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The postharvest anthracnose pathogen Colletotrichum gloeosporioides inciting latent or quiescent infection of mango was detected in early stages using immunoassay methods. Twenty‐five pathotypes isolated from different agroclimatic zones of Tamil Nadu, Karnataka and Pondicherry, India, revealed the variation in protein profile analysis (SDS‐PAGE). The polyclonal antibodies (PCA) were raised against the unfractioned mycelial protein (UMP) and a 40‐kDa polypeptide present in all pathotypes. Standardization of antigen and antiserum dilutions revealed that an antigen dilution of 1 : 200 (protein concentration of 20 μg/ml) and antiserum dilution of 1 : 100 (protein concentration of 40 μg/ml raised against UMP) and 1 : 200 (protein concentration of 20 μg/ml raised against 40 kDa polypeptide) was found to be optimum for the detection of anthracnose pathogen. Both antisera detected the Cgloeosporioides antigen in enzyme‐linked immunosorbent assays (ELISAs), dot immunobinding assays (DIBAs) and Western blots. The specificity in reaction was compared by isolating other Colletotrichum spp. from various hosts viz., Clindemuthianum (beans), Cfalcatum (sugarcane), Cmusae (banana), Ccapsici (chillies) and Botryodiplodia theobromae (mango). The antisera generated against UMP revealed the cross‐reaction with other host isolates and mango stem end rot pathogen (B. theobromae). The PCA raised against 40‐kDa polypeptide exhibited the specific reaction with Cgloeosporioides isolates in all the immunoassay techniques. By utilizing both PCA, the presence of latent infection was observed in healthy‐looking leaves, flowers and fruits in orchard conditions. The fruit tissues recorded high absorbance values followed by flowers and leaves in all the detection methods. The ELISA technique was also useful in assessing the pathogen inoculum at various biocontrol formulations sprayed mango trees under field conditions. The fluorescent pseudomonad strains mixture (KFP1 + FP7) amended with chitin sprayed at 30‐day intervals revealed the significant reduction in pathogen load than other formulations and unsprayed control.  相似文献   
Lenka N  Ramasamy SK 《PloS one》2007,2(12):e1349
The neural induction has remained a debatable issue pertaining to whether it is a mere default process or it involves precise instructive cues. We have chosen the embryonic stem (ES) cell model to address this issue. In a devised monoculture strategy, the cell-cell interaction availed through optimum cell plating density could define the niche for the attainment of efficient in vitro neurogenesis from the ES cells. The medium plating density was found ideal in generating optimum number of progenitors and also yielded about 80% mature neurons in a serum free culture set up barring any exogenous inducers. We could also demarcate and quantify the neural stem cells/progenitors among the heterogeneous cell population of differentiating ES cells using nestin intron II driven EGFP expression as a tool. The one week post-plating was determined to be the critical time window for optimum neural progenitor generation from ES cells that helped us further in purifying these cells and in demonstrating their proliferation and multipotent differentiation potential. Seeding cells at varying densities, we could decipher an interesting paradoxical scenario that interlinked both commitment and maturation with the initial plating density having a vital influence on neuronal maturation but not specification and the secretory factors were apparently playing a key role during this process. Thus it was comprehended that, the neural specification was a default process independent of exogenous factors and cellular interaction. Conversely, a defined number of cells at the specification stage itself seemed critical to provide an auto-/paracrine means of signaling threshold for the maturation process to materialize.  相似文献   
Hydrogen sulphide (H(2)S) is synthesized from L-cysteine via the action of cystathionine-gamma-lyase (CSE) and cystathionine-beta-synthase (CBS). We have earlier shown that H(2)S acts as a mediator of inflammation. However the mechanism remains unclear. In this study, we investigated the presence of H(2)S and the expression of H(2)S synthesizing enzymes, CSE and CBS, in isolated mouse pancreatic acini. Pancreatic acinar cells from mice were incubated with or without caerulein (10(-7) M for 30 and 60 min). Caerulein increased the levels of H(2)S and CSE mRNA expression while CBS mRNA expression was decreased. In addition, cells pre-treated with DL-propargylglycine (PAG, 3 mM), a CSE inhibitor, reduced the formation of H(2)S in caerulein treated cells, suggesting that CSE may be the main enzyme involved in H(2)S formation in mouse acinar cells. Furthermore, substance P (SP) concentration in the acini and expression of SP gene (preprotachykinin-A, PPT-A) and neurokinin-1 receptor (NK-1R), the primary receptor for SP, are increased in secretagogue caerulein-treated acinar cells. Inhibition of endogenous production of H(2)S by PAG significantly suppressed SP concentration, PPT-A expression and NK1-R expression in the acini. To determine whether H(2)S itself provoked inflammation in acinar cells, the cells were treated with H(2)S donor drug, sodium hydrosulphide (NaHS), (10, 50 and 100 muM), that resulted in a significant increase in SP concentration and expression of PPT-A and NK1-R in acinar cells. These results suggest that the pro-inflammatory effect of H(2)S may be mediated by SP-NK-1R related pathway in mouse pancreatic acinar cells.  相似文献   
