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Prophages are viruses, which have integrated their genomes into the genome of a bacterial host. The status of the prophage genome can vary from fully intact with the potential to form infective particles to a remnant state where only a few phage genes persist. Prophages have impact on the properties of their host and are therefore of great interest for genomic research and strain design. Here we present a genome- and next generation sequencing (NGS)-based approach for identification and activity evaluation of prophage regions. Seven prophage or prophage-like regions were identified in the genome of Bacillus licheniformis DSM13. Six of these regions show similarity to members of the Siphoviridae phage family. The remaining region encodes the B. licheniformis orthologue of the PBSX prophage from Bacillus subtilis. Analysis of isolated phage particles (induced by mitomycin C) from the wild-type strain and prophage deletion mutant strains revealed activity of the prophage regions BLi_Pp2 (PBSX-like), BLi_Pp3 and BLi_Pp6. In contrast to BLi_Pp2 and BLi_Pp3, neither phage DNA nor phage particles of BLi_Pp6 could be visualized. However, the ability of prophage BLi_Pp6 to generate particles could be confirmed by sequencing of particle-protected DNA mapping to prophage locus BLi_Pp6. The introduced NGS-based approach allows the investigation of prophage regions and their ability to form particles. Our results show that this approach increases the sensitivity of prophage activity analysis and can complement more conventional approaches such as transmission electron microscopy (TEM).  相似文献   
BlaI is a repressor of BlaZ, the beta-lactamase responsible for penicillin resistance in Staphylococcus aureus. Through screening a transposon library in S. aureus Newman for susceptibility to cathelicidin antimicrobial peptide, we discovered BlaI as a novel cathelicidin resistance factor. Additionally, through integrational mutagenesis in S. aureus Newman and MRSA Sanger 252 strains, we confirmed the role of BlaI in resistance to human and murine cathelidicin and showed that it contributes to virulence in human whole blood and murine infection models. We further demonstrated that BlaI could be a target for innate immune-based antimicrobial therapies; by removing BlaI through subinhibitory concentrations of 6-aminopenicillanic acid, we were able to sensitize S. aureus to LL-37 killing.  相似文献   
The bacterium Treponema pallidum is known to cause syphilis (ssp. pallidum), yaws (ssp. pertenue), and endemic syphilis (ssp. endemicum) in humans. Nonhuman primates have also been reported to be infected with the bacterium with equally versatile clinical manifestations, from severe skin ulcerations to asymptomatic. At present all simian strains are closely related to human yaws-causing strains, an important consideration for yaws eradication. We tested clinically healthy Guinea baboons (Papio papio) at Parc National Niokolo Koba in south eastern Senegal for the presence of anti-T. pallidum antibodies. Since T. pallidum infection in this species was identified 50 years ago, and there has been no attempt to treat non-human primates for infection, it was hypothesized that a large number of West African baboons are still infected with simian strains of the yaws-bacterium. All animals were without clinical signs of treponematoses, but 18 of 20 (90%) baboons tested positive for antibodies against T. pallidum based on treponemal tests. Yet, Guinea baboons seem to develop no clinical symptoms, though it must be assumed that infection is chronic or comparable to the latent stage in human yaws infection. The non-active character is supported by the low anti-T. pallidum serum titers in Guinea baboons (median = 1:2,560) versus serum titers that are found in genital-ulcerated olive baboons with active infection in Tanzania (range of medians among the groups of initial, moderate, and severe infected animals = 1:15,360 to 1:2.097e+7). Our findings provide evidence for simian infection with T. pallidum in wild Senegalese baboons. Potentially, Guinea baboons in West Africa serve as a natural reservoir for human infection, as the West African simian strain has been shown to cause sustainable yaws infection when inoculated into humans. The present study pinpoints an area where further research is needed to support the currently on-going second WHO led yaws eradication campaign with its goal to eradicate yaws by 2020.  相似文献   
Coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering (CARS) is an emerging tool for label-free characterization of living cells. Here, unsupervised multivariate analysis of CARS datasets was used to visualize the subcellular compartments. In addition, a supervised learning algorithm based on the “random forest” ensemble learning method as a classifier, was trained with CARS spectra using immunofluorescence images as a reference. The supervised classifier was then used, to our knowledge for the first time, to automatically identify lipid droplets, nucleus, nucleoli, and endoplasmic reticulum in datasets that are not used for training. These four subcellular components were simultaneously and label-free monitored instead of using several fluorescent labels. These results open new avenues for label-free time-resolved investigation of subcellular components in different cells, especially cancer cells.  相似文献   
