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The impact of ticks on pheasant territoriality   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Pheasants are competent reservoir hosts for the Lyme disease spirochaete, Borrelia burgdorferi s.l., and carry large, but highly over-dispersed, infestations of the vector ticks, Ixodes ricinus . The effects of experimental reduction of tick infestation levels on the survival and territorial behaviour of male pheasants were studied. Over three years in two woodlands in southern England, birds were marked individually and half were fitted with a slow-release acaricide, which substantially reduced their tick burdens from March to August. Acaricide treatment affected reproductive success but had no discernible impact on the survival rates of male pheasants. The degree of wattle inflation by males, an indicator of territorial status and a correlate of harem acquisition, was significantly greater among treated males. In each year, a significantly higher proportion of treated (overall 44%) than control (22%) males acquired harems. Males that acquired females ranged over small areas on field edges. By contrast, those with no females ranged more widely in woods and the adjoining fields, increasing their exposure to questing ticks. The relative contribution of such roving males to tick-borne pathogen transmission may thus increase.  相似文献   
The relationship between prominent visual imagery and emotion within dreams was investigated in relation to E. Hartmann's (1996) contextualizing image (CI) theory and M. Seligman and A. Yellen's (1987) dual imagery theory. Fifty-nine students recorded dreams over a 2-week period and submitted 115 dreams for analysis. Participants recorded ratings of emotion type and emotion intensity in each scene. Prominent visual images were identified and scored for intensity and detail by independent judges. As hypothesized from Hartmann's theory, there was a significant positive relationship between CI intensity and emotion intensity in the CI scene, emotion intensity generally peaked in the CI scene, and dreams containing a CI had higher overall ratings of emotion intensity than non-CI dreams. The result for the correlation of detail of prominent imagery with emotion was inconclusive, with a low positive correlation across CI scenes. This raises the possibility that the CI is not a unitary construct. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   
An enzyme-linked fluorometric assay is described for the continuous monitoring of the unidirectional efflux of glutamate from guinea-pig synaptosomes. Glutamate efflux from freshly suspended, polarized synaptosomes occurs at 0.35-0.39 nmol min-1 mg of protein-1 and is not significantly affected by external Ca2+. KCl depolarization (30 mMKCl) in the absence of Ca2+ doubles this rate, whereas in the presence of Ca2+, the initial kinetics of the assay are consistent with the release in the first 5 s of 0.6 nmol mg of protein-1. The final extent of Ca2+-dependent release amounts to 1.9 nmol mg of protein-1, or 8.5% of the total intrasynaptosomal glutamate content. Preincubation of synaptosomes at 30 degrees C for 2 h before depolarization leads to a decrease in Ca2+-independent release and an increase in Ca2+-dependent release, consistent with an intrasynaptosomal relocation of the amino acid.  相似文献   
Synopsis Radio telemetry was used to study the movements of European eels,Anguilla anguilla, in a small (1.2 ha) lake in southwestern Spain in March and April, 1985. Observations were taken on the locations of 7 eels at least once each 2 h for a combined total of 1713 h. The size of individual activity regions varied from 2700 to 1300 m2. Eels covered a larger area at night than during the day, with an average of 23% and 42% of the activity region used during the day and night respectively. Average distance moved between observations was significantly greater at night than in the day. Eels tracked during rainy and cloudy weather were more active during the day and used a larger total area than did those tracked during drier, more stable weather. The standing crop of eels was estimated to be about 77 kg ha–1.  相似文献   
Summary The distribution of middle repetitive sequences in the genic and extragenic regions of the rat albumin and -fetoprotein genes was analyzed. Their presence was determined by probing Southern blots of restriction fragments of albumin and -fetoprotein genomic subclones with 32P-labeled total rat DNA. Repetitive sequences were detected in both genes. They were classified as weak, moderate and intense hybridizing elements according to the intensity of hybridization. Weak repetitive sequences were characterized as dG·dT repeats by using 32P-labeled poly-(dG·dT)(dC·dA) oligomer probe. They occurred in 5 and 3 extragenic regions of the two genes and in introns 4 and 5 of the albumin gene. The moderate repetitive sequence present in intron 6 of the albumin gene was identified as the rat SINES element, 4D12. The intense repetitive sequence, localized in the 3 non-coding region of the albumin gene, corresponded to the terminal segment of a rat high repeat long interspersed DNA family, L1Rn. 4D12 and L1Rn sequences were also scattered throughout the -fetoprotein locus as moderate and intense repetitive elements, respectively, but their distribution was different from that of the albumin genomic region. These results indicate that repetitive sequences invaded the two loci in a non-conservative manner.  相似文献   
