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The pharmacology of a gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) receptor on the cell body of an identified motor neuron of the cockroach (Periplaneta americana) was investigated by current-clamp and voltage-clamp methods. Iontophoretic application of GABA increased membrane conductance to chloride ions, and prolonged application resulted in desensitization. Hill coefficients, determined from dose-response data, indicated that binding of at least two GABA molecules was required to activate the chloride channel. Differences between vertebrate GABAA receptors and insect neuronal GABA receptors were detected. For the GABA receptor of motor neuron Df, the following rank order of potency was observed: isoguvacine greater than muscimol greater than or equal to GABA greater than 3-aminopropanesulphonic acid. The GABAB receptor agonist baclofen was inactive. Of the potent vertebrate GABA receptor antagonists (bicuculline, pitrazepin, RU5135 and picrotoxin), only picrotoxin (10(-7) M) produced a potent, reversible block of the response to GABA of motor neuron Df. Both picrotoxinin and picrotin also blocked GABA-induced currents. Bicuculline hydrochloride (10(-4) M) and bicuculline methiodide (10(-4) M) were both ineffective when applied at resting membrane potential (-65 mV), although at hyperpolarized levels partial block of GABA-induced current was sometimes observed. Pitrazepin (10(-4) M) caused a partial, voltage-independent block of GABA-induced current. The steroid derivative RU5135 was inactive at 10(-5) M. In contrast to the potent competitive blockade of vertebrate GABAA receptors by bicuculline, pitrazepin and RU5135, none of the weak antagonism caused by these drugs on the insect GABA receptor was competitive. Flunitrazepam (10(-6) M) potentiated GABA responses, providing evidence for a benzodiazepine site on an insect GABA-receptor-chloride-channel complex.  相似文献   
Ticks and tick-borne diseases have a major impact on human and animal health worldwide. Current control strategies rely heavily on the use of chemical acaricides, most of which target the CNS and with increasing resistance, new drugs are urgently needed. Nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs) are targets of highly successful insecticides. We isolated a full-length nAChR α subunit from a normalised cDNA library from the synganglion (brain) of the brown dog tick, Rhipicephalus sanguineus. Phylogenetic analysis has shown this R. sanguineus nAChR to be most similar to the insect α1 nAChR group and has been named Rsanα1. Rsanα1 is distributed in multiple tick tissues and is present across all life-stages. When expressed in Xenopus laevis oocytes Rsanα1 failed to function as a homomer, with and without the addition of either Caenorhabditis elegans resistance-to-cholinesterase (RIC)-3 or X. laevis RIC-3. When co-expressed with chicken β2 nAChR, Rsanα1 evoked concentration-dependent, inward currents in response to acetylcholine (ACh) and showed sensitivity to nicotine (100 μM) and choline (100 μM). Rsanα1/β2 was insensitive to both imidacloprid (100 μM) and spinosad (100 μM). The unreliable expression of Rsanα1 in vitro suggests that additional subunits or chaperone proteins may be required for more robust expression. This study enhances our understanding of nAChRs in arachnids and may provide a basis for further studies on the interaction of compounds with the tick nAChR as part of a discovery process for novel acaricides.  相似文献   
Automated analysis of C. elegans behaviour is a rapidly developing field, offering the possibility of behaviour-based, high-throughput drug screens and systematic phenotyping. Standard methods for parameterizing worm shapes and movements are emerging, and progress has been made towards overcoming the difficulties introduced by interactions between worms, as well as worm coiling and omega turning. Current methods have facilitated the identification of subtle phenotypes and the characterisation of roles of neurones in forward locomotion and chemotaxis, as well as the quantitative characterisation of behaviour choice and circadian patterns of activity. Given the speed with which C. elegans has been deployed in genetic screens and chemical screens, it is to be hoped that wormtrackers may eventually provide similar rapidity in assaying behavioural phenotypes. However, considerable progress must be made before this can be accomplished. In the case of genome-wide RNAi screens, for example, the presence in the worm genome of some 19,000 genes means that even the minimal user intervention in an automatic phenotyping system will be very costly. Nonetheless, recent advances have shown that drug actions on large numbers of worms can be tracked, raising hopes that high-throughput behavioural screens may soon be available.  相似文献   
