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A monoclonal antibody of IgM-type (TIM-11B2) was screened froma hybridoma library. The antibody recognizes a 40 kDa glycoprotein,p40, with high specificity. This protein was detected in allplant species examined so far and was found to be located bothsolubly and ionically-bound within the primary cell wall. The strongest immunobiochemical signals of p40 were found intissues undergoing elongation growth, whereas in other tissuesonly a faint signal could be detected. Those included the non-elongatingparts of different seedlings, such as the apical part of monocotprimary leaves or the leaves of dicots grown in light. Inhibitionof pea epicotyl growth by white light irradiation resulted ina strong decrease of the immunostain signal. On the other hand,induction of rapid coleoptile growth in rice seedlings inducedby submergence resulted in a strong increase of the immunobiochemicalsignal of p40. Time-course studies on the expression of p40during protoplast regeneration revealed that p40 is apparentlynot involved in cell wall formation. The hypothesis that p40is characteristic for tissues with the ability for elongationgrowth is discussed. Comparison of biochemical data and location of p40 with proteinsdescribed up to now indicate that this glycoprotein has notbeen characterized before. Key words: Cell wall protein, elongation growth, monoclonal antibody  相似文献   
Abstract The sequence of the cohesive ends of actinophage RP3 DNA has been determined. As with all other phages of Gram-positive bacteria that have been studied sofar, RP3 DNA has 3'-protruding ends. A shuttle cosmid has been constructed containing this cos area which can be efficiently transduced by phage RP3 to host cells of Streptomyces rimosus .  相似文献   
The localization of neuropeptide Y (NPY) and atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) in the endothelial cells of human umbilical blood vessels was studied using the pre-embedding peroxidase-antiperoxidase (PAP) technique for electron microscopy and avidin-biotin-complex (ABC) immunostaining for endothelial cells cultured from umbilical vein. Subpopulations of NPY- and ANP-immunoreactive endothelial cells were present in term umbilical vein and artery. The umbilical vein contained more positive cells than the artery. The percentage of NPY- and ANP-immunoreactive umbilical vein cells in culture was 32% and 44%, respectively, out of a total of 3013 cells examined. The possibility that these potent vasoactive substances located in the endothelial cells of the non-innervated umbilical vessels are involved in the local regulation of blood flow is discussed.  相似文献   
Octopamine receptor subclasses were first proposed to explain differences in the pharmacological profiles of a range of physiological responses to octopamine obtained in the extensor-tibiae neuromuscular preparation of the locust. Thus, OCTOPAMINE1 receptors which inhibit an endogenous myogenic rhythm, increase intracellular calcium levels. Also OCTOPAMINE2 receptors which modulate neuromuscular transmission in this preparation, increase the level of adenylate cyclase activity. The current status of this classification is reviewed by examining the pharmacology of responses to octopamine in a range of preparations. It is concluded that the distinction between OCTOPAMINE1 and OCTOPAMINE2 receptor types is still valid, but that OCTOPAMINE2 receptors exhibit some tissue specific variations. Studies on a clonedDrosophila octopamine/tyramine (phenolamine) receptor are discussed and illustrate many of the difficulties presently encountered in making a definitive classification of octopamine receptors. These include the possibilities that single receptors may activate multiple second messenger systems and that different agonists may differentially couple the same receptor to different second messenger systems.  相似文献   
Summary The rate of ethanolic fermentation of high gravity wheat mashes bySaccharomyces cerevisiae was increased by nitrogen sources such as ammonium sulfate or arginine. This stimulation was mediated through increased proliferation of cells. Large quantities of proline, however, were excreted by the yeast into the medium when arginine was added as a nutrient supplement. The amount of proline excreted was proportional to the concentration of arginine supplied. Nitrogen sources such as ammonium sulfate or lysine enhanced the production of proline from arginine and its excretion into the medium. Results show that the stimulation of very high gravity fermentation by arginine is not merely through provision of a source of nitrogen but also because it serves as a precursor for the production of proline, a compound which may play a significant role in alleviating the effects of osmotic stress.  相似文献   


Coastal fishes have a fundamental role in marine ecosystem functioning and contributions to people, but face increasing threats due to climate change, habitat degradation and overexploitation. The extent to which human pressures are impacting coastal fish biodiversity in comparison with geographic and environmental factors at large spatial scale is still under scrutiny. Here, we took advantage of environmental DNA (eDNA) metabarcoding to investigate the relationship between fish biodiversity, including taxonomic and genetic components, and environmental but also socio-economic factors.


Tropical, temperate and polar coastal areas.

Time period

Present day.

Major taxa studied

Marine fishes.


We analysed fish eDNA in 263 stations (samples) in 68 sites distributed across polar, temperate and tropical regions. We modelled the effect of environmental, geographic and socio-economic factors on α- and β-diversity. We then computed the partial effect of each factor on several fish biodiversity components using taxonomic molecular units (MOTU) and genetic sequences. We also investigated the relationship between fish genetic α- and β-diversity measured from our barcodes, and phylogenetic but also functional diversity.


We show that fish eDNA MOTU and sequence α- and β-diversity have the strongest correlation with environmental factors on coastal ecosystems worldwide. However, our models also reveal a negative correlation between biodiversity and human dependence on marine ecosystems. In areas with high dependence, diversity of all fish, cryptobenthic fish and large fish MOTUs declined steeply. Finally, we show that a sequence diversity index, accounting for genetic distance between pairs of MOTUs, within and between communities, is a reliable proxy of phylogenetic and functional diversity.

Main conclusions

Together, our results demonstrate that short eDNA sequences can be used to assess climate and direct human impacts on marine biodiversity at large scale in the Anthropocene and can further be extended to investigate biodiversity in its phylogenetic and functional dimensions.  相似文献   
Calypso bulbosa is a terrestrial orchid that grows in north temperate regions. Like many orchids, the Calypso has ovules that are not fully developed at anthesis. After pollination, the ovule primordia divide several times to produce a nucellar filament which consists of five to six cells. The subterminal cell of the nucellar filament enlarges to become the archesporial cell. