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We compared the biological mechanism of cell death during hepatotoxicity induced by ligation of the Fas receptor in wild-type and liver-specific bcl-2 transgenic mice. Transgenic overexpression of Bcl-2 in mouse hepatocytes can prevent lethal hepatitis induced by agonistic anti-Fas antibodies. In contrast, Fas ligand (FasL)-induced death cannot be overcome in bcl-2 transgenic mice, indicating that anti-Fas antibodies do not reliably mimic the more physiological ligand. Different apoptotic parameters, viz. caspase activation, cytochrome c release and nuclear DNA degradation were analysed. No differences, however, could be observed between wild-type and bcl-2 transgenic mice after injection with a lethal dose of soluble FasL, indicating that apoptosis by FasL-dependent ligation is not modulated by Bcl-2 in vivo. These results demonstrate that the stimulus determines the outcome between type I mitochondria-independent apoptosis, in the case of FasL, or type II mitochondria-dependent and Bcl-2-inhibitable apoptosis, in the case of anti-Fas antibodies.  相似文献   
The paradigm for differential antigen expression in Borrelia burgdorferi, the agent of Lyme disease, is the reciprocal expression of its outer surface (lipo)proteins (Osp) A and C; as B. burgdorferi transitions from its arthropod vector into mammalian tissue, ospC is upregulated, and ospA is downregulated. In the current study, using B. burgdorferi cultivated under varying conditions in BSK-H medium, we found that a decrease in pH, in conjunction with increases in temperature (e.g. 34 degrees C or 37 degrees C) and cell density, acted interdependently for the reciprocal expression of ospC and ospA. The lower pH (6.8), which induced the reciprocal expression of ospC and ospA in BSK-H medium, correlated with a drop in pH from 7.4 to 6.8 of tick midgut contents during tick feeding. In addition to ospC and ospA, other genes were found to be regulated in reciprocal fashion. Such genes were either ospC-like (e.g. ospF, mlp-8 and rpoS) (group I) or ospA-like (lp6.6 and p22) (group II); changes in expression occurred at the mRNA level. That the expression of rpoS, encoding a putative stress-related alternative sigma factor (sigma(s)), was ospC-like suggested that the expression of some of the group I genes may be controlled through sigma(s). The combined results prompt a model that allows for predicting the regulation of other B. burgdorferi genes that may be involved in spirochaete transmission, virulence or mammalian host immune responses.  相似文献   
A GroEL homolog with a molecular mass of 60 kDa, produced by the primary endosymbiotic bacterium (a Buchnera sp.) of Myzus persicae and released into the hemolymph, has previously been shown to be a key protein in the transmission of potato leafroll virus (PLRV). Like other luteoviruses and pea enation mosaic virus, PLRV readily binds to extracellular Buchnera GroEL, and in vivo interference in this interaction coincides with reduced capsid integrity and loss of infectivity. To gain more knowledge of the nature of the association between PLRV and Buchnera GroEL, the groE operon of the primary endosymbiont of M. persicae (MpB groE) and its flanking sequences were characterized and the PLRV-binding domain of Buchnera GroEL was identified by deletion mutant analysis. MpB GroEL has extensive sequence similarity (92%) with Escherichia coli GroEL and other members of the chaperonin-60 family. The genomic organization of the Buchnera groE operon is similar to that of the groE operon of E. coli except that a constitutive promoter sequence could not be identified; only the heat shock promoter was present. By a virus overlay assay of protein blots, it was shown that purified PLRV bound as efficiently to recombinant MpB GroEL (expressed in E. coli) as it did to wild-type MpB GroEL. Mutational analysis of the gene encoding MpB GroEL revealed that the PLRV-binding site was located in the so-called equatorial domain and not in the apical domain which is generally involved in polypeptide binding and folding. Buchnera GroEL mutants lacking the entire equatorial domain or parts of it lost the ability to bind PLRV. The equatorial domain is made up of two regions at the N and C termini that are not contiguous in the amino acid sequence but are in spatial proximity after folding of the GroEL polypeptide. Both the N- and C-terminal regions of the equatorial domain were implicated in virus binding.  相似文献   
The yeast Ca2+ adenosine triphosphatase Pmr1, located in medial-Golgi, has been implicated in intracellular transport of Ca2+ and Mn2+ ions. We show here that addition of Mn2+ greatly alleviates defects of pmr1 mutants in N-linked and O-linked protein glycosylation. In contrast, accurate sorting of carboxypeptidase Y (CpY) to the vacuole requires a sufficient supply of intralumenal Ca2+. Most remarkably, pmr1 mutants are also unable to degrade CpY*, a misfolded soluble endoplasmic reticulum protein, and display phenotypes similar to mutants defective in the stress response to malfolded endoplasmic reticulum proteins. Growth inhibition of pmr1 mutants on Ca2+-deficient media is overcome by expression of other Ca2+ pumps, including a SERCA-type Ca2+ adenosine triphosphatase from rabbit, or by Vps10, a sorting receptor guiding non-native luminal proteins to the vacuole. Our analysis corroborates the dual function of Pmr1 in Ca2+ and Mn2+ transport and establishes a novel role of this secretory pathway pump in endoplasmic reticulum-associated processes.  相似文献   
