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Summary Affinity purified preparations of the galactose-binding lectin from gastrulating chick blastoderms consist of three main polypeptides. Two of these have been identified as the 14 kD and 16 kD galactose-binding lectins. A third one migrates in SDS-PAGE gels with a relative molecular weight of 6,500±500 and has been identified as an apolipoprotein (Apo) of plasma very low density lipoproteins, Apo-VLDL-II. We have studied the localization of these polypeptides using immunofluorescence and ultrastructural immunocytochemistry with peroxidase and protein-A gold. The 14 kD lectin occurs in the intracellular yolk where it is mainly present within the electron lucent component. The 16 kD is also present in the intracellular yolk platelets, but tends to predominate in the electron-dense component. In addition, the 16 kD lectin is also present in pleiomorphic yolk-associated organelles and in the extracellular matrix. Apo-VLDL-II is also localized in the electron-lucent component of the yolk platelet and in the extracellular matrix. Our results suggest that the lectin(s) are associated with Apo-VLDL-II in the yolk platelet, and may subsequently become externalized.  相似文献   
Ten predominant lactic acid bacterial isolates from traditionally fermented milk and four isolates from an industrially fermented milk, Lacto, together with 14 reference strains ofLactobacillus and three ofLactococcus were examined for 32 characteristics. Data were analysed using the simple matching coefficient and clustering was by unweighted pair group average linkage. All the isolated from traditionally fermented milk belonged to the genusLactobacillus. Seven isolates could be identified as belonging toL. helveticus, L. plantarum, L. delbrueckii subsp.lactis, L. casei subsp.casei andL. casel subsp.pseudoplantarum. Three of the isolates could only be identified as either betabacteria or streptobacteria. The four isolates from Lacto were identified asLactococcus lactis. However, they could not be identified to subspecies level.
Résumé On a examiné 32 caractéristiques de 10 souches de bactéries lactiques isolées de fait fermenté de manière traditionnelle, et de 4 souches isolées d'un lait fermenté industriel, le Lacto, ainsi que 14 souches de référence deLactobacillus et trols deLactococcus. Les données ont été analysées en utilisant le coefficient d'apparienient simple et le groupement par lien moyen de groupe pair non balancé. Toutes les souches isolées du lait fermenté de manfère traditionnelle appartiennent au genteLactobacillus. Sept souches ont pu étre identifiées comme appartenant àL. helveticus, L. plantarum, L. delbruckii subsp.lactis, L. casei subsp.casei etL. casei subsp.pseudoplantarum. Trois de ces souches n'ont pu être identifiées soit comme bétabactéries soit comme streptobactéries. Les quatres souches isolées de Lacto ont été identifiées commeLactococcus lactis. Celles-ci n'ont toutefois pas pu être identifiées jusqu'au stade de sous-espèce.
Usually the toxicity of superoxide is attributed lo its ability to reduce metal ions and subsequently reoxidation of the metal by hydrogen peroxide yields deleterious oxidizing species. As many other nontoxic biological reductants reduce metal compounds, we suggest that part of the mechanism of superoxide toxicity results from its ability to oxidize metal ions bound to biological targets, which subsequently degrade the target via an intramolecular electron Transfer reaction.  相似文献   
A new approach for tissue creation using synthetic biocompatible and biodegradable polymers as templates onto which cells are seeded is presented. This report concerns the generation of homogeneous plates of stable mature cartilage in vivo. The delivery of chondrocytes on synthetic polymers configured to provide a large surface area for cell attachment and thus to allow cell function and survival by diffusion of nutrients has resulted in the creation of macroscopic plates of up to 100 mg of new cartilage subcutaneously in 19 of 21 animals. The approximate dimensions and configuration of the original templates were maintained as new cartilage was formed and the polymers resorbed.  相似文献   
