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Previous studies demonstrated that sphingosine-1-phosphate (S1P) phosphohydrolase 1 (SPP-1), which is located mainly in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), regulates sphingolipid metabolism and apoptosis (H. Le Stunff et al., J. Cell Biol. 158:1039-1049, 2002). We show here that the treatment of SPP-1-overexpressing cells with S1P, but not with dihydro-S1P, increased all ceramide species, particularly the long-chain ceramides. This was not due to inhibition of ceramide metabolism to sphingomyelin or monohexosylceramides but rather to the inhibition of ER-to-Golgi trafficking, determined with the fluorescent ceramide analog N-(4,4-difluoro-5,7-dimethyl-4-bora-3a,4a-diaza-s-indacene-3-pentanoyl)-d-erythro-sphingosine (DMB-Cer). Fumonisin B1, an inhibitor of ceramide synthase, prevented S1P-induced elevation of all ceramide species and corrected the defect in ER transport of DMB-Cer, readily allowing its detection in the Golgi. In contrast, ceramide accumulation had no effect on either the trafficking or the metabolism of 6-([N-(7-nitrobenzo-2-oxa-1,3-diazol-4-yl)amino]hexanoyl)-sphingosine, which rapidly labels the Golgi even at 4 degrees C. Protein trafficking from the ER to the Golgi, determined with vesicular stomatitis virus ts045 G protein fused to green fluorescent protein, was also inhibited in SPP-1-overexpressing cells in the presence of S1P but not in the presence of dihydro-S1P. Our results suggest that SPP-1 regulates ceramide levels in the ER and thus influences the anterograde membrane transport of both ceramide and proteins from the ER to the Golgi apparatus.  相似文献   
Negative density feedbacks have been extensively described in animal species and involve both consumptive (i.e. trophic interactions) and non‐consumptive (i.e. social interactions) mechanisms. Glucocorticoids are a major component of the physiological stress response and homeostasis, and therefore make a good candidate for proximate determinants of negative density feedbacks. Here, we combined laboratory and field experiments with enclosed populations to investigate the relationship between density, social stress and plasma corticosterone levels in the common lizard Zootoca vivipara. This species exhibits strong negative density feedbacks that affect females more than males, and its life history is sensitive to experimentally‐induced chronic elevation of corticosterone plasma levels. We found that prolonged crowding in the laboratory can trigger a chronic secretion of corticosterone independent from food restriction. In the field experiments, corticosterone levels of females were not affected by population density. Corticosterone levels of males increased with population density but only during the late activity season in a first field experiment where we manipulated density. They also increased with density during the mating season but only in populations with a female‐biased sex ratio in a second field experiment where we crossed manipulated density and adult sex ratio. Altogether, our results provide limited evidence for a role of basal corticosterone secretion in density feedbacks in this species. Context and density‐dependent effects in males may arise from changes in behavior caused by competition for resources, male–male competition, and mating.  相似文献   
Huntington's disease (HD) is a mid-life onset neurodegenerative disorder characterized by unvoluntary movements (chorea), personality changes and dementia that progress to death within 10-20 years of onset. There are currently no treatment to delay or prevent appearance of the symptoms in the patients. The defective gene in HD contains a trinucleotide CAG repeat expansion within its coding region that is expressed as a polyglutamine (polyQ) repeat in the protein huntingtin. The exact molecular mechanims by which mutant huntingtin induces cell death as well as the function of huntingtin are not totally understood. Studying mechanisms by which polyQ-huntingtin induces neurodegeneration has shown that phosphorylation plays a key role in HD. The IGF-1/Akt/SGK pathway reduces polyQ-huntingtin induced toxicity. This anti-apopototic effect is mediated via the phosphorylation of serine 421 of huntingtin. Moreover, components of this pathway are altered in disease. What is the function of huntingtin? Several