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During an adaptive immune response, lymphocytes proliferate for five to twenty-five cell divisions, then stop and die over a period of weeks. Based on extensive flow cytometry data, Hawkins et al. (Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 104:5032–5037, 2007) introduced a cell-level stochastic model of lymphocyte population dynamics, called the Cyton Model, that accurately captures mean lymphocyte population size as a function of time. In Subramanian et al. (J Math Biol 56(6):861–892, 2008), we performed a branching process analysis of the Cyton Model and deduced from parameterizations for in vitro and in vivo data that the immune response is predictable despite each cell’s fate being highly variable. One drawback of flow cytometry data is that individual cells cannot be tracked, so that it is not possible to investigate dependencies in the fate of cells within family trees. In the absence of this information, while the Cyton Model abandons one of the usual assumptions of branching processes (the independence of lifetime and progeny number), it adopts another of the standard branching processes hypotheses: that the fates of progeny are stochastically independent. However, new experimental observations of lymphocytes show that the fates of cells in the same family tree are not stochastically independent. Hawkins et al. (2008, submitted) report on ciné lapse photography experiments where every founding cell’s family tree is recorded for a system of proliferating lymphocytes responding to a mitogenic stimulus. Data from these experiments demonstrate that the death-or-division fates of collaterally consanguineous cells (those in the same generation within a founding cell’s family tree) are strongly correlated, while there is little correlation between cells of distinct generations and between cells in distinct family trees. As this finding contrasts with one of the assumptions of the Cyton Model, in this paper we introduce three variants of the Cyton Model with increasing levels of collaterally consanguineous correlation structure to incorporate these new found dependencies. We investigate their impact on the predicted expected variability of cell population size. Mathematically we conclude that while the introduction of correlation structure leaves the mean population size unchanged from the Cyton Model, the variance of the population size distribution is typically larger. Biologically, through comparison of model predictions for Cyton Model parameterizations determined by in vitro and in vivo experiments, we deduce that if collaterally consanguineous correlation extends beyond cousins, then the immune response is less predictable than would be concluded from the original Cyton Model. That is, some of the variability seen in data that we previously attributed to experimental error could be due to intrinsic variability in the cell population size dynamics.   相似文献   
Infection of human epithelial cells with adenoviruses induces an apoptosis paradigm that is efficiently suppressed by the expression of viral E1B-19K protein, which is a functional homolog of the cellular antiapoptosis protein BCL-2. The mechanisms of adenovirus (Ad)-induced apoptosis appear to involve the cellular BCL-2 family proapoptotic proteins. Recent genetic studies with fibroblasts derived from mutant mouse embryos indicate that a class of the BCL-2 family proapoptotic proteins (designated BH-123 or multidomain proteins) such as BAX and BAK constitutes an essential component of the core apoptosis machinery in animal cells. We have examined the role of BAX in Ad-induced apoptosis in human epithelial cells using two colon cancer cell lines, HCT116Bax (Bax(+/-)) and HCT116BaxKO (Bax(-/-)) (L. Zhang, J. Yu, B. H. Park, K. W. Kinzler, and B. Vogelstein, Science 290:989-992, 2000). Infection of Bax(+/-) cells with an Ad type 2 mutant (dl250) defective in expression of the E1B-19K protein resulted in enhanced cytopathic effect, large plaques on cell monolayers, fragmentation of cellular DNA, and enhanced cell death. These mutant phenotypes were not efficiently expressed in Bax(-/-) cells, suggesting that BAX is essential for Ad-induced apoptosis. Infection of Bax(+/-) cells with dl250 induced increased levels of an N-terminally processed form of BAX. Cells infected with the 19K mutant also contained enhanced levels of truncated BAX in membrane-inserted form. Our results suggest that at least a part of the mechanism utilized by E1B-19K to suppress apoptosis during Ad infection may involve modulation of the activities of BAX.  相似文献   
