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Weedy plants with intermediate (domesticated × wild) phenotypes occur in most pearl millet fields in West Africa, even in the absence of wild populations. They are usually found, in high numbers, both inside and outside of drills. Questions pertaining to the evolutionary dynamics of diversity within the pearl millet complex (domesticated–weedy–wild forms) were addressed in this study. The diversity of the different components of this complex sampled in two pearl millet fields in two villages of southwestern Niger was assessed at both molecular (AFLP) and morphological levels. Results show that, in both fields, weedy plants found outside of drills are morphologically distinct from weedy plants found inside drills, despite their close similarity at AFLP markers. The data suggest some introgression from the wild to the weedy population but nevertheless that the gene flow between the parapatric wild and domesticated populations is very low. This challenges the traditional view that regular hybridization between domesticated and wild pearl millets explains the abundance of these weedy plants despite farmers’ seed selection. The level of genetic differentiation between fields from the two villages was low when considering domesticated and weedy plants. This could be explained by high gene flow resulting from substantial seed exchanges between farmers. The fact that it is very difficult for farmers to keep their own selected seeds, and the consequent substantial seed exchanges between them, is probably the main factor accounting for the maintenance and dispersal of weedy pearl millets in the region, even in areas where no wild forms have been observed.C. Mariac and T. Robert contributed equally to the work.  相似文献   
Miniature-inverted repeat transposable elements (MITEs) are abundantly repeated in plant genomes and are especially found in genic regions where they could contribute regulatory elements for gene expression. We describe with molecular and cytological tools the first MITE family reported in pearl millet: Tuareg. It was initially detected in the pearl millet ortholog of Teosinte-branched1, an important developmental gene involved in the domestication of maize. The Tuareg family was amplified recently in the pearl millet genome and elements were found more abundant in wild than in domesticated plants. We found that they shared similarity in their terminal repeats with the previously described mPIF MITEs and that they are also present in other Pennisetum species, in maize and more distantly related grasses. The Tuareg family may be part of MITEs activated by PIF-like transposases and it could have been mobile since pearl millet domestication. Electronic supplementary material Electronic supplementary material is available for this article at and accessible for authorised users. O. Robin contributed the FISH and fiber-FISH hybridizations.  相似文献   
This paper describes the improvement in the use of electrical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) for animal cell concentration monitoring of adherent cultures by using a four-electrode configuration instead of the commonly used two-electrode configuration. This four-electrode configuration prevents cell concentration measurements from external masking effects such as the electrode covering ratio, the degree of cellular adherence to the electrodes and the impedance of the measuring electrodes. Cell concentration was monitored using both four-electrode and two-electrode configurations in vero cell and human mesenchymal stem cell cultures in order to analyze the attained improvement in two cell lines with opposite growth characteristics. The experiments performed with vero cell cultures evidenced that the four-electrode configuration enables cell concentration measurements along all culture phases, even once the culture reached cell confluence (over 2×10(5) cells/cm(2)), confirming that this configuration is less effected by all the external influences. The experiments performed with human mesenchymal stem cells demonstrated good sensitivity of the measurement at very low cell concentrations, as well as a very good robustness all over the 12-days experiment. Finally, off-line cell measurements during cell cultures proved good accuracy of impedance measurements carried out with a four-electrode configuration along all cell growth phases, enabling determination of relevant cell growth parameters.  相似文献   
Many studies have demonstrated that the statin beneficial effects on cardiovascular diseases like coronary are linked to their hypocholesterolemic properties. These lipid-lowering drugs are the first-line pharmacologic therapy for hypercholesterolemia. In this paper, the interaction of a series of statin molecules STCOOH (pravastatin (prava), mevastatin (meva), simvastatin (simva) and fluvastatin (fluva)) with a phosphatidylcholine monolayer immobilized on to porous silica particles has been studied using a biochromatographic approach (molecular chromatography). The immobilized artificial membrane (IAM) provided a biophysical model system to study the binding of the statin molecules to a lipid membrane. For all the test statin molecules, linear retention plots were observed at all temperatures. An analysis of the thermodynamics (i.e., enthalpy (DeltaH(0)), entropy (DeltaS(0)*)) of the interaction of the statin molecules with the immobilized monolayer was also carried out. The DeltaH(0) and DeltaS(0)* values were negative due to van der Waals interactions and hydrogen bonding between the statin molecules with the polar head groups of the phospholipid monolayer (polar retention effect). The statin elution order was: Prava相似文献   
Dengue fever (DF) and dengue hemorrhagic fever/dengue shock syndrome (DHF/DSS) are considered the most important arthropod-borne viral diseases in terms of morbidity and mortality. The emergency and severity of dengue (Den) infections increase the necessity of an early, quick and effective dengue laboratory diagnostic. Viral isolation is considered a gold standard for diagnosis of dengue infection using monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) as a tool for determining serotype specificity. Alternatives have been used to improve sensitivity and time to dengue diagnosis. Based on the early expression of dengue C protein in the life cycle, we focused our study on the application of an anti-dengue 2 virus capsid protein mAb in dengue diagnosis. The kinetic expression of dengue-2 capsid in mosquito cells and its immuno-localization in experimentally infected suckling albin Swiss (OF-1) mice brain tissues was established. The results demonstrate the possible utility of this mAb in early dengue diagnosis versus traditional isolation. In addition, a preliminary study of an enzyme immunoassay method using 8H8 mAb for specific detection of dengue C protein antigen was performed, making possible recombinant C protein quantification. The results suggest that detection of dengue capsid protein could be useful in the diagnosis of early dengue infection.Key words: monoclonal antibodies, capsid protein, dengue virus, diagnosis, immunoassays  相似文献   


