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Oceanic archipelagos are considered hot-spots of biodiversity because they harbor unique biota with a high level of endemicity. However, the endemic biodiversity of oceanic islands is very vulnerable to extinction. In recent decades, intensive exploitation of these territories and human-mediated introduction of alien species have posed unprecedented threats to the long-term survival of the endemic contingent. The very limited population genetic information available until now for the 28 Canarian endemic Echium taxa has hindered the development of conservation strategies for the ca. 25% of them that are under threat. In this paper, we analyze the levels and distribution of genetic isozyme diversity in 23 natural populations of three endangered endemics of restricted distribution (E. acanthocarpum, CR; E. onosmifolium ssp. spectabile, EN; and E. callithyrsum, VU), and two endemics of wide distribution and in principle free of threat (E. decaisnei and E. onosmifolium). Our results reveal high levels of genetic variability in all these taxa that have plausibly been reached despite a predominance of selfing. They also point out a high incidence of inbreeding in the reproductive dynamics of populations and suggest the potential value of hybridisation processes in shaping the genetic makeup of these species. Among-population differentiation, as estimated by Gst, and genetic distances within taxa are low overall, but they do support the current taxonomic separation between the two subspecies of E. onosmifolium and do not furnish evidence that the current status of the endangered species may be attributed to genetic factors. We use the genetic parameters to suggest some guidelines to help implement a conservation strategy of these taxa.  相似文献   
Synapses can undergo rapid changes in size as well as in their vesicle release function during both plasticity processes and development. This fundamental property of neuronal cells requires the coordinated rearrangement of synaptic membranes and their associated cytoskeleton, yet remarkably little is known of how this coupling is achieved. In a GFP exon-trap screen, we identified Drosophila melanogaster Basigin (Bsg) as an immunoglobulin domain-containing transmembrane protein accumulating at periactive zones of neuromuscular junctions. Bsg is required pre- and postsynaptically to restrict synaptic bouton size, its juxtamembrane cytoplasmic residues being important for that function. Bsg controls different aspects of synaptic structure, including distribution of synaptic vesicles and organization of the presynaptic cortical actin cytoskeleton. Strikingly, bsg function is also required specifically within the presynaptic terminal to inhibit nonsynchronized evoked vesicle release. We thus propose that Bsg is part of a transsynaptic complex regulating synaptic compartmentalization and strength, and coordinating plasma membrane and cortical organization.  相似文献   
The evolution of associations between herbivorous insects and their parasitoids is likely to be influenced by the relationship between the herbivore and its host plants. If populations of specialized herbivorous insects are structured by their host plants such that populations on different hosts are genetically differentiated, then the traits affecting insect-parasitoid interactions may exhibit an associated structure. The pea aphid (Acyrthosiphon pisum) is a herbivorous insect species comprised of genetically distinct groups that are specialized on different host plants (Via 1991a, 1994). Here, we examine how the genetic differentiation of pea aphid populations on different host plants affects their interaction with a parasitoid wasp, Aphidius ervi. We performed four experiments. (1) By exposing pea aphids from both alfalfa and clover to parasitoids from both crops, we demonstrate that pea aphid populations that are specialized on alfalfa are successfully parasitized less often than are populations specialized on clover. This difference in parasitism rate does not depend upon whether the wasps were collected from alfalfa or clover fields. (2) When we controlled for potential differences in aphid and parasitoid behavior between the two host plants and ensured that aphids were attacked, we found that pea aphids from alfalfa were still parasitized less often than pea aphids from clover. Thus, the difference in parasitism rates is not due to behavior of either aphids or wasps, but appears to be a physiologically based difference in resistance to parasitism. (3) Replicates of pea aphid clones reared on their own host plant and on a common host plant, fava bean, exhibited the same pattern of resistance as above. Thus, there do not appear to be nutritional or secondary chemical effects on the level of physiological resistance in the aphids due to feeding on clover or alfalfa, and therefore the difference in resistance on the two crops appears to be genetically based. (4) We assayed for genetic variation in resistance among individual pea aphid clones collected from clover fields and found no detectable genetic variation for resistance to parasitism within two populations sampled from clover. This is in contrast to Henter and Via's (1995) report of abundant genetic variation in resistance to this parasitoid within a pea aphid population on alfalfa. Low levels of genetic variation may be one factor that constrains the evolution of resistance to parasitism in the populations of pea aphids from clover, leading them to remain more susceptible than populations of the same species from alfalfa.  相似文献   
