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Human factor H (HufH), a key inhibitor of the alternative pathway of complement, binds to Neisseria gonorrhoeae and constitutes an important mechanism of human-specific complement evasion. The C-terminal domain 20 of HufH contains the binding site for sialylated gonococci. We exploited differences in amino acid sequences between human and non-binding chimpanzee fH domain 20 to create cross-species mutations to define amino acids important for binding to sialylated gonococci. We used fH/Fc fusion constructs that contained contiguous fH domains 18-20 fused to Fc fragments of murine IgG2a. The Fc region was used both as a tag for detection of each fusion molecule on the bacterial surface and as an indicator for complement-dependent killing. Arg-1203 was critical for binding to both porin (Por) B.1A and PorB.1B strains. Modeling of the R1203N human-to-chimpanzee mutation using the crystal structure of HufH19-20 as a template showed a loss of positive charge that protrudes at the C terminus of domain 20. We tested the functional importance of Arg-1203 by incubating sialylated gonococci with normal human serum, in the presence of wild-type HufH18-20/Fc or its R1203A mutant. Gonococci bound and were killed by wild-type HufH18-20/Fc but not by the R1203A mutant. A recombinant fH/Fc molecule that contained chimpanzee domain 20, humanized only at amino acid 1203 (N1203R) also bound to sialylated gonococci and restored killing. These findings provide further insights into the species specificity of gonococcal infections and proof-of-concept of a novel therapeutic approach against gonorrhea, a disease rapidly becoming resistant to conventional antibiotics.  相似文献   
In order to preserve genetic information in stress conditions, bacterial DNA is organized into higher order nucleoid structure. In this paper, with the help of Atomic Force Microscopy, we show the different structural changes in mycobacterial nucleoid at different points of growth in the presence of different concentrations of glucose in the medium. We also observe that in Mycobacterium smegmatis, two different Dps proteins (Dps1 and Dps2) promote two types of nucleoid organizations. At the late stationary phase, under low glucose availability, Dps1 binds to DNA to form a very stable toroid structure. On the other hand, under the same condition, Dps2-DNA complex forms an incompletely condensed toroid and finally forms a further stable coral reef structure in the presence of RNA. This coral reef structure is stable in high concentration of bivalent ion like Mg(2+).  相似文献   
Heparan sulfate proteoglycans (HSPGs) are found in the basement membrane and at the cell-surface where they modulate the binding and activity of a variety of growth factors and other molecules. Most of the functions of HSPGs are mediated by the variable sulfated glycosaminoglycan (GAG) chains attached to a core protein. Sulfation of the GAG chain is key as evidenced by the renal agenesis phenotype in mice deficient in the HS biosynthetic enzyme, heparan sulfate 2-O sulfotransferase (Hs2st; an enzyme which catalyzes the 2-O-sulfation of uronic acids in heparan sulfate). We have recently demonstrated that this phenotype is likely due to a defect in induction of the metanephric mesenchyme (MM), which along with the ureteric bud (UB), is responsible for the mutually inductive interactions in the developing kidney (Shah et al., 2010). Here, we sought to elucidate the role of variable HS sulfation in UB branching morphogenesis, particularly the role of 6-O sulfation. Endogenous HS was localized along the length of the UB suggesting a role in limiting growth factors and other molecules to specific regions of the UB. Treatment of cultures of whole embryonic kidney with variably desulfated heparin compounds indicated a requirement of 6O-sulfation in the growth and branching of the UB. In support of this notion, branching morphogenesis of the isolated UB was found to be more sensitive to the HS 6-O sulfation modification when compared to the 2-O sulfation modification. In addition, a variety of known UB branching morphogens (i.e., pleiotrophin, heregulin, FGF1 and GDNF) were found to have a higher affinity for 6-O sulfated heparin providing additional support for the notion that this HS modification is important for robust UB branching morphogenesis. Taken together with earlier studies, these findings suggest a general mechanism for spatio-temporal HS regulation of growth factor activity along the branching UB and in the developing MM and support the view that specific growth factor-HSPG interactions establish morphogen gradients and function as developmental switches during the stages of epithelial organogenesis (Shah et al., 2004).  相似文献   
Friedreich ataxia is caused by the expansion of a polymorphic and unstable GAA triplet repeat in the FRDA gene, but the mechanisms for its instability are poorly understood. Replication of (GAA•TTC)n sequences (9–105 triplets) in plasmids propagated in Escherichia coli displayed length- and orientation-dependent instability. There were small length variations upon replication in both orientations, but large contractions were frequently observed when GAA was the lagging strand template. DNA replication was also significantly slower in this orientation. To evaluate the physiological relevance of our findings, we analyzed peripheral leukocytes from human subjects carrying repeats of similar length (8–107 triplets). Analysis of 9400 somatic FRDA molecules using small-pool PCR revealed a similar mutational spectrum, including large contractions. The threshold length for the initiation of somatic instability in vivo was between 40 and 44 triplets, corresponding to the length of a eukaryotic Okazaki fragment. Consistent with the stabilization of premutation alleles during germline transmission, we also found that instability of somatic cells in vivo and repeats propagated in E.coli were abrogated by (GAGGAA)n hexanucleotide interruptions. Our data demonstrate that the GAA triplet repeat mutation in Friedreich ataxia is destabilized, frequently undergoing large contractions, during DNA replication.  相似文献   
