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Protein kinase CK2 is a multifunctional enzyme which has long been described as a stable heterotetrameric complex resulting from the association of two catalytic (alpha or alpha') and two regulatory (beta) subunits. To track the spatiotemporal dynamics of CK2 in living cells, we fused its catalytic alpha and regulatory beta subunits with green fluorescent protein (GFP). Both CK2 subunits contain nuclear localization domains that target them independently to the nucleus. Imaging of stable cell lines expressing low levels of GFP-CK2alpha or GFP-CK2beta revealed the existence of CK2 subunit subpopulations exhibiting differential dynamics. Once in the nucleus, they diffuse randomly at different rates. Unlike CK2beta, CK2alpha can shuttle, showing the dynamic nature of the nucleocytoplasmic trafficking of the kinase. When microinjected in the cytoplasm, the isolated CK2 subunits are rapidly translocated into the nucleus, whereas the holoenzyme complex remains in this cell compartment, suggesting an intramolecular masking of the nuclear localization sequences that suppresses nuclear accumulation. However, binding of FGF-2 to the holoenzyme triggers its nuclear translocation. Since the substrate specificity of CK2alpha is dramatically changed by its association with CK2beta, the control of the nucleocytoplasmic distribution of each subunit may represent a unique potential regulatory mechanism for CK2 activity.  相似文献   
Experimental autoimmune myasthenia gravis (EAMG) is a T cell-dependent, Ab-mediated autoimmune disease induced in rats by a single immunization with acetylcholine receptor (AChR). Although polarized Th1 responses have been shown to be crucial for the development of mouse EAMG, the role of Th cell subsets in rat EAMG is not well established. In the present work we show that while the incidence and severity of EAMG are similar in Lewis (LEW) and Brown-Norway (BN) rats, strong differences are revealed in the immune response generated. Ag-specific lymph node cells from LEW rats produced higher amounts of IL-2 and IFN-gamma than BN lymph node cells, but expressed less IL-4 mRNA. IgG1 and IgG2b anti-AChR isotype predominated in BN and LEW rats, respectively, confirming the dichotomy of the immune response observed between the two strains. Furthermore, although IL-12 administration or IFN-gamma neutralization strongly influenced the Th1/Th2 balance in BN rats, it did not affect the disease outcome. These data demonstrate that a Th1-dominated immune response is not necessarily associated with disease severity in EAMG, not only in rats with disparate MHC haplotype but also in the same rat strain, and suggest that in a situation where complement-fixing Ab can be generated as a consequence of either Th1- or Th2-mediated T cell help, deviation of the immune response will not be an adequate strategy to prevent this Ab-mediated autoimmune disease.  相似文献   
We have analyzed the immunomodulatory effect of human melanoma gangliosides bound to serum lipoprotein fractions on normal human immune-competent cells in vitro. Total melanoma gangliosides in micelles inhibited proliferation of peripheral blood mononuclear cells stimulated by various mitogens, modulated lymphocyte surface molecules CD2, CD3, CD4, CD5 and CD8 and inhibited the production of interleukin-1(IL-1), tumor necrosis factor (TNF) and IL-6 by stimulated adherent cells. Most of these effects were abrogated in the presence of serum. Purified serum lipoprotein fractions were tested for their ability to allow or inhibit the immunomodulatory effects of gangliosides. Melanoma gangliosides bound to very-low-density lipoproteins (VLDL) were shown to be as potent modulators of the immune response in vitro as when they were presented to cells in the form of micelles. Gangliosides bound to low-density lipoproteins were less active and gangliosides bound to high-density lipoproteins or the lipoprotein-free fraction had no immunomodulatory effects. Given the fact that gangliosides are predominantly bound to lipoproteins in serum, we conclude that lipoproteins are important determinants of the immunomodulating potential of tumor gangliosides, and that the immunomodulatory effects of melanoma gangliosides observed in vitro may also occur in vivo.This study was supported in part by a grant from the FEGEFLUC to J. Portoukalian.  相似文献   