The human thiamine transporter hTHTR1 is involved in the cellular accumulation of thiamine (vitamin B1) in many tissues. Thiamine deficiency disorders, such as thiamine-responsive megaloblastic anemia (TRMA), which is associated with specific mutations within hTHTR1, likely impairs the functionality and/or intracellular targeting of hTHTR1. Unfortunately, nothing is known about the mechanisms that control the intracellular trafficking or membrane targeting of hTHTR1. To identify molecular determinants involved in hTHTR1 targeting, we generated a series of hTHTR1 truncations fused with the green fluorescent protein and imaged the targeting and trafficking dynamics of each construct in living duodenal epithelial cells. Whereas the full-length fusion protein was functionally expressed at the plasma membrane, analysis of the truncated mutants demonstrated an essential role for both NH(2)-terminal sequence and the integrity of the backbone polypeptide for cell surface expression. Most notably, truncation of hTHTR1 within a region where several TRMA truncations are clustered resulted in intracellular retention of the mutant protein. Finally, confocal imaging of the dynamics of intracellular hTHTR1 vesicles revealed a critical role for microtubules, but not microfilaments, in hTHTR1 trafficking. Taken together, these results correlate hTHTR1 structure with cellular expression profile and reveal a critical dependence on hTHTR1 backbone integrity and microtubule-based trafficking processes for functional expression of hTHTR1.  相似文献   
A fusion protein was genetically engineered that contains an antimicrobial peptide, designated P2, at its carboxy terminus and bovine prochymosin at its amino terminus. Bovine prochymosin was chosen as the fusion partner because of its complete insolubility in Escherichia coli, a property utilized to protect the cells from the toxic effects of the antimicrobial peptide. This fusion protein was purified by centrifugation as an insoluble inclusion body. A methionine linker between prochymosin and the P2 peptide enabled P2 to be released by digestion with cyanogen bromide. Cation exchange HPLC followed by reversed-phase HPLC were used to purify the P2 peptide. The recombinant P2 peptide's molecular mass was confirmed by mass spectrometry to within 0.1% of the theoretical value (2480.9 Da), and the antimicrobial activity of the purified recombinant P2 against E. coli D31 was determined to be identical to that of the chemically synthesized peptide (minimal inhibitory concentration of 5 mg/mL). Although the yield of the fusion protein after expression by the cells was high (16% of the total cell protein), the percentage recovery of the P2 peptide in the inclusion bodies was relatively low, which appears to be due to losses in the cyanogen bromide digestion step.  相似文献   
N-Phthaloyl gamma-aminobutyric acid (P-GABA) was administered to Wistar rats and 24 hr rhythms of glucose, cholesterol, total protein and lactic acid levels in blood were studied under semi-natural light dark conditions. P-GABA administration caused desynchronisation of the rhythms; while glucose and lactic acid rhythms were advanced, cholesterol and total protein rhythms were delayed. Since GABA is being involved in conveying dark information to the clock, exogenous administration of P-GABA may reduce the photic information received by the clock. The results could be explained by slightly less than 1 hr daily delays (or) advances respectively which would bring the peak times to the points 21 days after the start of administration.  相似文献   
Certain cells within the CNS, microglial cells and perivascular macrophages, develop from hemopoietic myelomonocytic lineage progenitors in the bone marrow (BM). Such BM-derived cells function as CNS APC during the development of T cell-mediated paralytic inflammation in diseases such as experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis and multiple sclerosis. We used a novel, interspecies, rat-into-mouse T cell and/or BM cell-transfer method to examine the development and function of BM-derived APC in the CNS. Activated rat T cells, specific for either myelin or nonmyelin Ag, entered the SCID mouse CNS within 3-5 days of cell transfer and caused an accelerated recruitment of BM-derived APC into the CNS. Rat APC in the mouse CNS developed from transferred rat BM within an 8-day period and were entirely sufficient for induction of CNS inflammation and paralysis mediated by myelin-specific rat T cells. The results demonstrate that T cells modulate the development of BM-derived CNS APC in an Ag-independent fashion. This previously unrecognized regulatory pathway, governing the presence of functional APC in the CNS, may be relevant to pathogenesis in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis, multiple sclerosis, and/or other CNS diseases involving myelomonocytic lineage cells.  相似文献   