In a previous paper we described the actions of beta-amyloid on an A-type K+ current from Drosophila 3rd Instar larval neurons. The results were a depolarizing shift in the steady-state voltage dependence of inactivation and an increase in the rate of recovery from inactivation of the current. In this work we have used the simulation program NEURON to construct a model cell. We then use the model to predict the effects of changing the A-type K+ current as was observed in the amyloid treated neurons on the firing properties of the cell. We show that changing the steady-state voltage dependence of inactivation of the current to a more depolarized level as observed in experiments in beta-amyloid treated neurons causes an increase in the threshold for the initiation of repetitive firing. However, increasing the rate of recovery from inactivation had no effect. Changing both properties simultaneously had no additional effect over changing the voltage dependence of inactivation alone. Thus, a change in the steady-state properties of the A-type K+ current as seen in the amyloid-treated Drosophila cholinergic neurons is sufficient to alter the firing properties of the modeled cell.  相似文献   
This study has identified specific, stereoselective phenylalkylamine (PAA, (±)- [3H]verapamil) binding sites of low-affinity and high-density in cockroach (Periplaneta americana) nervous system and skeletal muscle membranes. Scatchard transformation of equilibrium binding data revealed a single population of binding sites in both tissues with dissociation constants (Kd) of 273 nM and 377 nM and binding capacities (Bmax) of 23 pmol·mg protein?1 and 37pmol·mg protein?1 for cockroach nervous tissue and skeletal muscle membranes, respectively. The PAA binding site in cockroach nervous tissue membranes was found to be dihydropyridine (DHP)-insensitive, whereas the corresponding site in cockroach skeletal muscle membranes was DHP-sensitive. This property of a DHP-sensitive PAA receptor distinguishes the binding sites identified in cockroach skeletal muscle from those in cockroach nervous tissue and indicates that pharmacologically distinct putative Ca2+ channel subtypes are present in insect nerve and muscle. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
A phylogenetic approach to the identification of phosphoglucomutase genes   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The expanding molecular database provides unparalleled opportunities for characterizing genes and for studying groups of related genes. We use sequences drawn from the database to construct an evolutionary framework for examining the important glycolytic enzyme phosphoglucomutase (PGM). Phosphoglucomutase plays a pivotal role in the synthesis and utilization of glycogen and is present in all organisms. In humans, there are three well-described isozymes, PGMI, PGM2, and PGM3. PGM1 was cloned 5 years ago; however, repeated attempts using both immunological approaches and molecular probes designed from PGM1 have failed to isolate either PGM2 or PGM3. Using a phylogenetic strategy, we first identified 47 highly divergent prokaryotic and eukaryotic PGM-like sequences from the database. Although overall amino acid identity often fell below 20%, the relative order, position, and sequence of three structural motifs, the active site and the magnesium-- and sugar-binding sites, were conserved in all 47 sequences. The phylogenetic history of these sequences was complex and marked by duplications and translocations; two instances of transkingdom horizontal gene transfer were identified. Nonetheless, the sequences fell within six well-defined evolutionary lineages, three of which contained only prokaryotes. Of the two prokaryotic/eukaryotic lineages, one contained bacterial, yeast, slimemold, invertebrate, and vertebrate homologs to human PGM1 and the second contained likely homologs to human PGM2. Indeed, an amino acid sequence, derived from a partial human cDNA, that fell within the second cross-kingdom lineage bears several characteristics expected for PGM2. A third lineage may contain homologs to human PGM3. On a general level, our phylogenetic-based approach shows promise for the further utilization of the extensive molecular database.   相似文献   