Complementary DNAs coding for four Desmodus rotundus salivary plasminogen activators (DSPAs) were isolated and characterized. The predicted amino acid sequences display structural features also found in tissue-type plasminogen activator. The largest forms (DSPA alpha 1 and -alpha 2) contain a signal peptide, a finger (F), an epidermal growth factor (EGF), a kringle, and a serine protease domain, whereas DSPA beta and -gamma lack the F and F-EGF domains, respectively. Additional differences between the four forms suggest that distinct genes code for the members of the DSPA family. Transfection of DSPA-encoding cDNAs, placed under the control of the simian virus 40 late promoter, into COS-1 cells resulted in the secretion of highly fibrin-dependent PAs.  相似文献   
Of 10 geographic strains of Flammulina velutipes, 4 were found capable of fruiting at 22°C (FrH) rather than at the typical 15°C (FrL). Crosses made between FrH and FrL monokaryons were never observed to fruit at 22°C. However, some hybrids did fruit at the intermediate temperature of 18°C when grown on appropriate substrates, indicating incomplete dominance of the low-temperature requirement. Analysis of progeny of five FrH × FrL crosses indicated that a minimum of two genes appears to control the requirement for fruiting at ≤15°C. The genes are not closely linked to either incompatibility locus.  相似文献   
The unbound bilirubin concentration and the enzymatic rate of bilirubin degradation by bilirubin oxidase in bilirubin-serum albumin solutions have been investigated experimentally and theoretically. A stoichiometric bilirubin-serum albumin binding analysis shows that the unbound bilirubin concentration depends only on the molar ratio of the total bilirubin concentration to the total serum albumin concentration. From the theoretical analysis and the measured unbound bilirubin concentrations, serum albumin may be modelled as a molecule having two binding sites, primary and secondary, with stoichiometric equilibrium constants of K(1) = 6 x 10(7)M(-1) and K(2) = 4.5 x 10(6)M(-1), respectively. The rate of total bilirubin degradation in bilirubin-serum albumin mixtures is zero order. An immobilized bilirubin oxidase reactor model, which shows good agreement with experimental bilirubin conversions, is presented. At a flow rate of 1 mL/min with a 8-mL reactor volume, a 50% bilirubin conversion per pass was observed with an inlet bilirubin concentration of 350muM and a serum albumin concentration of 500muM.  相似文献   
Protein synthesis elongation factor Tu has been mapped on the surface of the ribosome by immunoelectron microscopy. The EF-Tu binding site is located near the concave portion of the small subunit at the level of the neck and extends 60 to 70 A above and below the neck. The binding site is present on the side of the subunit opposite the platform, i.e. on the exterior subunit surface. This EF-Tu site differs from that found for elongation factor G in that the EF-Tu site is significantly more exposed to the cytoplasm.  相似文献   
Adventitious buds on embryos of Picea abies (L.) Karst. developed after a pulse treatment with 250 μ M benzyladenine (BA) of pH 5.5 for 2 h. Light and temperature regimes were not critical during the initial stages. Adventitious buds developed faster after a pulse treatment and the variation among different experiments was lower compared to when the embryos were cultured on media supplemented with BA. Various stages of the differentiation of adventitious buds were identified: stage 1 - appearance of meristematic centres (approximately the first two weeks); stage 2 - development of adventitious bud primordia (approximately the third week); stage 3 - adventitious bud development (from approximately the 4th to the 8th week). This system may be used for further studies on bud differentiation.  相似文献   
The drug resistance plasmid pKM101 makes Escherichia coli resistant to the lethal effects of ultraviolet (UV) irradiation and more susceptible to mutagenesis by a variety of agents. The plasmid operon responsible for increasing mutagenesis has been termed mucAB (Mutagenesis, UV and chemical). We have isolated a derivative of pKM101 called pGW1975 which makes cells more sensitive to killing by UV but which retains the ability of pKM101 to increase susceptibility to methyl methanesulfonate (MMS) mutagenesis. pGW1975 increases UV mutagenesis less than pKM101 in a uvrA+ strain but more than pKM101 in a uvrA strain. muc point and insertion mutants of pKM101 and pGW1975 complement to restore the plasmid-mediated: (i) ability to reactivate UV-irradiated phage, (ii) resistance to killing by UV, and (iii) level of susceptibility to UV mutagenesis. We have identified a 2.0 kb region of pKM101 which is responsible for the complementation and which maps counterclockwise of mucAB.  相似文献   
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