Although testosterone deficiency (TD) may be present in one out of five men 40 years or older, the factors responsible for TD remain largely unknown. Leydig stem cells (LSCs) differentiate into adult Leydig cells (ALC) and produce testosterone in the testes under the pulsatile control of luteinizing hormone (LH) from the pituitary gland. However, recent studies have suggested that the testicular microenvironment (TME), which is comprised of Sertoli and peritubular myoid cells (PMC), plays an instrumental role in LSC differentiation and testosterone production under the regulation of the desert hedgehog signaling pathway (DHH). It was hypothesized that the TME releases paracrine factors to modulate LSC differentiation. For this purpose, cells (Sertoli, PMCs, LSCs, and ALCs) were extracted from men undergoing testis biopsies for sperm retrieval and were evaluated for the paracrine factors in the presence or absence of the TME (Sertoli and PMC). The results demonstrated that TME secretes leptin, which induces LSC differentiation and increases testosterone production. Leptin’s effects on LSC differentiation and testosterone production, however, are inversely concentration-dependent: positive at low doses and negative at higher doses. Mechanistically, leptin binds to the leptin receptor on LSCs and induces DHH signaling to modulate LSC differentiation. Leptin-DHH regulation functions unidirectionally insofar as DHH gain or loss of function has no effect on leptin levels. Taken together, these findings identify leptin as a key paracrine factor released by cells within the TME that modulates LSC differentiation and testosterone release from mature Leydig cells, a finding with important clinical implications for TD.Subject terms: Stem-cell differentiation, Translational research  相似文献   
Hearts with overexpression of anchored lipoprotein lipase (LpL) by cardiomyocytes (hLpL(GPI) mice) develop a lipotoxic cardiomyopathy. To characterize cardiac fatty acid (FA) and triglyceride (TG) metabolism in these mice and to determine whether changes in lipid metabolism precede cardiac dysfunction, hearts from young mice were perfused in Langendorff mode with [14C]palmitate. In hLpL(GPI) hearts, FA uptake and oxidation were decreased by 59 and 82%, respectively. This suggests reliance on an alternative energy source, such as TG. Indeed, these hearts oxidized 88% more TG. Hearts from young hLpL(GPI) mice also had greater uptake of intravenously injected cholesteryl ester-labeled Intralipid and VLDL. To determine whether perfusion of normal hearts would mimic the metabolic alterations found in hLpL(GPI) mouse hearts, wild-type hearts were perfused with [14C]palmitate and either human VLDL or Intralipid (0.4 mM TG). Both sources of TG reduced [14C]palmitate uptake (48% with VLDL and 45% with Intralipid) and FA oxidation (71% with VLDL and 65% with Intralipid). Addition of either heparin or LpL inhibitor P407 to Intralipid-containing perfusate restored [14C]palmitate uptake and confirmed that Intralipid inhibition requires local LpL. Our data demonstrate that reduced FA uptake and oxidation occur before mechanical dysfunction in hLpL(GPI) lipotoxicity. This physiology is reproduced with perfusion of hearts with TG-containing particles. Together, the results demonstrate that cardiac uptake of TG-derived FA reduces utilization of albumin-FA.  相似文献   
Accurate characterization of melanin using analytical methodologies has proved to be difficult due to its heterogeneity, insolubility in wide pH and broad range of solvents. The present study was undertaken to characterize melanin extracted from an environmental Aspergillus fumigatus AFGRD105 by studying its genes, chemical properties and spectral data. A gene based approach to confirm the type of melanin carried out indicated the extracted melanin to be of the dihydroxynaphthalene type. On comparison with synthetic melanin, UV–Vis and IR spectra of the extracted melanin revealed characteristic peaks that can be further used for confirmation of DHN-melanin extracted from any source. Solid state 13C NMR spectroscopy established the presence of the hydroxyl-naphthalene moiety and validated the results obtained by genetic analysis. The correct assignment of the observed spectral frequency characteristic of functional groups can be further adapted in future works that deal with binding capacities and biomolecule systems involving melanin.  相似文献   
This study dealt with the demetalation and remetalation chemistry of the copper-containing protein ceruloplasmin. For the enzyme from human plasma, dialysis against cyanide at 4°C readily removed copper. Although the apoprotein took up copper(I) at the same temperature, the characteristic blue color of the native protein did not return to any significant extent. However, excellent reconstitution occurred when we added copper(I) at room temperature. With porcine ceruloplasmin, it was more practical to carry out the copper removal step at room temperature, but the reconstitution went smoothly at 4°C. With either source of ceruloplasmin, the binding of the six essential copper ions was generally a highly cooperative process, but the results were different when we combined the apoprotein with Hg(II). After the protein took up 2 mercury ions, it would take up only 1–2 more metal ions even after exposure to a large excess of copper(I). In order to accomodate the various experimental results, we have proposed that a reversible conformational change must occur during the demetalation and remetalation processes. During the remetalation process, it is therefore important that metal uptake occurs in the proper sequence.  相似文献   
To explore the physiological significance of N‐glycan maturation in the plant Golgi apparatus, gnt1, a mutant with loss of N‐acetylglucosaminyltransferase I (GnTI) function, was isolated in Oryza sativa. gnt1 exhibited complete inhibition of N‐glycan maturation and accumulated high‐mannose N‐glycans. Phenotypic analyses revealed that gnt1 shows defective post‐seedling development and incomplete cell wall biosynthesis, leading to symptoms such as failure in tiller formation, brittle leaves, reduced cell wall thickness, and decreased cellulose content. The developmental defects of gnt1 ultimately resulted in early lethality without transition to the reproductive stage. However, callus induced from gnt1 seeds could be maintained for periods, although it exhibited a low proliferation rate, small size, and hypersensitivity to salt stress. Shoot regeneration and dark‐induced leaf senescence assays indicated that the loss of GnTI function results in reduced sensitivity to cytokinin in rice. Reduced expression of A‐type O. sativa response regulators that are rapidly induced by cytokinins in gnt1 confirmed that cytokinin signaling is impaired in the mutant. These results strongly support the proposed involvement of N‐glycan maturation in transport as well as in the function of membrane proteins that are synthesized via the endomembrane system.  相似文献   
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