One of the major aims of bioprocess engineering is the real-time monitoring of important process variables. This is the basis of precise process control and is essential for high productivity as well as the exact documentation of the overall production process. Infrared spectroscopy is a powerful analytical technique to analyze a wide variety of organic compounds. Thus, infrared sensors are ideal instruments for bioprocess monitoring. The sensors are non-invasive, have no time delay due to sensor response times, and have no influence on the bioprocess itself. No sampling is necessary, and several components can be analyzed simultaneously. In general, the direct monitoring of substrates, products, metabolites, as well as the biomass itself is possible. In this review article, insights are provided into the different applications of infrared spectroscopy for bioprocess monitoring and the complex data interpretation. Different analytical techniques are presented as well as example applications in different areas.  相似文献   
A genetic deficiency of the cysteine protease cathepsin L (Ctsl) in mice results in impaired positive selection of conventional CD4+ T helper cells as a result of an incomplete processing of the MHC class II associated invariant chain or incomplete proteolytic generation of positively selecting peptide ligands. The human genome encodes, in contrast to the mouse genome, for two cathepsin L proteases, namely cathepsin L (CTSL) and cathepsin V (CTSV; alternatively cathepsin L2). In the human thymic cortex, CTSV is the predominately expressed protease as compared to CTSL or other cysteine cathepsins. In order to analyze the functions of CTSL and CTSV in the positive selection of CD4+ T cells we employed Ctsl knock-out mice crossed either with transgenic mice expressing CTSL under the control of its genuine human promoter or with transgenic mice expressing CTSV under the control of the keratin 14 (K14) promoter, which drives expression to the cortical epithelium. Both human proteases are expressed in the thymus of the transgenic mice, and independent expression of both CTSL and CTSV rescues the reduced frequency of CD4+ T cells in Ctsl-deficient mice. Moreover, the expression of the human cathepsins does not change the number of CD4+CD25+Foxp3+ regulatory T cells, but the normalization of the frequency of conventional CD4+ T cell in the transgenic mice results in a rebalancing of conventional T cells and regulatory T cells. We conclude that the functional differences of CTSL and CTSV in vivo are not mainly determined by their inherent biochemical properties, but rather by their tissue specific expression pattern.  相似文献   
Linking synaptic plasticity with behavioral learning requires understanding how synaptic efficacy influences postsynaptic firing in neurons whose role in behavior is understood. Here, we examine plasticity at a candidate site of motor learning: vestibular nerve synapses onto neurons that mediate reflexive movements. Pairing nerve activity with changes in postsynaptic voltage induced bidirectional synaptic plasticity in vestibular nucleus projection neurons: long-term potentiation relied on calcium-permeable AMPA receptors and postsynaptic hyperpolarization, whereas long-term depression relied on NMDA receptors and postsynaptic depolarization. Remarkably, both forms of plasticity uniformly scaled synaptic currents evoked by pulse trains, and these changes in synaptic efficacy were translated into linear increases or decreases in postsynaptic firing responses. Synapses onto local inhibitory neurons were also plastic but expressed only long-term depression. Bidirectional, linear gain control of vestibular nerve synapses onto projection neurons provides a plausible mechanism for motor learning underlying adaptation of vestibular reflexes.  相似文献   
In most lipases, a mobile lid covers the substrate binding site. In this closed structure, the lipase is assumed to be inactive. Upon activation of the lipase by contact with a hydrophobic solvent or at a hydrophobic interface, the lid opens. In its open structure, the substrate binding site is accessible and the lipase is active. The molecular mechanism of this interfacial activation was studied for three lipases (from Candida rugosa, Rhizomucor miehei, and Thermomyces lanuginosa) by multiple molecular dynamics simulations for 25 ns without applying restraints or external forces. As initial structures of the simulations, the closed and open structures of the lipases were used. Both the closed and the open structure were simulated in water and in an organic solvent, toluene. In simulations of the closed lipases in water, no conformational transition was observed. However, in three independent simulations of the closed lipases in toluene the lid gradually opened. Thus, pathways of the conformational transitions were investigated and possible kinetic bottlenecks were suggested. The open structures in toluene were stable, but in water the lid of all three lipases moved towards the closed structure and partially unfolded. Thus, in all three lipases opening and closing was driven by the solvent and independent of a bound substrate molecule.  相似文献   
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