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L-Histidine decarboxylase (HDC) is the rate-limiting enzyme for histamine synthesis in mammals. Although accumulating evidence has indicated the post-translational processing of HDC, it remains unknown what kinds of proteases are involved. We investigated the processing of HDC in a mouse mastocytoma, P-815, using a lentiviral expression system. HDC was expressed as a 74-kDa precursor form, which is cleaved to yield the 55- and 60-kDa forms upon treatment with butyrate. Alanine-scanning mutations revealed that two tandem aspartate residues (Asp(517)-Asp(518), Asp(550)-Asp(551)) are critical for the processing. Treatment with butyrate caused an increase in the enzyme activity of the cells expressing the wild type HDC, but not in the cells expressing the processing-incompetent mutant. An increase in histamine synthesis by butyrate was accompanied by formation of the 55- and 60-kDa form of HDC. In addition, the in vitro translated 74-kDa form of HDC was found to undergo a limited cleavage by purified human caspase-9, whereas the alanine-substituted mutants were not. Processing and enzymatic activation of HDC in P-815 cells was enhanced in the presence of a Zn(2+) chelator, TPEN. Although treatment with butyrate and TPEN drastically augmented the protease activity of caspase-3, and -9, no apoptotic cell death was observed. Both enzymatic activation and processing of HDC were completely suppressed by a pan-caspase inhibitor, partially but significantly by a specific inhibitor for caspase-9, but not by a caspase-3 inhibitor. These results suggest that, in P-815 cells, histamine synthesis is augmented through the post-translational cleavage of HDC, which is mediated by caspase-9.  相似文献   
The melibiose permease of Salmonella typhimurium (MelBSt) catalyzes the stoichiometric symport of galactopyranoside with a cation (H+, Li+, or Na+) and is a prototype for Na+-coupled major facilitator superfamily (MFS) transporters presenting from bacteria to mammals. X-ray crystal structures of MelBSt have revealed the molecular recognition mechanism for sugar binding; however, understanding of the cation site and symport mechanism is still vague. To further investigate the transport mechanism and conformational dynamics of MelBSt, we generated a complete single-Cys library containing 476 unique mutants by placing a Cys at each position on a functional Cys-less background. Surprisingly, 105 mutants (22%) exhibit poor transport activities (<15% of Cys-less transport), although the expression levels of most mutants were comparable to that of the control. The affected positions are distributed throughout the protein. Helices I and X and transmembrane residues Asp and Tyr are most affected by cysteine replacement, while helix IX, the cytoplasmic middle-loop, and C-terminal tail are least affected. Single-Cys replacements at the major sugar-binding positions (K18, D19, D124, W128, R149, and W342) or at positions important for cation binding (D55, N58, D59, and T121) abolished the Na+-coupled active transport, as expected. We mapped 50 loss-of-function mutants outside of these substrate-binding sites that suffered from defects in protein expression/stability or conformational dynamics. This complete Cys-scanning mutagenesis study indicates that MelBSt is highly susceptible to single-Cys mutations, and this library will be a useful tool for further structural and functional studies to gain insights into the cation-coupled symport mechanism for Na+-coupled MFS transporters.  相似文献   
Aquatic mosses of Leptobryum species form unique tower-like pillars of vegetation termed “moss pillars” in Antarctic lakes. Moss pillars have distinct redox-affected sections: oxidative exteriors and reductive interiors. We have proposed that a “pillar” is a community and habitat of functionally interdependent organisms and may represent a mini-biosphere. Batteries of 16S rRNA genotypes, or phylotypes, of eubacteria and cyanobacteria, but no archaea, have been identified in moss pillars. However, detailed identification or phylogenetic analyses of the moss and their associated eukaryotic microbiota have not been performed. This study analyzed near-full-length 18S rRNA gene sequences obtained from two whole moss pillars. In total, 28 PCR clone libraries from two whole moss pillars were constructed, and 96 clones from each library (total 2,688 clones) were randomly selected and sequenced. Molecular phylogenetic analysis revealed that the phylotype belonging to Bryophyta, considered to be derived from moss, was closely related (99.9?%) to the 18S rRNA gene sequence from Leptobryum pyriforme. Unexpectedly, phylotypes belonging to a novel clade of fungi dominated (approximately 27–75?%) the moss pillar libraries. This suggests that fungi may contribute to carbon cycling in the moss pillar as parasites or decomposers. In addition, phylotypes related to ciliates and tardigrades were subdominant in the exterior, while the phylotype of the ameba-like, single-celled eukaryote, Cercomonas (Cercozoa), was detected only in the interior. These features were shared by both moss pillars. The 18S rRNA gene-based profiles demonstrated that redox-related factors may control distribution of some eukaryotic microbes in a whole moss pillar.  相似文献   
