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Plant root development is highly responsive both to changes in nitrate availability and beneficial microorganisms in the rhizosphere. We previously showed that Phyllobacterium brassicacearum STM196, a plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria strain isolated from rapeseed roots, alleviates the inhibition exerted by high nitrate supply on lateral root growth. Since soil-borne bacteria can produce IAA and since this plant hormone may be implicated in the high nitrate-dependent control of lateral root development, we investigated its role in the root development response of Arabidopsis thaliana to STM196. Inoculation with STM196 resulted in a 50% increase of lateral root growth in Arabidopsis wild-type seedlings. This effect was completely abolished in aux1 and axr1 mutants, altered in IAA transport and signaling, respectively, indicating that these pathways are required. The STM196 strain, however, appeared to be a very low IAA producer when compared with the high-IAA-producing Azospirillum brasilense sp245 strain and its low-IAA-producing ipdc mutant. Consistent with the hypothesis that STM196 does not release significant amounts of IAA to the host roots, inoculation with this strain failed to increase root IAA content. Inoculation with STM196 led to increased expression levels of several IAA biosynthesis genes in shoots, increased Trp concentration in shoots, and increased auxin-dependent GUS staining in the root apices of DR5::GUS transgenic plants. All together, our results suggest that STM196 inoculation triggers changes in IAA distribution and homeostasis independently from IAA release by the bacteria.  相似文献   


Glycerol is the major by-product accounting for up to 5% of the carbon in Saccharomyces cerevisiae ethanolic fermentation. Decreasing glycerol formation may redirect part of the carbon toward ethanol production. However, abolishment of glycerol formation strongly affects yeast's robustness towards different types of stress occurring in an industrial process. In order to assess whether glycerol production can be reduced to a certain extent without jeopardising growth and stress tolerance, the yeast's capacity to synthesize glycerol was adjusted by fine-tuning the activity of the rate-controlling enzyme glycerol 3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GPDH). Two engineered strains whose specific GPDH activity was significantly reduced by two different degrees were comprehensively characterized in a previously developed Very High Ethanol Performance (VHEP) fed-batch process.


The prototrophic strain CEN.PK113-7D was chosen for decreasing glycerol formation capacity. The fine-tuned reduction of specific GPDH activity was achieved by replacing the native GPD1 promoter in the yeast genome by previously generated well-characterized TEF promoter mutant versions in a gpd2 Δ background. Two TEF promoter mutant versions were selected for this study, resulting in a residual GPDH activity of 55 and 6%, respectively. The corresponding strains were referred to here as TEFmut7 and TEFmut2. The genetic modifications were accompanied to a strong reduction in glycerol yield on glucose; the level of reduction compared to the wild-type was 61% in TEFmut7 and 88% in TEFmut2. The overall ethanol production yield on glucose was improved from 0.43 g g-1 in the wild type to 0.44 g g-1 measured in TEFmut7 and 0.45 g g-1 in TEFmut2. Although maximal growth rate in the engineered strains was reduced by 20 and 30%, for TEFmut7 and TEFmut2 respectively, strains' ethanol stress robustness was hardly affected; i.e. values for final ethanol concentration (117 ± 4 g L-1), growth-inhibiting ethanol concentration (87 ± 3 g L-1) and volumetric ethanol productivity (2.1 ± 0.15 g l-1 h-1) measured in wild-type remained virtually unchanged in the engineered strains.


