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In a combined approach of phenotypic and genotypic characterization, 28 indigenous rhizobial isolates obtained from different chickpea growing regions in peninsular and northern India were analyzed for diversity. The field isolates were compared to two reference strains TAL620 and UPM-Ca142 representing M. ciceri and M. mediterraneum respectively. Phenotypic markers such as resistance to antibiotics, tolerance to salinity, temperature, pH, phosphate solubilization ability, growth rate and also symbiotic efficiency showed considerable diversity among rhizobial isolates. Their phenotypic patterns showed adaptations of rhizobial isolates to abiotic stresses such as heat and salinity. Two salt tolerant strains (1.5% NaCl by T1 and T4) with relatively high symbiotic efficiency and two P-solubilising strains (66.7 and 71 microg/ml by T2 and T5) were identified as potential bioinoculants. Molecular profiling by 16S ribosomal DNA Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism (RFLP) revealed three clusters at 67% similarity level. Further, the isolates were differentiated at intraspecific level by 16S rRNA gene phylogeny. Results assigned all the chickpea rhizobial field isolates to belong to three different species of Mesorhizobium genus. 46% of the isolates grouped with Mesorhizobium loti and the rest were identified as M. ciceri and M. mediterraneum, the two species which have been formerly described as specific chickpea symbionts. This is the first report on characterization of chickpea nodulating rhizobia covering soils of both northern and peninsular India. The collection of isolates, diverse in terms of species and symbiotic effectiveness holds a vast pool of genetic material which can be effectively used to yield superior inoculant strains.  相似文献   
Pigeonpea (Cajanus cajan) is an important grain legume of the Indian subcontinent, South-East Asia and East Africa. More than eighty five percent of the world pigeonpea is produced and consumed in India where it is a key crop for food and nutritional security of the people. Here we present the first draft of the genome sequence of a popular pigeonpea variety ??Asha??. The genome was assembled using long sequence reads of 454 GS-FLX sequencing chemistry with mean read lengths of >550?bp and >10-fold genome coverage, resulting in 510,809,477?bp of high quality sequence. Total 47,004 protein coding genes and 12,511 transposable elements related genes were predicted. We identified 1,213 disease resistance/defense response genes and 152 abiotic stress tolerance genes in the pigeonpea genome that make it a hardy crop. In comparison to soybean, pigeonpea has relatively fewer number of genes for lipid biosynthesis and larger number of genes for cellulose synthesis. The sequence contigs were arranged in to 59,681 scaffolds, which were anchored to eleven chromosomes of pigeonpea with 347 genic-SNP markers of an intra-species reference genetic map. Eleven pigeonpea chromosomes showed low but significant synteny with the twenty chromosomes of soybean. The genome sequence was used to identify large number of hypervariable ??Arhar?? simple sequence repeat (HASSR) markers, 437 of which were experimentally validated for PCR amplification and high rate of polymorphism among pigeonpea varieties. These markers will be useful for fingerprinting and diversity analysis of pigeonpea germplasm and molecular breeding applications. This is the first plant genome sequence completed entirely through a network of Indian institutions led by the Indian Council of Agricultural Research and provides a valuable resource for the pigeonpea variety improvement.  相似文献   
Soil salinity and sodicity are major constraints to rice production in about twenty per cent of the irrigated crop land. Inbuilt genetic tolerance to salinity is the most economical and environmentally sustainable way to solve this problem. A mapping population of 200 F2 plants and their corresponding F3 families, derived from a cross between a salt tolerant indica rice variety CSR27 and a salt sensitive variety MI48 were used to map OTLs for salt tolerance. Seventeen different parameters, including seedling salt injury score, Na+, K+, CI? concentrations and Na+/K+ ratio in leaf and stem tissues at vegetative and reproductive stages were mapped. A framework linkage map was constructed using 79 SSR and