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Human thyroid epithelial cells were isolated from surgically resected human thyroid gland with collagenase and cultured for one week under EGF-supplemented conditions to allow them to proliferate. Then the cells were transferred to the following three-dimensional culture systems. One was a culture of isolated cells between floating double layers of collagen gel, designated the "floating sandwich method." The other was a culture of isolated cells mixed with collagen gel, designated the "dispersed embedding method." Many folliclelike structures with lumina of appreciable size were obtained by the former method. The cells cultured by the floating sandwich method exhibited a distinct polarity shown by the presence of numerous microvilli at the apical surface and close contact with collagen gels at the basal surface. On the other hand, only a few folliclelike structures were obtained by the dispersed embedding method, in which the folliclelike structures were small in size and the cells showed less distinct polarity than those observed in the floating sandwich method. Thus, the floating sandwich method appears to be suitable for studying the process and mechanism of in vitro organization of follicular structures by human thyroid epithelial cells.  相似文献   
Porcine muscle prolyl endopeptidase and its endogenous substrates   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Prolyl endopeptidase [EC] was purified 4,675-fold with a yield of 26.3% from porcine muscle. The purified enzyme was shown to be very similar to the liver enzyme with respect to its molecular weight (72,000-74,000), antigenicity, substrate specificity, and susceptibility to protease inhibitors. Among several bioactive peptides, angiotensins I, II, and III had the lowest Km of 0.6 to 3 microM with the lowest kcat of 0.19 to 0.85 s-1, while thyrotropin-releasing hormone had the highest Km of 98 microM with the highest kcat of 14.4 s-1. Interestingly, mastoparan was hydrolyzed at alanyl bonds, but insulin was only slightly hydrolyzed and glucagon was not hydrolyzed although the latter two peptides contain prolyl and/or alanyl bonds. Muscle prolyl endopeptidase failed to hydrolyze proteins with high molecular weight such as albumin, immunoglobulin G, elastin, collagen, and muscle soluble and insoluble proteins. However, 8 of 14 peptides with molecular weights lower than 3,000, which were isolated from muscle extract, were digested by this enzyme, and they were proved to contain prolyl and/or alanyl residues in their molecules. The data suggest that they are probable endogenous substrates for prolyl endopeptidase.  相似文献   
We have used antibodies to the basement membrane proteoglycan to screen lambda gt11 expression vector libraries and have isolated two cDNA clones, termed BPG 5 and BPG 7, which encode different portions of the core protein of the heparan sulfate basement membrane proteoglycan. These clones hybridize to a single mRNA species of approximately 12 kilobases. Amino acid sequences obtained on peptides derived from protease digests of the core protein were found in the deduced sequence, confirming the identity of these clones. BPG 5 spanned 1986 base pairs and has an open reading frame of 662 amino acids. The amino acid sequence deduced from BPG 5 contains two cysteine-rich domains and two internally homologous domains lacking cysteine. The cysteine-rich domains show homology to the cysteine-rich domains of the laminin chains. A globule-rod structure, similar to that of the short arms of the laminin chains, is proposed for this region of the proteoglycan. The other clone, BPG 7, is 2193 base pairs long and has an open reading frame of 731 amino acids. The deduced sequence contains eight internal repeats with 2 cysteine residues in each repeat. These repeats show homology to the neural-cell adhesion molecule N-CAM and the plasma alpha 1B-glycoprotein. Looping structures similar to these proteins and to other proteins of the immunoglobulin gene superfamily are proposed for this region of the proteoglycan. The sequence DSGEY was found four times in this domain and could be heparan sulfate attachment sites.  相似文献   
Phosphatidic acid (PtdOH) has been shown not only to stimulate autophosphorylation and autoactivation of phosphorylase kinase of rabbit skeletal muscle but also to decrease the apparent Ka for Ca2+ on autophosphorylation sharply [Negami et al. (1985) Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 131, 712-719]. In this study we investigated the interaction between PtdOH and other phospholipids on autophosphorylation and autoactivation of this enzyme. Acidic phospholipids, such as phosphatidylserine (PtdSer), phosphatidylinositol (PtdIns) and PtdOH, stimulated this reaction about 2-4-fold, and the approximate Ka values of this reaction were 10 micrograms/ml, 6.3 micrograms/ml and 30 micrograms/ml respectively. The molar ratio of PtdIns and PtdSer with maximal effect on autophosphorylation was about 1:1. Under these conditions PtdOH stimulated the initial velocity of autophosphorylation about 5.2-fold. When fully autophosphorylated, about 12-13 mol phosphate per tetramer (alpha beta gamma delta) were incorporated in the presence of mixed acidic phospholipids (PtdOH:PtdIns:PtdSer = 2:1:1), which was about twice as much as values observed without effectors. In the presence of mixed acidic phospholipids there was a concomitant enhancement of kinase activity, about 30-40-fold at pH 6.8 and 2.5-3-fold at pH 8.2. Mixed acidic phospholipids sharply decreased an apparent Ka for Ca2+ from 4 X 10(-5) M to 8 X 10(-7) M. With mixed acidic phospholipids as effectors this autophosphorylation occurred through an intramolecular mechanism. Based on these results, autophosphorylation and autoactivation of phosphorylase kinase in the presence of acidic phospholipids may account for an important regulatory mechanism of glycogenolysis in muscle contraction.  相似文献   
