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Interactions of externally added plastoquinone (PQ) derivatives(PQ0-PQ3) with the photosystem II (PSII) acceptor side wereinvestigated in PSII membrane fragments prepared from spinachby measuring the photoreduction rates of PQ derivatives at variousPQ concentrations, and the following results were obtained. From the kinetic analysis, all the PQ derivatives (PQ0-PQ3)except PQ3 were shown to accept electrons at two sites (theQB site and the PQ site) as in the case of Synechococcus vulcanusPSII particles with benzoquinone derivatives [Satoh et al. (1995)Plant Cell Physiol. 36: 597]. Affinities of PQ derivatives at the QB site increased as thelength of the isoprene side chain got longer, while those atthe PQ site were not very much different for all the PQ derivativestested in this study. The inhibitory effect of DCMU was noncompetitive, and, therefore,the affinity of PQ3 for the PQ site was determined while thatfor the QB site could not be estimated presumably due to itsfairly high affinity to the site. Based on the results obtained using PQ derivatives, the mechanismof interaction of an authentic PQ, PQ9, at the QB site is discussed. (Received May 2, 1996; Accepted July 24, 1996)  相似文献   
Mutations associated with floral organ number in rice   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
How floral organ number is specified is an interesting subject and has been intensively studied in Arabidopsis thaliana. In rice (Oryza sativa L.), mutations associated with floral organ number have been identified. In three mutants of rice, floral organ number 1 (fon1) and the two alleles, floral organ number 2-1 (fon2-1) and floral organ number 2-2 (fon2-2), the floral organs were increased in number centripetally. Lodicules, homologous to petals, were rarely affected, and stamens were frequently increased from six to seven or eight. Of all the floral organs the number of pistils was the most frequently increased. Among the mutants, fon1 showed a different spectrum of organ number from fon2 -1 and fon2 -2. Lodicules were the most frequently affected in fon1, but pistils of more than half of fon1 flowers were unaffected; in contrast, the pistils of most flowers were increased in fon2 -1 and fon2-2. Homeotic conversion of organ identity was also detected at a low frequency in ectopically formed lodicules and stamens. Lodicules and stamens were partially converted into anthers and stigmas, respectively. Concomitant with the increased number of floral organs, each mutant had an enlarged apical meristem. Although meristem size was comparable among the three mutants and wild type in the early phase of flower development, a significant difference became apparent after the lemma primordium had differentiated. In these mutants, the size of the shoot apical meristem in the embryo and in the vegetative phase was not affected, and no phenotypic abnormalities were detected. These results do not coincide with those for Arabidopsis in which clavatal affects the sizes of both shoot and floral meristems, leading to abnormal phyllotaxis, inflorescence fasciation and increased floral organs. Accordingly, it is considered that FON1 and FON2 function exclusively in the regulation of the floral meristem, not of the vegetative meristem.Abbreviation DIC differential interference contrast This work was supported in part by Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Priority Areas from the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture of Japan.  相似文献   
An immunohistochemical and immunoelectron microscopic study was used to demonstrate tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) and dopamine -hydroxylase (DBH) immunoreactivities in the rat pancreas. Small TH immunoreactive cells were found in close contact with large TH immunonegative ganglion cells among the exocrine glands and were occasionally found in some islets. Some of these TH immunoreactive cells were also DBH immunopositive. The immunoreaction product was seen diffusely in the cytoplasm and in the granule cores of TH immunoreactive cells. All intra-pancreatic ganglion cells were immunoreactive for DBH, but not for TH. The TH immunoreactive cells were identified as small intensely fluorescent (SIF) cells due to their localization and morphological characteristics and showed no insulin, glucagon, somatostatin or pancreatic polypeptide immunoreactivities. These results indicate that SIF cells may release dopamine or noradrenaline to adequate stimuli while the intra-pancreatic ganglion cells with only DBH may not synthesize catecholamines in a normal biosynthetic pathway. TH immunoreactive nerve bundles without varicosities