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Complete coding regions of the 18S rRNA gene of an enteropneust hemichordate and an echinoid and ophiuroid echinoderm were obtained and aligned with 18S rRNA gene sequences of all major chordate clades and four outgroups. Gene sequences were analyzed to test morphological character phylogenies and to assess the strength of the signal. Maximum- parsimony analysis of the sequences fails to support a monophyletic Chordata; the urochordates form the sister taxon to the hemichordates, and together this clade plus the echinoderms forms the sister taxon to the cephalochordates plus craniates. Decay, bootstrap, and tree-length distribution analyses suggest that the signal for inference of dueterostome phylogeny is weak in this molecule. Parsimony analysis of morphological plus molecular characters supports both monophyly of echinoderms plus enteropneust hemichordates and a sister group relationship of this clade to chordates. Evolutionary parsimony does not support chordate monophyly. Neighbor-joining, Fitch-Margoliash, and maximum-likelihood analyses support a chordate lineage that is the sister group to an echinoderm-plus-hemichordate lineage. The results illustrate both the limitations of the 18S rRNA molecule alone for high- level phylogeny inference and the importance of considering both molecular and morphological data in phylogeny reconstruction.   相似文献   
Summary Wing (parapodial) retraction in the pteropod mollusc Clione limacina is a reflex triggered by tactile stimulation. Light and transmission electron microscopy revealed three groups of smooth muscles in the wing hemocoel that participate in retraction movements: transverse, longitudinal, and dorsoventral. Among these, two subtypes of muscle cells were identified. The first (type A) appears in all three groups and forms a well-organized lattice-like structure. The second (type B) is the major component of transverse muscles and runs in one direction only. Quantitative ultrastructural comparisons of dimensions, abundance, and organization of dense bodies, thick and thin filaments, membrane invaginations, sarcoplasmic reticulum, and mitochondria suggest that type A cells are able to contract and relax more quickly with less endurance whereas type B cells are capable of generating stronger contractions with more endurance and slower relaxation speed. Furthermore, type A cells have a unique pattern of thick filament organization, here referred to as pseudosarcomeres. The roles played by the different cell types in wing retraction are discussed.  相似文献   
Abstract 1. The influence of infestation of the larval host plant Gentiana cruciata on the egg‐laying preferences of the xerophilous ecotype of Alcon Blue butterfly (Maculinea alcon) was studied in a semi‐dry grassland area (Aggtelek Karst Region, Northern Hungary). 2. We examined whether oviposition patterns of females differed when G. cruciata stems were uninfested compared with when they were infested by an aphid (Aphis gentianae) or a rust (Puccinia gentianae) species. 3. Females laid more than 90% of their eggs on fertile, uninfested G. cruciata stems, although these stems comprised only ~ 50% of the total stems available. Stems infested by aphids were similar to uninfested ones in properties that had a strong correlation with egg numbers, and yet there were significantly fewer eggs on infested stems than on intact ones. 4. Females never laid eggs on parts of Gentiana stems infested by aphids, and the presence of Lasius paralienus ants, which have a mutualistic interaction with Aphis gentianae, did not increase the repulsive effect of aphids. Infection of Gentiana by Puccinia did not influence the egg‐laying behaviour of females, even though the flowers and buds of infested stems exhibited a delayed development. 5. Aphid infestation can influence butterfly oviposition patterns through both direct and indirect effects. The presence of aphids directly excluded oviposition, but our data also indicated the possibility of an indirect effect of aphid infestation. Stems that had no aphids at the last egg counting, but were infested prior to it, had significantly fewer eggs than those that were never infested.  相似文献   
Sowalsky  RA; Noble  AC 《Chemical senses》1998,23(3):343-349
The separate effects of concentration, pH and anion species on intensity of sourness and astringency of organic acids were evaluated. Judges rated sourness and astringency intensity of lactic, malic, tartaric and citric acid solutions at three levels of constant pH varying in normality and at three levels of constant concentration varying in pH. To assess the comparative sourness and astringency of the organic acid anions of study, binary acid solutions matched in pH and titratable acidity were also rated. As pH was decreased in equinormal solutions, both sourness and astringency increased significantly (P < 0.001). By contrast, as the normality of the equi-pH solutions was increased, only sourness demonstrated significant increases (P < 0.001) while astringency remained constant or decreased slightly. At the lowest normality tested, all solutions were more astringent than sour (P < 0.05). Although lactic acid was found to be significantly more sour than citric acid (P < 0.05), no other sourness or astringency differences among the organic acid anions were noted. This study demonstrates for the first time that astringency elicited by acids is a function of pH and not concentration or anion species, and confirms that sourness is independently influenced by concentration, pH and anion species of the acid.   相似文献   
The soils of the Pampas are thought to be generally non-contaminated but there is growing evidence of trace element accumulation at some specific sites. The goal of this study was to measure the current levels of the main Potentially Toxic Elements (PTE) in the top horizon and in specific soil profiles so that we would establish the baseline concentrations of these elements. Eighty-eight top soils and three soil profiles were sampled. The samples were acid digested. Arsenic, boron, barium, cadmium, cobalt, chromium, copper, lead, manganese, mercury, molybdenum, nickel, silver, selenium and zinc were determined with inductively coupled argon plasma emission spectrometry (ICPES).