Differential posttranslational modification of proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) by ubiquitin or SUMO plays an important role in coordinating the processes of DNA replication and DNA damage tolerance. Previously it was shown that the loss of RAD6-dependent error-free postreplication repair (PRR) results in DNA damage checkpoint-mediated G2 arrest in cells exposed to chronic low-dose UV radiation (CLUV), whereas wild-type and nucleotide excision repair-deficient cells are largely unaffected. In this study, we report that suppression of homologous recombination (HR) in PRR-deficient cells by Srs2 and PCNA sumoylation is required for checkpoint activation and checkpoint maintenance during CLUV irradiation. Cyclin-dependent kinase (CDK1)-dependent phosphorylation of Srs2 did not influence checkpoint-mediated G2 arrest or maintenance in PRR-deficient cells but was critical for HR-dependent checkpoint recovery following release from CLUV exposure. These results indicate that Srs2 plays an important role in checkpoint-mediated reversible G2 arrest in PRR-deficient cells via two separate HR-dependent mechanisms. The first (required to suppress HR during PRR) is regulated by PCNA sumoylation, whereas the second (required for HR-dependent recovery following CLUV exposure) is regulated by CDK1-dependent phosphorylation.DNA damage occurs frequently in all organisms as a consequence of both endogenous metabolic processes and exogenous DNA-damaging agents. In nature, the steady-state level of DNA damage is usually very low. However, chronic low-level DNA damage can lead to age-related genome instability as a consequence of the accumulation of DNA damage (12, 27). Increasing evidence implicates DNA damage-related replication stress in genome instability (7, 21). Replication stress occurs when an active fork encounters DNA lesions or proteins tightly bound to DNA. These obstacles pose a threat to the integrity of the replication fork and are thus a potential source of genome instability, which can contribute to tumorigenesis and aging in humans (4, 11). Confronted with this risk, cells have developed fundamental DNA damage response mechanisms in order to faithfully complete DNA replication (8).In budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the Rad6-dependent postreplication repair (PRR) pathway is subdivided into three subpathways, which allow replication to resume by bypassing the lesion without repairing the damage (3, 22, 33). Translesion synthesis (TLS) pathways dependent on the DNA polymerases eta and zeta promote error-free or mutagenic bypass depending on the DNA lesion and are activated upon monoubiquitination of proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) at Lys164 (K164) (5, 16, 37). The Rad5 (E3) and Ubc13 (E2)/Mms2 (E2 variant)-dependent pathway promotes error-free bypass by template switching and is activated by polyubiquitination of PCNA via a Lys63-linked ubiquitin chain (16, 38, 41). It remains mechanistically unclear how polyubiquitinated PCNA promotes template switching at the molecular level. In addition to its ubiquitin E3 activity, Rad5 also has a helicase domain and was recently shown to unwind and reanneal fork structures in vitro (6). This led to the proposal that Rad5 helicase activity is required at replication forks to promote fork regression and subsequent template switching. It is possible that PCNA polyubiquitination acts to facilitate Rad5-dependent template switching by inhibiting monoubiquitination-dependent TLS activity and/or by recruiting alternative proteins to the fork.In addition to modification by ubiquitin, PCNA can also be sumoylated on Lys164 by the SUMO E3 ligase Siz1 (16). A second sumoylation site, Lys127, is also targeted by an alternative SUMO E3 ligase, Siz2, albeit with lower efficiency (16, 30). PCNA SUMO modification results in recruitment of the Srs2 helicase and subsequent inhibition of Rad51-dependent recombination events (29, 32). The modification can therefore allow the replicative bypass of lesions by promoting the RAD6 pathway. Srs2 is known to act as an antirecombinase by eliminating recombination intermediates. This can occur independently of PCNA sumoylation, and when srs2Δ cells are UV irradiated or other antirecombinases, such as Sgs1, are concomitantly deleted, toxic recombination structures accumulate (1, 10). Such genetic data are consistent with the ability of Srs2 to disassemble the Rad51 nucleoprotein filaments formed on single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) in vitro (20, 40). In addition to directly inhibiting homologous recombination (HR), Srs2 is also involved in regulating HR outcomes to not produce crossover recombinants in the mitotic cell cycle (18, 34, 35).The UV spectrum present in sunlight is a primary environmental cause of exogenous DNA damage. Sunlight is a potent and ubiquitous carcinogen responsible for much of the skin cancer in humans (17). In the natural environment, organisms are exposed to chronic low-dose UV light (CLUV), as opposed to the acute high doses commonly used in laboratory experiments. Hence, understanding the cellular response to CLUV exposure is an important approach complementary to the more traditional laboratory approaches for clarifying the biological significance of specific DNA damage response pathways. A recently developed experimental assay for the analysis of CLUV-induced DNA damage responses was used to show that the PCNA polyubiquitination-dependent error-free PRR pathway plays a critical role in tolerance of CLUV exposure by preventing the generation of excessive ssDNA when replication forks arrest, thus suppressing counterproductive checkpoint activation (13).Mutants of SRS2 were first isolated by their ability to suppress the radiation sensitivity of rad6 and rad18 mutants (defective in PRR) by a mechanism that requires a functional HR pathway (23, 36). In this study, we analyzed the function of Srs2 in CLUV-exposed PRR-deficient cells. We established that Srs2 acts in conjunction with SUMO-modified PCNA to lower the threshold for checkpoint activation and maintenance by suppressing the function of HR in rad18Δ cells exposed to CLUV. We also showed that Srs2 is separately involved in an HR-dependent recovery process following cessation of CLUV exposure and that this second role for Srs2, unlike its primary role in checkpoint activation and maintenance, is regulated by CDK1-dependent phosphorylation. Thus, Srs2 is involved in both CLUV-induced checkpoint-mediated arrest and recovery from CLUV exposure in PRR-deficient cells, and these two functions, while both involving HR, are separable and thus independent.  相似文献   
To counter antibiotic-resistant bacteria, we screened the Kitasato Institute for Life Sciences Chemical Library with bacterial quinol oxidase, which does not exist in the mitochondrial respiratory chain. We identified five prenylphenols, LL-Z1272β, γ, δ, ? and ζ, as new inhibitors for the Escherichia coli cytochrome bd. We found that these compounds also inhibited the E. coli bo-type ubiquinol oxidase and trypanosome alternative oxidase, although these three oxidases are structurally unrelated. LL-Z1272β and ? (dechlorinated derivatives) were more active against cytochrome bd while LL-Z1272γ, δ, and ζ (chlorinated derivatives) were potent inhibitors of cytochrome bo and trypanosome alternative oxidase. Thus prenylphenols are useful for the selective inhibition of quinol oxidases and for understanding the molecular mechanisms of respiratory quinol oxidases as a probe for the quinol oxidation site. Since quinol oxidases are absent from mammalian mitochondria, LL-Z1272β and δ, which are less toxic to human cells, could be used as lead compounds for development of novel chemotherapeutic agents against pathogenic bacteria and African trypanosomiasis.  相似文献   
Neu2 mRNA from the mouse thymus, as we have reported [K. Kotani, A. Kuroiwa, T. Saito, Y. Matsuda, T. Koda, S. Kijimoto-Ochiai, Cloning, chromosomal mapping, and characteristic 5′-UTR sequence of murine cytosolic sialidase, Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 286 (2001) 250-258], has a novel sequence at the 5′ terminus that shows the ability to encode 6 extra amino acids in the N-terminus than that of the muscle. In this paper, we analyzed the cDNA and EST database and found the five types of alternative splicing of Neu2 mRNA: A, B, C, D and N. We studied the expression of these types in the immune tissues and found that the thymus expressed only type B. We constructed 2 types of plasmid that encode long (B) or short (C) form of Neu2 protein, and transfected them into COS7 cells to study them under the same conditions. We found that 30-40% of the both forms of Neu2 activity was located in the crude membrane-fraction, and hydrolyzed ganglioside effectively, while both soluble fraction showed particular behavior with substrate specificity. Microscopic study by active staining with X-NANA showed that they located not only in the cytoplasm but also in areas surrounding the nucleus and in the peripheral ruffled spot.  相似文献   
