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An intralocus genetic conflict occurs when a locus is selected in opposing directions in different subsets of a population. Populations with two sexes have the potential to host a pair of distinct intralocus conflicts: sexual antagonism and parental antagonism. In this article, we examine the population genetic consequences of these conflicts for X-linked genes. Both conflicts are capable of maintaining genetic variation in a population, but to different degrees. For weak sexual antagonism, the X chromosome has a higher opportunity for polymorphism than the autosomes. For parental antagonism, there is a very limited opportunity for polymorphism on the X chromosome relative to autosomes or to sexual antagonism. X-linkage introduces an asymmetry in the inheritance and expression of sexually and parentally antagonistic genes that leads to a biased fixation of alleles with certain effects. We find little support for the commonly held intuition that the X chromosome should be biased toward fixing female-beneficial alleles. Contrary to this intuition, we find that the X chromosome is biased toward fixation of male-beneficial alleles for much of the range of dominance. Additionally, we find that the X chromosome is more favorable to the fixation of alleles that are beneficial when maternally derived.  相似文献   
In Drosophila larvae, motoneurons show distinctive differences in the size of their synaptic boutons; that is, axon 1 has type Ib ("big" boutons) terminals and axon 2 has type Is ("small" boutons) terminals on muscle fibers 6 and 7. To determine whether axon 1 develops large boutons due to its high impulse activity, we reduced impulse activity and examined the motor terminals formed by axon 1. The number of functional Na(+) channels was reduced either with the nap(ts) mutation or by adding tetrodotoxin (TTX) to the media (0.1 microg/g). In both cases, the rate of locomotion was decreased by approximately 40%, presumably reflecting a decrease in impulse activity. Locomotor activity was restored to above wild-type (Canton-S) levels when nap(ts) was combined with a duplication of para, the Na(+)-channel gene. Lucifer yellow was injected into the axon 1 motor terminals, and we measured motor terminal area, length, the number of branches, and the number and width of synaptic boutons. Although all parameters were smaller in nap(ts) and TTX-treated larvae compared to wild-type, most of these differences were not significant when the differences in muscle fiber size were factored out. Only bouton width was significantly smaller in both different nap(ts) and TTX-treated larvae: boutons were about 20% smaller in nap(ts) and TTX-treated larvae, and 20% larger in nap(ts); Dp para(+) compared to wild-type. In addition, terminal area was significantly smaller in nap(ts) compared to wild-type. Bouton size at Ib terminals with reduced impulse activity was similar to that normally seen at Is terminals. Thus, differences in impulse activity play a major role in the differentiation of bouton size at Drosophila motor terminals.  相似文献   
Parental modifiers,antisense transcripts and loss of imprinting   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The kinship theory of genomic imprinting has explained parent-specific gene expression as the outcome of an evolutionary conflict between the two alleles at a diploid locus of an offspring over how much to demand from parents. Previous models have predicted that maternally derived (madumnal) alleles will be silent at demand-enhancing loci, while paternally derived (padumnal) alleles will be silent at demand-suppressing loci, but these models have not considered the evolution of trans-acting modifiers that are expressed in parents and influence imprinted expression in offspring. We show that such modifiers will sometimes be selected to reactivate the silent padumnal allele at a demand-suppressing locus but will not be selected to reactivate the silent madumnal allele at a demand-enhancing locus. Therefore, imprinting of demand-suppressing loci is predicted to be less evolutionarily stable than imprinting of demand-enhancing loci.  相似文献   
We have used a unique polymorphic 3' transduction to show that a human L1, or LINE-1 (long interspersed nucleotide element-1), retrotransposition event most likely occurred in the maternal primary oocyte during meiosis I. We characterized a truncated L1 retrotransposon with a 3' transduction that was inserted, in a Dutch male patient, into the X-linked gene CYBB, thereby causing chronic granulomatous disease. We used the unique flanking sequence to localize the precursor L1 locus, LRE3, to chromosome 2q24.1. In a cell culture assay, the retrotransposition frequency of LRE3 is greater than that for any other element that has been tested to date. The patient's mother had two LRE3 alleles that differed slightly in the 3'-flanking genomic DNA. The patient had a single LRE3 allele that was identical to one of the maternal alleles; however, the patient's insertion matched the maternal LRE3 allele that he did not inherit. Other data indicate that there is only a small chance that the father (unavailable for analysis) carries the precursor LRE3 allele. In addition, paternal origin of the insertion would have required that an LRE3 mRNA transcribed before meiosis II be carried separately from its precursor LRE3 allele in the fertilizing sperm. Since the mother carries a potential precursor allele and the insertion was on the patient's maternal X chromosome, it is highly likely that the insertion originated during maternal meiosis I.  相似文献   
Keshishian H 《Neuron》2002,33(4):491-492
The bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs) are secreted polypeptides of the TGF-beta family, whose diverse functions include primary neural induction and the dorsoventral patterning of the neural tube. In this issue of Neuron, Aberle et al. (2002) and Marqués et al. present evidence that BMP receptors may also influence the development of synapses. The results suggest a novel mechanism for regulating neuronal growth and synaptic homeostasis during development.  相似文献   
Parent-specific gene expression (genomic imprinting) is an evolutionary puzzle because it forgoes an important advantage of diploidy--protection against the effects of deleterious recessive mutations. Three hypotheses claim to have found a countervailing selective advantage of parent-specific expression. Imprinting is proposed to have evolved because it enhances evolvability in a changing environment, protects females against the ravages of invasive trophoblast, or because natural selection acts differently on genes of maternal and paternal origin in interactions among kin. The last hypothesis has received the most extensive theoretical development and seems the best supported by the properties of known imprinted genes. However, the hypothesis is yet to provide a compelling explanation for many examples of imprinting.  相似文献   
Stable-isotope probing and metagenomics were applied to study samples taken from laboratory-scale slow sand filters 0.5, 1, 2, 3 and 4 h after challenging with 13C-labelled Escherichia coli to determine the mechanisms and organisms responsible for coliform removal. Before spiking, the filters had been continuously operated for 7 weeks using water from the River Kelvin, Glasgow as their influent source. Direct counts and quantitative PCR assays revealed a clear predator–prey response between protozoa and E. coli. The importance of top-down trophic-interactions was confirmed by metagenomic analysis, identifying several protozoan and viral species connected to E. coli attrition, with protozoan grazing responsible for the majority of the removal. In addition to top-down mechanisms, indirect mechanisms, such as algal reactive oxygen species-induced lysis, and mutualistic interactions between algae and fungi, were also associated with coliform removal. The findings significantly further our understanding of the processes and trophic interactions underpinning E. coli removal. This study provides an example for similar studies, and the opportunity to better understand, manage and enhance E. coli removal by allowing the creation of more complex trophic interaction models.  相似文献   
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