In this study we have isolated and characterized yeasts from the soil, leaves and fruits of the indigenous Moroccan Argan tree (Argania spinosa) in two locations: the coastal city of Essaouira and a drier, more stressed environment in Taroudant city. Factorial and classification analyses of the metabolic profiles showed that the yeasts from the soil and those from the fruit seemed to form distinctive groups while those from the leaves were common to the two groups. Associating the profiles with yeast species, the soil isolates seemed to be dominated by profiles associated with basidiomycetous yeasts (Bullera variabilis, association to Filobasidium capsuligenum, and Rhodotorula glutinis) while those of the fruits were associated with ascomycetous yeasts (Pichia angusta and Zygoascus hellenicus). Most profile groups were shared between the leaves and one of the other biotopes owing to the semi-deciduous character of the Argan leaves that dominate in the rhizospheric soil and to the fibrous and low flesh fruits of Argan. Although most metabolic profile groups were represented in both sampling locations, certain groups were encountered only in Taroudant samples among which a group of four yeasts that grew at 44 °C. The Taroudant samples also presented the two most osmo-tolerant yeasts capable of growing at 15% NaCl and 125% sucrose. Some of the yeast strains showed very promising activities of polygalacturonase (0.40 units/g protein) without any pectinesterase activity while others strongly inhibited the gray rot mould Botrytis cinerea, and could be good candidates for the post-harvest control of this mould on fruits.  相似文献   
The present investigation was undertaken to measure the relative abilities of pro-death versus pro-survival proteases in degrading each other and to determine how this might influence cellular susceptibility to death. For this, we first carried out in vitro experiments in which recombinant pro-death proteases (caspase-3 or cathepsin D) were incubated with the pro-survival protease (cathepsin L) in their respective optimal conditions and determined the effects of these reactions on enzyme integrity and activity. The results indicated that cathepsin L was able to degrade cathepsin D, which in turn cleaves caspase-3, however the later enzyme was unable to degrade any of the cathepsins. The consequences of this proteolytic sequence on cellular ability to undergo apoptosis or other types of cell death were studied in cells subjected to treatment with a specific inhibitor of cathepsin L or the corresponding siRNA. Both treatments resulted in suppression of cellular proliferation and the induction of a cell death with no detectable caspase-3 activation or DNA fragmentation, however, it was associated with increased accumulation of cathepsin D, cellular vaculolization, expression of the mannose-6-phosphate receptor, and the autophagy marker LC3-II, all of which are believed to be associated with autophagy. Genetic manipulations leading either to the gain or loss of cathepsin D expression implicated this enzyme as a key player in the switch from apoptosis to autophagy. Overall, these findings suggest that a hierarchy between pro-survival and pro-death proteases may have important consequences on cell fate.  相似文献   
Although deficiencies in the NKT cell population have been observed in multiple sclerosis and mouse strains susceptible to experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE), little is known about the function of these cells in CNS autoimmunity. In this work we report that TCR Valpha14-Jalpha281 transgenic nonobese diabetic mice, which are enriched in CD1d-restricted NKT cells, are protected from EAE. The protection is associated with a striking inhibition of Ag-specific IFN-gamma production in the spleen, implying modulation of the encephalitogenic Th1 response. This modulation is independent of IL-4 because IL-4-deficient Valpha14-Jalpha281 mice are still protected against EAE and independent of NKT cell-driven Th1 to Th2 deviation, because no increased autoantigen-specific Th2 response was observed in immunized Valpha14-Jalpha281 transgenic mice. Our findings indicate that enrichment and/or stimulation of CD1d-dependent NKT cells may be used as a novel strategy to treat CNS autoimmunity.  相似文献   
