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Integrin regulation   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Integrin signaling is bidirectional. 'Inside-out' signals regulate integrin affinity for adhesive ligands, and ligand-dependent 'outside-in' signals regulate cellular responses to adhesion. Integrin extracellular domains are yielding to high-resolution structural analyses, and intracellular proteins involved in integrin signaling are being identified. However, a key unresolved question is how integrins propagate signals across the plasma membrane.  相似文献   
Src family protein tyrosine kinases (SFKs) play important roles downstream of integrin adhesion receptors, and they are necessary for the generation of "outside-in signals" that regulate cytoskeletal organization, cell motility and gene expression in response to cell adhesion. One relatively under-explored facet of this relationship is the possible physical interaction of integrins with SFKs. Recently, it has been established that beta3 integrins and c-Src can interact directly, and this pool of c-Src is activated by cell adhesion to initiate outside-in signaling in platelets, osteoclasts and cells of the vasculature. Here, the biochemical basis for and biological significance of this integrin-SFK interaction is summarized, and I propose a general mechanism for initiation of outside-in integrin signaling.  相似文献   
The NHE4 Na+/H+ exchanger is abundantly expressed on the basolateral membrane of gastric parietal cells. To test the hypothesis that it is required for normal acid secretion, NHE4-null mutant (NHE4-/-) mice were prepared by targeted disruption of the NHE4 (Slc9a4) gene. NHE4-/- mice survived and appeared outwardly normal. Analysis of stomach contents revealed that NHE4-/- mice were hypochlorhydric. The reduction in acid secretion was similar in 18-day-old, 9-week-old, and 6-month-old mice, indicating that the hypochlorhydria phenotype did not progress over time, as was observed in mice lacking the NHE2 Na+/H+ exchanger. Histological abnormalities were observed in the gastric mucosa of 9-week-old NHE4-/- mice, including sharply reduced numbers of parietal cells, a loss of mature chief cells, increased numbers of mucous and undifferentiated cells, and an increase in the number of necrotic and apoptotic cells. NHE4-/- parietal cells exhibited limited development of canalicular membranes and a virtual absence of tubulovesicles, and some of the microvilli had centrally bundled actin. We conclude that NHE4, which may normally be coupled with the AE2 Cl-/HCO3- exchanger, is important for normal levels of gastric acid secretion, gastric epithelial cell differentiation, and development of secretory canalicular and tubulovesicular membranes.  相似文献   
Identification of an acquired JAK2 mutation in polycythemia vera   总被引:41,自引:0,他引:41  
Polycythemia vera (PV) is a human clonal hematological disorder. The molecular etiology of the disease has not been identified. PV hematopoietic progenitor cells exhibit hypersensitivity to growth factors and cytokines, suggesting possible abnormalities in protein-tyrosine kinases and phosphatases. By sequencing the entire coding regions of cDNAs of candidate enzymes, we identified a G:C--> T:A point mutation of the JAK2 tyrosine kinase in 20 of 24 PV blood samples but none in 12 normal samples. The mutation has varying degrees of heterozygosity and is apparently acquired. It changes conserved Val(617) to Phe in the pseudokinase domain of JAK2 that is known to have an inhibitory role. The mutant JAK2 has enhanced kinase activity, and when overexpressed together with the erythropoietin receptor in cells, it caused hyperactivation of erythropoietin-induced cell signaling. This gain-of-function mutation of JAK may explain the hypersensitivity of PV progenitor cells to growth factors and cytokines. Our study thus defines a molecular defect of PV.  相似文献   
To better understand origin recognition and initiation of DNA replication, we have examined by NMR complexes formed between the origin-binding domain of SV40 T antigen (T-ag-obd), the initiator protein of the SV40 virus, and cognate and noncognate DNA oligomers. The results reveal two structural effects associated with "origin-specific" binding that are absent in nonspecific DNA binding. The first is the formation of a hydrogen bond (H-bond) involving His 203, a residue that genetic studies have previously identified as crucial to both specific and nonspecific DNA binding in full-length T antigen. In free T-ag-obd, the side chain of His 203 has a pK(a) value of approximately 5, titrating to the N(epsilon)(1)H tautomer at neutral pH (Sudmeier, J. L., et al. (1996) J. Magn. Reson., Ser. B 113, 236-247). In complexes with origin DNA, His 203 N(delta)(1) becomes protonated and remains nontitrating as the imidazolium cation at all pH values from 4 to 8. The H-bonded N(delta1)H resonates at 15.9 ppm, an unusually large N-H proton chemical shift, of a magnitude previously observed only in the catalytic triad of serine proteases at low pH. The formation of this H-bond requires the middle G/C base pair of the recognition pentanucleotide, GAGGC. The second structural effect is a selective distortion of the A/T base pair characterized by a large (0.6 ppm) upfield chemical-shift change of its Watson-Crick proton, while nearby H-bonded protons remain relatively unaffected. The results indicate that T antigen, like many other DNA-binding proteins, may employ "catalytic" or "transition-state-like" interactions in binding its cognate DNA (Jen-Jacobson, L. (1997) Biopolymers 44, 153-180), which may be the solution to the well-known paradox between the relatively modest DNA-binding specificity exhibited by initiator proteins and the high specificity of initiation.  相似文献   
Beeler JA  Yan SZ  Bykov S  Murza A  Asher S  Tang WJ 《Biochemistry》2004,43(49):15463-15471