Friedreich ataxia accounts for approximately 75% of European recessive ataxia patients. Approximately 98% of pathogenic chromosomes have large expansions of a GAA triplet repeat in the FRDA gene (E alleles), and strong linkage disequilibrium among polymorphisms spanning the FRDA locus indicates a common origin for all European E alleles. In contrast, we found that only 14 of 151 (9.3%) Mexican Mestizo patients with recessive ataxia were homozygous for E alleles. Analysis of polymorphisms spanning the FRDA locus revealed that all Mestizo E alleles had the common European haplotype, indicating that they share a single origin. Genetic admixture levels were determined, which revealed that the relative contributions to the Mestizo FRDA gene pool by Native American and European genes were 76-87% and 13-24%, respectively, commensurate with the observed low prevalence of Friedreich ataxia in Mestizos. This indicates that Friedreich ataxia in Mexican Mestizos is due to genetic admixture of European mutant FRDA genes in the Native American gene pool that existed prior to contact with Europeans.  相似文献   
The development of engineered constructs to bridge nerve gaps may hold the key to improved functional outcomes in the repair of injured peripheral nerves. These constructs must be rendered bioactive by providing the growth factors required for successful peripheral nerve regeneration. Previous studies demonstrated that harvested human and rat dermal fibroblasts could be genetically engineered to release nerve growth factor (NGF) both in vitro and in vivo. The use of fibroblasts, however, has the potential to cause scarring, and the expression of NGF from those cells was transient. To overcome these potential difficulties, human embryonic kidney cells were modified for use with the ecdysone-inducible mammalian expression system. These cells (hNGF-EcR-293) have been engineered and regulated to secrete human NGF in response to the ecdysone analogue ponasterone A. HEK-293 cells were transfected with human NGF cDNA with the ecdysone-inducible mammalian expression system (Invitrogen, Carlsbad, Calif.). Stable clones were then selected. Ponasterone A, an analogue of ecdysone, was used as the inducing agent. The secretion of NGF into the medium was analyzed with two different methods. After 24 hours of exposure to the inducing agent, cell medium was transferred to PC-12 cells seeded in 12-well plates, for determination of whether the secreted NGF was bioactive. Medium from untreated or ponasterone A-treated hNGF-EcR-293 cells was deemed bioactive on the basis of its ability to induce PC-12 cell differentiation. The concentrations of secreted NGF were also quantified with an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, in triplicate. NGF production was measured in successive samples of the same medium during a 9-day period, with maximal release of 9.05 +/- 2.6 ng/ml at day 9. Maximal NGF production was 8.46 +/- 2.1 pg/10(3) cells at day 9. These levels were statistically significantly different from levels in noninduced samples (p 相似文献   


cDNA microarrays are a powerful means to screen for biologically relevant gene expression changes, but are often limited by their ability to detect small changes accurately due to "noise" from random and systematic errors. While experimental designs and statistical analysis methods have been proposed to reduce these errors, few studies have tested their accuracy and ability to identify small, but biologically important, changes. Here, we have compared two cDNA microarray experimental design methods with northern blot confirmation to reveal changes in gene expression that could contribute to the early antiproliferative effects of neuregulin on MCF10AT human breast epithelial cells.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: Removal of exhaled air from total body emanations or artificially standardising carbon dioxide (CO2) outputs has previously been shown to eliminate differential attractiveness of humans to certain blackfly (Simuliidae) and mosquito (Culicidae) species. Whether or not breath contributes to between-person differences in relative attractiveness to the highly anthropophilic malaria vector Anopheles gambiae sensu stricto remains unknown and was the focus of the present study. METHODS: The contribution to and possible interaction of breath (BR) and body odours (BO) in the attraction of An. gambiae s.s. to humans was investigated by conducting dual choice tests using a recently developed olfactometer. Either one or two human subjects were used as bait. The single person experiments compared the attractiveness of a person's BR versus that person's BO or a control (empty tent with no odour). His BO and total emanations (TE = BR+BO) were also compared with a control. The two-person experiments compared the relative attractiveness of their TE, BO or BR, and the TE of each person against the BO of the other. RESULTS: Experiments with one human subject (P1) as bait found that his BO and TE collected more mosquitoes than the control (P = 0.005 and P < 0.001, respectively), as did his BO and the control versus his BR (P < 0.001 and P = 0.034, respectively). The TE of P1 attracted more mosquitoes than that of another person designated P8 (P < 0.021), whereas the BR of P8 attracted more mosquitoes than the BR of P1 (P = 0.001). The attractiveness of the BO of P1 versus the BO of P8 did not differ (P = 0.346). The BO from either individual was consistently more attractive than the TE from the other (P < 0.001). CONCLUSIONS: We demonstrated for the first time that human breath, although known to contain semiochemicals that elicit behavioural and/or electrophysiological responses (CO2, ammonia, fatty acids) in An. gambiae also contains one or more constituents with allomonal (~repellent) properties, which inhibit attraction and may serve as an important contributor to between-person differences in the relative attractiveness of humans to this important malaria vector.  相似文献   
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