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Consistent individual differences in correlated behaviours across contexts or situations, that is, behavioural syndromes, have recently been identified as an important factor shaping the evolution of behavioural traits, because of their potential for explaining trade-offs in behavioural responses. We examined a genetic link between abilities to mate and to avoid predation from the viewpoint of two genetically correlated behavioural traits; tonic immobility (TI), which is considered to be an antipredator behaviour, and activity levels in the red flour beetle, Tribolium castaneum. Males derived from two strains artificially selected for divergent durations of TI were used in the present study: the L strain (with longer duration and higher frequency of TI) and the S strain (shorter duration and lower frequency of TI). We found that males of the L strain had higher survival rates in predatory environments than those of the S strain, and lower mating success even in predator-free environments. To our knowledge, this is the first empirical study showing a genetic trade-off between abilities to mate and to avoid predation in relation to behavioural syndromes, using individuals exhibiting different behavioural strategies.  相似文献   
To characterize Fe homeostasis during the early stages of seed germination, a microarray analysis was performed. mRNAs extracted from fully mature seeds or seeds harvested 1–3 days after sowing were hybridized to a rice microarray containing approximately 22,000 cDNA oligo probes. Many Fe deficiency-inducible genes were strongly expressed throughout early seed germination. These results suggest that the demand for Fe is extremely high during germination. Under Fe-deficient conditions, rice produces and secretes a metal-cation chelator called deoxymugineic acid (DMA) to acquire Fe from the soil. In addition, DMA and its intermediate nicotianamine (NA) are thought to be involved in long distance Fe transport in rice. Using promoter-β-glucuronidase (GUS) analysis, we investigated the expression patterns during seed germination of the Fe deficiency-inducible genes OsNAS1, OsNAS2, OsNAS3, OsNAAT1, and OsDMAS1, which encode enzymes that participate in the biosynthesis of DMA, and the transporter genes OsYSL2 and OsIRT1, which are involved in Fe transport. All of these genes were expressed in germinating seeds prior to protrusion of the radicle. These results suggest that DMA and NA are produced and involved in Fe transport during germination. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   
The effects of dioecy on community dynamics were examined by using transition matrix models for two dioecious tree species, one a superior competitor with a narrow dispersal range and the other an inferior competitor with a wide dispersal range. The models are based on tree-by-tree replacements in each identical microsite occupied by either male or female canopy trees of the superior competitor and canopy trees of the inferior competitor. Coexistence of the two species is possible not only because of a trade-off between competitive and dispersal abilities but also because of the existence of a competitor gap, which the superior competitor cannot occupy. The competitor gap is created under the male trees of the superior competitor. The inferior competitor occupies the competitor gap because of its wide dispersal range. The relative abundance of the two species depends on the dispersal ability and sex ratios of the superior competitor. The decreasing dispersal ability and the female abundance of the superior competitor increase the competitor gap, which allows the regeneration of the inferior competitor.An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   
Yoshimura  Etsuro  Nagasaka  Seiji  Satake  Kenichi  Mori  Satoshi 《Hydrobiologia》2000,433(1-3):57-60
Cyanidium caldarium, an acidophilic, thermophilic red alga, specifically tolerates Al. The tolerance increases at lower culture temperatures. The intracellular Al concentration is kept at low levels, especially when the cells are cultured at lower temperatures. Lower Al incorporation accounts for the Al tolerance in this alga. Fe incorporation antagonizes the Al incorporation, implying that Fe transporters incorporate Al ions. Treatment with an uncoupler, carbonylcyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone, increases the intracellular concentration of Al. These results support the hypothesis that Al ions taken up by the algal cells are exported by an energy-dependent mechanism.  相似文献   
The mechanism of length control of the flagellar hook is under debate between two theories. One claims that the FliK directly measures the hook length as a molecular ruler, while the other claims that the cytoplasmic substructure measures the amount of hook subunits to determine the hook length. Both agree that the FliK C-terminal domain catalyses the substrate-specificity switch to terminate hook elongation. In this study, we systematically created fliK mutants with deletions and insertions at various sites within the FliK N-terminal domain and analysed their effects on the final hook length. Insertions of peptide fragments from the Yersinia YscP into FliK gave rise to hooks with defined lengths, which was proportional to the molecular size of the FliK-YscP chimeras. Among fliK deletion mutants, only those with small truncations in three specific sites of FliK produced hooks of a defined, shortened length. For the majority of deletion mutants, FliK was secreted, but hook length was not controlled. On the other hand, for some deletion mutants FliK was not secreted, but the hook length was controlled, indicating that FliK secretion is not necessary for hook-length control. We conclude that FliK regulates hook length as an internal molecular ruler.  相似文献   
