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Scedosporium species are opportunistic pathogens responsible for a large variety of infections in humans. An increasing occurrence was observed in patients with underlying conditions such as immunosuppression or cystic fibrosis. Indeed, the genus Scedosporium ranks the second among the filamentous fungi colonizing the respiratory tracts of the CF patients. To date, there is very scarce information on the pathogenic mechanisms, at least in part because of the limited genetic tools available. In the present study, we successfully developed an efficient transformation and targeted gene disruption approach on the species Scedosporium aurantiacum. The disruption cassette was constructed using double-joint PCR procedure, and resistance to hygromycin B as the selection marker. This proof of concept was performed on the functional gene SODC encoding the Cu,Zn-superoxide dismutase. Disruption of the SODC gene improved susceptibility of the fungus to oxidative stress. This technical advance should open new research areas and help to better understand the biology of Scedosporium species.  相似文献   
In the context of sexual selection, animals have developed a variety of cues conveying information about the sex of an individual to conspecifics. In many colonial seabird species, where females and males are monomorphic and do not show obvious differences in external morphology, acoustic cues are an important signal for individual and sex recognition. Here, we study the vocal and morphological sex dimorphism in the King Penguin Aptenodytes patagonicus, a colonial, monomorphic seabird for which our knowledge about the role of vocalizations and morphology in mate choice is very limited. Data were collected at Possession Island, Crozet Archipelago, in a breeding colony consisting of about 16 000 breeding pairs. Using measurements of six morphological features and analysing acoustic parameters of call recordings of adult individuals, we show that King Penguins can be sexed based on a single morphological measurement of the beak with an accuracy of 79%. We found a sex‐specific syntax in adult King Penguin calls that provided a 100% accurate method to distinguish between the sexes in our study population. To confirm the method at the species level, we analysed calls recorded from King Penguin adults in Kerguelen Island, 1300 km away from our study population and found the same accuracy of the sex‐specific syntax. This sex‐specific syllable arrangement is rare in non‐passerines and is a first step in understanding the mate choice process in this species. Furthermore, it offers a cost‐effective, non‐invasive technique for researchers to sex King Penguins in the field.  相似文献   
Spatial and temporal shifts in biometric features were examined in three common deep‐water pennatulacean corals (sea pens) from the Northwest Atlantic: Anthoptilum grandiflorum, Halipteris finmarchica and Pennatula aculeata. These three species show different morphological characters and adaptations to their environment. Analyses of colony length, ratio of peduncle to colony length, weight/length ratio, polyp size and density as well as sclerite shape, location and abundance indicate that their phenotype is modulated by environmental factors (e.g. food availability, currents and sediment type) and antipredator strategies. Moreover, the three species had different carbon and nitrogen stable isotope signatures that could be explain primarily by their different polyp diameters and colony shapes, suggesting that they rely on slightly different food sources (varying proportions of phytodetritus and zooplankton). Finally, sclerites were found only in H. finmarchica and P. aculeata and are not known to occur in A. grandiflorum, except for minute oval bodies inside the peduncle. The Mg/Ca ratio of sclerites differed between the two species and, for P. aculeata, among types of sclerites, evoking different biomineralization pathways related to their functional roles (structural support or defence). Overall, this study provides new information on the ecology of poorly known species, which are ubiquitous and suspected to play an important ecological role in deep‐water ecosystems.  相似文献   
