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Protein kinase C in the regulation of smooth muscle contraction   总被引:31,自引:0,他引:31  
The cellular and molecular mechanisms underlying smooth muscle contraction are reviewed in the light of recent studies of smooth muscle ultrastructure and of the role of polyphosphoinositide turnover and protein kinase C function in smooth muscle contraction. A new model of smooth muscle contraction is proposed that differs radically from accepted views, particularly the latch bridge hypothesis, in terms of both Ca2+ messenger function and the molecular events underlying this process. A coordinate fibrillar domain model of contraction is proposed in which the initial and sustained phases of contraction are mediated by different cellular and molecular events. The initial phase of response is mediated by a rise in [Ca2+]c and the resulting calmodulin-dependent activation of both myosin light chain kinase and the dissociation of caldesmon from the actin-caldesmon-tropomyosin-myosin fibrillar domain. These events lead to an interaction between actin and the phosphorylated light chains of myosin just as in previous models. However, this initial phase is followed by a sustained phase in which a rise in [Ca2+]sm stimulates the plasma membrane-associated, Ca2+-sensitive form of protein kinase C that results in the phosphorylation of both structural and regulatory components of the filamin-actin-desmin fibrillar domain. These events underlie the tonic phase of contraction.  相似文献   
Ovomucoids were isolated from egg whites of 100 avian species and subjected to limited proteolysis. From each an intact, connecting peptide extended third domain was isolated and purified. These were entirely sequenced by single, continuous runs in a sequencer. Of the 106 sequences we report (five polymorphisms and chicken from the preceding paper [Kato, I., Schrode, J., Kohr, W. J., & Laskowski, M., Jr. (1986) Biochemistry (preceding paper in this issue)]), 65 are unique. In all cases except ostrich (which has Ser45), the third domains are either partially or fully glycosylated at Asn45. The majority of the third domain preparations we isolated are carbohydrate-free. Alignment of the sequences shows that their structurally important residues are strongly conserved. On the other hand, those residues that are in contact with the enzyme in turkey ovomucoid third domain complex with Streptomyces griseus proteinase B [Read, R., Fujinaga, M., Sielecki, A. R., & James, M. N. G. (1983) Biochemistry 22, 4420-4433] are not conserved but instead are by far the most variable residues in the molecule. These findings suggest that ovomucoid third domains may be an exception to the widely accepted generalization that in protein evolution the functionally important residues are strongly conserved. Complete proof will require better understanding of the physiological function of ovomucoid third domains. This large set of variants differing from each other in the enzyme-inhibitor contact area and augmented by several high-resolution structure determinations is useful for the study of our sequence to reactivity (inhibitory activity) algorithm. It is also useful for the study of several other protein properties. In the connecting peptide fragment most phasianoid birds have the dipeptide Val4-Ser5, which is absent in most other orders. This dipeptide is often present in only 70-95% of the molecules and appears to arise from ambiguous excision at the 5' end of the F intron of ovomucoid. Connecting peptides from the ovomucoids of cracid birds contain the analogous Val4-Asn5 peptide. In laughing kookaburra ovomucoid third domain we found (in 91% of the molecules) Gln5A, which we interpret as arising from ambiguous intron excision at the 3' end of the F intron.  相似文献   
Three lipoxygenase isozymes are synthesized in developing soybean (Glycine max [L.] Merr. cv Williams) embryos and are found in high levels in cotyledons of mature seeds (B Axelrod, TM Cheesbrough, S Zimmer [1981] Methods Enzymol 71: 441-451). Upon germination at least two new protein species appear which are localized mainly (on a protein basis) in the hypocotyl/radicle section. These lipoxygenase species appear also in seedlings of each of three lipoxygenase nulls (1×1, 1×2, and 1×3) deficient in one of the dormant seed lipoxygenases. The germination-associated species are distinguishable from dry seed lipoxygenase by their more acidic isoelectric points as revealed in isoelectric focusing gels. They are active from as early as 2 to at least 5 days after the start of imbibition. These germination-stimulated species qualify as lipoxygenase by their inhibition by the lipoxygenase inhibitors n-propyl gallate and salicyl hydroxamic acid and their lack of inhibition by KCN. Further, they are not active on the peroxidase substrate pair H2O2/3-amino-9-ethyl carbazole. They are recognized on Western blots by polyclonal antibodies to the seed lipoxygenase-1 isozyme and the major induced species has a molecular weight of approximately 100,000, similar to that of the cotyledon lipoxygenases. These lipoxygenases appear to be synthesized de novo upon germination since they comigrate with radioactive protein species from seeds germinated in [35S]methionine.  相似文献   
We demonstrate here that the human oestrogen receptor (hER) cDNA clone pOR8 obtained from MCF-7 cells contains an artefactual point mutation which results in the substitution of a valine for a glycine at amino acid position 400 (Gly-400----Val-400). This mutation in the hormone binding domain of the cloned hER destabilizes its structure and decreases its apparent affinity for oestradiol at 25 degrees C, but not at 4 degrees C, when compared with the wild-type hER with a Gly-400.  相似文献   