Careful cutting of the hypocotyl of Ricinus communis L. seedlings led to the exudation of pure sieve-tube sap for 2–3 h. This offered the possibility of testing the phloem-loading system qualitatively and quantitatively by incubating the cotyledons with different solutes of various concentrations to determine whether or not these solutes were loaded into the sieve tubes. The concentration which was achieved by loading and the time course could also be documented. This study concentrated on the loading of sucrose because it is the major naturally translocated sieve-tube compound. The sucrose concentration of sieve-tube sap was approx. 300 mM when the cotyledons were buried in the endosperm. When the cotyledons were excised from the endosperm and incubated in buffer, the sucrose concentration decreased gradually to 80–100 mM. This sucrose level was maintained for several hours by starch breakdown. Incubation of the excised cotyledons in sucrose caused the sucrose concentration in the sieve tubes to rise from 80 to 400 mM, depending on the sucrose concentration in the medium. Thus the sucrose concentration in the sieve tubes could be manipulated over a wide range. The transfer of labelled sucrose to the sieve-tube sap took 10 min; full isotope equilibration was finally reached after 2 h. An increase of K+ in the medium or in the sieve tubes did not change the sucrose concentration in the sievetube sap. Similarly the experimentally induced change of sucrose concentration in the sieve tubes did not affect the K+ concentration in the exudate. High concentrations of K+, however, strongly reduced the flow rate of exudation. Similar results were obtained with Na+ (data not shown). The minimum translocation speed in the sieve tubes in vivo was calculated from the growth increment of the seedling to be 1.03 m·h-1, a value, which on average was also obtained for the exudation system with the endosperm attached. This comparison of the in-vivo rate of phloem transport and the exudation rate from cut hypocotyls indicates that sink control of phloem transport in the seedlings of that particular age was small, if there was any at all, and that the results from the experimental exudation system were probably not falsified by removal of the sink tissues.Abbreviations PTS 3-hydroxy-5,8, 10-pyrenetrisulfonate  相似文献   
Previous studies have established that Schwann cells (SC) in culture express an NGF receptor. In this study, cultures of fetal human SC were established from fetal nerves and various light microscopic (LM) and electron microscopic (EM) techniques were used to localize the NGF receptor on the SC. Results indicate that NGF receptor is localized to the plasma membrane of the SC. Quantitative digital analysis determined that the distal portion of the SC process had high concentrations of NGF receptor. The possible functional significance of this latter observation is discussed in terms of SC migration and ensheathment of axons.  相似文献   
Synopsis At high latitudes, such as in Iceland, the daily photoperiod varies from almost continuous darkness in winter to virtually constant light in summer. Previous studies of detailed retinal structure in vertebrates have shown significant daily and annual effects of photoperiod. We sampled arctic charr in Iceland during the summer, including fish that were both light- and dark-adapted, during both day and night. We observed retinomotor responses characteristic of light- and dark-adaptation, but found no difference in the number of synaptic ribbons in the retina. The morpho-physiological changes, appearing as retinomotor responses, are thus not expressed at the synaptic level.  相似文献   
Summary Effects of Ca2+ ionophores, A23187 and lasalocid, on superoxide anion generation by chemotactic peptide, N-formyl-methionyl-leucyl-phenylalanine methyl ester, in rabbit peritoneal exudate neutrophils were studied. The ionophores by themselves did not activate superoxide anion generation in these neutrophils. When preincubated with the cells for 2 min, both the ionophores inhibited superoxide generation induced by chemotactic peptide. The inhibition was present even in the absence of extracellular Ca2+ and the inhibition was better then. Lasalocid produces a dose-dependent chlortetracycline fluorescence decrease response in neutrophils loaded with chlortetracycline. This response is independent of extracellular Ca2+ concentration and is related to release of Ca2+ from intracellular storage sites. The dose-range at which lasalocid gives this response is same as the dose-range at which it causes inhibition of superoxide response. It may be concluded that the inhibition of superoxide generation by these ionophores is correlated to intracellular Ca2+ modulation.Abbreviations FMLP Formyl-Methionyl-Leucyl-Phenylalanine methyl ester  相似文献   
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