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Asthma is a complex disease with multiple genetic and environmental factors contributing to it. A component of this complexity is a highly variable response to pharmacological therapy. Pharmacogenomics is the study of the role of genetic determinants in the variable response to therapy. A number of examples of possible pharmacogenomic approaches that may prove of value in the management of asthma are discussed below.


A search of PubMed, Google scholar, E-Medicine, BMJ and Mbase was done using the key words “pharmacogenomics of asthma”, “pharmacogenomics of β-agonist, glucocorticoids, leukotriene modifiers, theophylline, muscarinic antagonists in asthma”.


Presently, there are limited examples of gene polymorphism that can influence response to asthma therapy. Polymorphisms that alter response to asthma therapy include Arg16Gly, Gln27Glu, Thr164Ile for β-agonist receptor, polymorphism of glucocorticoid receptor gene, CRHR1 variants and polymorphism of LTC4S, ALOX5. Polymorphic variants of muscarinic receptors, PDE4 and CYP450 gene variants.


It was concluded that genetic variation can improve the response to asthma therapy. However, no gene polymorphism has been associated with consistent results in different populations. Therefore, asthma pharmacogenomic studies in different populations with a large number of subjects are required to make possible tailoring the asthma therapy according to the genetic characteristic of individual patient.  相似文献   
Inherited mutations in the gene coding for the intermediate filament protein desmin have been demonstrated to cause severe skeletal and cardiac myopathies. Unexpectedly, some of the mutated desmins, in particular those carrying single amino acid alterations in the non-α-helical carboxy-terminal domain (“tail”), have been demonstrated to form apparently normal filaments both in vitro and in transfected cells. Thus, it is not clear if filament properties are affected by these mutations at all. For this reason, we performed oscillatory shear experiments with six different desmin “tail” mutants in order to characterize the mesh size of filament networks and their strain stiffening properties. Moreover, we have carried out high-frequency oscillatory squeeze flow measurements to determine the bending stiffness of the respective filaments, characterized by the persistence length lp. Interestingly, mesh size was not altered for the mutant filament networks, except for the mutant DesR454W, which apparently did not form proper filament networks. Also, the values for bending stiffness were in the same range for both the “tail” mutants (lp = 1.0-2.0 μm) and the wild-type desmin (lp = 1.1 ± 0.5 μm). However, most investigated desmin mutants exhibited a distinct reduction in strain stiffening compared to wild-type desmin and promoted nonaffine network deformation. Therefore, we conclude that the mutated amino acids affect intrafilamentous architecture and colloidal interactions along the filament in such a way that the response to applied strain is significantly altered.In order to explore the importance of the “tail” domain as such for filament network properties, we employed a “tail”-truncated desmin. Under standard conditions, it formed extended regular filaments, but failed to generate strain stiffening. Hence, these data strongly indicate that the “tail” domain is responsible for attractive filament-filament interactions. Moreover, these types of interactions may also be relevant to the network properties of the desmin cytoskeleton in patient muscle.  相似文献   
Nitric oxide (NO) is a janus faced chemical messenger, which, in the recent years, has been the focus of neurobiologists for its involvement in neurodegenerative disorders in particular, Parkinson's disease (PD). Nitric oxide synthase, the key enzyme involved in NO production exists in three known isoforms. The neuronal and inducible isoforms have been implicated in the pathogenesis of PD. These enzymes are subject to complex expressional and functional regulation involving mRNA diversity, phosphorylation and protein interaction. In the recent years, mRNA diversity and polymorphisms have been identified in the NOS isoforms. Some of these genetic variations have been associated with PD, indicating an etiological role for the NOS genes. This review mainly focuses on the NOS genes - their differential regulation and genetic heterogeneity, highlighting their significance in the pathobiology of PD.  相似文献   
Gonorrhea, a sexually transmitted disease caused by Neisseria gonorrhoeae, is an important cause of morbidity worldwide. A safe and effective vaccine against gonorrhea is needed because of emerging resistance of gonococci to almost every class of antibiotic. A gonococcal lipooligosaccharide epitope defined by the mAb 2C7 is being evaluated as a candidate for development of an Ab-based vaccine. Immune Abs against N. gonorrhoeae need to overcome several subversive mechanisms whereby gonococcus evades complement, including binding to C4b-binding protein (C4BP; classical pathway inhibitor) and factor H (alternative pathway [AP] inhibitor). The role of AP recruitment and, in particular, properdin in assisting killing of gonococci by specific Abs is the subject of this study. We show that only those gonococcal strains that bind C4BP require properdin for killing by 2C7, whereas strains that do not bind C4BP are efficiently killed by 2C7 even when AP function is blocked. C3 deposition on bacteria mirrored killing. Recruitment of the AP by mAb 2C7, as measured by factor B binding, occurred in a properdin-dependent manner. These findings were confirmed using isogenic mutant strains that differed in their ability to bind to C4BP. Immune human serum that contained bactericidal Abs directed against the 2C7 lipooligosaccharide epitope as well as murine antigonococcal antiserum required functional properdin to kill C4BP-binding strains, but not C4BP-nonbinding strains. Collectively, these data point to an important role for properdin in facilitating immune Ab-mediated complement-dependent killing of gonococcal strains that inhibit the classical pathway by recruiting C4BP.  相似文献   


