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An assessment of the DNA barcodes of Indian freshwater fishes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Freshwater fishes in India are poorly known and plagued by many unresolved cryptic species complexes that masks some latent and endemic species. Limitations in traditional taxonomy have resulted in this crypticism. Hence, molecular approaches like DNA barcoding, are needed to diagnose these latent species. We have analyzed 1383 barcode sequences of 175 Indian freshwater fish species available in the databases, of which 172 sequences of 70 species were generated. The congeneric and conspecific genetic divergences were calculated using Kimura's 2 parameter distance model followed by the construction of a Neighbor Joining tree using the MEGA 5.1. DNA barcoding principle at its first hand approach, led to the straightforward identification of 82% of the studied species with 2.9% (S.E = 0.2) divergence between the nearest congeners. However, after validating some cases of synonymy and mislabeled sequences, 5% more species were found to be valid. Sequences submitted to the database under different names were found to represent single species. On the other hand, some sequences of the species like Barilius barna, Barilius bendelisis and Labeo bata were submitted to the database under a single name but were found to represent either some unexplored species or latent species. Overall, 87% of the available Indian freshwater fish barcodes were diagnosed as true species in parity with the existing checklist and can act as reference barcode for the particular taxa. For the remaining 13% (21 species) the correct species name was difficult to assign as they depicted some erroneous identification and cryptic species complex. Thus, these barcodes will need further assay and inclusion of barcodes of more specimens from same and sister species.  相似文献   
A defensin-like peptide was previously detected in hemocytes of Manila clams (Ruditapes philippinarum). In the current study, we cloned and characterized this defensin, designated MCdef. Cloning produced a full-length gene sequence of 201 bp predicted to encode a 66-amino-acid precursor protein maturing to a 44-amino-acid residue. Amino acid sequence analysis showed that MCdef is similar to defensins from marine mollusks and ticks. Phylogenetic analysis suggested that MCdef is closely related to defensins from Mytilus galloprovincialis (Mediterranean mussel) and Crassostrea gigas (Pacific cupped oyster). The three-dimensional structure of MCdef was modeled using the solution structure of C. gigas defensin as a template. With the exception of three variable loop areas, the modeled structure of MCdef was identical to that of C. gigas defensin. MCdef antiserum was raised against a synthetic MCdef peptide and verified by Western blotting using recombinant MCdef. RT-PCR analysis demonstrated high levels of MCdef mRNA in hemocytes and adductor, foot, gill, mantle, palp, and siphon tissues of Vibrio tapetis-infected Manila clams, whereas in V. tapetis-uninfected Manila clams, the level of MCdef mRNA was low in adductor, palp, and siphon tissues and even lower in the other tested tissues. Immunohistochemical analysis revealed high MCdef expression was detected in the gill, the mantle, and the digestive tubules of the diverticulum of V. tapetis-infected Manila clams. Minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of the purified rMCdef was determined. MCdef showed highest activity against Streptococcus iniae and Staphylococcus aureus.  相似文献   
The protective effect of PUFA concentrate prepared from fish oil on isoproterenol-induced myocardial infarction in male albino rats was investigated with respect to changes in the levels of diagnostic marker enzymes, cholesterol, triglycerides, free fatty acids, phospholipids, reduced glutathione (GSH) and lipid peroxides (LPO). Administration of PUFA concentrate significantly prevented the isoproterenol-induced elevation in the levels of plasma diagnostic marker enzymes (ALT [93.5%], AST [95.6%], LDH [94.7%] and CPK [96.1%]). PUFA concentrate feeding exerted a significant antilipidemic effect against isoproterenol-induced myocardial infarction by reducing the levels of lipid components in plasma (cholesterol [71.5%], triglycerides [79.7%] and free fatty acids [70.7%] and heart tissue (cholesterol [81.4%], triglycerides [76.3%] and free fatty acids [78.6%]). A tendency to prevent the isoproterenol-induced phospholipids depletion (74.4%) in the myocardium of experimental rats was also observed. The level of lipid peroxidation was also found to be significantly lower in PUFA treated animals (2.72+/-0.15nmol/ml in plasma; 1.18+/-0.08nmol/mg protein in heart tissue) as compared to that of isoproterenol-injected groups (5.77+/-0.43nmol/ml in plasma; 2.14+/-0.15nmol/mg protein in heart tissue) of rats. Also the level of reduced GSH significantly higher in the heart tissue of PUFA administered experimental rats (5.65+/-0.98 microg/g) as compared to myocardial infarction induced control rats (2.39+/-0.18 microg/g). The results of the present study indicate that the overall cardioprotective effect of PUFA concentrate is probably related to its ability to inhibit lipid accumulation by its hypolipidaemic property.  相似文献   