To report the clinical, biological and therapeutic features of adult cryptorchidism and to determine whether orchidopexy at adulthood may improve male fertility.

Material and methods

We retrospectively studied the clinical pattern, biological and therapeutic features of 69 men aged of more than 18 years admitted for cryptorchidism at the urological department of Aristide-Le-Dantec teaching hospital between January 1999 and December 2007.


The mean age of our patients was 31.04 ± 8.4 years. In the majority of cases, cryptorchidism was diagnosed in a context of infertility (38 cases), scrotum vacancy (21 cases) and testicular cancer (six cases). Cryptorchidism was unilateral in 69.5% and bilateral in 30.4% of cases. Semen analyses were done for 60 patients and showed azoospermia in 46.6%, oligozoospermia in 38.3% and a normal sperm count in 15% of cases. In all bilateral cryptorchidism cases, semen analyses showed azoospermia. At surgery, the undescended testis was found in 66 cases (95.6%) and orchidopexy was the most done surgical procedure. Seven patients (without testicular cancer) underwent unilateral orchiectomy and histology of specimens showed sertoli-cell-only syndrome with no spermatogenesis in all cases. The histological type of testicular cancer was seminoma (three cases) and embryonic carcinoma (three cases). In azoospermic men (28 cases) no induction of spermatogenesis was achieved after orchidopexy. In infertile patients, the improvement of sperm count was seen in three patients with unilateral cryptorchidism. Three patients with unilateral crytorchidism achieved pregnancy (pregnancy rate of 7.8%).


Orchidopexy for adult cryptorcidism had little impact in male fertility. Because of the risk of testicular cancer, orchidectomy was recommended as treatment of unilateral cryptorchidism. But with the recent development of TESE, orchidopexy appears as a reasonable treatment of adult cryptorchidism.  相似文献   


Trachoma has been endemic in The Gambia for decades. National trachoma control activities have been in place since the mid-1980''s, but with no mass antibiotic treatment campaign. We aimed to assess the prevalence of active trachoma and of actual ocular Chlamydia trachomatis infection as measured by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) in the two Gambian regions that had had the highest prevalence of trachoma in the last national survey in 1996 prior to planned national mass antibiotic treatment distribution in 2006.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Two stage random sampling survey in 61 randomly selected Enumeration Areas (EAs) in North Bank Region (NBR) and Lower River Region (LRR). Fifty randomly selected children aged under 10 years were examined per EA for clinical signs of trachoma. In LRR, swabs were taken to test for ocular C. trachomatis infection. Unadjusted prevalences of active trachoma were calculated, as would be done in a trachoma control programme. The prevalence of trachomatous inflammation, follicular (TF) in the 2777 children aged 1–9 years was 12.3% (95% CI 8.8%–17.0%) in LRR and 10.0% (95% CI 7.7%–13.0%) in NBR, with significant variation within divisions (p<0.01), and a design effect of 3.474. Infection with C. trachomatis was found in only 0.3% (3/940) of children in LRR.


