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We interact with the world through the assessment of available, but sometimes imperfect, sensory information. However, little is known about how variance in the quality of sensory information affects the regulation of controlled actions. In a series of three experiments, comprising a total of seven behavioral studies, we examined how different types of spatial frequency information affect underlying processes of response inhibition and selection. Participants underwent a stop-signal task, a two choice speed/accuracy balance experiment, and a variant of both these tasks where prior information was given about the nature of stimuli. In all experiments, stimuli were either intact, or contained only high-, or low- spatial frequencies. Overall, drift diffusion model analysis showed a decreased rate of information processing when spatial frequencies were removed, whereas the criterion for information accumulation was lowered. When spatial frequency information was intact, the cost of response inhibition increased (longer SSRT), while a correct response was produced faster (shorter reaction times) and with more certainty (decreased errors). When we manipulated the motivation to respond with a deadline (i.e., be fast or accurate), removal of spatial frequency information slowed response times only when instructions emphasized accuracy. However, the slowing of response times did not improve error rates, when compared to fast instruction trials. These behavioral studies suggest that the removal of spatial frequency information differentially affects the speed of response initiation, inhibition, and the efficiency to balance fast or accurate responses. More generally, the present results indicate a task-independent influence of basic sensory information on strategic adjustments in action control.  相似文献   
Morphological studies were carried out with peach flower buds collected monthly in 1989 and 1990, from two months before leaf fall (7 March) until two to three weeks before bloom (7/8 August). Chilled (2–4°C for 30 days) and unchilled buds were exposed to 20 to 25°C, 100% RH and continuous light. Gibberellin A3 (3 ng or 30 ng) was applied to some of the non-chilled cuttings at three days intervals. Then, 12, 19, and 26 days after they were planted, the buds were sampled and processed for histological studies. Cultured flower buds (chilled or unchilled) had accelerated anther and gynoecium morphogenesis after 12 days under controlled conditions, compared to buds processed immediately after collection from the field. Chilling treatment augmented the bud culture effect, while Gibberellin A3 applications to the excised buds retarded bud morphogenesis to a stage comparable to that of buds collected directly from the field. This, suggests that the comparatively high levels of Gibberellin A1/3 we previously found in mid winter [15, 18] could be at least one of the factors that controls floral bud dormancy by retarding anther and gynoecium development.  相似文献   
Aim The seagrass, Posidonia oceanica is a clonal angiosperm endemic to the Mediterranean Sea. Previous studies have suggested that clonal growth is far greater than sexual recruitment and thus leads to low clonal diversity within meadows. However, recently developed microsatellite markers indicate that there are many different genotypes, and therefore many distinct clones present. The low resolution of markers used in the past limited our ability to estimate clonality and assess the individual level. New high‐resolution dinucleotide microsatellites now allow genetically distinct individuals to be identified, enabling more reliable estimation of population genetic parameters across the Mediterranean Basin. We investigated the biogeography and dispersal of P. oceanica at various spatial scales in order to assess the influence of different evolutionary factors shaping the distribution of genetic diversity in this species. Location The Mediterranean. Methods We used seven hypervariable microsatellite markers, in addition to the five previously existing markers, to describe the spatial distribution of genetic variability in 34 meadows spread throughout the Mediterranean, on the basis of an average of 35.6 (± 6.3) ramets sampled. Results At the scale of the Mediterranean Sea as a whole, a strong east–west cleavage was detected (amova) . These results are in line with those obtained using previous markers. The new results showed the presence of a putative secondary contact zone at the Siculo‐Tunisian Strait, which exhibited high allelic richness and shared alleles absent from the eastern and western basins. F statistics (pairwise θ ranges between 0.09 and 0.71) revealed high genetic structure between meadows, both at a small scale (about 2 to 200 km) and at a medium scale within the eastern and western basins, independent of geographical distance. At the intrameadow scale, significant spatial autocorrelation in six out of 15 locations revealed that dispersal can be restricted to the scale of a few metres. Main conclusions A stochastic pattern of effective migration due to low population size, turnover and seed survival is the most likely explanation for this pattern of highly restricted gene flow, despite the importance of an a priori seed dispersal potential. The east–west cleavage probably represents the outline of vicariance caused by the last Pleistocene ice age and maintained to this day by low gene flow. These results emphasize the diversity of evolutionary processes shaping the genetic structure at different spatial scales.  相似文献   
