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It has been shown that probable portions which form contacts in a protein can be predicted by means of an average distance map (ADM) as well as regular structures (-helices and -turns) defined as short-range compact regions (Kikuchiet al., 1988a,c). In this paper, we analyze the occurrence of those portions and short-range compact regions on ADMs for various proteins regarding their folding types. We have found out that each folding type of proteins shows characteristic distribution of such parts on ADMS. We also discuss the possibility of the prediction of folding types of proteins by ADMs.  相似文献   
Using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) to examine the occurrence ofbcl-2/JH joining produced by t(14;18) chromosomal translocation, amplified DNA was detected in 2 of 18 lymph nodes showing reactive lymphadenopathy. The PCR was repeated in these two lymphs nodes using the same DNA samples, but no amplification was detected at the second attempt. Thus the amplified DNA was considered to be derived from one copy of joinedbcl-2/JH in one cell, or from a few copies in a few clonal cells with the same joinedbcl-2/JH. These results suggest that false joining ofbcl-2/JH at the t(14;l8) junction may occur in reactive lymph nodes.  相似文献   
T. Kikuchi  O. Miura 《Plant Ecology》1993,106(2):147-154
Spatial structures of landforms as constants affecting vegetation patterns are discussed based on analyses of hilly land regions, mostly in the vicinity of Sendai, northeast Japan. The lower part of a hillslope is characterized by relatively active processes of soil erosion, landslides and slope failure. It supports a plant community different from that on the upper part of the hillslope. These two parts are termed the lower hillslope and the upper hillslope, respectively. The upper hillslope consists of valley heads with no stream water nor stream channels. Since a valley head is comprised of several micro-scale landform units, an upper hillslope can be subdivided into these landform units. Plant communities vary in their species compositions and structures as well as in some other ecological characteristics paralleling changes in their respective micro-scale landform units. However, the variations in species composition within upper hillslopes are not as extreme as those between the upper and lower hillslopes. xx]Papers presented at the Vth INTECOL Congress at YOKO-hama 1990.  相似文献   
Despite intensive studies of muscular dystrophy of chicken, the responsible gene has not yet been identified. Our recent studies mapped the genetic locus for abnormal muscle (AM) of chicken with muscular dystrophy to chromosome 2q using the Kobe University (KU) resource family, and revealed the chromosome region where the AM gene is located has conserved synteny to human chromosome 8q11-24.3, where the beta-1 syntrophin (SNTB1), syndecan 2 (SDC2) and Gem GTPase (GEM) genes are located. It is reasonable to assume those genes might be candidates for the AM gene. In this study, we cloned and sequenced the chicken SNTB1, SDC2 and GEM genes, and identified sequence polymorphisms between parents of the resource family. The polymorphisms were genotyped to place these genes on the chicken linkage map. The AM gene of chromosome 2q was mapped 130 cM from the distal end, and closely linked to calbindin 1 (CALB1). SNTB1 and SDC2 genes were mapped 88.5 cM distal and 27.6 cM distal from the AM gene, while the GEM gene was mapped 18.5 cM distal from the AM gene and 9.1 cM proximal from SDC2. Orthologues of SNTB1, SDC2 and GEM were syntenic to human chromosome 8q. SNTB1, SDC2 and GEM did not correspond to the AM gene locus, suggesting it is unlikely they are related to chicken muscular dystrophy. However, this result also suggests that the genes located in the proximal region of the CALB1 gene on human chromosome 8q are possible candidates for this disease.  相似文献   
-Mannanase produced by Bacillus sp. W-2, isolated from decayed commercial konjak cake, was purified from the culture supernatant by (NH4)2 SO4 precipitation, adsorption to konjak gel, and column chromatography with DEAE-cellulose, Sephadex G-100 and Sephacryl S-200. Its molecular size was estimated by SDS-PAGE as 40 kDa, and by gel filtration as 36 kDa. The enzyme was most active at pH 7 and 70°C and was stable for at least 1 h between pH 5 and 10 and below 60°C. Its activity was completely inhibited by Hg2+. The enzyme hydrolysed galactomannan better than glucomannan and mainly produced mannose and mannobiose.The authors are with the Department of Bioproductive Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Utsunomiya University. Utsunomiya, Tochigi 321, Japan  相似文献   
We examined the interaction between histamine and vagal efferent activity on airway smooth muscle reactivity in 11 anesthetized vagotomized dogs using an isolated closed segment of the intrathoracic trachea filled with Tyrode solution under an isovolumetric condition. Intratracheal pressure change was measured as an index of tracheal smooth muscle tone. The administration into the tracheal segment of histamine (0.1 or 1.0 mg/ml) in six dogs and methacholine chloride (0.001 or 0.01 mg/ml) in the other five dogs elevated intratracheal pressure by about 5 cmH2O. The electrical stimulation of the peripheral ends of both of the cut cervical vagus nerves in the presence of histamine produced significantly greater responses than the additive responses of these two stimuli applied individually (two-way analysis of variance, P less than 0.025). However, the combined effects of vagal stimulation and methacholine were not significantly different from the additive responses of these two stimuli applied individually. The average values of intratracheal pressure elevated by the combined effects of vagal stimulation and histamine were significantly higher than those obtained by the combination of vagal stimulation and methacholine (two-way analysis of variance, P less than 0.01). This suggests that histamine potentiates tracheal smooth muscle reactivity to electrical vagal stimulation, which may contribute to the hyperreactivity observed in patients with asthma.  相似文献   
Abstract Passive transfer between rates of protection against cholera toxin (CT) was studied. Extracts of various organs, obtained from CT-immunized rats, were injected intravenously into non-immunized recipient rats. The ability of the extracts to inhibit CT-induced secretion in ligated jejunal loop were tested. A significant inhibition of the response to CT was achieved by extracts from hypophysis, brain and jejunal mucosa. Extracts from pancreas, spleen or adrenal glands were without effect, as were all extracts obtained from control rats. The antisecretory effects of the hypophysis extracts became intensified with increasing numbers of immunizations, and the antisecretory effect was most pronounced when the extract was injected immediately before the CT challenge. The active component of the hypophysis extract was heat-labile and negatively charged, suggesting an acidic protein as the mediator of the protective effect against CT.  相似文献   
9-cis-Retro-γ;rhodopsin (λmax = 420 nm) was prepared from 9-cis-retro-γ-retinal and cattle opsin. After cooling to liquid nitrogen temperature (77 K), the pigment was irradiated with light at 380 nm. The spectrum shifted to the longer wavelengths, owing to formation of a batho product. This fact indicates that the conjugated double bond system from C-5 to C-8 of the chromophoric retinal in rhodopsin was not necessary for formation of bathorhodopsin. Reirradiation of the batho product with light at wavelengths longer than 520 nm yielded a mixture composed of presumably 9- or 11-cis forms of retro-γ-rhodopsin. These three isomers are interconvertible by light at liquid nitrogen temperature. Thus the retro-γ-rhodopsin system is similar in photochemical reaction at 77 K to cattle rhodopsin system. Each system has its own batho product. Based on these results, it was infered that the formation of bathorhodopsin is due to photoisomerization of the chromophoric retinal of rhodopsin and is not due to translocation of a proton on the ring or on the side chain from C-6 to C-8 of the chromophoric retinal to the Schiff-base nitrogen.  相似文献   
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