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The sliding β-clamp, an important component of the DNA replication and repair machinery, is drawing increasing attention as a therapeutic target. We report the crystal structure of the M. tuberculosis β-clamp (Mtbβ-clamp) to 3.0 Å resolution. The protein crystallized in the space group C2221 with cell-dimensions a = 72.7, b = 234.9 & c = 125.1 Å respectively. Mtbβ-clamp is a dimer, and exhibits head-to-tail association similar to other bacterial clamps. Each monomer folds into three domains with similar structures respectively and associates with its dimeric partner through 6 salt-bridges and about 21 polar interactions. Affinity experiments involving a blunt DNA duplex, primed-DNA and nicked DNA respectively show that Mtbβ-clamp binds specifically to primed DNA about 1.8 times stronger compared to the other two substrates and with an apparent Kd of 300 nM. In bacteria like E. coli, the β-clamp is known to interact with subunits of the clamp loader, NAD+ -dependent DNA ligase (LigA) and other partners. We tested the interactions of the Mtbβ-clamp with MtbLigA and the γ-clamp loader subunit through radioactive gel shift assays, size exclusion chromatography, yeast-two hybrid experiments and also functionally. Intriguingly while Mtbβ-clamp interacts in vitro with the γ-clamp loader, it does not interact with MtbLigA unlike in bacteria like E. coli where it does. Modeling studies involving earlier peptide complexes reveal that the peptide-binding site is largely conserved despite lower sequence identity between bacterial clamps. Overall the results suggest that other as-yet-unidentified factors may mediate interactions between the clamp, LigA and DNA in mycobacteria.  相似文献   


The SLC30A8 gene encodes the islet-specific transporter ZnT-8, which is hypothesized to provide zinc for insulin-crystal formation. A polymorphic variant in SLC30A8 is associated with altered susceptibility to type 2 diabetes. Several groups have examined the effect of global Slc30a8 gene deletion but the results have been highly variable, perhaps due to the mixed 129SvEv/C57BL/6J genetic background of the mice studied. We therefore sought to remove the conflicting effect of 129SvEv-specific modifier genes.


The impact of Slc30a8 deletion was examined in the context of the pure C57BL/6J genetic background.


Male C57BL/6J Slc30a8 knockout (KO) mice had normal fasting insulin levels and no change in glucose-stimulated insulin secretion (GSIS) from isolated islets in marked contrast to the ∼50% and ∼35% decrease, respectively, in both parameters observed in male mixed genetic background Slc30a8 KO mice. This observation suggests that 129SvEv-specific modifier genes modulate the impact of Slc30a8 deletion. In contrast, female C57BL/6J Slc30a8 KO mice had reduced (∼20%) fasting insulin levels, though this was not associated with a change in fasting blood glucose (FBG), or GSIS from isolated islets. This observation indicates that gender also modulates the impact of Slc30a8 deletion, though the physiological explanation as to why impaired insulin secretion is not accompanied by elevated FBG is unclear. Neither male nor female C57BL/6J Slc30a8 KO mice showed impaired glucose tolerance.


