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Arjun Singh  T. R. Manney 《Genetics》1974,77(4):661-670
A suppressor SUP101 of alleles trp5-67 and trp5-18 of the trp5 locus of Saccharomyces cerevisiae is described. The two suppressible mutations have been previously classified as missense. The suppression does not result from a physiological bypass of the tryptophan synthetase-catalyzed reaction, since the suppression is allele-specific. IU alleles trp5-70, tryp5-95, and trp5-102; IA alleles trp5-81, trp5-101, and trp5-103; and the ochre alleles trp5-33 and trp5-48 are not suppressed by SUP101. SUP101 does not suppress ochre alleles ade2-1, his5-2, arg4-17, lys1-1, amber alleles trp1-1, tyr7-1, or unclassified alleles at a number of other loci. These results indicate SUP101 is a missense suppressor. Growth on tryptophanless media is dependent upon gene dosage of both the suppressor and the suppressible alleles. Only the diploids homozygous both for the suppressor and suppressible alleles produce growth equivalent to growth of the haploids bearing a suppressible allele and the suppressor. Suppressor-bearing strains grow poorly even on tryptophan-supplemented media. In more than 100 asci analyzed partial growth inhibition on the complete medium always segregated with the suppressor.  相似文献   
Summary Four exotic and four indigenous strains of barley were used for making diallel crosses. The sets of parents and crosses making full, half and quarter diallel were analysed in a randomized block design for plant height, number of effective tillers, ear length, grain yield per plant, 100 grain weight and number of grains per ear.The three alternatives of diallel were similar with respect to the estimates of degree of dominance, general combining ability and specific combining ability, indicating that all these three methods of diallel were equally efficient. However, as the number of entries are minimum in quarter diallel, it would be economical in terms of cost, time and labour to estimate genetic parameters by this method. Average degree of dominance was found in the range of overdominance. The ranking of parents on the basis of their array mean was similar to the ranking based on gca effects. Similarly, the ranking of crosses on the basis of per se performance was similar to the ranking based on sca effects. This suggests that the selection of best general combiner or best cross combinations may be easier and more effective through array mean for per se performance rather than through high gca and sea effects, respectively. From among 56 crosses, IB-226 X X C-164 was the one which showed superiority for maximum number of characters followed by AB-12/59 X PTS-57. High sea effect for plant height, ear length, grain yield, 100 grain weight and number of grains per ear was the result of cross between parents having high X low general combining ability, indicating additive X dominance type of gene interaction. For number of effective tillers, high sca was produced by low x low general combiners, indicating dominance x dominance gene interaction.Part of a Ph. D. thesis submitted by senior author to Haryana Agricultural University, Hissar.  相似文献   
Summary Laboratory studies to determine the tolerance of an isolate ofAlternaria tenuis causing a black core rot of mandarin oranges (Citrus reticulata) have shown that presence of low amounts of manganese, zinc, iron, copper, boron, and molybdenum in a synthetic medium stimulated growth and sporulation of the fungus. Concentrations of 20 ppm or more of copper sulphate, boric acid, and ammonium molybdate, however, caused significant reduction of growth. Conidia of the fungus were very sensitive to even low amounts of copper, zinc, and iron. Copper sulphate was most toxic to spore germination followed, in order of inhibitory effect, by zinc sulphate, ferrous sulphate, and boric acid. Ammonium molybdate and manganese sulphate were stimulatory to spore germination at 5 ppm. There was a positive correlation between percentage of spore germination and average length of germ tubes in different concentrations of various chemicals. The possibility of using copper sulphate, zinc sulphate, and ferrous sulphate as spray materials for trees and as dip for ripe fruits to prevent black core rot are discussed.Assoc. Professor and Research Assistant, respectively. Publication under journal series No. 27 from Experiment Station, U.P. Agricultural University.  相似文献   
Virucidal Effect of Transient Electric Arcs in Aqueous Systems   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Bacterial and animal viruses were inactivated by high voltage electrical discharges in water. The sensitivity of phages to the immediate component of this effect was correlated to the sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation. Transient electrical arcs in weak electrolytes also generated chemical compounds which were virucidal against phages T3, T5, and varphiX174 but were only slightly virucidal against phages T2 and T4.  相似文献   
Summary The thyroid gland of Mystus vittatus and Esomus danricus showed seasonal activity in its epithelial cell height and radioiodine uptake. These two indices of activity agree in E. danricus. Under normal photoperiods both species exhibited two phases of optimum activity, one in April through May, the other in September. The active periods were characterized by high iodine uptake and increased follicular cell height. These peaks of activity alternated with more quiescent phases, minimal iodine uptake and low follicular epithelium. In specimens exposed to constant illumination the active and quiescent phases were advanced by two months. But for this change the general pattern of activity was the same as that in animals kept under normal photoperiodic conditions. Specimens subjected to total darkness showed a higher level of activity throughout the year in comparison to the other two groups. However, a distinct seasonal cycle, which was evident with normal photoperiods and continuous illumination, was absent in total darkness.I am greatly indebted to Dr. A. G. Sathyanesan, Banaras Hindu University, for his encouragement, and to Professor S. P. Ray-Chaudhuri, Banaras Hindu University, for providing laboratory facilities.  相似文献   
Summary This paper presents the results of an experimental enquiry into the effects of phosphorus deficiency and age on the nitrogen metabolism in component parts of mint plants (Mentha arvensis var.piperascens).Estimation of various nitrogenous fractions i.e. ammoniacal, nitrate, amide, rest, total soluble, total insoluble and total nitrogen were made in leaf, stem and root of mint plants, collected from full-nutrient and phosphorus-deficient cultures, at subsequent stages of the life cycle. The outstanding effect of phosphorus deficiency was noted: an increased accumulation of amides resulting in poor formation of proteins which suggested interference in protein synthesis beyond amide stage. Leaf showed maximum percentage of nitrogen in the insoluble form. The stem served as channel for transport and storage and invariably showed high concentration of soluble nitrogen fractions.  相似文献   
Summary Mutant strains of Anabaena cycadeae Reinke have been isolated after ultra-violet irradiation. All the four mutants described appear to be stable. They have been identified on the basis of their pigment composition, nutritional requirements, photoautotrophic growth and reaction to light. Strain 10 M 1 L is a non-nitrogen-fixing mutant as indicated by its inability to grow on basal medium (AA) deficient in combined nitrogen. Strain 10 M 1 L /10 M 1 D is apochlorotic, and grows very slowly on medium AA-3 both in light and dark but comparatively better under the latter condition. Strain 10 M 1 L /10 M 2 D is deficient in -carotenoid, photosensitive and able to grow in dark only on AA-3 medium while strain 10 M 1 L /10 M 3 D is a photoheterotrophic nitrogen-fixer.  相似文献   
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