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This first-in-dog study evaluates the use of the PET-radioligand [11C]DASB to image the density and availability of the serotonin transporter (SERT) in the canine brain. Imaging the serotonergic system could improve diagnosis and therapy of multiple canine behavioural disorders. Furthermore, as many similarities are reported between several human neuropsychiatric conditions and naturally occurring canine behavioural disorders, making this tracer available for use in dogs also provide researchers an interesting non-primate animal model to investigate human disorders. Five adult beagles underwent a 90 minutes dynamic PET scan and arterial whole blood was sampled throughout the scan. For each ROI, the distribution volume (VT), obtained via the one- and two- tissue compartment model (1-TC, 2-TC) and the Logan Plot, was calculated and the goodness-of-fit was evaluated by the Akaike Information Criterion (AIC). For the preferred compartmental model BPND values were estimated and compared with those derived by four reference tissue models: 4-parameter RTM, SRTM2, MRTM2 and the Logan reference tissue model. The 2-TC model indicated in 61% of the ROIs a better fit compared to the 1-TC model. The Logan plot produced almost identical VT values and can be used as an alternative. Compared with the 2-TC model, all investigated reference tissue models showed high correlations but small underestimations of the BPND-parameter. The highest correlation was achieved with the Logan reference tissue model (Y = 0.9266 x + 0.0257; R2 = 0.9722). Therefore, this model can be put forward as a non-invasive standard model for future PET-experiments with [11C]DASB in dogs.  相似文献   
Recently, the sequence of the human receptor for insulin-like growth factor II (IGF-II) was found to be 80% identical [Morgan et al., (1987) Nature 329, 301-307] to the sequence of a partial clone of the bovine cation-independent mannose-6-phosphate receptor [Lobel et al., (1987) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 84, 2233-2237]. In the present study, the purified receptor for insulin-like growth factor II (IGF-II) was found to react with two different polyclonal antibodies to the purified mannose-6-phosphate receptor. Moreover, mannose-6-phosphate was found to stimulate the binding of labeled IGF-II to the IGF-II receptor by two-fold. This effect had the same specificity and affinity as the reported binding of mannose-6-phosphate to its receptor; mannose-1-phosphate and mannose had no effect on the binding of labeled IGF-II to its receptor, and the half-maximally effective concentration of mannose-6-phosphate was 0.3 mM. Also, mannose-6-phosphate did not affect labeled IGF-II binding to the insulin receptor. These results support the hypothesis that a single protein of Mr-250,000 binds both IGF-II and mannose-6-phosphate. Furthermore, they indicate that mannose-6-phosphate can modulate the interaction of IGF-II to its receptor.  相似文献   
The adaptation of plants to particular soil types has long intrigued biologists. Gypsum soils occupy large areas in many regions of the world and host a striking biological diversity, but their vegetation has been much less studied than that developing over serpentine or saline soils. Herein, we review all aspects of plant life on gypsum ecosystems, discuss the main processes driving their structure and functioning, and highlight the main conservation threats that they face. Plant communities in gypsum habitats typically show distinctive bands at very small spatial scales, which are mainly determined by topography. Plants living on gypsum soils can be classified into three categories: (i) wide gypsophiles are specialists that can penetrate the physical soil crust during early life stages and have physiological adjustments to cope with the chemical limitations imposed by gypsum soils; (ii) narrow gypsophiles are refugee plants which successfully deal with the physical soil crust and can tolerate these chemical limitations but do not show specific adaptations for this type of soils; and (iii) gypsovags are non‐specialist gypsum plants that can only thrive in gypsum soils when the physical crust is absent or reduced. Their ability to survive in gypsum soils may also be mediated by below‐ground interactions with soil microorganisms. Gypsophiles and gypsovags show efficient germination at low temperatures, seed and fruit heteromorphism within and