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Aging is an inevitable process that occurs in the whole body system accompanying with many functional and morphological changes. Inflammation is known as one of age-related factors, and inflammatory changes could enhance mortality risk. In this study, we compared immunoreactivities of inflammatory cytokines, such as interleukin (IL)-2 (a pro-inflammatory cytokine), its receptor (IL-2R), IL-4 (an anti-inflammatory cytokine), and its receptor (IL-4R) in the cervical and lumbar spinal cord of young adult (2–3 years old) and aged (10–12 years old) beagle dogs using immunohistochemistry and western blotting. IL-2 and IL-2R-immunoreactive nerve cells were found throughout the gray matter of the cervical and lumbar spinal cord of young adult and aged dogs. In the spinal cord neurons of the aged dog, immunoreactivity and protein levels were apparently increased compared with those in the young adult dog. Change patterns of IL-4- and IL-4R-immunoreactive cells and their protein levels were also similar to those in IL-2 and IL-2R; however, IL-4 and IL-4R immunoreactivity in the periphery of the neuronal cytoplasm in the aged dog was much stronger than that in the young adult dog. These results indicate that the increase of inflammatory cytokines and their receptors in the aged spinal cord might be related to maintaining a balance of inflammatory reaction in the spinal cord during normal aging.  相似文献   
A 62-year-old immunocompetent rural woman who represents an isolated cryptococcal skull infection without systematic involvement is described. Diagnosis was based on positive India ink staining, positive histopathologic examination, and positive culture. Species identification was performed by growth on Sabouraud dextrose agar and CHROMagar medium and by sequencing of the intergenic and internal transcribed spacer regions of the rRNA genes. This case describes a rare presentation of Cryptococcus neoformans infection in a human immunodeficiency virus-negative patient. The lesions were significantly improved with treatment of daily oral itraconazole 400 mg. A maintenance therapy with a low-dose itraconazole was prescribed to warrant a clinical and mycological eradication. A two-year follow-up did not show any recurrence of infection.  相似文献   
The rapid melting of glaciers as well as the loss of sea ice in the Amundsen Sea makes it an ideal environmental setting for the investigation of the impacts of climate change in the Antarctic on the distribution and production of mesozooplankton. We examined the latitudinal distribution of mesozooplankton and their grazing impacts on phytoplankton in the Amundsen Sea during the early austral summer from December 27, 2010 to January 13, 2011. Mesozooplankton followed a latitudinal distribution in relation to hydrographic and environmental features, with copepods dominating in the oceanic area and euphausiids dominating in the polynya. Greater Euphausia crystallorophias biomass in the polynya was associated with lower salinity and higher food concentration (chlorophyll a, choanoflagellates, and heterotrophic dinoflagellates). The grazing impact of three copepods (Rhincalanus gigas, Calanoides acutus, and Metridia gerlachei) on phytoplankton was low, with the consumption of 3 % of phytoplankton standing stock and about 4 % of daily primary production. Estimated daily carbon rations for each of the three copepods were also relatively low (<10 %), barely enough to cover metabolic demands. This suggests that copepods may rely on food other than phytoplankton and that much of the primary production is channeled through microzooplankton. Daily carbon rations for E. crystallorophias were high (up to 49 %) with the grazing impact accounting for 17 % of the phytoplankton biomass and 84 % of primary production. The presence of E. crystallorophias appears to be a critical factor regulating phytoplankton blooms and determining the fate of fixed carbon in the coastal polynyas of the Amundsen Sea.  相似文献   
Gastrokine 1 (GKN1) plays an important role in the gastric mucosal defense mechanism and also acts as a functional gastric tumor suppressor. In this study, we examined the effect of GKN1 on the expression of inflammatory mediators, including NF‐κB, COX‐2, and cytokines in GKN1‐transfected AGS cells and shGKN1‐transfected HFE‐145 cells. Lymphocyte migration and cell viability were also analyzed after treatment with GKN1 and inflammatory cytokines in AGS cells by transwell chemotaxis and an MTT assay, respectively. In GKN1‐transfected AGS cells, we observed inactivation and reduced expression of NF‐κB and COX‐2, whereas shGKN1‐transfected HFE‐145 cells showed activation and increased expression of NF‐κB and COX‐2. GKN1 expression induced production of inflammatory cytokines including IL‐8 and ‐17A, but decreased expression of IL‐6 and ‐10. We also found IL‐17A expression in 9 (13.6%) out of 166 gastric cancer tissues and its expression was closely associated with GKN1 expression. GKN1 also acted as a chemoattractant for the migration of Jurkat T cells and peripheral B lymphocytes in the transwell assay. In addition, GKN1 significantly reduced cell viability in both AGS and HFE‐145 cells. These data suggest that the GKN1 gene may inhibit progression of gastric epithelial cells to cancer cells by regulating NF‐κB signaling pathway and cytokine expression. J. Cell. Biochem. 114: 1800–1809, 2013. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   