Adenylyl cyclase (AC) is a prototypical cell-signaling molecule expressed in virtually all organisms from bacteria to man. While C1b, a poorly conserved region within mammalian AC, has been implicated in numerous isoform-specific regulatory properties, no one has purified the C1b region as a functional protein to homogeneity in order to study its role in enzyme function. We hypothesize that C1b is an internal regulatory subunit. To pursue this hypothesis, we constructed several soluble C1b proteins from type VII AC, arriving at one, 7C1b-S, which can be expressed and purified from Escherichia coli. 7C1b-S is relatively stable, as demonstrated by limited proteolytic analysis, circular dichroism, and UV Raman spectroscopy. Using size-exclusion chromatography and co-immunoprecipitation we demonstrate that 7C1b-S interacts with a cardinal activator of AC (Gsalpha) and with the conserved first catalytic domain (C1a) of type VII AC. We show that 7C1b-S inhibits Gsalpha-stimulated and Gsalpha-forskolin stimulated activity in our soluble ACVII model system. On the basis of these results, we suggest that 7C1b-S meets basic criteria to serve as a model protein for the C1b region and may be used as a prototype to develop other isoform C1b soluble model proteins to further investigate the role of this domain in isoform-specific regulation of adenylyl cyclase.  相似文献   
This study assesses the long‐term effects of an experimental diet vs. a commercially available manufactured diet, intended to reduce clinical disease related to cystinuria, on the taurine status of captive maned wolves. For 13 weeks, two pairs of maned wolves were maintained on the commercially available maintenance diet, whereas two individually housed wolves were maintained on the experimental diet. All six wolves, at the beginning and at the end of the diet trial, had severely decreased plasma concentrations of taurine (as compared to the normal canine reference range of 60–120 nmol/ml) (National Research Council [2003] National Academies Press) with average taurine concentrations of 16 nmol/ml at the beginning of the study and 3 nmol/ml at the end of the study. There was no statistically significant difference in the taurine concentrations between animals on the maintenance vs. experimental diets. Both diets were supplemented subsequently with taurine at a concentration of 0.3%. All study animals were eventually switched to the taurine‐supplemented version of the commercially manufactured maintenance diet and subsequent samplings were carried out to monitor plasma taurine concentrations. A final sampling, carried out approximately 5 months after the initiation of taurine supplementation, showed an average taurine concentration within the target canine reference range (90.25 nmol/ml). There are numerous physiologic (e.g., possible unique metabolism and requirements for taurine in this species as compared to other canids) and dietary factors (e.g., effects of the types and concentrations of fiber and protein on nutrient availability, taurine metabolism, and enterohepatic circulation of taurine‐conjugated bile salts; impaired taurine synthesis secondary to low cysteine availability) that could be potential contributors to the development of taurine deficiency in the maned wolves in this study. Taurine supplementation should be considered in maned wolves maintained on diets intended for reduction of cystinuria‐related complications. Zoo Biol 0:1–14, 2005. © 2005 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
In this study, we describe the identification and in vitro functional activity of a novel multiple domain complement regulatory protein discovered based on its homology to short consensus repeat (SCR)-containing proteins of the regulators of complement activation (RCA) gene family. The rat cDNA encodes a predicted 388-kDa protein consisting of 14 N-terminal CUB domains that are separated from each other by a SCR followed by 15 tandem SCR domains, a transmembrane domain, and a short cytoplasmic tail. This protein is the homolog of the human protein of unknown function called the CUB and sushi multiple domains 1 (CSMD1) protein. A cloning strategy that incorporates the two C-terminal CUB-SCR domains and 12 of the tandem SCR repeats was used to produce a soluble rat CSMD1 protein. This protein blocked classical complement pathway activation in a comparable fashion with rat Crry but did not block alternative pathway activation. Analysis of CSMD1 mRNA expression by in situ hybridization and immunolabeling of neurons indicates that the primary sites of synthesis are the developing CNS and epithelial tissues. Of particular significance is the enrichment of CSMD1 in the nerve growth cone, the amoeboid-leading edge of the growing neuron. These results suggest that CSMD1 may be an important regulator of complement activation and inflammation in the developing CNS, and that it may also play a role in the context of growth cone function.  相似文献   
Decapitating phorid flies in the genus Pseudacteon are being studied as classical biological control agents of the red imported fire ant, Solenopsis invicta Buren (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Pseudacteon curvatus Borgmeier (Diptera: Phoridae) is a small decapitating fly that attacks small fire ant workers. We released a biotype of P. curvatus from Formosa, Argentina, at three sites near Gainesville, FL. Field releases were conducted in the spring and summer of 2003 and monitored monthly. Flies were discovered within 5 weeks at the spring site and then monthly thereafter. By late spring 2004, flies released at this site had expanded 1.6 km both north and south and about 0.8 km westward. Initially, we found no flies from the two summer 2003 releases but we were successful at finding them 8 months after release during spring 2004. This paper documents the first successful release(s) of P. curvatus on red imported fire ants in the United States.  相似文献   
We report the parental origin, and where possible the chromosomal origin of 115 de novo unbalanced structural chromosome abnormalities detectable by light microscopy. These consisted of 39 terminal deletions, 35 interstitial deletions, 8 rings, 12 duplications and 21 unbalanced translocations. In all categories the majority of abnormalities were of paternal origin, although the proportions varied from a high of 84% in the interstitial deletions and rings to a low of 58% in the duplications. Among the interstitial deletions and duplications, there were approximately equal numbers of intra- and interchromosomal abnormalities, while the majority of unbalanced translocations were isodisomic for the duplicated chromosome. The examination of the parental ages in the four main classes of abnormality showed terminal deletions of maternal origin to be associated with a significantly reduced maternal age. Thus, there is a clear propensity for structural chromosome abnormalities to occur in male germ cells, although the chromosomal origin seems similar irrespective of the parental origin.  相似文献   
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