Acetone-butanol-ethanol (ABE) fermentation was successfully carried out in an immobilized cell trickle bed reactor. The reactor was composed of two serial columns packed with Clostridium acetobutylicum ATCC 824 entrapped on the surface of natural sponge segments at a cell loading in the range of 2.03-5.56 g dry cells/g sponge. The average cell loading was 3.58 g dry cells/g sponge. Batch experiments indicated that a critical pH above 4.2 is necessary for the initiation of cell growth. One of the media used during continuous experiments consisted of a salt mixture alone and the other a nutrient medium containing a salt mixture with yeast extract and peptone. Effluent pH was controlled by supplying various fractions of the two different types of media. A nutrient medium fraction above 0.6 was crucial for successful fermentation in a trickle bed reactor. The nutrient medium fraction is the ratio of the volume of the nutrient medium to the total volume of nutrient plus salt medium. Supplying nutrient medium to both columns continuously was an effective way to meet both pH and nutrient requirement. A 257-mL reactor could ferment 45 g/L glucose from an initial concentration of 60 g/L glucose at a rate of 70 mL/h. Butanol, acetone, and ethanol concentrations were 8.82, 5.22, and 1.45 g/L, respectively, with a butanol and total solvent yield of 19.4 and 34.1 wt %. Solvent productivity in an immobilized cell trickle bed reactor was 4.2 g/L h, which was 10 times higher than that obtained in a batch fermentation using free cells and 2.76 times higher than that of an immobilized CSTR. If the nutrient medium fraction was below 0.6 and the pH was below 4.2, the system degenerated. Oxygen also contributed to the system degeneration. Upon degeneration, glucose consumption and solvent yield decreased to 30.9 g/L and 23.0 wt %, respectively. The yield of total liquid product (40.0 wt %) and butanol selectivity (60.0 wt %) remained almost constant. Once the cells were degenerated, they could not be recovered.  相似文献   
Basic fibroblast growth factor induces retinal regeneration in vivo   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
In the present study, we have investigated the effect of basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) on retinal regeneration in the stage 22-24 chick embryo. The neural retina was surgically removed in ovo leaving the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) intact and then slow-release, plastic implants containing bFGF were inserted into the eye. Light microscopic examination of eyes 7 days later revealed that bFGF induced retinal regeneration in a dose-dependent manner. The absence of the RPE in these eyes and the reversed polarity of the regenerated neural retina is consistent with the hypothesis that this process occurs by transdifferentiation of the RPE. This represents the first time that a known molecule has been shown to induce retinal regeneration in vivo.  相似文献   
We consider the problem of color regulation in visual pigments for both bovine rhodopsin (lambda max = 500 nm) and octopus rhodopsin (lambda max = 475 nm). Both pigments have 11-cis-retinal (lambda max = 379 nm, in ethanol) as their chromophore. These rhodopsins were bleached in their native membranes, and the opsins were regenerated with natural and artificial chromophores. Both bovine and octopus opsins were regenerated with the 9-cis- and 11-cis-retinal isomers, but the octopus opsin was additionally regenerated with the 13-cis and all-trans isomers. Titration of the octopus opsin with 11-cis-retinal gave an extinction coefficient for octopus rhodopsin of 27,000 +/- 3000 M-1 cm-1 at 475 nm. The absorption maxima of bovine artificial pigments formed by regenerating opsin with the 11-cis dihydro series of chromophores support a color regulation model for bovine rhodopsin in which the chromophore-binding site of the protein has two negative charges: one directly hydrogen bonded to the Schiff base nitrogen and another near carbon-13. Formation of octopus artificial pigments with both all-trans and 11-cis dihydro chromophores leads to a similar model for octopus rhodopsin and metarhodopsin: there are two negative charges in the chromophore-binding site, one directly hydrogen bonded to the Schiff base nitrogen and a second near carbon-13. The interaction of this second charge with the chromophore in octopus rhodopsin is weaker than in bovine, while in metarhodopsin it is as strong as in bovine.  相似文献   
Bacterial DNA ligases use NAD as an energy source. In this study we addressed two questions about these enzymes. First, what is the physiological consequence of completely removing the NAD-dependent enzyme and replacing it with an ATP-dependent DNA ligase? We constructed Salmonella typhimurium strains in which the endogenous NAD-dependent DNA ligase activity was inactivated by an insertion mutation and the ATP-dependent enzyme from bacteriophage T4 was provided by a cloned phage gene. Such strains were physiologically indistinguishable from the wild type, even under conditions of UV irradiation or treatment with alkylating agents. These results suggest that specific functional interactions between DNA ligase and other replication and repair enzymes may be unimportant under the conditions tested. Second, the importance of DNA ligation as the initiating event of the bacterial pyridine nucleotide cycle was critically assessed in these mutant strains. Surprisingly, our results indicate that DNA ligation makes a minimal contribution to the pyridine nucleotide cycle; the Salmonella strains with only an ATP-dependent ligase had the same NAD turnover rates as the wild-type strain with an NAD-dependent ligase. However, we found that NAD turnover was significantly decreased under anaerobic conditions. We suggest that most intracellular pyridine nucleotide breakdown occurs in a process that protects the cell against oxygen damage but involves a biochemical mechanism other than DNA ligation.  相似文献   
A thermostable pullulanase (alpha-dextrin 6-glucanohydrolase [EC]) from a newly isolated Bacillus stearothermophilus strain (TRS128) was purified and characterized. The enzyme hydrolyzed (1-->6)-alpha-d-glucosidic linkages of pullulan to produce maltotriose, and the optimum temperature was 65 degrees C. About 90% of the enzyme activity was retained after treatment at 65 degrees C for 60 min. By using pTB522 as a vector plasmid, the pullulanase gene was cloned and expressed in Bacillus subtilis.  相似文献   
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