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We report an analysis of allele-specific expression (ASE) and parent-of-origin expression in adult mouse liver using next generation sequencing (RNA-Seq) of reciprocal crosses of heterozygous F1 mice from the parental strains C57BL/6J and DBA/2J. We found a 60% overlap between genes exhibiting ASE and putative cis-acting expression quantitative trait loci (cis-eQTL) identified in an intercross between the same strains. We discuss the various biological and technical factors that contribute to the differences. We also identify genes exhibiting parental imprinting and complex expression patterns. Our study demonstrates the importance of biological replicates to limit the number of false positives with RNA-Seq data.  相似文献   
In a continuing effort to analyze the selectivity/redundancy of the three glutaredoxin (Grx) enzymes of the model cyanobacterium Synechocystis PCC6803, we have characterized an enzyme system that plays a crucial role in protection against two toxic metal pollutants, mercury and uranium. The present data show that Grx1 (Slr1562 in CyanoBase) selectively interacts with the presumptive mercuric reductase protein (Slr1849). This MerA enzyme plays a crucial role in cell defense against both mercuric and uranyl ions, in catalyzing their NADPH-driven reduction. Like MerA, Grx1 operates in cell protection against both mercury and uranium. The Grx1-MerA interaction requires cysteine 86 (C86) of Grx1 and C78 of MerA, which is critical for its reductase activity. MerA can be inhibited by glutathionylation and subsequently reactivated by Grx1, likely through deglutathionylation. The two Grx1 residues C31, which belongs to the redox active site (CX2C), and C86, which operates in MerA interactions, are both required for reactivation of MerA. These novel findings emphasize the role of glutaredoxins in tolerance to metal stress as well as the evolutionary conservation of the glutathionylation process, so far described mostly for eukaryotes.  相似文献   
Microorganisms dwelling in sediments have a crucial role in biogeochemical cycles and are expected to have a strong influence on the cycle of arsenic, a metalloid responsible for severe water pollution and presenting major health risks for human populations. We present here a metagenomic study of the sediment from two harbours on the Mediterranean French coast, l'Estaque and St Mandrier. The first site is highly polluted with arsenic and heavy metals, while the arsenic concentration in the second site is below toxicity levels. The goal of this study was to elucidate the potential impact of the microbial community on the chemical parameters observed in complementary geochemical studies performed on the same sites. The metagenomic sequences, along with those from four publicly available metagenomes used as control data sets, were analysed with the RAMMCAP workflow. The resulting functional profiles were compared to determine the over‐represented Gene Ontology categories in the metagenomes of interest. Categories related to arsenic resistance and dissimilatory sulphate reduction were over‐represented in l'Estaque. More importantly, despite very similar profiles, the identification of specific sequence markers for sulphate‐reducing bacteria and sulphur‐oxidizing bacteria showed that sulphate reduction was significantly more associated with l'Estaque than with St Mandrier. We propose that biotic sulphate reduction, arsenate reduction and fermentation may together explain the higher mobility of arsenic observed in l'Estaque in previous physico‐chemical studies of this site. This study also demonstrates that it is possible to draw sound conclusions from comparing complex and similar unassembled metagenomes at the functional level, even with very low sequence coverage.  相似文献   
A series of amine-alkyl derivatives of 5-arylidenehydantoin 3–21 was evaluated for their ability to improve antibiotic effectiveness in two strains of Gram-negative Enterobacter aerogenes: the reference strain (ATCC-13048) and the chloramphenicol-resistant derivative over-producing the AcrAB-TolC efflux pump (CM-64). Three antibiotics, chloramphenicol, nalidixic acid and sparfloxacin were used as markers of efflux pump activity. New compounds (5–16) were obtained within 3–4 step synthesis using Knoevenagel condensation, Mitsunobu reaction and microwave aided N-alkylation. Molecular modeling based structure–activity relationship (SAR) studies were performed. The most active compounds: (Z)-5-(4-(diethylamino)benzylidene)-3-(2-hydroxy-3-(4-(2-hydroxyethyl)piperazin-1-yl)propyl)imidazolidine-2,4-dione (14) and (Z)-5-(2,4-dimethoxybenzylidene)-3-(2-hydroxy-3-(isopropylamino)propyl)imidazolidine-2,4-dione (15) induced fourfold decrease of minimal inhibition concentration (MIC) of all tested antibiotics in the strain CM-64 overexpressing the AcrAB-TolC pump.  相似文献   