studies indicate that huntingtin is an anti-apoptotic protein that could regulate intracellular dynamic. We recently demonstrated, that huntingtin specifically enhances vesicular transport of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) along microtubules. Huntingtin-mediated transport involves Huntingtin-Associated Protein-1 (HAP1) and the p150(Glued) subunit of dynactin, an essential component of molecular motors. BDNF transport is attenuated both in the disease context and by reducing the levels of wild-type huntingtin. The alteration of the huntingtin/HAP1/ p150(Glued) complex correlates with reduced association of motor proteins with microtubules. Finally, polyQ-huntingtin-induced transport deficit results in the loss of neurotrophic support and neuronal toxicity.  相似文献   
The ongoing development of metagenomic approaches is providing the means to explore antibiotic resistance in nature and address questions that could not be answered previously with conventional culture-based strategies. The number of available environmental metagenomic sequence datasets is rapidly expanding and henceforth offer the ability to gain a more comprehensive understanding of antibiotic resistance at the global scale. Although there is now evidence that the environment constitutes a vast reservoir of antibiotic resistance gene determinants (ARGDs) and that the majority of ARGDs acquired by human pathogens may have an environmental origin, a better understanding of their diversity, prevalence and ecological significance may help predict the emergence and spreading of newly acquired resistances. Recent applications of metagenomic approaches to the study of ARGDs in natural environments such as soil should help overcome challenges concerning expanding antibiotic resistances.  相似文献   
Coral reefs are the most biodiverse marine ecosystem and one of the most threatened by global climate change impacts. The vast majority of diversity on reefs is comprised of small invertebrates that live within the reef structure, termed the cryptofauna. This component of biodiversity is hugely understudied, and many species remain undescribed. This study represents a rare analysis of assembly processes structuring a distinct group of cryptofauna, the Palaemonidae, in the Chagos Archipelago, a reef ecosystem under minimal direct human impacts in the central Indian Ocean. The Palaemonidae are a diverse group of Caridae (infraorder of shrimps) that inhabit many different niches on coral reefs and are of particular interest because of their varied habitat associations. Phylogenetic and trait diversity and phylogenetic signal were used to infer likely drivers of community structure. The mechanisms driving palaemonid community assembly and maintenance in the Chagos Archipelago showed distinct spatial patterns. At local scales, among coral colonies and among reefs fringing individual atolls, significant trait, and phylogenetic clustering patterns suggest environmental filtering may be a dominant ecological process driving Palaemonidae community structure, although local competition through equalizing mechanisms may also play a role in shaping the local community structure. Importantly, we also tested the robustness of phylogenetic diversity to changes in evolutionary information as multi‐gene phylogenies are resource intensive and for large families, such as the Palaemonidae, are often incomplete. These tests demonstrated a very modest impact on phylogenetic community structure, with only one of the four genes (PEPCK gene) in the phylogeny affecting phylogenetic diversity patterns, which provides useful information for future studies on large families with incomplete phylogenies. These findings contribute to our limited knowledge of this component of biodiversity in a marine locality as close to undisturbed by humans as can be found. It also provides a rare evaluation of phylogenetic diversity methods.  相似文献   


Atrial fibrillation can be categorized into nonpermanent and permanent atrial fibrillation. There is less information on permanent than on nonpermanent atrial fibrillation patients. This analysis aimed to describe the characteristics and current management, including the proportion of patients with successful atrial fibrillation control, of these atrial fibrillation subsets in a large, geographically diverse contemporary sample.