This work demonstrates the power of fine-tuned pathway engineering, particularly when a compromise has to be found between high product yield on one hand and acceptable growth, productivity and stress resistance on the other hand. Under the conditions used in this study (VHEP fed-batch), the two strains with "fine-tuned" GPD1 expression in a gpd2 Δ background showed slightly better ethanol yield improvement than previously achieved with the single deletion strains gpd1 Δ or gpd2 Δ. Although glycerol reduction is known to be even higher in a gpd1 Δ gpd2 Δ double deletion strain, our strains could much better cope with process stress as reflected by better growth and viability.  相似文献   
Leishmaniases remain a major public health problem today (350 million people at risk, 12 million infected, and 2 million new infections per year). Despite the considerable progress in cellular and molecular biology and in evolutionary genetics since 1990, the debate on the population structure and reproductive mode of Leishmania is far from being settled and therefore deserves further investigation. Two major hypotheses coexist: clonality versus sexuality. However, because of the lack of clear evidence (experimental or biological confirmation) of sexuality in Leishmania parasites, until today it has been suggested and even accepted that Leishmania species were mainly clonal with infrequent genetic recombination (see [1] for review). Two recent publications, one on Leishmania major (an in vitro experimental study) and one on Leishmania braziliensis (a population genetics analysis), once again have challenged the hypothesis of clonal reproduction. Indeed, the first study experimentally evidenced genetic recombination and proposed that Leishmania parasites are capable of having a sexual cycle consistent with meiotic processes inside the insect vector. The second investigation, based on population genetics studies, showed strong homozygosities, an observation that is incompatible with a predominantly clonal mode of reproduction at an ecological time scale (∼20–500 generations). These studies highlight the need to advance the knowledge of Leishmania biology. In this paper, we first review the reasons stimulating the continued debate and then detail the next essential steps to be taken to clarify the Leishmania reproduction model. Finally, we widen the discussion to other Trypanosomatidae and show that the progress in Leishmania biology can improve our knowledge of the evolutionary genetics of American and African trypanosomes.  相似文献   
L-Maurocalcine (L-MCa) is the first reported animal cell-penetrating toxin. Characterizing its cell penetration properties is crucial considering its potential as a vector for the intracellular delivery of drugs. Radiolabeling is a sensitive and quantitative method to follow the cell accumulation of a molecule of interest. An L-MCa analog containing an additional N-terminal tyrosine residue (Tyr-L-MCa) was synthesized, shown to fold and oxidize properly, and successfully radioiodinated to 125I-Tyr-L-MCa. Using various microscopy techniques, the average volume of the rat line F98 glioma cells was evaluated at 8.9 to 18.9 × 10−7 μl. 125I-Tyr-L-MCa accumulates within cells with a dose-dependency similar to the one previously published using 5,6-carboxyfluorescein-L-MCa. According to subcellular fractionation of F98 cells, plasma membranes keep less than 3% of the peptide, regardless of the extracellular concentration, while the nucleus accumulates over 75% and the cytosol around 20% of the radioactive material. Taking into account both nuclear and cytosolic fractions, cells accumulate intracellular concentrations of the peptide that are equal to the extracellular concentrations. Estimation of 125I-Tyr-L-MCa cell entry kinetics indicate a first rapid phase with a 5 min time constant for the plasma membrane followed by slower processes for the cytoplasm and the nucleus. Once inside cells, the labeled material no longer escapes from the intracellular environment since 90% of the radioactivity remains 24 h after washout. Dead cells were found to have a lower uptake than live ones. The quantitative information gained herein will be useful for better framing the use of L-MCa in biotechnological applications. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Calcium Signaling in Health and Disease. Guest Editors: Geert Bultynck, Jacques Haiech, Claus W. Heizmann, Joachim Krebs, and Marc Moreau.  相似文献   
 The effects of various compounds bearing an N-OH group such as N-hydroxy-guanidines, amidoximes, and hydroxylamines, on bovine and rat liver arginases was studied. Some of these compounds with an l-α-amino acid function at an appropriate distance from the N-OH group acted as strong competitive liver arginase inhibitors, displaying Ki values between 4 and 150 μM. Two compounds, N ε-hydroxy-l-lysine and N ω-hydroxy-d,l-indospicine, which exhibited Ki values of 4 and 20 μM (at pH 7.4), were the most potent inhibitors of arginase described to date. The distance between the α-amino acid and N-OH functions appeared to be crucial for potent inhibition of arginase, as N δ-hydroxy-l-ornithine, which has one -CH2 group less than N ε-hydroxy-l-lysine, exhibited a 37-fold higher Ki value than N ε-hydroxy-l-lysine. Based on these results, a model for the interaction of N ω-hydroxyamino-l-α-amino acids with the arginase active site is proposed. This model involves the binding of the N-OH group of the inhibitors to the arginase Mn(II) center and suggests that N ε-hydroxy-l-lysine is a good transition state analog of arginase.  相似文献   
Factor VIII (FVIII) is a glycoprotein that plays an important role in the intrinsic pathway of coagulation. In circulation, FVIII is protected upon binding to von Willebrand factor (VWF), a chaperone molecule that regulates its half-life, distribution, and activity. Despite the biological significance of this interaction, its molecular mechanisms are not fully characterized. We determined the equilibrium and activation thermodynamics of the interaction between FVIII and VWF. The equilibrium affinity determined by surface plasmon resonance was temperature-dependent with a value of 0.8 nM at 35 °C. The FVIII-VWF interaction was characterized by very fast association (8.56 × 10(6) M(-1) s(-1)) and fast dissociation (6.89 × 10(-3) s(-1)) rates. Both the equilibrium association and association rate constants, but not the dissociation rate constant, were dependent on temperature. Binding of FVIII to VWF was characterized by favorable changes in the equilibrium and activation entropy (TΔS° = 89.4 kJ/mol, and -TΔS(++) = -8.9 kJ/mol) and unfavorable changes in the equilibrium and activation enthalpy (ΔH° = 39.1 kJ/mol, and ΔH(++) = 44.1 kJ/mol), yielding a negative change in the equilibrium Gibbs energy. Binding of FVIII to VWF in solid-phase assays demonstrated a high sensitivity to acidic pH and a sensitivity to ionic strength. Our data indicate that the interaction between FVIII and VWF is mediated mainly by electrostatic forces, and that it is not accompanied by entropic constraints, suggesting the absence of conformational adaptation but the presence of rigid "pre-optimized" binding surfaces.  相似文献   
Sib‐mating avoidance is a pervasive behaviour that is expected to evolve in species subject to inbreeding depression. Although laboratory studies provide elegant demonstrations, small‐scaled bioassays minimize the costs of mate finding and choice, and thus may produce spurious findings. We therefore combined laboratory experiments with field observations to examine the existence of inbreeding avoidance using the parasitoid wasp Venturia canescens. In the laboratory, our approach consisted of mate‐choice experiments to assess kin discrimination in population cages with competitive interactions. A higher mating probability after sib rejections suggested that females could discriminate their sibs; however, in contrast to previous findings, sib‐mating avoidance was not observed. To compare our laboratory results to field data, we captured 241 individuals from two populations. Females laid eggs in the lab, and 226 daughters were obtained. All individuals were genotyped at 18 microsatellite loci, which allowed inference of the genotype of each female's mate and subsequently the relatedness within each mating pair. We found that the observed rate of sib‐mating did not differ from the probability that sibs encountered one another at random in the field, which is consistent with an absence of sib‐mating avoidance. In addition, we detected a weak but significant male‐biased dispersal, which could reduce encounters between sibs. We also found weak fitness costs associated with sib‐mating. As such, the sex‐biased dispersal that we found is probably sufficient to mitigate these costs. These results imply that kin discrimination has probably evolved for purposes other than mate choice, such as superparasitism avoidance.  相似文献   
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