For decades, genetic improvement based on measuring growth and body composition traits has been successfully applied in the production of meat-type chickens. However, this conventional approach is hindered by antagonistic genetic correlations between some traits and the high cost of measuring body composition traits. Marker-assisted selection should overcome these problems by selecting loci that have effects on either one trait only or on more than one trait but with a favorable genetic correlation. In the present study, identification of such loci was done by genotyping an F2 intercross between fat and lean lines divergently selected for abdominal fatness genotyped with a medium-density genetic map (120 microsatellites and 1302 single nucleotide polymorphisms). Genome scan linkage analyses were performed for growth (body weight at 1, 3, 5, and 7 weeks, and shank length and diameter at 9 weeks), body composition at 9 weeks (abdominal fat weight and percentage, breast muscle weight and percentage, and thigh weight and percentage), and for several physiological measurements at 7 weeks in the fasting state, i.e. body temperature and plasma levels of IGF-I, NEFA and glucose. Interval mapping analyses were performed with the QTLMap software, including single-trait analyses with single and multiple QTL on the same chromosome.


Sixty-seven QTL were detected, most of which had never been described before. Of these 67 QTL, 47 were detected by single-QTL analyses and 20 by multiple-QTL analyses, which underlines the importance of using different statistical models. Close analysis of the genes located in the defined intervals identified several relevant functional candidates, such as ACACA for abdominal fatness, GHSR and GAS1 for breast muscle weight, DCRX and ASPSCR1 for plasma glucose content, and ChEBP for shank diameter.


The medium-density genetic map enabled us to genotype new regions of the chicken genome (including micro-chromosomes) that influenced the traits investigated. With this marker density, confidence intervals were sufficiently small (14 cM on average) to search for candidate genes. Altogether, this new information provides a valuable starting point for the identification of causative genes responsible for important QTL controlling growth, body composition and metabolic traits in the broiler chicken.  相似文献   
The assumption that traits and phylogenies can be used as proxies of species niche has faced criticisms. Evidence suggested that phylogenic relatedness is a weak proxy of trait similarity. Moreover, different processes can select different traits, giving opposing signals in null model analyses. To circumvent these criticisms, we separated traits of stream insects based on the concept of α and β niches, which should give clues about assembling pressures expected to act independently of each other. We investigated the congruence between the phylogenetic structure and trait structure of communities using all available traits and all possible combinations of traits (4095 combinations). To account for hierarchical assembling processes, we analyzed patterns on two spatial scales with three pools of genera. Beta niche traits selected a priori – i.e., traits related to environmental variation (e.g., respiration type) – were consistently clustered on the smaller scale, suggesting environmental filtering, while α niche traits – i.e., traits related to resource use (e.g., trophic position) – did not display the expected overdispersion, suggesting a weak role of competition. Using all traits together provided random patterns and the analysis of all possible combinations of traits provided scenarios ranging from strong clustering to overdispersion. Communities were phylogenetically overdispersed, a pattern previously interpreted as phylogenetic limiting similarity. However, our results likely reflect the co‐occurrence of ancient clades due to the stability of stream habitats along the evolutionary scale. We advise ecologists to avoid using combinations of all available traits but rather carefully traits based on the objective under consideration. Both trait and phylogenetic approaches should be kept in the ecologist toolbox, but phylogenetic distances should not be used as proxies of traits differences. Although the phylogenetic structure revealed processes operating at the evolutionary scale, only specific traits explained local processes operating in our communities.  相似文献   


Atrial fibrillation (AF) can be managed with rhythm- or rate-control strategies. There are few data from routine clinical practice on the frequency with which each strategy is used and their correlates in terms of patients’ clinical characteristics, AF control, and symptom burden.


RealiseAF was an international, cross-sectional, observational survey of 11,198 patients with AF. The aim of this analysis was to describe patient profiles and symptoms according to the AF management strategy used. A multivariate logistic regression identified factors associated with AF management strategy at the end of the visit.


Among 10,497 eligible patients, 53.7% used a rate-control strategy, compared with 34.5% who used a rhythm-control strategy. In 11.8% of patients, no clear strategy was stated. The proportion of patients with AF-related symptoms (EHRA Class > = II) was 78.1% (n = 4396/5630) for those using a rate-control strategy vs. 67.8% for those using a rhythm-control strategy (p<0.001). Multivariate logistic regression analysis revealed that age <75 years or the paroxysmal or persistent form of AF favored the choice of a rhythm-control strategy. A change in strategy was infrequent, even in patients with European Heart Rhythm Association (EHRA) Class > = II.


In the RealiseAF routine clinical practice survey, rate control was more commonly used than rhythm control, and a change in strategy was uncommon, even in symptomatic patients. In almost 12% of patients, no clear strategy was stated. Physician awareness regarding optimal management strategies for AF may be improved.  相似文献   
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