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A solvent fractionation method was introduced to screen for mutagenicity in 10 medicinal herbs being consumed in Korea. The Ames mutagenicity test result of Scutellariae and Rhei was significantly increased by eliminating growth-inhibiting substances through solvent fractionation of the crude extract. It is suggested that a physicochemical pretreatment should reduce the false-negative results which are caused by the presence of growth-inhibiting substances in complex mixtures.  相似文献   
Electrical injury mechanisms: electrical breakdown of cell membranes   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Electric fields are capable of damaging cells through both thermal and nonthermal mechanisms. While joule heating is generally recognized to mediate tissue injury in electrical trauma, the possible role of electrical breakdown of cell membranes has not been thoroughly considered. Evidence is presented suggestive that in many instances of electrical trauma the local electrical field is of sufficient magnitude to cause electrical breakdown of cell membranes and cell lysis. In theory, large cells such as muscle and nerve cells are more vulnerable to electrical breakdown. To illustrate the significance of cell size and orientation, a geometrically simple model of an elongated cell is analyzed.  相似文献   
Both Lys-166 and His-291 of ribulosebisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase fromRhodospirillum rubrum have been implicated as the active-site residue that initiates catalysis. To decide between these two candidates, we resorted to site-directed mutagenesis to replace Lys-166 and His-291 with several amino acids. All 7 of the position-166 mutants tested are severely deficient in carboxylase activity, whereas the alanine and serine mutants at position 291 are ∼40% and ∼18% as active as the native carboxylase, essentially ruling out His-291 in theRhodospirillum rubrum carboxylase (and by inference His-298 in the spinach enzyme) as a catalytically essential residue. The ability of some of the mutant proteins to undergo carbamate formation or to bind either ribulosebisphosphate or a transition-state analogue remains largely unimpaired. This implies that Lys-166 is not required for substrate binding; rather, the results corroborate the earlier postulate that Lys-166 functions as an acid-base group in catalysis or in stabilizing a transition state in the reaction pathway.  相似文献   
Structural differences between the two subunits of human plasma fibronectin were studied by analyzing the carboxy-terminal heparin-binding domain (Hep-2). Two fragments (29 kDa and 38 kDa) derived from the Hep-2 domain were purified from thermolysin-digested human plasma fibronectin. Identical NH2-terminal sequences were obtained for both fragments through 16 Edman cycles. Neither domain contained the 90-amino-acid extra domain which is predicted by cDNA analysis of the cellular form of fibronectin. We have examined the primary structures of the 29-kDa and 38-kDa Hep-2 domains produced from the two chains of plasma fibronectin by analyzing the tryptic peptides by fast atom bombardment/mass spectrometry and comparison with the predicted fragments deduced from the corresponding cDNA-derived peptide sequences. Peptides that were unique to each domain were further characterized by microsequence analysis. The two domains showed identical amino acid sequences through 274 residues, followed by a region of variability. The 29-kDa domain contains 279 amino acids with an estimated relative molecular mass (Mr) of 30,460. This domain is located in the heavy chain of plasma fibronectin and contains three repeats of type III sequences plus a portion of the connecting segment (IIICS) region. The 38-kDa domain contains 359 amino acids and one O-linked glycosyl unit for an estimated Mr of 39,263. This domain is from the light chain of plasma fibronectin and contains four repeats of type III sequences with the deletion of the entire 120-amino-acid IIICS area. Secondary structure analysis by Chou/Fasman and circular dichroism reveals extensive beta-sheet structure for these domains. Key sulfhydryl and glycosylation sites are located near the mRNA splice junctions for the two chains. It is postulated that the splice junctions are adjacent to a flexible domain joining two regions of extensive beta-sheet structure.  相似文献   