The effects of local population density, sex morph [protogynous (PG) or protandrous (PA)], and individual tree size on the demographic processes of seed production were investigated in a heterodichogamous maple, Acer mono Maxim. var. Marmoratum (Nichols.) Hara f. dissectum, in a temperate forest of Japan. As the distance from conspecific reproductive adults increased, the percentage of immature seed fall and empty seeds increased significantly, indicating higher pollination success along with local population density. Although the difference was not distinct, pollination success was affected by the local population density of the reciprocal sex morph rather than that of both sex morphs. The trees at higher local population density sites suffered higher seed mortality due to predation and decay, and tended to produce smaller seeds. Thus, the impacts of local population density operated both positively and negatively on reproduction. As a factor of individual traits, tree size scarcely affected any demographic processes. On the other hand, sex morph did affect pollination success. Trees of PG type had lower immature seed fall than those of PA type, suggesting that the former has higher efficiency of pollen acceptance than the latter. The results on seed demography presented here partly support previous suggestions that heterodichogamous plants exhibit reciprocal cross-pollination and gender specialization as reproductive traits.  相似文献   
Ecological character displacement caused by reproductive interference   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We carried out a theoretical investigation of whether ecological character displacement can be caused by reproductive interference. Our model assumes that a quantitative character is associated with both resource use and species recognition, and that heterospecific mating incurs costs. The model shows that ecological character displacement can occur as a consequence of evolution of premating isolation; this conclusion is based on the premise that resource competition is less intense between species than within species and that the ecological character also contributes to premating isolation. When resource competition between species is intense, extinction of either species may occur by competitive exclusion before ecological character divergence. Some observational studies have shown that character displacement in body size is associated with not only resources use but also species recognition. We propose that body size displacement can occur as a consequence of evolution of premating isolation. Our results suggest that ecological character displacement results from reproductive character displacement.  相似文献   
This study was conducted to evaluate the potential association between intestinal bifidobacteria and Japanese cedar pollinosis (JCPsis) and possible influences of probiotic intervention. In this study, fecal samples were the collected from 29 JCPsis patients. The qualitative and quantitative analyses of fecal bifidobacteria were conducted by quantitative real-time PCR with 16S rRNA-gene-targeted species-specific primers before cedar pollen spread and after a 10-week intervention with fermented milk prepared with Lactobacillus GG and L. gasseri TMC0356 during pollen spread. Each JCPsis patient had a unique diversity of bifidobacteria, which varied qualitatively and quantitatively in an individual-dependent manner during pollen spread. The serum IgE concentration of JCPsis patients with more than 3 detectable Bifidobacterium species was significantly lower than that of patients with less than 2 detected species. The prevalence of B. adolescentis, B. longum, and B. catenulatum increased after probiotic intervention, although the changes were not statistically significant. These results suggest that lower diversity of intestinal Bifidobacterium species might be a pathological aspect of JCPsis. The diversity of intestinal bifidobacteria could be a prospective target for using probiotics in the management of IgE-mediated allergic disorders including JCPsis.  相似文献   
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