Mounting evidence indicates that genital HSV-2 infection may increase susceptibility to HIV infection and that co-infection may increase infectiousness. Accordingly, antiviral treatment of people with HSV-2 may mitigate the incidence of HIV in populations where both pathogens occur. To better understand the epidemiological synergy between HIV and HSV-2, we formulate a deterministic compartmental model that describes the transmission dynamics of these pathogens. Unlike earlier models, ours incorporates gender and heterogeneous mixing between activity groups. We derive explicit expressions for the reproduction numbers of HSV-2 and HIV, as well as the invasion reproduction numbers via next generation matrices. A qualitative analysis of the system includes the local and global behavior of the model. Simulations reinforce these analytical results and demonstrate epidemiological synergy between HSV-2 and HIV. In particular, numerical results show that HSV-2 favors the invasion of HIV, may dramatically increase the peak as well as reducing the time-to-peak of HIV prevalence, and almost certainly has exacerbated HIV epidemics. The potential population-level impact of HSV-2 on HIV is demonstrated by calculating the fraction of HIV infections attributable to HSV-2 and the difference between HIV prevalence in the presence and absence of HSV-2. The potential impact of treating people with HSV-2 on HIV control is demonstrated by comparing HIV prevalence with and without HSV-2 therapy. Most importantly, we illustrate that the aforementioned aspects of the population dynamics can be significantly influenced by the sexual structure of the population.  相似文献   
The list of factors that participate in the DNA damage response to maintain genomic stability has expanded significantly to include a role for proteins involved in RNA processing. Here, we provide evidence that the RNA-binding protein fused in sarcoma/translocated in liposarcoma (FUS) is a novel component of the DNA damage response. We demonstrate that FUS is rapidly recruited to sites of laser-induced DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) in a manner that requires poly(ADP-ribose) (PAR) polymerase activity, but is independent of ataxia-telangiectasia mutated kinase function. FUS recruitment is mediated by the arginine/glycine-rich domains, which interact directly with PAR. In addition, we identify a role for the prion-like domain in promoting accumulation of FUS at sites of DNA damage. Finally, depletion of FUS diminished DSB repair through both homologous recombination and nonhomologous end-joining, implicating FUS as an upstream participant in both pathways. These results identify FUS as a new factor in the immediate response to DSBs that functions downstream of PAR polymerase to preserve genomic integrity.  相似文献   
Imidacloprid, the largest selling insecticide in the world, is more stable in soil, and its environmental residue and effects are attracting people's close attention. One of imidacloprid metabolism pathways was degraded to CO2 through olefin imidacloprid pathway. Here, we report that sucrose as a utilizable substrate enhanced the cometabolism of imidacloprid by Stenotrophomonas maltophilia CGMCC 1.1788 to produce 5-hydroxy imidacloprid, whereas when succinate was used as a utilizable substrate, 5-hydroxy imidacloprid from imidacloprid was transformed to olefin imidacloprid, and the latter was further degraded. The hydroxylation of imidacloprid required NAD(P)H, whereas the dehydration of 5-hydroxy imidacloprid to form olefin imidacloprid required succinate rather than NAD(P)H. NADPH greatly favored the hydroxylation of imidacloprid more than NADH, and NADPH inhibited the dehydration of 5-hydroxy imidacloprid to olefin imidacloprid, but NADH did not. Therefore, sucrose may be metabolized through hexose monophosphate pathway to produce mainly NADPH which participated in the hydroxylation of imidacloprid to 5-hydroxy imidacloprid and meanwhile inhibited the dehydration of 5-hydroxy imidacloprid to olefin imidacloprid, whereas succinate may be metabolized mainly through the tricarboxylic acid cycle to produce NADH which was involved in hydroxylation of imidacloprid to 5-hydroxy imidacloprid but did not inhibit the dehydration of 5-hydroxy imidacloprid to olefin imidacloprid. Our results have a significant meaning in further understanding the influence of different utilizable substrates on the cometabolic pathways and the fate of environmental imidacloprid.  相似文献   
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