Escherichia coli strains that cause disease outside the intestine are known as extraintestinal pathogenic E. coli (ExPEC) and include human uropathogenic E. coli (UPEC) and avian pathogenic E. coli (APEC). Regardless of host of origin, ExPEC strains share many traits. It has been suggested that these commonalities may enable APEC to cause disease in humans. Here, we begin to test the hypothesis that certain APEC strains possess potential to cause human urinary tract infection through virulence genotyping of 1,000 APEC and UPEC strains, generation of the first complete genomic sequence of an APEC (APEC O1:K1:H7) strain, and comparison of this genome to all available human ExPEC genomic sequences. The genomes of APEC O1 and three human UPEC strains were found to be remarkably similar, with only 4.5% of APEC O1's genome not found in other sequenced ExPEC genomes. Also, use of multilocus sequence typing showed that some of the sequenced human ExPEC strains were more like APEC O1 than other human ExPEC strains. This work provides evidence that at least some human and avian ExPEC strains are highly similar to one another, and it supports the possibility that a food-borne link between some APEC and UPEC strains exists. Future studies are necessary to assess the ability of APEC to overcome the hurdles necessary for such a food-borne transmission, and epidemiological studies are required to confirm that such a phenomenon actually occurs.  相似文献   
It is well established that MDCK II cells grow in circular colonies that densify until contact inhibition takes place. Here, we show that this behavior is only typical for colonies developing on hard substrates and report a new growth phase of MDCK II cells on soft gels. At the onset, the new phase is characterized by small, three-dimensional droplets of cells attached to the substrate. When the contact area between the agglomerate and the substrate becomes sufficiently large, a very dense monolayer nucleates in the center of the colony. This monolayer, surrounded by a belt of three-dimensionally packed cells, has a well-defined structure, independent of time and cluster size, as well as a density that is twice the steady-state density found on hard substrates. To release stress in such dense packing, extrusions of viable cells take place several days after seeding. The extruded cells create second-generation clusters, as evidenced by an archipelago of aggregates found in a vicinity of mother colonies, which points to a mechanically regulated migratory behavior.Studying the growth of cell colonies is an important step in the understanding of processes involving coordinated cell behavior such as tissue development, wound healing, and cancer progression. Apart from extremely challenging in vivo studies, artificial tissue models are proven to be very useful in determining the main physical factors that affect the cooperativity of cells, simply because the conditions of growth can be very well controlled. One of the most established cell types in this field of research is the Madin-Darby canine kidney epithelial cell (MDCK), originating from the kidney distal tube (1). A great advantage of this polarized epithelial cell line is that it retained the ability for contact inhibition (2), which makes it a perfect model system for studies of epithelial morphogenesis.Organization of MDCK cells in colonies have been studied in a number of circumstances. For example, it was shown that in three-dimensional soft Matrigel, MDCK cells form a spherical enclosure of a lumen that is enfolded by one layer of polarized cells with an apical membrane exposed to the lumen side (3). These structures can be altered by introducing the hepatocyte growth factor, which induces the formation of linear tubes (4). However, the best-studied regime of growth is performed on two-dimensional surfaces where MDCK II cells form sheets and exhibit contact inhibition. Consequently, the obtained monolayers are well characterized in context of development (5), mechanical properties (6), and obstructed cell migration (7–9).Surprisingly, in the context of mechanics, several studies of monolayer formation showed that different rigidities of polydimethylsiloxane gels (5) and polyacrylamide (PA) gels (9) do not influence the nature of monolayer formation nor the attainable steady-state density. This is supposedly due to long-range forces between cells transmitted by the underlying elastic substrate (9). These results were found to agree well with earlier works on bovine aortic endothelial cells (10) and vascular smooth