Transthyretin (TTR) is a homotetrameric serum and cerebrospinal fluid protein that transports thyroxine (T4) and retinol by binding to retinol binding protein. Rate-limiting tetramer dissociation and rapid monomer misfolding and disassembly of TTR lead to amyloid fibril formation in different tissues causing various amyloid diseases. Based on the current understanding of the pathogenesis of TTR amyloidosis, it is considered that the inhibition of amyloid fibril formation by stabilization of TTR in native tetrameric form is a viable approach for the treatment of TTR amyloidosis.

Methodology and Principal Findings

We have examined interactions of the wtTTR with a series of compounds containing various substitutions at biphenyl ether skeleton and a novel compound, previously evaluated for binding and inhibiting tetramer dissociation, by x-ray crystallographic approach. High resolution crystal structures of five ligands in complex with wtTTR provided snapshots of negatively cooperative binding of ligands in two T4 binding sites besides characterizing their binding orientations, conformations, and interactions with binding site residues. In all complexes, the ligand has better fit and more potent interactions in first T4 site i.e. (AC site) than the second T4 site (BD site). Together, these results suggest that AC site is a preferred ligand binding site and retention of ordered water molecules between the dimer interfaces further stabilizes the tetramer by bridging a hydrogen bond interaction between Ser117 and its symmetric copy.