Atopic dermatitis (AD) is a widespread inflammatory skin disease with an early onset, characterized by pruritus, eczematous lesions and skin dryness. This chronic relapsing disease is believed to be primarily a result of a defective epidermal barrier function associated with genetic susceptibility, immune hyper‐responsiveness of the skin and environmental factors. Although the important role of abnormal immune reactivity in the pathogenesis of AD is widely accepted, the role of regulatory T cells (Tregs) remains elusive. We found that the Treg population is expanded in a mouse model of AD, i.e. mice topically treated with vitamin D3 (VitD). Moreover, mice with AD‐like symptoms exhibit increased inducible T‐cell costimulator (ICOS)‐, cytotoxic T‐lymphocyte antigen‐4 (CTLA‐4)‐ and Glycoprotein‐A repetitions predominant receptor (GARP)‐expressing Tregs in skin‐draining lymph nodes. Importantly, the differentiation of Tregs into thymus‐derived Tregs is favoured in our mouse model of AD. Emigrated skin‐derived dendritic cells are required for Treg induction and Langerhans cells are responsible for the biased expansion of thymus‐derived Tregs. Intriguingly, thymus‐derived Tregs isolated from mice with AD‐like symptoms exhibit a Th2 cytokine profile. Thus, AD might favour the expansion of pathogenic Tregs able to produce Th2 cytokines and to promote the disease instead of alleviating symptoms.  相似文献   
The species pool hypothesis claims that the large‐scale regional species pool is the chief parameter in determining small‐scale species richness through filtering of species that can persist within a community on the basis of their tolerance of the abiotic environment. Accordingly, different environmental conditions give rise to different species assemblages. From a taxonomic perspective, under the assumption of trait conservatism, co‐occurring species that experience similar environmental conditions are likely to be more taxonomically similar than ecologically distant species. The next step consists in understanding how commonness and rarity of individual species produce the observed taxonomic diversity. In this paper, the importance of environmental filtering in regulating the taxonomic structure of rare and common plant species in the urban floras of Brussels (Belgium) and Rome (Italy) is tested. First, we computed the taxonomic diversity of the rare and common species of Brussels and Rome based on the branching topology of the Linnaean taxonomic trees. Next, using a randomization procedure, we determined whether the taxonomic diversity of the rare species was significantly higher than the diversity of the common species. Results show that, for both urban floras, common species that shape the community matrix and experience similar environmental conditions have a taxonomic diversity that is significantly lower than that of the rare species that represent a relatively incidental set of species of more ‘disperse’ origin. Finally, from a conservation/management perspective our results imply that, given their high taxonomic heterogeneity, the protection of rare species is a central issue for preserving high levels of diversity in urban areas.  相似文献   
(1R)‐Normetanephrine is the natural stereoisomeric substrate for sulfotransferase 1A3 (SULT1A3)‐catalyzed sulfonation. Nothing appears known on the enantioselectivity of the reaction despite its potential significance in the metabolism of adrenergic amines and in clinical biochemistry. We confronted the kinetic parameters of the sulfoconjugation of synthetic (1R)‐normetanephrine and (1S)‐normetanephrine by recombinant human SULT1A3 to a docking model of each normetanephrine enantiomer with SULT1A3 and the 3′‐phosphoadenosine‐5′‐phosphosulfate cofactor on the basis of molecular modeling and molecular dynamics simulations of the stability of the complexes. The KM, Vmax, and kcat values for the sulfonation of (1R)‐normetanephrine, (1S)‐normetanephrine, and racemic normetanephrine were similar. In silico models were consistent with these findings as they showed that the binding modes of the two enantiomers were almost identical. In conclusion, SULT1A3 is not substrate‐enantioselective toward normetanephrine, an unexpected finding explainable by a mutual adaptability between the ligands and SULT1A3 through an “induced‐fit model” in the catalytic pocket. Chirality, 25:28‐34, 2012.© 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   
The cyanobacterium Synechocystis PCC 6803 grown under short-term iron-deficient conditions assembles a supercomplex consisting of a trimeric Photosystem I (PSI) complex encircled by a ring of 18 IsiA complexes. Furthermore, it has been shown that single or double rings of IsiA with up to 35 copies in total can surround monomeric PSI. Here we present an analysis by electron microscopy and image analysis of the various PSI-IsiA supercomplexes from a Synechocystis PCC 6803 mutant lacking the PsaL subunit after short- and long-term iron-deficient growth. In the absence of PsaL, the tendency to form complexes with IsiA is still strong, but the average number of complete rings is lower than in the wild type. The majority of IsiA copies binds into partial double rings at the side of PsaF/J subunits rather than in complete single or double rings, which also cover the PsaL side of the PSI monomer. This indicates that PsaL facilitates the formation of IsiA rings around PSI monomers but is not an obligatory structural component in the formation of PSI-IsiA complexes.  相似文献   
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