All of the values found are within the normal range for uncontaminated soils as reported from several continents. Elements with high environmental risk potential are lower than the admissible range of the European Union and some of them are orders of magnitude lower than those of the United States Environmental Protection Agency (US-EPA) 501 levels. Potentially Toxic Elements contents increased with depth or showed a maximum concentration at the B2 horizon. This is related to the parent material and the pedogenetic processes but not to recent contamination. Soil profiles showed higher concentrations of PTE in clayey horizons. However, these relationships did not appear in top soil samples in any soil Great Group studied. The shown data establishes a baseline for PTE concentrations for Pampas soils.  相似文献   

Most studies of the genetic structure of Atlantic cod have focused on small geographical scales. In the present study, the genetic structure of cod sampled on spawning grounds in the North Atlantic was examined using eight microsatellite loci and the Pan I locus. A total of 954 cod was collected from nine different regions: the Baltic Sea, the North Sea, the Celtic Sea, the Irish Sea and Icelandic waters during spring 2002 and spring 2003, from Norwegian waters and the Faroe Islands (North and West spawning grounds) in spring 2003, and from Canadian waters in 1998. Temporal stability among spawning grounds was observed in Icelandic waters and the Celtic Sea, and no significant difference was observed between the samples from the Baltic Sea and between the samples from Faroese waters. F -statistics showed significant differences between most populations and a pattern of isolation-by-distance was described with microsatellite loci. The Pan I locus revealed the presence of two genetically distinguishable basins, the North-west Atlantic composed of the Icelandic and Canadian samples and the North-east Atlantic composed of all other samples. Permutation of allele sizes at each microsatellite locus among allelic states supported a mutational component to the genetic differentiation, indicating a historical origin of the observed variation. Estimation of the time of divergence was approximately 3000 generations, which places the origin of current genetic pattern of cod in the North Atlantic in the late Weichselian (Wisconsinian period), at last glacial maximum.  © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2008, 94 , 315–329.  相似文献   
Many organisms show well‐defined latitudinal clines in morphology, which appear to be caused by spatially varying natural selection, resulting in different optimal phenotypes in each location. Such spatial variability raises an interesting question, with different prospects for the action of sexual selection on characters that have a dual purpose, such as locomotion and sexual attraction. The outermost tail feathers of barn swallows (Hirundo rustica) represent one such character, and their evolution has been a classic model subject to intense debate. In the present study, we examined individuals from four European populations to analyze geographical variation in the length and mass of tail feathers in relation to body size and wing size. Tail feather length differed between sexes and populations, and such variation was a result of the effects of natural selection, acting through differences in body size and wing size, as well as the effects of sexual selection that favours longer tails. The extra enlargement of the tail promoted by sexual selection (i.e. beyond the natural selection optimum) could be achieved by increasing investment in ornaments, and by modifying feather structure to produce longer feathers of lower density. These two separate processes accounting for the production of longer and more costly tail feathers and less dense feathers, respectively, are consistent with the hypothesis that both Zahavian and Fisherian mechanisms may be involved in the evolution of the long tails of male barn swallows. We hypothesize that the strength of sexual selection increases with latitude because of the need for rapid mating as a result of the short duration of the breeding season at high latitudes. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, 105 , 925–936.  相似文献   


The Gram negative anaerobic bacterium Porphyromonas gingivalis has long been recognized as a causative agent of periodontitis. Periodontitis is a chronic infectious disease of the tooth supporting tissues eventually leading to tooth-loss. Capsular polysaccharide (CPS) of P. gingivalis has been shown to be an important virulence determinant. Seven capsular serotypes have been described. Here, we used micro-array based comparative genomic hybridization analysis (CGH) to analyze a representative of each of the capsular serotypes and a non-encapsulated strain against the highly virulent and sequenced W83 strain. We defined absent calls using Arabidopsis thaliana negative control probes, with the aim to distinguish between aberrations due to mutations and gene gain/loss.  相似文献   
The ideal free distribution (IFD) model predicts that a density‐dependent mechanism operates to regulate habitat selection and reproductive performance. We studied a Little Grebe Tachybaptus ruficollis population, which breeds on irrigation ponds in the Vega Baja Valley (southeastern Spain) to test the premises of the IFD model. These ponds are highly dynamic because they are managed according to agricultural requirements, and are subject to different levels of disturbance, which can change the quality of individual ponds across the landscape. Surveys were carried out during the breeding season from 2002 to 2006, with reproduction performance estimated during two consecutive breeding seasons, 2003 and 2004. Occupation frequency differed from random, indicating preference for some ponds over others. Habitat features such as pond construction and design, the presence of submerged vegetation, vegetation along the shore and reed beds, and pond area correlated with occupation frequency and might be considered to be indicators of pond quality. Ponds were occupied sequentially from best to worst. Thus, when the population size increased, the number of low‐quality ponds occupied also increased. High‐quality ponds held more breeding pairs than low‐quality ones, resulting in the mean reproductive success per breeding pair being independent of pond quality. Little Grebes therefore occupy ponds in a manner consistent with the expectations of the IFD model.  相似文献   
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