The effects of epidermal growth factor (EGF) and transforming growth factor beta (TGF beta) on the growth of A431 epidermoid carcinoma cells were studied. Whereas the monolayer growth of A431 cells was inhibited by EGF, it was stimulated by TGF beta. Contrary to the effects on the monolayer growth, EGF stimulated the soft agar growth of A431 cells. The stimulatory effects of TGF beta on the anchorage-dependent growth were antagonized by EGF and those of EGF on anchorage-independent growth were antagonized by TGF beta. These results suggest that both factors not only convey the proliferative signals to A431 cells but also induce phenotypic changes, resulting in a preference for either anchorage-dependent or anchorage-independent growth. Moreover, as the stimulatory effects of EGF on the soft agar growth of A431 cells paralleled its reported stimulatory effects on their in vivo growth, it is also suggested that in vivo responses of cells to certain growth factors may correlate better with their responses in soft agar culture than with those in monolayer culture.  相似文献   
Final steps in the synthesis of platelet activating factor (PAF) occur via two enzymatic reactions: the acetylation of 1-alkyl-2-lyso-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine by a specific acetyltransferase or the transfer of the phosphocholine base group from CDP-choline to 1-alkyl-2-acetyl-sn-glycerol by a dithiothreitol (DTT)-insensitive cholinephosphotransferase. Our studies demonstrate that rat kidney inner medulla microsomes synthesize PAF primarily via the DTT-insensitive cholinephosphotransferase since the specific activity of this enzyme is greater than 100-fold higher than the acetyltransferase. The two cholinephosphotransferases that catalyze the biosynthesis of phosphatidylcholine and PAF have similar Mg2+ or Mn2+ requirements and are inhibited by Ca2+. Also topographic experiments indicated that both activities are located on the cytoplasmic face of microsomal vesicles. PAF synthesis was slightly stimulated by 10 mM DTT, whereas the enzymatic synthesis of phosphatidylcholine was inhibited greater than 95% under the same conditions. The concept of two separate enzymes for PAF and phosphatidylcholine synthesis is further substantiated by the differences in the two microsomal cholinephosphotransferase activities with respect to pH optima, substrate specificities, and their sensitivities to temperature, deoxycholate, or ethanol. Study of the substrate specificities of the DTT-insensitive cholinephosphotransferase showed that the enzyme prefers a lipid substrate with 16:0 or 18:1 sn-1-alkyl chains. Short chain esters at the sn-2 position (acetate or propionate) are utilized by the DTT-insensitive cholinephosphotransferase, but analogs with acetamide or methoxy substituents at the sn-2 position are not substrates. Also, CDP-choline is the preferred water-soluble substrate when compared to CDP-ethanolamine. Utilization of endogenous neutral lipids as a substrate by the DTT-insensitive cholinephosphotransferase demonstrated that sufficient levels of alkylacetylglycerols are normally present in rat kidney microsomes to permit the synthesis of physiological quantities of PAF. These data suggest the renal DTT-insensitive cholinephosphotransferase could be a potentially important enzyme in the regulation of systemic blood pressure.  相似文献   
Microfilaments, which are organized into bundles in the apical ends of neuroepithelial cells, are generally thought to play a major role in generating the driving forces for neural tube closure. Because of their proximity to the luminal surface, the contractile activity of these microfilament bundles results in conspicuous changes in the overall shape of neuroepithelial cells, most notably apical constriction and apical surface folding. In the present study, we have used morphometric methods and computer-assisted image analysis to reveal the distribution of microfilament-mediated forces in the developing midbrain during initial contact of apposing neural folds in chick embryos at Hamburger and Hamilton stage 8+ of development (Hamburger and Hamilton (1951) J. Morphol., 88:49-92). The degree of apical constriction, apical surface folding, and bending of the neuroepithelium was used as a barometer of local microfilament activity. Results indicate that cells forming the floor and midlateral walls of the developing midbrain consistently show a higher degree of apical constriction and surface folding than those at other locations. These same regions of the neuroepithelium also exhibit the greatest degree of bending. We conclude that the principal driving forces for closure of the neural tube, at the level of the midbrain, are concentrated in certain regions of the neuroepithelium (i.e., the floor and midlateral walls of the forming neural tube) rather than uniformly distributed.  相似文献   
B cell growth-promoting activity of recombinant human interleukin 4   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