among populations, and variation in seed dormancy among plants and populations. In gypsum ecosystems, spatio‐temporal changes in the composition and structure of above‐ground vegetation are closely related to those of the soil seed bank. Biological soil crusts (BSCs) dominated by cyanobacteria, lichens and mosses are conspicuous in gypsum environments worldwide, and are important drivers of ecosystem processes such as carbon and nitrogen cycling, water infiltration and run‐off and soil stability. These organisms are also important determinants of the structure of annual plant communities living on gypsum soils. The short‐distance seed dispersal of gypsophiles is responsible for the high number of very narrow endemisms typically found in gypsum outcrops, and suggests that these species are evolutionarily old taxa due to the time they need to colonize isolated gypsum outcrops by chance. Climate change and habitat fragmentation negatively affect both plants and BSCs in gypsum habitats, and are among the major threats to these ecosystems. Gypsum habitats and specialists offer the chance to advance our knowledge on restrictive soils, and are ideal models not only to test important evolutionary questions such as tolerance to low Ca/Mg proportions in soils, but also to improve the theoretical framework of community ecology and ecosystem functioning.  相似文献   
ObjectiveRisk factors for differentiated thyroid carcinoma (DTC) are poorly understood, but serum TSH levels, thyroid nodularity, and presence of autoimmunity are well-recognized factors that modulate DTC prevalence. TSH stimulates proliferation of both normal and neoplastic follicular cells. Consequently, thyroid-stimulating immunoglobulins (TSI), because of its TSH-like action, should induce DTC progression in patients with Graves’ disease (GD). The study objective was to compare the prevalence of incidental DTC in patients undergoing thyroidectomy for benign thyroid disease.MethodsThe pathology reports of 372 patients with preoperative diagnosis of euthyroid multinodular goiter (EMG) or hyperthyroidism were reviewed. Scintigraphy results and serum TSI levels were used to diagnosed either GD or hyperactive MG (HMG) to hyperthyroid subjects. Prevalence of DTC in each category was calculated using a Chi-square test.ResultsEMG, GD, and HMG were diagnosed in 221, 125, and 26 patients. There were 58 DTCs, distributed as follows [n (%)]: EMG, 49 (22.2%); GD, 8 (6.4%), and HMG, 1 (3.8%). Difference in prevalence of incidental DTC between the groups was statistically significant (p < 0.001). After adjustment for age, patients with EMG had a greater DTC prevalence than GD patients, with an OR of 4.17 (p < 0.001). Tumor size (mm, mean ± SD) was 6.92 ± 11.26, 1.97 ± 1.85, and 9.0 for EMG, GD and HMG respectively (p = 0.017).ConclusionsIncidental DTC was less prevalent in GD as compared to EMG irrespective of age. This finding may suggest a predisposition to develop DTC in patients with thyroid nodular disease and/or a potential effect of autoimmunity to protect against development of neoplastic disease.  相似文献   
DNA vaccines consisted of tumor-associated antigen (TAA) are well suited for immunotherapy against tumor. The construct can contain TAA fused to an appropriate molecule (biologic adjuvant) to improve the efficacy of anti-tumor immune response. Heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) has been shown to be an excellent candidate, capable of cross-priming TAA by antigen presenting cells leading to a robust T-cell response. However, the relationship between strong T-cell responses and tumor rejection is not always mutually exclusive, for which TAA loss or activation of suppressive mechanisms may occur. HSP70 fused to downstream of Her2/neu as DNA vaccine has been shown to be efficient against Her2-expressing tumors. In this study, we examined if N-terminally fusion of Her2/neu to HSP70 could also improve efficiency of Her2/neu DNA vaccine. Therefore, mice with an established Her2/neu expressing tumor were immunized with DNA vaccine consisting of extracellular and trans-membrane domain (EC+TM) of rat Her2/neu alone or N-terminally fused to HSP70 and immune response was evaluated. Administration of rat Her2/neu led to partial control of tumor progression. Surprisingly, fusion of HSP70 to N-terminal of rat Her2/neu led to tumor progression. Our result proposes that fusion direction of biologic adjuvant is an important consideration when Her2/neu is used.  相似文献   