and fibers with varicosities, associated or unassociated with blood vessels, were found in both the exocrine and endocrine pancreas. Close apposition of TH immunoreactive nerve fibers to the smooth muscle and endothelial cells of the blood vessels was observed. A close apposition between TH immunoreactive nerve fibers and exocrine acinar cells and islet endocrine cells was sometimes found in the pancreas. The immunoreaction product was seen diffusely in the axoplasm and in the granular vesicles of the immunoreactive nerve fibers. Since no TH immunoreactive ganglion cells were present in the rat pancreas, the present study suggests that noradrenergic nerve fibers in the pancreas may be extrinsic in origin, and may exert an effect on the regulation of blood flow and on the secretory acitivity of the acinar cells, duct cells and endocrine cells.  相似文献   
A novel complex mutation with the presence of both deletion and insertion in very close proximity in the same region was detected in exon 8 of the LDL receptor gene from two apparently unrelated Japanese families with familial hypercholesterolemia (FH). In this mutant LDL receptor gene, the nine bases from nucleotide (nt) 1115 to nt 1123 (AGGGTGGCT) were replaced by six different bases (CACTGA), and consequently the four amino acids from codon 351 to 354, Glu-Gly-Gly-Tyr, were replaced by three amino acids, Ala-Leu-Asn, in the conserved amino acid region of the growth factor repeat B of the LDL receptor. The nature of the amino acid substitution and data on the families suggest that this mutation is very likely to affect the LDL receptor function and cause FH. The generation of this complex mutation can be explained by the simultaneous occurrence of deletion and insertion through the formation of a hairpin-loop structure mediated by inverted repeat sequences. Thus this mutation supports the hypothesis that inverted repeat sequences influence the stability of a given gene and promote human gene mutations.  相似文献   
We have examined whether a human chromosome has distinct segments that can replicate autonomously as extrachromosomal elements. Human 293S cells were transfected with a set of human chromosomal DNA fragments of 8-15 kilobase pairs that were cloned on an Escherichia coli plasmid vector. The transfected cells were subsequently cultured in the presence of 5-bromodeoxyuridine during two cell generations, and several plasmid clones labeled in both of the daughter DNA strands were isolated. Efficiency of replication of these clones, as determined from the ratios of heavy-heavy and one-half of heavy-light molecules to total molecules recovered from density-labeled cells, was 9.4% per cell generation on the average. Replication efficiency of control clones excluded during the selection was about 2.2% and that of the vector plasmid alone was 0.3%. A representative clone p1W1 replicated in a semiconservative manner only one round during the S phase of the cell cycle. It replicated extrachromosomally without integration into chromosome. The human segment of the clone was composed of several subsegments that promoted autonomous replication at different efficiencies. Our results suggest that certain specific nucleotide sequences are involved in autonomous replication of human segments.  相似文献   
Oxygen uptake measurements have shown that pressurized gas transport, resulting from the physical effect of thermo-osmosis of gases, improves oxygen supply to the roots of the seedlings in two alder speciesAlnus japonica (Thunb.) Steud. andAlnus hirsuta (Spach) Rupr., which are both native in Japan. When gas transport conditions were established by irradiation of the tree stems the internal aeration was increased to a level nearly equal to the oxygen demand of the root system in leafless seedlings ofA. hirsuta, but was higher inA. japonica so that excess oxygen was excreted into the environment. An increase of superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity, which protects plants from toxic oxygen radicals and post-anoxic injury, has been observed in root tissues ofA. japonica when the seedlings were flooded for 3 days. The increase of SOD activity, in concert with high gas transport rates, may enable this tree species to grow in wet sites characterized by low oxygen partial pressure in the soil and by varying water tables. A less effective gas transport, flood-induced reduction of SOD activity in root tissues, and reduced height growth in waterlogged soil may be responsible for the fact thatA. hirsuta is unable to inhabit wettland sites.  相似文献   