G R Finch  M E Stiles    D W Smith 《Applied microbiology》1987,53(12):2894-2896
Selective and nonselective growth media were evaluated at two incubation temperatures, 35 and 44.5 degrees C, for the recovery of a nalidixic acid-resistant marker strain of Escherichia coli ATCC 11775 by membrane filtration from ozonated 0.05 M phosphate buffer (pH 6.9). There were significantly fewer bacteria recovered with the standard m-FC agar when compared with the same growth medium prepared without bile salts and rosolic acid. This effect was particularly noticeable at the elevated incubation temperature of 44.5 degrees C. These findings are contrary to previous work which concluded that the standard American Public Health Association membrane filtration procedure is suitable for recovery of fecal coliform indicator bacteria from ozonated wastewater.  相似文献   
We have synthesized the tertiary amines of pyridostigmine and neostigmine, 3-pyridinol dimethylcarbamate (norpyridostigmine) and 3-dimethylaminophenol dimethylcarbamate (norneostigmine) respectively, and we have tested their abilities to cross the blood-brain barrier and inhibit mouse brainAChE activity. The in vivo inhibition of AChE activity by norpyridostigmine reaches 72% at 10 minutes which is comparable to that seen with physostigmine (73% at 10 minutes). Inhibition by norneostigmine is less effective (50% at 10 minutes) and approaches that obtained with tetrahydroaminoacridine (57% at 10 minutes). These data show that both norpyridostigmine and norneostigmine cross the blood-brain barrier and that they are effective inhibitors of mouse brain AChE activity. These drugs could be useful in the treatment of memory, impairment associated with Alzheimer's disease, and other memory disorders.  相似文献   
Summary Affinity purified preparations of the galactose-binding lectin from gastrulating chick blastoderms consist of three main polypeptides. Two of these have been identified as the 14 kD and 16 kD galactose-binding lectins. A third one migrates in SDS-PAGE gels with a relative molecular weight of 6,500±500 and has been identified as an apolipoprotein (Apo) of plasma very low density lipoproteins, Apo-VLDL-II. We have studied the localization of these polypeptides using immunofluorescence and ultrastructural immunocytochemistry with peroxidase and protein-A gold. The 14 kD lectin occurs in the intracellular yolk where it is mainly present within the electron lucent component. The 16 kD is also present in the intracellular yolk platelets, but tends to predominate in the electron-dense component. In addition, the 16 kD lectin is also present in pleiomorphic yolk-associated organelles and in the extracellular matrix. Apo-VLDL-II is also localized in the electron-lucent component of the yolk platelet and in the extracellular matrix. Our results suggest that the lectin(s) are associated with Apo-VLDL-II in the yolk platelet, and may subsequently become externalized.  相似文献   
Ten predominant lactic acid bacterial isolates from traditionally fermented milk and four isolates from an industrially fermented milk, Lacto, together with 14 reference strains ofLactobacillus and three ofLactococcus were examined for 32 characteristics. Data were analysed using the simple matching coefficient and clustering was by unweighted pair group average linkage. All the isolated from traditionally fermented milk belonged to the genusLactobacillus. Seven isolates could be identified as belonging toL. helveticus, L. plantarum, L. delbrueckii subsp.lactis, L. casei subsp.casei andL. casel subsp.pseudoplantarum. Three of the isolates could only be identified as either betabacteria or streptobacteria. The four isolates from Lacto were identified asLactococcus lactis. However, they could not be identified to subspecies level.
Résumé On a examiné 32 caractéristiques de 10 souches de bactéries lactiques isolées de fait fermenté de manière traditionnelle, et de 4 souches isolées d'un lait fermenté industriel, le Lacto, ainsi que 14 souches de référence deLactobacillus et trols deLactococcus. Les données ont été analysées en utilisant le coefficient d'apparienient simple et le groupement par lien moyen de groupe pair non balancé. Toutes les souches isolées du lait fermenté de manfère traditionnelle appartiennent au genteLactobacillus. Sept souches ont pu étre identifiées comme appartenant àL. helveticus, L. plantarum, L. delbruckii subsp.lactis, L. casei subsp.casei etL. casei subsp.pseudoplantarum. Trois de ces souches n'ont pu être identifiées soit comme bétabactéries soit comme streptobactéries. Les quatres souches isolées de Lacto ont été identifiées commeLactococcus lactis. Celles-ci n'ont toutefois pas pu être identifiées jusqu'au stade de sous-espèce.
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