Human interleukin 4 (IL-4), also known as B cell stimulatory factor 1, is a T cell-derived glycoprotein consisting of 129 amino acids for which a cDNA has been recently isolated. IL-4 displays little or no B cell growth factor (BCGF) activity in the standard anti-IgM costimulatory assay using suboptimal concentrations of soluble anti-IgM antibody whereas the low m.w. BCGF is very active. When insolubilized anti-IgM was used as the costimulating agent, both IL-4 and the low m.w. BCGF were found to promote B cell proliferation. Human IL-4 is able to induce the proliferation of B lymphocytes preactivated for either 1 day with insolubilized anti-IgM antibody or for 3 days with Staphylococcus aureus strain Cowan I. However, IL-4 is poorly mitogenic for B cells preactivated for 1 day with the Staphylococcus strain whereas the low m.w. BCGF strongly enhances the proliferation of these B cells. These two findings demonstrate that the preactivation signal necessary to induce human B cells to proliferate in response to IL-4 is critical. The increased tritiated thymidine ([3H]dThd) uptake in preactivated B cell cultures with IL-4 reflects cel proliferation because cell cycle analysis demonstrates that IL-4 induces activated B cells to enter the S and G2/M phases of the cell cycle and the addition of IL-4 to preactivated B cell cultures permits the recovery of three- to fourfold more B cells after 4 days of culture. IL-4 and the low m.w. BCGF act in concert to induce the proliferation of anti-IgM-preactivated B cells as demonstrated by [3H]dThd uptake and cell cycle analysis. In striking contrast to the demonstrated antagonistic effect of interferon-gamma on the IL-4-induced expression of the low affinity receptor for IgE (Fc epsilon RL/CD23), on B cells, it was found that interferon-gamma enhanced the IL-4-induced proliferation of anti-IgM-preactivated B cells. Finally, it was found that IL-4 had to be present continuously during the culture period to exert an optimal growth-promoting effect on B cell blasts. As a conclusion, IL-4 is able to induce the proliferation of an appropriately activated subpopulation of human B cells.  相似文献   
Two techniques have been developed to estimate binding parameters for Jel 241 under equilibrium conditions. Jel 241 is an autoimmune monoclonal antibody derived from an NZB/NZW mouse which binds to double-stranded DNA. Thermal denaturation profiles of poly[d(AT)] were measured in the presence of increasing concentrations of IgG Jel 241. From these data it was estimated that the IgG occludes 12 base-pairs on duplex DNA, and the binding to double-stranded DNA was at least four orders of magnitude greater than to single-stranded DNA. In addition, intrinsic association constants (K(O)) were measured by a gel filtration technique for the interaction of both Fab and IgG Jel 241 to native calf thymus DNA. K(O) for the IgG was only 60-fold greater than for the Fab fragment for which K(O) was 4.4 X 10(4) M-1 at an NaCl concentration of 150 mM. Also, K(O) for the Fab increased dramatically with decreasing ionic strength, suggesting that there are four phosphates involved in the interaction. These techniques should be applicable to most autoimmune antibodies which bind to nucleic acid polymers.  相似文献   
Adjuvant-induced arthritis (AA) in rats is associated with a number of immunologic abnormalities which include a marked decrease in spleen cell mitogenic responses. In this study we investigated the altered production of interleukins in arthritic rats and evaluated the effects of auranofin treatment on disease progression and aberrant interleukin production. The capacity of the AA rat spleen cells to produce interleukin (IL) 2 and IL-3 was found to decrease during the development of the arthritic lesion, with maximum suppression occurring 16 to 17 days after adjuvant injection. In contrast, the production of IL-1 by splenic adherent cells from arthritic rats was markedly increased. Prophylactic treatment of AA rats with auranofin resulted in a slight reduction in paw edema, a complete normalization of the depressed IL-2 production, and a reduction of the elevated IL-1 production, but had no effect on the depressed IL-3 production. In contrast, auranofin administered to normal rats, in the same dosing regimen, did not affect interleukin production. Therapeutic administration of auranofin to AA rats with established disease resulted in normalization of IL-1 production without affecting the suppressed IL-2 and IL-3 levels. In contrast, while indomethacin treatment effectively decreased paw edema, it did not appreciably affect the systemic aberrant interleukin production. Taken together, these results suggest that disease-associated abnormalities in interleukin production may be mediated by different mechanisms with differential sensitivity to the effects of the disease-modifying drug auranofin. Furthermore, defining the relationship between drug-mediated normalization of aberrant immune parameters and clinical improvement will provide a basis for the elucidation of the mechanism of action of disease-modifying antiarthritic drugs as well as for assessment of clinical efficacy of drug treatment.  相似文献   
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