This study shows a large discrepancy between the prevalence of trachoma clinical signs and ocular C. trachomatis infection in two Gambian regions. Assessment of trachoma based on clinical signs alone may lead to unnecessary treatment, since the prevalence of active trachoma remains high but C. trachomatis infection has all but disappeared. Assuming that repeated infection is required for progression to blinding sequelae, blinding trachoma is on course for elimination by 2020 in The Gambia.  相似文献   
In the floriculture region of Tenancingo in the State of Mexico, the application of stabilized organic matter, such as vermicompost and leachates, contributes to improve the quality of the soil and plant nutrition. However, it is important to know the chemical composition of a vermicompost and the mineralization process. This is because the amount and speed of nutrient release which will be available to the crop will depend on that knowledge. The objective of the study was to evaluate the effect of the application of a vermicompost and leachates on various quantitative variables of Solidago x hybrid, and the mineralization of organic carbon under aerobic incubations. Vermicompost (74 and 36 g/kg soil), leachates (5 and 10 L/kg soil), 0.33 g/kg soil of chemical fertilizer Ca (NO3)2, and not treated soil (control) were applied under greenhouse conditions to evaluate their effects on plant growth variables. Mixtures of 100 g of soil with vermicompost and leachates were made in the laboratory which were incubated during 9 weeks to obtain the potentially mineralizable organic carbon (Corg PM) and the rate of mineralization (k) after adjusting an exponential model. In the greenhouse experiment there were no statistical differences after applying vermicompost and leachates on the quantitative variables (number of stems per plant, diameter of the panicle, fresh weight, plant length and stem diameter) with respect to the control (p>0.05). The effect among the applied doses was evident only for variables such as fresh weight, panicle length and stem diameter with respect to the control. In incubated soils, k values ranged between 0.209-0.325 C mg/kg soil/week. Only with the application of leachates in high doses two pools of organic matter were shown: one soluble labile (102.9 mg/kg soil) and the other hydrolysable (819 mg/kg soil). The soluble, labile fraction favored nutrient availability immediately after its application to the soil. However, a single pool of hydrolysable organic C (987-1074 mg/kg soil) was found when vermicompost was applied. It was associated with a release of organic matter during crop development, and to a possible stimulation of microbial activity. High values of electrical conductivity in vermicompost and leachates (8.2-11.7 mS/m) suggest a moderate application of both products.  相似文献   
We investigated the efficacy of Ocimum basilicum (OB) essential oils for treating depression related behavioral, biochemical and histopathological changes caused by exposure to chronic unpredictable mild stress (CUMS) in mice and to explore the mechanism underlying the pathology. Male albino mice were divided into four groups: controls; CUMS; CUMS plus fluoxetine, the antidepressant administered for pharmacological validation of OB; and CUMS plus OB. Behavioral tests included the forced swim test (FST), elevated plus-maze (EPM) and the open ?eld test (OFT); these tests were performed at the end of the experiment. We assessed serum corticosterone level, protein, gene and immunoexpression of brain-derived neurotropic factor (BDNF) and glucocorticoid receptors (GRs) as well as immunoexpression of glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP), Ki67, caspase-3 in the hippocampus. CUMS caused depression in the mice as evidenced by prolonged immobility in the FST, prolonged time spent in the open arms during the EPM test and reduction of open field activity in the OFT. OB ameliorated the CUMS induced depressive status. OB significantly reduced the corticosterone level and up-regulated protein and gene expressions of BDNF and GR. OB reduced CUMS induced hippocampal neuron atrophy and apoptosis, and increased the number of the astrocytes and new nerve cells. OB significantly increased GFAP-positive cells as well as BDNF and GR immunoexpression in the hippocampus.  相似文献   
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