Our data suggest that, despite a marked reduction in islet zinc content, the absence of ZnT-8 does not have a substantial impact on mouse physiology.  相似文献   
Tamoxifen (Tam) is most widely used selective estrogen receptor modulator (SERM) for treatment of hormone-responsive breast cancer. Despite being regularly used in clinical therapy for breast cancer since 1971, the mechanism of Tam action remains largely unclear. In order to gain insights into Tam-mediated antibreast cancer actions, we applied 2DE and MS based proteomics approach to identify target proteins of Tam. We identified E6-associated protein, i.e. E6AP (UBE3A) among others to be regulated by Tam that otherwise is upregulated in breast tumors. We confirmed our 2DE finding by immunoblotting and further show that Tam leads to inhibition of E6AP expression presumably by promoting its autoubiquitination, which is coupled with nuclear export and subsequent proteasome-mediated degradation. Furthermore, we show that Tam- and siE6AP-mediated inhibition of E6AP leads to enhanced G0-G1 growth arrest and apoptosis, which is also evident from significant upregulation of cytochrome-c, Bax, p21, and PARP cleavage. Taken together, our data suggest that, Tam-targeted E6AP inhibition is in fact required for Tam-mediated antibreast cancer actions. Thus, E6AP may be a therapeutic target in breast cancer.  相似文献   
Wild isolates of the egg-parasitic fungi Paecilomyces lilacinus and Verticillium chlamydosporium, obtained from the organic environment of Durg, Chhattisgarh, India, were subjected to screening for in vitro growth using different media types, range of incubation temperature and pH, and their predatory activity to the eggs of Fasciola gigantica and Gigantocotyle explanatum. Maximum growth of P. lilacinus was obtained in corn-meal agar compared to any other media types. The preferred medium for growth of V. chlamydosporium was corn-meal agar, followed by potato-dextrose agar. After initial growth for 16 h of incubation, no growth was observed in water agar for both the fungi. Six different temperatures--4 degrees C, 10 degrees C, 18 degrees C, 26 degrees C, 34 degrees C and 40 degrees C--were used to observe growth profiles of the fungi in corn-meal agar medium. While no and very little growth of P. lilacinus and V. chlamydosporium was observed at 4 degrees C and 10 degrees C, respectively, growth profiles of both the fungi were optimal at 26-40 degrees C. A range of pH (pH 4-8) supported growth of both P. lilacinus and V. chlamydosporium. Full-grown plates of the fungi baited with viable eggs of F. gigantica and G. explanatum revealed that V. chlamydosporium was more vigorous in its egg-parasitic ability compared to P. lilacinus. Distortion of the eggs started on day 2-3 of egg baiting in culture plates of V. chlamydosporium, with complete distortion by day 7. On the contrary, P. lilacinus exhibited very limited egg-parasitic ability and some of the baited eggs even showed development of miracidia.  相似文献   
The accuracy of ribosomal translation is achieved by an initial selection and a proofreading step, mediated by EF-Tu, which forms a ternary complex with aminoacyl(aa)-tRNA. To study the binding modes of different aa-tRNAs, we compared cryo-EM maps of the kirromycin-stalled ribosome bound with ternary complexes containing Phe-tRNAPhe, Trp-tRNATrp, or Leu-tRNALeuI. The three maps suggest a common binding manner of cognate aa-tRNAs in their specific binding with both the ribosome and EF-Tu. All three aa-tRNAs have the same ‘loaded spring' conformation with a kink and twist between the D-stem and anticodon stem. The three complexes are similarly integrated in an interaction network, extending from the anticodon loop through h44 and protein S12 to the EF-Tu-binding CCA end of aa-tRNA, proposed to signal cognate codon–anticodon interaction to the GTPase centre and tune the accuracy of aa-tRNA selection.  相似文献   
Comparative mutagenesis of 1,N6-ethenoadenine (εA) and 8-oxoguanine (8-oxoG), two endogenous DNA lesions that are also formed by exogenous DNA damaging agents, have been evaluated in HeLa and xeroderma pigmentosum variant (XPV) cell extracts. Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis of the duplex M13mp2SV vector containing these lesions established that there was significant inhibition of replication fork movement past εA, whereas 8-oxoG caused only minor stalling of fork progression. In extracts of HeLa cells, εA was weakly mutagenic inducing all three base substitutions in approximately equal frequency, whereas 8-oxoG was 10-fold more mutagenic inducing primarily G→T transversions. These data suggest that 8-oxoG is a miscoding lesion that presents a minimal, if any, block to DNA replication in human cells. We hypothesized that bypass of εA proceeded principally by an error-free mechanism in which the undamaged strand was used as a template, since this lesion strongly blocked fork progression. To examine this, we determined the sequence of replication products derived from templates in which a G was placed across from the εA. Consistent with our hypothesis, 93% of the progeny were derived from replication of the undamaged strand. When translesion synthesis occurred, εA→T mutations increased 3-fold in products derived from the mismatched εA: G construct compared with those derived from the εA: T construct. More efficient repair of εA in the εA: T construct may have been responsible for lower mutation frequency. Primer extension studies with purified pol η have shown that this polymerase is highly error-prone when bypassing εA. To examine if pol η is the primary mutagenic translesion polymerase in human cells, we determined the lesion bypass characteristics of extracts derived from XPV cells, which lack this polymerase. The εA: T construct induced εA→G and εA→C mutant frequencies that were approximately the same as those observed using the HeLa extracts. However, εA→T events were increased 5-fold relative to HeLa extracts. These data support a model in which pol η-mediated translesion synthesis past this adduct is error-free in the context of semiconservative replication in the presence of fidelity factors such as PCNA.  相似文献   
In rotating biological contactors (RBC), the oxygen mass transfer coefficient (KLa) is often inadequately predicted by the available models. Hence, dimensional analysis based empirical models were developed for predicting KLa and the component of KLa due to turbulence (KLat) using data available in the literature. The overall oxygen transfer number (OTN) and its component due to turbulence (OTNt) were defined as dimensionless groups based on KLa and KLat, respectively. They were expressed as a function of dimensionless groups, formed using disc diameter (D), area of discs (Ad), rotational speed (omega) and cross-sectional area of the tank (At). OTN was also a function of thickness of the water film on the disc (delta) and working volume of the reactor (V). Decrease in number of discs and decrease in (Ad/At) resulted in decreasing OTN but increasing OTNt. Both OTNt and OTN increased with increase in omega. The proposed empirical models will facilitate scale-up of RBCs.  相似文献   


This work represents an extensive MD simulation / water-dynamics studies on a series of complexes of inhibitors (leupeptin, E-64, E-64-C, ZPACK) and plant cysteine proteases (actinidin, caricain, chymopapain, calotropin DI) of papain family to understand the various interactions, water binding mode, factors influencing it and the structural basis of differential inhibition.  相似文献   
Porcine heart cytoplasmic malate dehydrogenase (s-MDH) is a dimeric protein (2 x 35 kDa). We have studied equilibrium unfolding and refolding of s-MDH using activity assay, fluorescence, far-UV and near-UV circular dichroism (CD) spectroscopy, hydrophobic probe-1-anilino-8-napthalene sulfonic acid binding, dynamic light scattering, and chromatographic (HPLC) techniques. The unfolding and refolding transitions are reversible and show the presence of two equilibrium intermediate states. The first one is a compact monomer (MC) formed immediately after subunit dissociation and the second one is an expanded monomer (ME), which is little less compact than the native monomer and has most of the characteristic features of a 'molten globule' state. The equilibrium transition is fitted in the model: 2U <--> 2M(E) <--> 2M(C) <--> D. The time course of kinetics of self- refolding of s-MDH revealed two parallel folding pathways [Rudolph, R., Fuchs, I. & Jaenicke, R. (1986) Biochemistry 25, 1662-1669]. The major pathway (70%) is 2U-->2M*-->2M-->D, the rate limiting step being the isomerization of the monomers (K1 = 1.7 x 10(-3) s(-1)). The minor pathway (30%) involves an association step leading to the incorrectly folding dimers, prior to the very slow D*-->D folding step. In this study, we have characterized the folding-assembly pathway of dimeric s-MDH. Our kinetic and equilibrium experiments indicate that the folding of s-MDH involves the formation of two folding intermediates. However, whether the equilibrium intermediates are equivalent to the kinetic ones is beyond the scope of this study.  相似文献   
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