We examined the impacts of land-use history on the species composition and diversity of a warm-temperate riparian forest landscape in Kyushu, southern Japan, focusing on the relationship between evergreen oaks and deciduous trees in natural and seminatural forests. The species composition of 59 plots was classified into four types (A to D). Type A, which showed a significant bias towards sites not subject to nonforest land use since 1947, had high species diversity consisting of (1) many lucidophyllous components of the region, including the rare indigenous oak Quercus hondae, and (2) summergreen tree species of varying dominance and number representing unique or locally rare elements of the riparian landscape in this warm-temperate region. Type B was dominated by a common species of oak, Q. glauca, and displayed less clear distribution bias with land-use history. In contrast to types A and B, types C and D, which were characterized by high dominance of deciduous trees, had negative bias away from sites that had been under forest land use in 1947. Presumably, intensive anthropogenic disturbances associated with nonforest land uses had expanded the habitats for deciduous trees. This phenomenon was represented by the establishment of forests (type D) dominated by Ulmus davidiana var. japonica (UDJ) after it had been released from the suppression of evergreen forest trees during a period of nonforest land use that prevents the successful recovery of evergreen trees. From these results we conclude that the impacts of land-use history on the diversity of warm-temperate riparian forest landscape are multiphased: a period of nonforest land use has a strong negative impact on lucidophyllous forest trees represented by the rare indigenous oak Q. hondae; release from the suppressive effects of the lucidophyllous species then encourages establishment of locally rare deciduous tree flora represented by UDJ, which continue to persist for decades after abandonment of nonforest land use.  相似文献   
We aimed to study kinetics of modulation by intracellular Mg2+ of cardiac gap junction (Mg2+ gate). Paired myocytes of guinea-pig ventricle were superfused with solutions containing various concentrations of Mg2+. In order to rapidly apply Mg2+ to one aspect of the gap junction, the non-junctional membrane of one of the pair was perforated at nearly the connecting site by pulses of nitrogen laser beam. The gap junction conductance (Gj) was measured by clamping the membrane potential of the other cell using two-electrode voltage clamp method. The laser perforation immediately increased Gj, followed by slow Gj change with time constant of 3.5 s at 10 mM Mg2+. Mg2+ more than 1.0 mM attenuated dose-dependently the gap junction conductance and lower Mg2+ (0.6 mM) increased Gj with a Hill coefficient of 3.4 and a half-maximum effective concentration of 0.6 mM. The time course of Gj changes was fitted by single exponential function, and the relationship between the reciprocal of time constant and Mg2+ concentration was almost linear. Based on the experimental data, a mathematical model of Mg2+ gate with one open state and three closed states well reproduced experimental results. One-dimensional cable model of thirty ventricular myocytes connected to the Mg2+ gate model suggested a pivotal role of the Mg2+ gate of gap junction under pathological conditions.  相似文献   
The E3 ubiquitin ligase Rad18 guides DNA Polymerase eta (Polη) to sites of replication fork stalling and mono-ubiquitinates proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) to facilitate binding of Y family trans-lesion synthesis (TLS) DNA polymerases during TLS. However, it is unclear exactly how Rad18 is regulated in response to DNA damage and how Rad18 activity is coordinated with progression through different phases of the cell cycle. Here we identify Rad18 as a novel substrate of the essential protein kinase Cdc7 (also termed Dbf4/Drf1-dependent Cdc7 kinase [DDK]). A serine cluster in the Polη-binding motif of Rad 18 is phosphorylated by DDK. Efficient association of Rad18 with Polη is dependent on DDK and is necessary for redistribution of Polη to sites of replication fork stalling. This is the first demonstration of Rad18 regulation by direct phosphorylation and provides a novel mechanism for integration of S phase progression with postreplication DNA repair to maintain genome stability.  相似文献   
We determined whether there is an association between complement factor H (CFH), high-temperature requirement A-1 (HTRA1), vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), and pigment epithelium-derived factor (PEDF) genotypes and the response to treatment with a single intravitreous injection of bevacizumab for age-related macular degeneration (AMD). Eighty-three patients with exudative AMD treated by bevacizumab injection were genotyped for three single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs; rs800292, rs1061170, rs1410996) in the CFH gene, a rs11200638-SNP in the HTRA1 gene, three SNPs (rs699947, rs1570360, rs2010963) in the VEGF gene, and four SNPs (rs12150053, rs12948385, rs9913583, rs1136287) in the PEDF gene using a TaqMan assay. The CT genotype (heterozygous) of CFH-rs1061170 was more frequently represented in nonresponders in vision than TT genotypes (nonrisk allele homozygous) at the time points of 1 and 3 months, while there was no CC genotype (risk allele homozygous) in our study cohort (p = 7.66 × 10−3, 7.83 × 10−3, respectively). VEGF-rs699947 was also associated with vision changes at 1 month and PEDF-rs1136287 at 3 months (p = 5.11 × 10−3, 2.05 × 10−2, respectively). These variants may be utilized for genetic biomarkers to estimate visual outcomes in the response to intravitreal bevacizumab treatment for AMD.  相似文献   
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