Respiration analysis using isolated mitochondria and electrochemical oxygen sensing has contributed significantly to the knowledge about mitochondrial metabolism, which is involved in energy generation but also in ageing and numerous diseases. Here, we present a high‐throughput respiration screening for functional in situ mitochondrial studies in permeabilized Chinese hamster ovary cells. The determination of oxygen uptake rates allowed a quantitative comparison between different conditions and a distinction of substrates into three groups providing an insight into tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle regulation. The mitochondrial metabolization of citrate, isocitrate, glutamine, and glutamate was highly stimulated by ADP supply. In contrast, the metabolization of α‐ketoglutarate, succinate, fumarate, and malate was little controlled by the energy and redox state. Metabolization of pyruvate was very strictly regulated by several independent mechanisms: phosphorylation, feedback inhibition, but also by the availability of CoA. A moderate stimulation of pyruvate metabolization was accomplished by feeding both pyruvate and aspartate simultaneously. The presented high‐throughput respiration screening provides comprehensive information about the effect of single or mixed substrates on mitochondrial metabolic activities, including transport and TCA cycle regulation, and metabolic bottlenecks. This supports the design of efficient mammalian producer strains or feeding strategies, but also the investigation of pathological and toxicological effects related to mitochondrial metabolism.  相似文献   
This study explores the combination of four common health problems in older people and whether problems on four domains result in an additional effect on indicators of poor health. For this purpose, a total of 2681 participants (32% male, mean age 82 years) of the Integrated Systematic Care for Older People (ISCOPE) study were screened on the presence of health problems on four domains (functional, somatic, mental, social) with the postal ISCOPE questionnaire. Extensive interview data on health indicators were obtained at baseline and at 12-months follow-up, including disability (Groningen Activities Restriction Scale, GARS), cognitive function (Mini-Mental State Examination, MMSE), depressive symptoms (Geriatric Depression Scale-15, GDS), loneliness (loneliness scale of De Jong Gierveld), and health-related quality of life (EQ-5D). General practitioner (GP) contact time (min/year) was estimated via GP electronic medical records. Of the study population, 9% had no health problems according to the screening, 8% had problems on one domain, 27% on two, 38% on three and 18% on four domains. At baseline, the number of health domains with problems was associated with poorer scores on the GARS, the MMSE, the GDS-15, the loneliness scale, the EQ-5D and with more GP contact time (p <0.001). Problems on all four domains had an additional negative effect on these health indicators (all pinteraction <0.001). At follow-up, an increased number of domains with problems was associated with an increased decline in health indicators (all p<0.001) and with an additional negative effect on GP contact time of the presence of problems on all four domains (pinteraction <0.001). We conclude that combinations of functional, somatic, mental and social problems are associated with poor health indicators in community-dwelling older people. Since problems on four domains have an additional effect on health, individuals with combined functional, somatic, mental and social problems could benefit from integrated care.

Trial registration

Netherlands Trial Register: NTR1946.  相似文献   
The severe dystroglycanopathy known as a form of limb-girdle muscular dystrophy (LGMD2P) is an autosomal recessive disease caused by the point mutation T192M in α-dystroglycan. Functional expression analysis in vitro and in vivo indicated that the mutation was responsible for a decrease in posttranslational glycosylation of dystroglycan, eventually interfering with its extracellular-matrix receptor function and laminin binding in skeletal muscle and brain. The X-ray crystal structure of the missense variant T190M of the murine N-terminal domain of α-dystroglycan (50-313) has been determined, and showed an overall topology (Ig-like domain followed by a basket-shaped domain reminiscent of the small subunit ribosomal protein S6) very similar to that of the wild-type structure. The crystallographic analysis revealed a change of the conformation assumed by the highly flexible loop encompassing residues 159–180. Moreover, a solvent shell reorganization around Met190 affects the interaction between the B1–B5 anti-parallel strands forming part of the floor of the basket-shaped domain, with likely repercussions on the folding stability of the protein domain(s) and on the overall molecular flexibility. Chemical denaturation and limited proteolysis experiments point to a decreased stability of the T190M variant with respect to its wild-type counterpart. This mutation may render the entire L-shaped protein architecture less flexible. The overall reduced flexibility and stability may affect the functional properties of α-dystroglycan via negatively influencing its binding behavior to factors needed for dystroglycan maturation, and may lay the molecular basis of the T190M-driven primary dystroglycanopathy.  相似文献   
A large‐scale comparison of essential dynamics (ED) modes from molecular dynamic simulations and normal modes from coarse‐grained normal mode methods (CGNM) was performed on a dataset of 335 proteins. As CGNM methods, the elastic network model (ENM) and the rigid cluster normal mode analysis (RCNMA) were used. Low‐frequency normal modes from ENM correlate very well with ED modes in terms of directions of motions and relative amplitudes of motions. Notably, a similar performance was found if normal modes from RCNMA were used, despite a higher level of coarse graining. On average, the space spanned by the first quarter of ENM modes describes 84% of the space spanned by the five ED modes. Furthermore, no prominent differences for ED and CGNM modes among different protein structure classes (CATH classification) were found. This demonstrates the general potential of CGNM approaches for describing intrinsic motions of proteins with little computational cost. For selected cases, CGNM modes were found to be more robust among proteins that have the same topology or are of the same homologous superfamily than ED modes. In view of recent evidence regarding evolutionary conservation of vibrational dynamics, this suggests that ED modes, in some cases, might not be representative of the underlying dynamics that are characteristic of a whole family, probably due to insufficient sampling of some of the family members by MD. Proteins 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
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