EST markers distributed over the twelve rice chromosomes at an average interval of 20.7cM and total map distance of 1634.5 cM. Twenty five major OTLs, each explaining more than ten per cent of the trait phenotypic variance, were mapped on chromosomes 1, 2, 3 and 8. These included one OTL for seedling salt injury score, nine for Na+ concentration, three for K+ concentration and four for Cl? concentration in leaf and stem tissues at vegetative and reproductive stages. The Na+/K+ ratio, an important ion balancing parameter for the salt tolerance, was controlled by eight OTLs explaining phenotypic variance in the range of 42.88–52.63%. Four OTL intervals were robust with major effect and having OTLs for multiple salt tolerance parameters that might be governed by common or tightly linked genes. One major OTL for multiple salt tolerance parameters on chromosome 8 and three major OTLs for CI? ion concentration are novel for this study. The OTLs identified here will serve as a base for fine mapping, gene tagging and marker assisted selection for salt tolerance in rice.  相似文献   


Atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) and its receptor, NPRA, have been extensively studied in terms of cardiovascular effects. We have found that the ANP-NPRA signaling pathway is also involved in airway allergic inflammation and asthma. ANP, a C-terminal peptide (amino acid 99–126) of pro-atrial natriuretic factor (proANF) and a recombinant peptide, NP73-102 (amino acid 73–102 of proANF) have been reported to induce bronchoprotective effects in a mouse model of allergic asthma. In this report, we evaluated the effects of vessel dilator (VD), another N-terminal natriuretic peptide covering amino acids 31–67 of proANF, on acute lung inflammation in a mouse model of allergic asthma.


A549 cells were transfected with pVD or the pVAX1 control plasmid and cells were collected 24 hrs after transfection to analyze the effect of VD on inactivation of the extracellular-signal regulated receptor kinase (ERK1/2) through western blot. Luciferase assay, western blot and RT-PCR were also performed to analyze the effect of VD on NPRA expression. For determination of VD''s attenuation of lung inflammation, BALB/c mice were sensitized and challenged with ovalbumin and then treated intranasally with chitosan nanoparticles containing pVD. Parameters of airway inflammation, such as airway hyperreactivity, proinflammatory cytokine levels, eosinophil recruitment and lung histopathology were compared with control mice receiving nanoparticles containing pVAX1 control plasmid.


pVD nanoparticles inactivated ERK1/2 and downregulated NPRA expression in vitro, and intranasal treatment with pVD nanoparticles protected mice from airway inflammation.


VD''s modulation of airway inflammation may result from its inactivation of ERK1/2 and downregulation of NPRA expression. Chitosan nanoparticles containing pVD may be therapeutically effective in preventing allergic airway inflammation.  相似文献   
A new class of copper(II) nanohybrid solids, LCu(CH3COO)2 and LCuCl2, have been synthesized and characterized by transmission electron microscopy, dynamic light scattering, and IR spectroscopy, and have been found to be capped by a bis(benzimidazole) diamide ligand (L). The particle sizes of these nanohybrid solids were found to be in the ranges 5–10 and 60–70 nm, respectively. These nanohybrid solids were evaluated for their in vitro antimalarial activity against a chloroquine-sensitive isolate of Plasmodium falciparum (MRC 2). The interactions between these nanohybrid solids and plasmepsin II (an aspartic protease and a plausible novel target for antimalarial drug development), which is believed to be essential for hemoglobin degradation by the parasite, have been assayed by UV–vis spectroscopy and inhibition kinetics using Lineweaver–Burk plots. Our results suggest that these two compounds have antimalarial activities, and the IC50 values (0.025–0.032 μg/ml) are similar to the IC50 value of the standard drug chloroquine used in the bioassay. Lineweaver–Burk plots for inhibition of plasmepsin II by LCu(CH3COO)2 and LCuCl2 show that the inhibition is competitive with respect to the substrate. The inhibition constants of LCu(CH3COO)2 and LCuCl2 were found to be 10 and 13 μM, respectively. The IC50 values for inhibition of plasmepsin II by LCu(CH3COO)2 and LCuCl2 were found to be 14 and 