pHrMA4a-Z is a recombinant plasmid in which about 1.4 kb of the 5 flanking region of a gene for muscle actin HrMA4a from the ascidian Halocynthia roretzi is fused with the coding sequence of a bacterial gene for -galactosidase (lac-Z). In this study, we examined the expression of the fusion gene construct when it was introduced into eggs of another ascidian, namely Ciona savignyi. When a moderate amount of linearized pHrMA4a-Z was introduced into fertilized Ciona eggs, the expression of the reporter gene was evident in muscle cells of the larvae, suggesting that both species share a common machinery for the expression of muscle actin genes. The 5 upstream region of HrMA4a contains several consensus sequences, including a TATA box at -30, a CArG box at -116 and four E-boxes within a region of 200 bp. A deletion construct, in which only the 216-bp 5 flanking region of HrMA4a was fused with lac-Z, was expressed primarily in larval muscle cells. However, another deletion construct consisting of only the 61-bp upstream region of HrMA4a fused with lac-Z was not expressed at all. When pHrMA4a-Z or pHrMA4a-Z (–216) was injected into each of the muscle-precursor blastomeres of the 8-cell embryo, expression of the reporter gene was observed in larval muscle cells in a lineage-specific fashion. However, expression of the reporter gene was not observed when the plasmid was injected into non-muscle lineage. Therefore, the expression of the reporter gene may depend on some difference in cytoplasmic constituents between blastomeres of muscle and non-muscle lineage in the 8-cell embyo.  相似文献   
The role of the molybdenum cofactor (Mo cofactor) in the translocationof dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) reductase to the periplasmic spacewas studied in vivo by isolating chlorate-resistant mutantsof Rhodobacter sphaeroides f. sp. denitrificans. More than 50%of the chlorate-resistant mutants isolated were defective inthe biosynthesis of the Mo cofactor and all of these mutantsaccumulated the precursor form of the enzyme. About 45% of themutants contained the same level of Mo cofactor as the parentstrain and exhibited normal levels of DMSO reductase and nitratereductase activities when chlorate was absent from the medium,but the activities of these enzymes were depressed when chloratewas present. Much of the accumulated precursor form of the enzymein a Mo cofactor-deficient mutant was bound to the cytoplasmicmembrane and was sensitive to treatment with proteinase K fromthe periplasmic side of the membrane, an indication that theprecursor was exposed on the periplasmic surface of the membrane.The precursor accumulated on the membrane of the parent strainwhen molybdate was removed from the medium or upon additionof tungstate and this precursor was also sensitive to the treatmentwith proteinase K from the periplasmic side. These results suggestthat the Mo cofactor is necessary for proteolytic processingof the precursor to the mature enzyme on the periplasmic sideof the membrane, whereas binding of the precursor to the membraneand translocation across it can occur in the absence of thecofactor. Almost all of the Mo cofactor available for directreconstitution in vitro of nitrate reductase activity from thenit-l mutant of Neurospora crassa was present in the cytoplasmicfractions. (Received December 11, 1991; Accepted March 25, 1992)  相似文献   
Two proteins, a 56-kDa protein (p56) and a 58-kDa protein (p58), are produced from the hepatitis C virus (HCV) nonstructural region 5A (NS5A). Recently, we found that both proteins are phosphorylated at serine residues and that p58 is a hyperphosphorylated form of p56. Furthermore, hyper-phosphorylation depends on the production of an intact form of the HCV NS4A protein. To clarify the nature of NS5A phosphorylation, pulse-chase analysis was performed with a transient protein production system in cultured cells. The study indicated that basal and hyperphosphorylation of NS5A occurred after proteolytic production of NS5A was complete. In an attempt to identify the location of the hyperphosphorylation sites in p58, proteins with sequential deletions from the C-terminal region of NS5A and with mutations of possible phosphorylated serine residues to a neutral amino acid, alanine, were constructed. The deleted or mutated proteins were then tested for hyperphosphorylation in the presence of the NS4A product. Here, we report that serine residues 2197, 2201, and/or 2204 are important for hyper-phosphorylation. Important sites for basal phosphorylation were identified in the region from residues 2200 to 2250 and in the C-terminal region of the NS5A product. A subcellular localization study showed that most of the NS5A products were localized in the nuclear periplasmic membrane fraction.  相似文献   
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