Methods and Results

Data from RealiseAF, an international, observational, cross-sectional survey of 10,491 patients with atrial fibrillation, were used to characterize permanent atrial fibrillation (N = 4869) and nonpermanent atrial fibrillation (N = 5622) patients. Permanent atrial fibrillation patients were older, had a longer time since atrial fibrillation diagnosis, a higher symptom burden, and were more likely to be physically inactive. They also had a higher mean (SD) CHADS2 score (2.2 [1.3] vs. 1.7 [1.3], p<0.001), and a higher frequency of CHADS2 score ≥2 (67.3% vs. 53.0%, p<0.001) and comorbidities, most notably heart failure. Physicians indicated using a rate-control strategy in 84.2% of permanent atrial fibrillation patients (vs. 27.5% in nonpermanent atrial fibrillation). Only 50.2% (N = 2262/4508) of permanent atrial fibrillation patients were controlled. These patients had a longer time since atrial fibrillation diagnosis, a lower symptom burden, less obesity and physical inactivity, less severe heart failure, and fewer hospitalizations for acute heart failure than uncontrolled permanent atrial fibrillation patients, but with more arrhythmic events. The most frequent causes of hospitalization in the last 12 months were acute heart failure and stroke.


Permanent atrial fibrillation is a high-risk subset of atrial fibrillation, representing half of all atrial fibrillation patients, yet rate control is only achieved in around half. Since control is associated with lower symptom burden and heart failure, adequate rate control is an important target for improving the management of permanent atrial fibrillation patients.  相似文献   
In the search of new strategies to fight against obesity, we targeted a gene pathway involved in energy uptake. We have thus investigated the APOB mRNA editing protein (APOBEC1) gene pathway that is involved in fat absorption in the intestine. The APOB gene encodes two proteins, APOB100 and APOB48, via the editing of a single nucleotide in the APOB mRNA by the APOBEC1 enzyme. The APOB48 protein is mandatory for the synthesis of chylomicrons by intestinal cells to transport dietary lipids and cholesterol. We produced transgenic rabbits expressing permanently and ubiquitously a small hairpin RNA targeting the rabbit APOBEC1 mRNA. These rabbits exhibited a moderately but significantly reduced level of APOBEC1 gene expression in the intestine, a reduced level of editing of the APOB mRNA, a reduced level of synthesis of chylomicrons after a food challenge, a reduced total mass of body lipids and finally presented a sustained lean phenotype without any obvious physiological disorder. Interestingly, no compensatory mechanism opposed to the phenotype. These lean transgenic rabbits were crossed with transgenic rabbits expressing in the intestine the human APOBEC1 gene. Double transgenic animals did not present any lean phenotype, thus proving that the intestinal expression of the human APOBEC1 transgene was able to counterbalance the reduction of the rabbit APOBEC1 gene expression. Thus, a moderate reduction of the APOBEC1 dependent editing induces a lean phenotype at least in the rabbit species. This suggests that the APOBEC1 gene might be a novel target for obesity treatment.  相似文献   
New isolated petrosals from the Itaboraí beds of Brazil (late Palaeocene or early Eocene) are here described and referred to the early diverging litoptern Miguelsoria parayirunhor, based on phylogenetic, size, and abundance arguments. Both the external and internal anatomy of these specimens were investigated, which for the first time document many details of the auditory region of a Palaeogene litoptern. Our cladistic analysis, which included our new observations, failed to recover a monophyletic Litopterna but did not exclude it. A constrained analysis for the monophyly of this order showed that several features such as a (sub)quadrangular and anteroposteriorly elongated tensor tympani fossa and a large notch in the vicinity of the external opening of the cochlear canaliculus may constitute synapomorphies for Litopterna. The evolution of several other auditory characters amongst Litopterna is discussed and the relative dimensions of the inner ear and surrounding petrosal in the group were also investigated. This allowed detection of negative allometry of the bony labyrinth within the petrosal, which was confirmed by measurements and regression analysis across a larger sample of placental mammals. This scaling effect probably has an important influence on several characters of the bony labyrinth and petrosal, amongst which are the length of the vestibular aqueduct and cochlear canaliculus. It demonstrates that many aspects of the morphological variation of the bony labyrinth need to be thoroughly investigated before being incorporated into phylogenetic analyses. © 2015 The Linnean Society of London  相似文献   
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