Reperfusion of ischemic tissue induces significant tissue damage in multiple conditions, including myocardial infarctions, stroke, and transplantation. Although not as common, the mortality rate of mesenteric ischemia/reperfusion (IR) remains >70%. Although complement and naturally occurring Abs are known to mediate significant damage during IR, the target Ags are intracellular molecules. We investigated the role of the serum protein, β2-glycoprotein I as an initiating Ag for Ab recognition and β2-glycoprotein I (β2-GPI) peptides as a therapeutic for mesenteric IR. The time course of β2-GPI binding to the tissue indicated binding and complement activation within 15 min postreperfusion. Treatment of wild-type mice with peptides corresponding to the lipid binding domain V of β2-GPI blocked intestinal injury and inflammation, including cellular influx and cytokine and eicosanoid production. The optimal therapeutic peptide (peptide 296) contained the lysine-rich region of domain V. In addition, damage and most inflammation were also blocked by peptide 305, which overlaps with peptide 296 but does not contain the lysine-rich, phospholipid-binding region. Importantly, peptide 296 retained efficacy after replacement of cysteine residues with serine. In addition, infusion of wild-type serum containing reduced levels of anti-β2-GPI Abs into Rag-1(-/-) mice prevented IR-induced intestinal damage and inflammation. Taken together, these data suggest that the serum protein β2-GPI initiates the IR-induced intestinal damage and inflammatory response and as such is a critical therapeutic target for IR-induced damage and inflammation.  相似文献   
The glycosyltransferases (GTs) are an important and functionally diverse family of enzymes involved in glycan and glycoside biosynthesis. Plants have evolved large families of GTs which undertake the array of glycosylation reactions that occur during plant development and growth. Based on the Carbohydrate‐Active enZymes (CAZy) database, the genome of the reference plant Arabidopsis thaliana codes for over 450 GTs, while the rice genome (Oryza sativa) contains over 600 members. Collectively, GTs from these reference plants can be classified into over 40 distinct GT families. Although these enzymes are involved in many important plant specific processes such as cell‐wall and secondary metabolite biosynthesis, few have been functionally characterized. We have sought to develop a plant GTs clone resource that will enable functional genomic approaches to be undertaken by the plant research community. In total, 403 (88%) of CAZy defined Arabidopsis GTs have been cloned, while 96 (15%) of the GTs coded by rice have been cloned. The collection resulted in the update of a number of Arabidopsis GT gene models. The clones represent full‐length coding sequences without termination codons and are Gateway® compatible. To demonstrate the utility of this JBEI GT Collection, a set of efficient particle bombardment plasmids (pBullet) was also constructed with markers for the endomembrane. The utility of the pBullet collection was demonstrated by localizing all members of the Arabidopsis GT14 family to the Golgi apparatus or the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). Updates to these resources are available at the JBEI GT Collection website http://www.addgene.org/ .  相似文献   
Carbonic anhydrases (CAs) are one of the promising targets for the development of anticancer agents. CA isoforms are implicated in various physiological processes and are expressed in both normal and cancerous cells. Thus, non-isoform selective inhibitors are associated with several side effects. Consequently, designing selective inhibitors towards cancer-related hCA IX/XII rather than the ubiquitous cytosolic isozymes hCA I and II is the main research objective in the field. Herein, a new series of 3-(6-methylpyridin-2-yl)coumarin derivatives 3 and 5a–o was designed and synthesised. The CA inhibition activities for the synthesised coumarins were analysed on isoforms hCA I, II, IX, and XII. Interestingly, both cancer-linked isoforms hCA IX/XII were inhibited by the prepared coumarins with inhibition constants ranging from sub- to low-micromolar range, whereas hCA I and II isoforms haven’t been inhibited up to 100 µM. Furthermore, the target coumarins were assessed for their antitumor activity on NCI-59 human cancer types.  相似文献   
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