Novel biphenyl ether based compounds exhibit negative-cooperativity while binding to two T4 sites which suggests that binding of only single ligand molecule is sufficient to inhibit the TTR tetramer dissociation.  相似文献   
Mehra S  Charaniya S  Takano E  Hu WS 《PloS one》2008,3(7):e2724
Many microorganisms, including bacteria of the class Streptomycetes, produce various secondary metabolites including antibiotics to gain a competitive advantage in their natural habitat. The production of these compounds is highly coordinated in a population to expedite accumulation to an effective concentration. Furthermore, as antibiotics are often toxic even to their producers, a coordinated production allows microbes to first arm themselves with a defense mechanism to resist their own antibiotics before production commences. One possible mechanism of coordination among individuals is through the production of signaling molecules. The gamma-butyrolactone system in Streptomyces coelicolor is a model of such a signaling system for secondary metabolite production. The accumulation of these signaling molecules triggers antibiotic production in the population. A pair of repressor-amplifier proteins encoded by scbA and scbR mediates the production and action of one particular gamma-butyrolactone, SCB1. Based on the proposed interactions of scbA and scbR, a mathematical model was constructed and used to explore the ability of this system to act as a robust genetic switch. Stability analysis shows that the butyrolactone system exhibits bistability and, in response to a threshold SCB1 concentration, can switch from an OFF state to an ON state corresponding to the activation of genes in the cryptic type I polyketide synthase gene cluster, which are responsible for production of the hypothetical polyketide. The switching time is inversely related to the inducer concentration above the threshold, such that short pulses of low inducer concentration cannot switch on the system, suggesting its possible role in noise filtering. In contrast, secondary metabolite production can be triggered rapidly in a population of cells producing the butyrolactone signal due to the presence of an amplification loop in the system. S. coelicolor was perturbed experimentally by varying concentrations of SCB1, and the model simulations match the experimental data well. Deciphering the complexity of this butyrolactone switch will provide valuable insights into how robust and efficient systems can be designed using "simple" two-protein networks.  相似文献   
The proteorhodopsin family consists of hundreds of homologous retinal containing membrane proteins found in bacteria in the photic zone of the oceans. They are colour tuned to their environment and act as light-driven proton pumps with a potential energetic and regulatory function. Precise structural details are still unknown. Here, the green proteorhodopsin variant has been selected for a chemical shift analysis of retinal and Schiff base by solid-state NMR. Our data show that the chromophore exists in mainly all-trans configuration in the proteorhodopsin ground state. The optical absorption maximum together with retinal and Schiff base chemical shifts indicate a strong interaction network between chromophore and opsin. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. Mark Lorch and Andreas C. Woerner contributed equally to this work.  相似文献   
Phanerochaete chrysosporium, Pycnoporus cinnabarinus,and fungal isolates RCK-1 and RCK-3 were tested for their lignin degradation abilities when grown on wheat straw (WS) and Prosopis juliflora (PJ) under solid-state cultivation conditions. Fungal isolate RCK-1 degraded more lignin in WS (12.26% and 22.64%) and PJ (19.30% and 21.97%) and less holocellulose in WS (6.27% and 9.39%) and PJ (3.01% and 4.58%) after 10 and 20 days, respectively, than other fungi tested. Phanerochaete chrysosporium caused higher substrate mass loss and degraded more of holocellulosic content (WS: 55.67%; PJ: 48.89%) than lignin (WS: 18.89%; PJ: 20.20%) after 20 days. The fungal pretreatment of WS and PJ with a high-lignin-degrading and low-holocellulose-degrading fungus (fungal isolate RCK-1) for 10 days resulted in (i) reduction in acid load for hydrolysis of structural polysaccharides (from 3.5% to 2.5% in WS and from 4.5% to 2.5% in PJ), (ii) an increase in the release of fermentable sugars (from 30.27 to 40.82 g L(-1) in WS and from 18.18 to 26.00 g L(-1) in PJ), and (iii) a reduction in fermentation inhibitors (total phenolics) in acid hydrolysate of WS (from 1.31 to 0.63 g L(-1)) and PJ (from 2.05 to 0.80 g L(-1)). Ethanol yield and volumetric productivity from RCK-1-treated WS (0.48 g g(-1) and 0.54 g L(-1) h(-1), respectively) and PJ (0.46 g g(-1) and 0.33 g L(-1) h(-1), respectively) were higher than untreated WS (0.36 g g(-1) and 0.30 g L(-1) h(-1), respectively) and untreated PJ (0.42 g g(-1) and 0.21 g L(-1) h(-1), respectively).  相似文献   
Human phospholipid scramblase 1 (hPLSCR1), a type II integral class membrane protein, is known to mediate bidirectional scrambling of phospholipids in a Ca2+-dependent manner. hPLSCR2, a homolog of hPLSCR1 that lacks N-terminal proline-rich domain (PRD), did not show scramblase activity. We attribute this absence of scramblase activity of hPLSCR2 to the lack of N-terminal PRD. Hence to investigate the above hypothesis, we added the PRD of hPLSCR1 to hPLSCR2 (PRD-hPLSCR2) and checked whether scramblase activity was restored. Functional assays showed that the addition of PRD to hPLSCR2 restored scrambling activity, and deletion of PRD in hPLSCR1 (ΔPRD-hPLSCR1) resulted in a lack of activity. These results suggest that PRD is crucial for the function of the protein. The effects of the PRD deletion in hPLSCR1 and the addition of PRD to hPLSCR2 were characterized using various spectroscopic techniques. Our results clearly showed that hPLSCR1 and PRD-hPLSCR2 showed Ca2+-dependent aggregation and scrambling activity, whereas hPLSCR2 and ΔPRD-hPLSCR1 did not show aggregation and activity. Thus we conclude that scramblases exhibit Ca2+-dependent scrambling activity by aggregation of protein. Our results provide a possible mechanism for phospholipid scrambling mediated by PLSCRs and the importance of PRD in its function and cellular localization.  相似文献   
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