muscle cells (11), both reporting a lack of sensitivity of monolayers to substrate elasticity. Yet, these results are in stark contrast with single-cell experiments (12–15) that show a clear response of cell morphology, focal adhesions, and cytoskeleton organization to substrate elasticity. Furthermore, sensitivity to the presence of growth factors that are dependent on the elasticity of the substrate in two (16) and three dimensions (4) makes this result even more astonishing. Therefore, we readdress the issue of sensitivity of tissues to the elasticity of the underlying substrate and show that sufficiently soft gels induce a clearly different tissue organization.We plated MDCK II cells on soft PA gels (Young’s modulus E = 0.6 ± 0.2 kPa), harder PA gels (E = 5, 11, 20, 34 kPa), and glass, all coated with Collagen-I. Gels were prepared following the procedure described in Rehfeldt et al. (17); rigidity and homogeneity of the gels was confirmed by bulk and microrheology (see the Supporting Material for comparison). Seeding of MDCK II cells involved a highly concentrated solution dropped in the middle of a hydrated gel or glass sample. For single-cell experiments, cells were dispersed over the entire dish. Samples were periodically fixed up to Day 12, stained for nuclei and actin, and imaged with an epifluorescence microscope. Details are described in the Supporting Material.On hard substrates and glass it was found previously that the area of small clusters expands exponentially until the movement of the edge cannot keep up with the proliferation in the bulk (5). Consequently, the bulk density increases toward the steady state, whereas the density of the edge remains low. At the same time, the colony size grows subexponentially (5). This is what we denote “the classical regime of growth”. Our experiments support these observations for substrates with E ≥ 5 kPa. Specifically, on glass, colonies start as small clusters of very low density of 700 ± 200 cells/mm2 (Fig. 1, A and B), typically surrounded by a strong actin cable (Fig. 1, B and C). Interestingly, the spreading area of single cells (Fig. 1 A) on glass was found to be significantly larger, i.e., (2.0 ± 0.9) × 10−3 mm2. After Day 4 (corresponding cluster area of 600 ± 100 mm2), the density in the center of the colony reached the steady state with 6,800 ± 500 cells/mm2, whereas the mean density of the edge profile grew to 4,000 ± 500 cells/mm2. This density was retained until Day 12 (cluster area 1800 ± 100 mm2), which is in agreement with previous work (9).Open in a separate windowFigure 1Early phase of cluster growth on hard substrates. (A) Well-spread single cells, and small clusters with a visible actin cable 6 h after seeding. (B) Within one day, clusters densify and merge, making small colonies. (C) Edge of clusters from panel B.In colonies grown on 0.6 kPa gels, however, we encounter a very different growth scenario. The average spreading area of single cells is (0.34 ± 0.3) × 10−3 mm2, which is six times smaller than on glass substrates (Fig. 2 A). Clusters of only few cells show that cells have a preference for cell-cell contacts (a well-established flat contact zone can be seen at the cell-cell interface in Fig. 2 A) rather than for cell-substrate contacts (contact zone is diffusive and the shape of the cells appears curved). The same conclusion emerges from the fact that dropletlike agglomerates, resting on the substrate, form spontaneously (Fig. 2 A), and that attempts to seed one single cluster of 90,000 cells fail, resulting in a number of three-dimensional colonies (Fig. 2 A). When the contact area with the substrate exceeds 4.7 × 10−3 mm2, a monolayer appears in the center of such colonies (Fig. 2 B). The colonies can merge, and if individual colonies are small, the collapse into a single domain is associated with the formation of transient irregular structures (Fig. 2 B). Ultimately, large elliptical colonies (average major/minor axis of e = 1.8 ± 0.6) with a smooth edge are formed (Fig. 2 C), unlike on hard substrates where circular clusters (e = 1.06 ± 0.06) with a ragged edge comprise the characteristic phenotype.Open in a separate windowFigure 2Early phase of cluster growth on soft substrates. (A) Twelve hours after seeding, single cells remain mostly round and small. They are found as individual, or within small, three-dimensional structures (top). The latter nucleate a monolayer in their center (bottom), if the contact area with the substrate exceeds ∼5 × 10−3 mm2. (B) Irregularly-shaped clusters appear due to merging of smaller droplets. A stable monolayer surrounded by a three-dimensional belt of densely packed cells is clearly visible, even in larger structures. (C) All colonies are recorded on Day 4.Irrespective of cluster size, in the new regime of growth, the internal structure is built of two compartments (Fig. 2 B):
  • 1.The first is the edge (0.019 ± 0.05-mm wide), a three-dimensional structure of densely packed cells. This belt is a signature of the new regime because on hard substrates the edge is strictly two-dimensional (Fig. 1 C).