Efficient light harvesting in a photosynthetic antenna system is disturbed by a ragged and fluctuating energy landscape of the antenna pigments in response to the conformation dynamics of the protein. This situation is especially pronounced in Photosystem I (PSI) containing red shifted chlorophylls (red Chls) with the excitation energy much lower than the primary donor. The present study was conducted to clarify light-harvesting dynamics of PSI isolated from Synechocystis sp. PCC6803 by using single-molecule spectroscopy at liquid?nitrogen temperatures. Fluorescence emission at around 720?nm from the red Chls in single PSI trimers was monitored at 80–100?K. Intermittent variations in the emission intensities, so-called blinking, were frequently observed. Its time scale lay in several tens of seconds. The blinking amplitude depended on the redox state of the phylloquinone (A1). Electrochromic shifts of Chls induced by the negative charge on A1 were calculated based on the X-ray crystallographic structure. A Chl molecule, Chl-A839 (numbering according to PDB 5OY0), bound near A1 was found to have a large electrochromic shift. This Chl has strong exciton coupling with neighboring Chl (A838) whose site energy was predicted to be determined by interaction with an arginine residue (ArgF84) [Adolphs et al., 2010]. A possible scenario of the blinking was proposed. Conformational fluctuations of ArgF84 seesaw the excitation-energy of Chl-A838, which perturbs the branching ratio of excitation-energy between the red Chl and the cationic form of P700 as a quencher. The electrochromic shift of Chl-A839 enhances the effect of the conformation dynamics of ArgF84.  相似文献   
IL-13 is a major Th2 cytokine that is capable of inducing inflammation, excessive mucus production, airway hyperresponsiveness, alveolar remodeling, and fibrosis in the murine lung. Although IL-13 through its binding to IL-4Ralpha/IL-13Ralpha1 uses the canonical STAT6-signaling pathway to mediate these tissue responses, recent studies have demonstrated that other signaling pathways may also be involved. Previous studies from our laboratory demonstrated that IL-13 mediates its tissue effects by inducing a wide variety of downstream genes many of which are known to be regulated by NF-kappaB. As a result, we hypothesized that NF-kappaB activation plays a critical role in the pathogenesis of IL-13-induced tissue alterations. To test this hypothesis, we compared the effects of transgenic IL-13 in mice with normal and diminished levels of NF-kappaB activity. Three pharmacologic approaches were used to inhibit NF-kappaB including 1) PS1145, a small molecule inhibitor of IkappaBalpha kinase (IKK2), 2) antennapedia-linked NF-kappaB essential modulator-binding domain (NBD) peptide (wild-type NBD), and 3) an adenoviral construct expressing a dominant-negative version of IKK2. We also crossed IL-13-transgenic mice with mice with null mutations of p50 to generate mice that overproduced IL-13 in the presence and absence of this NF-kappaB component. These studies demonstrate that all these interventions reduced IL-13-induced tissue inflammation, fibrosis and alveolar remodeling. In addition, we show that both PS1145 and wild-type NBD inhibit lung inflammatory and structural cell apoptosis. PS1145 inhibits caspase activation and up-regulates inhibitor of apoptosis protein cellular-inhibitor of apoptosis protein 1 (c-IAP-1). Therefore, NF-kappaB is an attractive target for immunotherapy of IL-13-mediated diseases.  相似文献   
分别在2005年和2006年的5、6月份,在Kamalpur和Hunterpara茶园、孟加拉西部以及印度地区对一种昆虫致病真菌球孢白僵菌对油桐尺蛾Buzura (=Biston) suppressaria Guen.的生物效力进行了评估。以农场主常用的化学杀虫剂40% SP灭多虫和25% EC氯氰菊酯作为标准检测物。试验中球孢白僵菌浓度为1.50 g,2.00 g和2.5 g/lit. of water;灭多虫和氯氰菊酯浓度分别为0.75 mL,1.00 mL和1.50 mL,和0.50 mL,1.00 mL和1.50 mL/lit. of water。在喷洒2.5 g/lit. of water 球孢白僵菌3天后,Kamalpur和Hunterpara茶园中油桐尺蛾种群个体数分别降低了88.00%和84.00%。死的毛虫变成黑色,垂悬在叶片上。并且发现球孢白僵菌的杀虫活性与高剂量的灭多虫和氯氰菊酯的相当。  相似文献   
Urinary catheterization is a routine procedure in an intensive care unit (ICU) for monitoring the urine output of critically ill patients. The catheters which are most often used to help with urinary incontinence and retention also face problems like blockage, leakage and infection. These problems are due to proteins that adhere to the catheter surface and quickly build up on each other forming a protein layer. As the layers build up they can crystallize, providing the major source of blockage and leakage. Current strategies to avoid these problems include coating a catheter with silver alloy to reduce bacteria on the catheter surface. However, silver alloy coatings can lead to increased silver resistance for bacteria. Since silver is already used as an antibacterial agent in many places in a hospital, it is even more possible that resistance can develop. An alternative solution is presented involving coating latex, a common urinary catheter material with a micro layer (5-100 microns) of polyethylene glycol. This hydrogel is applied using an interfacial photopolymerization process with ethyl eosin as the photoinitiator. A 25 ppm concentration of ethyl eosin provided the strongest gel to surface adhesion and significantly lowered protein adhesion when compared to an uncoated latex substrate.  相似文献   
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