The nerve cord of the cockroach (Periplaneta americana) contains distinct saturable components of specific binding for the ligands N-[propionyl-3H]propionylated alpha-bungarotoxin and L-[benzilic-4,4'-3H]quinuclidinyl benzilate. N-[Propionyl-3H]propionylated alpha-bungarotoxin bound reversibly to homogenates with a Kd of 4.8 nM and Bmax of 910 fmol mg-1. The association rate constant (1.9 X 10(5) M-1 s-1) and dissociation rate constant (1.2 X 10(-4) s-1) yielded a Kd of 0.6 nM. Nicotinic ligands were found to displace toxin binding most effectively. The binding sites characterized in this way showed many similarities with the properties of the vertebrate neuronal alpha-bungarotoxin binding site. For a range of cholinergic ligands, inhibition constants calculated from toxin binding studies closely corresponded to their effectiveness in blocking the depolarizing response to acetylcholine recorded by electrophysiological methods from an identified cockroach motoneurone. The N-[propionyl-3H]propionylated alpha-bungarotoxin binding component therefore appears to be a constituent of a functional CNS acetylcholine receptor. Binding of L-[benzilic-4,4'-3H]quinuclidinyl benzilate was reversible with a Kd of 8 nM and Bmax of 138 fmol mg-1, determined from equilibrium binding experiments. The Kd calculated from the association rate constant (2.4 X 10(5) M-1 s-1) and dissociation rate constant (1.3 X 10(-4) s-1) was 1.9 nM. Muscarinic ligands were the most potent inhibitors of quinuclidinyl benzilate binding. The characteristics of this binding site resembled those of vertebrate CNS muscarinic cholinergic receptors. In contrast with vertebrate CNS, the nerve cord of Periplaneta americana contains more (approximately X 7) alpha-bungarotoxin binding sites than quinuclidinyl benzilate binding sites.  相似文献   
Nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs) are the members of the cys-loop ligand-gated ion channel superfamily and are formed by five subunits arranged around a central ion channel. Each subunit is encoded by a separate gene and is classified as either α or non-α depending on the presence or absence, respectively, of two adjacent cysteine residues which are important for acetylcholine binding. Here, we report for the first time a single nAChR gene encoding both α and non-α subunits. Specifically, alternative splicing of the Anopheles gambiae nAChR subunit, previously called Agamα9 and renamed here Agamαβ9, generates two variants, one possessing the two cysteines (denoted Agamαβ9α) and the other lacking the cysteine doublet (Agamαβ9β). Attempts to heterologously express functional nAChRs consisting of the Agamαβ9 splice variants in Xenopus laevis oocytes were unsuccessful. Our findings further characterise a potential target to control the malaria mosquito as well as provide insights into the diversification of nAChRs.  相似文献   
Recent advances in genome research and RNA interference (RNAi) technology have accelerated the adoption of genome-wide experimental approaches for determining gene function in the model organism Caenorhabditis elegans. Despite recent successes, the application of RNAi is limited when gene knockdown causes complex phenotypes or embryonic lethality. Recently, the high-throughput pWormgate cloning system has been introduced as a tool to efficiently generate heat-shock-inducible hairpin RNA constructs using the Gateway recombination technology. We have modified pWormgate into a versatile hairpin cloning plasmid, pWormgatePro, which facilitates temporally and spatially inducible hairpin RNAi using constitutively active, tissue-specific promoters. To demonstrate its utility we knocked down unc-22 in body wall muscles as well as the axon guidance gene unc-5 in the nervous system indicating that promoter-driven hairpins can overcome the neuronal resistance to RNAi. Using pWormgatePro we also show that RNAi in the nervous system of C. elegans is non-autonomous and that spreading of the RNAi signal from neurons to muscle is substantially reduced but not abolished in spreading-defective sid-1 mutant animals. Our findings illustrate the effectiveness of pWormgatePro for gene silencing in muscle cells and neurons and bring forward the possibility of applying tissue-specific RNAi on a genome-wide scale.  相似文献   
The neonicotinoid insecticide imidacloprid is an agonist on insect nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs). We utilised fura-2-based calcium imaging to investigate the actions of imidacloprid on cultured GFP-tagged cholinergic neurons from the third instar larvae of the genetic model organism Drosophila melanogaster. We demonstrate dose-dependent increases in intracellular calcium ([Ca2+]i) in cholinergic neurons upon application of imidacloprid (10 nM–100 μM) that are blocked by nAChR antagonists mecamylamine (10 μM) and α-bungarotoxin (α-BTX, 1 μM). When compared to other (untagged) neurons, cholinergic neurons respond to lower concentrations of imidacloprid (10–100 nM) and exhibit larger amplitude responses to higher (1–100 μM) concentrations of imidacloprid. Although imidacloprid acts via nAChRs, increases in [Ca2+]i also involve voltage-gated calcium channels (VGCCs) in both groups of neurons. Thus, we demonstrate that cholinergic neurons express nAChRs that are highly sensitive to imidacloprid, and demonstrate a role for VGCCs in amplifying imidacloprid-induced increases in [Ca2+]i.  相似文献   
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