  • 2.The other is the centrally placed monolayer with a spatially constant density that is very weakly dependent on cluster size and age (Fig. 3). The mean monolayer density is 13,000 ± 2,000 cells/mm2, which is an average over 130 clusters that are up to 12 days old and have a size in the range of 10−3 to 10 mm2, each shown by a data point in Fig. 3. This density is twice the steady-state density of the bulk tissue in the classical regime of growth.Open in a separate windowFigure 3Monolayer densities in colonies grown on 0.6 kPa substrates, as a function of the cluster size and age. Each cluster is represented by a single data point signifying its mean monolayer density. (Black lines) Bulk and (red dashed lines) edge of steady-state densities from monolayers grown on glass substrates. Error bars are omitted for clarity, but are discussed in the Supporting Material.
Until Day 4, the monolayer is very homogeneous, showing a nearly hexagonal arrangement of cells. From Day 4, however, defects start to appear in the form of small holes (typical size of (0.3 ± 0.1) × 10−3 mm2). These could be attributed to the extrusions of viable cells, from either the belt or areas of increased local density in the monolayer (inset in Fig. 4). This suggests that extrusions serve to release stress built in the tissue, and, as a consequence, the overall density is decreased.Open in a separate windowFigure 4Cell nuclei within the mother colony and in the neighboring archipelago of second-generation clusters grown on 0.6 kPa gels at Day 12. (Inset; scale bar = 10 μm) Scar in the tissue, a result of a cell-extrusion event. (Main image; scale bar = 100 μm) From the image of cell nuclei (left), it is clear that there are no cells within the scar, whereas the image of actin (right) shows that the cytoplasm of the cells at the edge has closed the hole.Previous reports suggest that isolated MDCK cells undergo anoikis 8 h after losing contact with their neighbors (18). However, in this case, it appears that instead of dying, the extruded cells create new colonies, which can be seen as an archipelago surrounding the mother cluster (Fig. 4). The viability of off-cast cells is further evidenced by the appearance of single cells and second-generation colonies with sizes varying over five orders of magnitude, from Day 4 until the end of the experiment, Day 12. Importantly, no morphological differences were found in the first- and second-generation colonies.In conclusion, we show what we believe to be a novel phase of growth of MDCK model tissue on soft PA gels (E = 0.6 kPa) that, to our knowledge, despite previous similar efforts (9), has not been observed before. This finding is especially interesting in the context of elasticity of real kidneys, for which a Young’s modulus has been found to be between 0.05 and 5 kPa (19,20). This coincides with the elasticity of substrates studied herein, and opens the possibility that the newly found phase of growth has a particular biological relevance. Likewise, the ability to extrude viable cells may point to a new migratory pathway regulated mechanically by the stresses in the tissue, the implication of which we hope to investigate in the future.  相似文献   
The wide spectrum of vitamin D activity has focused attention on its potential role in the elevated burden of disease in a northern Canadian First Nations (Dené) cohort. Vitamin D insufficiency, and gene polymorphisms in the vitamin D receptor (VDR) and vitamin D binding protein (VDBP) have been implicated in susceptibility to infectious and chronic diseases. The objectives of this study were to determine the contribution of vitamin D from food, and measure the serum concentrations of 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 (25-OHD3) and VDBP in Dené participants. Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) associated with the dysregulation of the innate immune response were typed and counted. Potential correlations between the SNPs and serum concentrations of 25-OHD3 and VDBP were evaluated. Venous blood was collected in summer and winter over a one-year period and analyzed for 25-OHD3 and VDBP concentrations (N = 46). A questionnaire was administered to determine the amount of dietary vitamin D consumed. Sixty-one percent and 30% of the participants had 25-OHD3 serum concentrations <75 nmol/L in the winter and summer respectively. Mean vitamin D binding protein concentrations were within the normal range in the winter but below normal in the summer. VDBP and VDR gene polymorphisms affect the bioavailability and regulation of 25-OHD3. The Dené had a high frequency of the VDBP D432E-G allele (71%) and the Gc1 genotype (90%), associated with high concentrations of VDBP and a high binding affinity to 25-OHD3. The Dené had a high frequency of VDR Fok1-f allele (82%), which has been associated with a down-regulated Th1 immune response. VDBP and VDR polymorphisms, and low winter 25-OHD3 serum concentrations may be risk factors for infectious diseases and chronic conditions related to the dysregulation of the vitamin D pathway.  相似文献   