The use of a monoclonal antibody against the thymidine analogue bromodeoxyuridine together with an in vitro labeling technique allowed rapid determination of the labeling index in human tumors. The labeling index estimated by these relatively simple immunofluorexence or immunoenzymatic staining methods was equivalent to that obtained by autoradiography. The interpretation of the preparations is easy since there is a minimum of background staining. This immunohistochemical technique combined with in vitro labeling provides a suitable alternative for determining the labeling index of human tumors.  相似文献   
Summary We examined cellular protein content in four temperature-sensitive (ts) mutants of rat 3Y1 fibroblasts (3Y1tsD123, 3Y1tsF121, 3Y1tsG125, and 3Y1tsH203) under various conditions of culture that affect cell proliferation. When proliferation of the ts mutants was inhibited at a nonpermissive temperature (39.8°C) in the G1 phase, prominent accumulation of cellular protein occurred in three mutants (3Y1tsF121, 3Y1tsG125, and 3Y1tsH203) but not in 3Y1tsD123. The over-accumulation of protein at 39.8°C in the former three mutants was inhibited at high cell densities. At low cell densities there was an upper limit in the protein accumulation at 39.8°C. When the three mutants, proliferation-arrested at high cell densities at 33.8°C, were replated sparsely in fresh medium and shifted to 39.8°C, proliferation was completely inhibited whereas over-accumulation of protein occurred. These results indicating dissociation of protein accumulation and cell proliferation suggest that the two events are regulated by different mechanisms. This work was supported in part by a Grant-in-Aid for Encouragement of Young Scientists (1984) to K. Y. from the Ministry of Education, Science, and Culture, Japan.  相似文献   
To investigate the cell-matrix interrelation and the structure and permeability of the junctional complexes of secretory ameloblasts, molar tooth germs from kittens were examined by means of scanning electron microscopy, routine thin sections and freeze-fracture replication. Scanning electron microscopy showed remarkably dissolved growth fronts of enamel in materials that had been fixed with glutaraldehyde and then subjected to EDTA perfusion for 10 min. By the action of EDTA, intercrystallite spaces in rod and interrod enamel were prominently widened, and their longitudinal ends of crystallites displayed irregular and extremely sparse structures. In enamel rods surrounded entirely by interrod enamel, and in enamel rods of the typical key hole shape with successive interrod enamel participation, the most striking dissolution of crystallites occurred at the boundaries between rod and interrod enamel, where broad expanses of rod-sheath spaces were observed. In thin sections, the Tomes processes of secretory ameloblasts occupying the above rods were rectangular or variations of a rectangular shape, respectively; and interameloblast spaces opened to the enamel growth fronts, which corresponded to the junction between rod and interrod enamel. In enamel rods standing in regular rows and showing the typical arcade shape, the centers of the rods were drastically dissolved and exhibited single and deep slits, whereas the boundaries between rod and interrod enamel showed no wide furrows. The Tomes processes occupying such arcade-shaped rods were typically triangular, and the interameloblast space always joined the type-1 face of process, which is responsible for enamel rod formation. Secretory ameloblast possessed two sets of junctional complexes at the proximal and distal ends of the cell body. The distal one was situated proximally to the Tomes process. Freeze-fracture replication demonstrated the functional structures of these junctions: the proximal junction was fascia occludens, and the distal one incomplete zonula occludens with many free-ending tight junctional strands and interstrand spaces or a less developed irregular junction.  相似文献   
Porcine calpains (Ca2+-dependent cysteine proteinases) I and II, which had been purified each to a homogeneous state, were found to hydrolyze specifically carboxyl-terminal amide of substance P and several other biologically active peptidyl amides. This amidase-like activity was demonstrated both by determining released ammonia and by separating products on high-performance liquid chromatography followed by amino acid analysis. The calpain-catalyzed deamidation of substance P occurred exclusively at the carboxyl-terminal amide, leaving the side-chain glutamine intact. Enkepharinamide and MSH-release inhibiting factor were scarcely deamidated. Calpains I and II showed similar specificities for these amide substances and similar profiles of inhibitions by various protease inhibitors, but distinctly different Ca2+ requirements. The specificity constants, kcat/Km, for substance P were found to be three to four orders of magnitude higher than those for the synthetic substrates.  相似文献   
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