We have investigated the implications of the rise in membrane cholesterol levels on several in vitro and in vivo properties of polyoma virus transformed rat fibroblasts (PyF), with a special emphasis on alpha5beta1 integrin functions. We show that increased membrane cholesterol causes the PyF cells to change their shape and become more bipolar in appearance. These cells also show significantly higher adhesion to the cell-binding domain of fibronectin, increased localization of alpha5beta1 integrin and talin molecules in focal adhesions and a more robust actin cytoskeleton organization. PyF cells with increased membrane cholesterol show reduced growth in vitro and tumours caused by these cells in nude mice are slow growing. These changes in the growth properties of PyF cells are reversible when the cholesterol levels of PyF cells become normal. Our results suggest that changes in membrane cholesterol levels influence the growth and morphological properties of transformed cells, which can be exploited in controlling the growth of tumours in vivo.  相似文献   
Chicken riboflavin carrier protein (RCP; 219 AA) harbours four linear epitopes, constituted by the peptide residues 3-23, 64-83, 130-147 and 200-219. Antibodies to these sequences bioneutralize maternal RCP and provide protection from pregnancy in rodents. In order to overcome the major histocompatibility complex-dependent variability in immune response often encountered with use of single peptides for vaccination in genetically outbred populations, we have assembled a novel synthetic gene, incorporating in tandem the nucleotide sequences coding for all the four neutralizing epitopes of chicken RCP and expressed in Escherichia coli. The gene product, mini-RCP has been characterized for its immunogenic properties and contraceptive potential in rodents. Immunization of rabbits and rats led to generation of antibodies against individual peptide components, as determined by enzyme-linked-immunosorbent assay (ELISA). However, immunized rats carried pregnancy to term and delivered healthy offsprings. Antisera from these rats exhibited decreased affinity of binding to the native protein. These findings suggest that the prospects of covalently-linked epitope peptides need to be cautiously evaluated during the design and development of peptide-based vaccines.  相似文献   
The study of complex biological questions through comparative proteomics is becoming increasingly attractive to plant biologists as the rapidly expanding plant genomic and expressed sequence tag databases provide improved opportunities for protein identification. This review focuses on practical issues associated with comparative proteomic analysis, including the challenges of effective protein extraction and separation from plant tissues, the pros and cons of two-dimensional gel-based analysis and the problems of identifying proteins from species that are not recognized models for functional genomic studies. Specific points are illustrated using data from an ongoing study of the tomato and pepper fruit proteomes.  相似文献   
The purpose of this study was to assess the progressive changes of nasal symmetry, growth, and relapse after presurgical nasoalveolar molding and primary cheiloplasty in unilateral complete cleft lip/palate infants. Twenty-five consecutive complete unilateral cleft lip/palate infants were included. All the infants underwent nasoalveolar molding before primary cheiloplasty. Standard 1:1 ratio basilar photographs were taken before and after nasoalveolar molding, 1 week after cheiloplasty, and yearly for 3 years. Linear measurements were made directly on the photographs. The results of this study revealed that the nasal asymmetry was significantly improved after nasoalveolar molding and was further corrected to symmetry after primary cheiloplasty. After the primary cheiloplasty, the nasal asymmetry significantly relapsed in the first year postoperatively and then remained stable and well afterward. The relapse was the result of a significant differential growth between the cleft and noncleft sides in the first year postoperatively. To compensate for relapse and differential growth, the authors recommend (1) narrowing down the alveolar cleft as well as possible by nasoalveolar molding, (2) overcorrecting the nasal vertical dimension surgically, and (3) maintaining the surgical results using a nasal conformer.  相似文献   
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