Six species of phytoplankton recently isolated from upper San Francisco Bay were tested for their sensitivity to growth inhibition by ammonium (NH4+), and for differences in growth rates according to inorganic nitrogen (N) growth source. The quantum yield of photosystem II (Fv/Fm) was a sensitive indicator of NH4+ toxicity, manifested by a suppression of Fv/Fm in a dose‐dependent manner. Two chlorophytes were the least sensitive to NH4+ inhibition, at concentrations of >3,000 μmoles NH4+ · L?1, followed by two estuarine diatoms that were sensitive at concentrations >1,000 μmoles NH4+ · L?1, followed lastly by two freshwater diatoms that were sensitive at concentrations between 200 and 500 μmoles NH4+ · L?1. At non‐inhibiting concentrations of NH4+, the freshwater diatom species grew fastest, followed by the estuarine diatoms, while the chlorophytes grew slowest. Variations in growth rates with N source did not follow taxonomic divisions. Of the two chlorophytes, one grew significantly faster on nitrate (NO3?), whereas the other grew significantly faster on NH4+. All four diatoms tested grew faster on NH4+ compared with NO3?. We showed that in cases where growth rates were faster on NH4+ than they were on NO3?, the difference was not larger for chlorophytes compared with diatoms. This holds true for comparisons across a number of culture investigations suggesting that diatoms as a group will not be at a competitive disadvantage under natural conditions when NH4+ dominates the total N pool and they will also not have a growth advantage when NO3? is dominant, as long as N concentrations are sufficient.  相似文献   
Endogenous levels of indole-3-acetic acid (IAA), indole-3-acetylaspartic acid (IAAsp) and indole-3-butyric acid (IBA) were measured during the first 8 d of in vitro rooting of rootstock from the chestnut ‘M3’ hybrid by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Rooting was induced either by dipping the basal ends of the shoots into a 4.92-mM IBA solution for 1 min or by sub-culturing the shoots on solid rooting medium supplemented with 14.8-μM IBA for 5 d. For root development, the induced shoots were transferred to auxin-free solid medium. Auxins were measured in the apical and basal parts of the shoots by means of HPLC. Endogenous levels of IAA and IAAsp were found to be greater in IBA-treated shoots than in control shoots. In extracts of the basal parts of the shoots, the concentration of free IAA showed a significant peak 2 d after either root inductive method and a subsequent gradual decrease for the remainder of the time course. The concentration of IAAsp peaked at day 6 in extracts of the basal parts of shoots induced with 14.8-μM IBA for 5 d, whereas shoots induced by dipping showed an initial increase until day 2 and then remained stable. In extracts from basal shoot portions induced by dipping, IBA concentration showed a transient peak at day 1 and a plateau between day 2 and 4, in contrast to the profile of shoots induced on auxin-containing medium, which showed a significant reduction between 4 and 6 d after transferred to auxin-free medium. All quantified auxins remained at a relatively low level, virtually constant, in extracts from apical shoot portions, as well as in extracts from control non-rooting shoots. In conclusion, the natural auxin IAA is the signal responsible for root induction, although it is driven by exogenous IBA independently of the adding conditions.  相似文献   

Label-free detection of biomarkers has been recently noticed and optical biosensors showed great potential to be the method of choice in such situation. Here, we used glancing angle deposition (GLAD) method in which silver nano-columns stabilized by a self-assembled monolayer (SAM) of 11-mercaptoundecanoic acid (MUA) and 6-mercaptohexanol to investigate the capability of localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR)–based silver nanochips to detect prostate-specific antigen (PSA). Using different standard solutions of PSA, limit of detection (LOD) of the nano-sensors has been calculated to be 850 pg/ml. The selectivity of the nano-sensors has also been evaluated. We showed that these nano-sensors could detect PSA in clinically acceptable sensitivity and specificity without any complicated laboratory equipment.

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