17 μM, respectively. Copper(II) metal capped by a benzimidazole group, which resembles the histidine group of copper proteins (galactose oxidase, β-hydroxylase), could provide a suitable anchoring site on the nanosurface and thus could be useful for inhibition of target enzymes via binding to the S1/S3 pocket of the enzyme hydrophobically. Both copper(II) nanohybrid solids were found to be nontoxic against human hepatocellular carcinoma cells and were highly selective for plasmepsin II versus human cathepsin D. The pivotal mechanism of antimalarial activity of these compounds via plasmepsin II inhibition in the P. falciparum malaria parasite is demonstrated.  相似文献   
A link between senescence‐induced decline in photosynthesis and activity of β‐glucosidase is examined in the leaves of Arabidopsis. The enzyme is purified and characterized. The molecular weight of the enzyme is 58 kDa. It shows maximum activity at pH 5.5 and at temperature of 50°C. Photosynthetic measurements and activity of the enzyme are conducted at different developmental stages including senescence of leaves. Senescence causes a significant loss in total chlorophyll, stomatal conductance, rate of evaporation and in the ability of the leaves for carbon dioxide fixation. The process also brings about a decline in oxygen evolution, quantum yield of photosystem II (PS II) and quantum efficiency of PS II photochemistry of thylakoid membrane. The loss in photosynthesis is accompanied by a significant increase in the activity of the cell wall‐bound β‐glucosidase that breaks down polysaccharides to soluble sugars. The loss in photosynthesis as a signal for the enhancement in the activity of the enzyme is confirmed from the observation that incubation of excised mature leaves in continuous dark or in light with a photosynthesis inhibitor 3‐(3,4‐dichlorophenyl)‐1, 1‐dimethylurea (DCMU) that leads to sugar starvation enhances the activity of the enzyme. The work suggests that in the background of photosynthetic decline, the polysaccharides bound to cell wall that remains intact even during late phase of senescence may be the last target of senescing leaves for a possible source of sugar for remobilization and completion of the energy‐dependent senescence program.  相似文献   
Short hot and dry spells before, or during, silking have an inordinately large effect on maize (Zea mays L.; corn) grain yield. New high yielding genotypes could be developed if the mechanism of yield loss were more fully understood and new assays developed. The aim here was to determine the effects of high temperature (35/27 °C) compared to cooler (25/18 °C) temperatures (day/night). Stress was applied for a 14 d-period during reproductive stages prior to silking. Effects on whole plant biomass, ear development, photosynthesis and carbohydrate metabolism were measured in both dent and sweet corn genotypes. Results showed that the whole plant biomass was increased by the high temperature. However, the response varied among plant parts; in leaves and culms weights were slightly increased or stable; cob weights decreased; and other ear parts of dent corn also decreased by high temperature. Photosynthetic activity was not affected by the treatments. The 13C export rate from an ear leaf was decreased by the high temperature treatment. The amount of 13C partitioning to the ears decreased more than to other plant parts by the high temperature. Within the ear decreases were greatest in the cob than the shank within an ear. Sugar concentrations in both hemicellulose and cellulose fractions of cobs in sweet corn were decreased by high temperature, and the hemicellulose fraction in the shank also decreased. In dent corn there was no reduction of sugar concentration except in the in cellulose fraction, suggesting that synthesis of cell-wall components is impaired by high temperatures. The high temperature treatment promoted the growth of vegetative plant parts but reduced ear expansion, particularly suppression of cob extensibility by impairing hemicellulose and cellulose synthesis through reduction of photosynthate supply. Therefore, plant biomass production was enhanced and grain yield reduced by the high temperature treatment due to effects on sink activity rather than source activity. Heat resistant ear development can be targeted for genetic improvement  相似文献   
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