the prototype haploid Colonia strain, which were kept for extended periods of time in submerse culture, proved to be near diploid and mixoploid. Polyploidization and subsequent loss of DNA thus seems to contribute to the extremes of genome size variation in Physarum. In addition to unimodal fluorescence distributions, a number of diploid strains displayed bi- and even trimodal distributions within harvests of a single G2-phase macroplasmodium. Analysis of these mixoploid strains by means of gaussian curve-fitting suggests that the smaller genome size differences in Physarum may arise in step-wise diminution of DNA in approximate units of 3-5% of the original Tu 291 genome.  相似文献   
Cells of a mutant in vivo subline of the Ehrlich-Lettré mouse ascites tumour (ELAT) were converted to growth in suspension culture. Kinetic analysis revealed the selective character of the conversion process; without a detectable adaptation period, a fraction of about 2 × 10-5 of the explanted cells continued to grow in vitro. the resulting, mutant Ehrlich-Lettré ascites cell strain was designated HD33 and propagated uninterruptedly from 1974 on. the corresponding in vivo ELAT subline HD33 was derived from the HD33 ascites cell strain by intraperitoneal retransplantation. In HD33 cell suspension cultures, the population doubling time, the average intermitotic interval, as determined by videomonitoring, and the average duration of the cell cycle, as determined from percentage of labelled mitoses (PLM) data, were all measured at 15 hr. Cell loss and quiescent compartments were insignificant. the duration of the G1 phase was effectively zero. Both PLM data and [3H]/[14C] thymidine double-labetling measurements revealed an S-phase duration of between 11 and 12 hr. the G2 phase lasted 3–5 hr. The HD33 strain differs from comparable suspension strains of wild-type Ehrlich ascites cells in the insignificant role of density-dependent inhibition in growth, and the striking prolongation of the S phase which is associated with an excessive, cytoplasmic storage of glycogen by the mutant cells.  相似文献   
The rise time, of Signal IIf and the decay time of P-680+ have been measured kinetically as a function of pH by using EPR. The Photosystem II-enriched preparations which were used as samples were derived from spinach chloroplasts, and they evolved oxygen before Tris washing. The onset kinetics of Signal IIf are in agreement, within experimental error, with the fast component of the decay of an EPR signal attributable to P-680+. The signal IIf rise kinetics also show good agreement with published values of the pH dependence of the decay of P-680+ measured optically (Conjeaud, H. and Mathis, P. (1980) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 590, 353–359). These results are consistent with a model where the species Z (or D1) responsible for Signal IIf is the immediate electron donor to P-680+ in tris-washed Photosystem II fragments.  相似文献   
A quantitative assay has been used to determine the conditions leading to acquisition of resistance of permissive cells to lytic infection. The number of cell colonies surviving infection depends on the occurrence of several cell divisions after infection. High yields of resistant colonies were obtained when infected, confluent cultures were released from contact inhibition 10 to 14 hr after infection. Infection of actively growing cells produced similar results, but halting further division by seeding these growing cells on confluent monolayers prevented the development of colonies. Colony formation was a direct function of multiplicities lower than 5. An inverse killing response was observed with higher multiplicities, yet colonies were produced at a multiplicity of infection as high as 50. Brief exposure of input simian virus 40 to ultraviolet light stimulated colony formation. Irradiation of the virus for longer periods of time led to reduction of colony formation at a rate slower than the rate of inactivation of viral infectivity. It was concluded that resistance is induced by simian virus 40 and that this alteration represents one of the earliest detectable characteristics of the transformation of permissive cells.  相似文献   
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