Th1 cells that produce IFN-gamma are essential in the elimination of intracellular pathogens, and Th2 cells that synthetize IL-4 control the eradication of helminths. However, highly polarized Th1 or Th2 responses may be harmful and even lethal. Thus, the development of strategies to selectively down-modulate Th1 or Th2 responses is of therapeutic importance. Herein, we demonstrate that dihydropyridine receptors (DHPR) are expressed on Th2 and not on Th1 murine cells. By using selective agonists and antagonists of DHPR, we show that DHPR are involved in TCR-dependent calcium response in Th2 cells as well as in IL-4, IL-5, and IL-10 synthesis. Nicardipine, an inhibitor of DHPR, is beneficial in experimental models of Th2-dependent pathologies in rats. It strongly inhibits the Th2-mediated autoimmune glomerulonephritis induced by injecting Brown Norway (BN) rats with heavy metals. This drug also prevents the chronic graft vs host reaction induced by injecting CD4(+) T cells from BN rats into (LEW x BN)F(1) hybrids. By contrast, treatment with nicardipine has no effect on the Th1-dependent experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis triggered in LEW rats immunized with myelin. These data indicate that 1) DHPR are a selective marker of Th2 cells, 2) these calcium channels contribute to calcium signaling in Th2 cells, and 3) blockers of these channels are beneficial in the treatment of Th2-mediated pathologies.  相似文献   
T cell tolerance can be experimentally induced through administration of self-peptides with single amino acid substitution (altered peptide ligands or APLs). However, little is known about the effects of APLs on already differentiated autoreactive CD8+ T cells that play a pivotal role in the pathogenesis of autoimmune diabetes. We generated a panel of APLs derived from an influenza virus hemagglutinin peptide exhibiting in vitro functions ranging from antagonism to superagonism on specific CD8+ T cells. A superagonist APL was further characterized for its therapeutic activity in a transgenic mouse model of type 1 diabetes. When injected i.v. 1 day after the transfer of diabetogenic hemagglutinin-specific CD8+ T cells into insulin promoter-hemagglutinin transgenic mice, the superagonist APL proved more effective than the native hemagglutinin peptide in blocking diabetes. This protective effect was associated with an inhibition of CD8+ T cell cytotoxicity in vivo and with a decreased accumulation of these cells in the pancreas, leading to a marked reduction of intrainsulitis. In conclusion, a superagonist "self-peptide" APL was more effective than the native peptide in treating a CD8+ T cell-mediated diabetes model.  相似文献   
Neuronal differentiation is under the tight control of both biochemical and physical information arising from neighboring cells and micro-environment. Here we wished to assay how external geometrical constraints applied to the cell body and/or the neurites of hippocampal neurons may modulate axonal polarization in vitro. Through the use of a panel of non-specific poly-L-lysine micropatterns, we manipulated the neuronal shape. By applying geometrical constraints on the cell body we provided evidence that centrosome location was not predictive of axonal polarization but rather follows axonal fate. When the geometrical constraints were applied to the neurites trajectories we demonstrated that axonal specification was inhibited by curved lines. Altogether these results indicated that intrinsic mechanical tensions occur during neuritic growth and that maximal tension was developed by the axon and expressed on straight trajectories. The strong inhibitory effect of curved lines on axon specification was further demonstrated by their ability to prevent formation of multiple axons normally induced by cytochalasin or taxol treatments. Finally we provided evidence that microtubules were involved in the tension-mediated axonal polarization, acting as curvature sensors during neuronal differentiation. Thus, biomechanics coupled to physical constraints might be the first level of regulation during neuronal development, primary to biochemical and guidance regulations.  相似文献   
N′-(2,8-Dimethoxy-12-methyl-dibenzo [c,h] [1,5] naphthyridin-6-yl)-N,N-dimethyl-propane-1,3-diamine (BENA435) is a new cell-membrane permeant DNA dye with absorption/emission maxima in complex with DNA at 435 and 484 nm. This new reagent is unrelated to known DNA dyes, and shows a distinct preference to bind double-stranded DNA over RNA. Hydrodynamic studies suggest that BENA435 intercalates between the opposite DNA strands. BENA435 fluoresces much stronger when bound to dA/dT rather than dG/dC homopolymers. We evaluated 14 related dibenzonaphthyridine derivatives and found BENA435 to be superior in its in vivo DNA-binding properties. Molecular modelling was used to develop a model of BENA435 intercalation between base pairs of a DNA helix. BENA435 fluorescence in the nuclei of cells increases upon illumination, suggesting photoactivation. BENA435 represents thus the first known cell-permeant photoactivated DNA-binding dye.  相似文献   
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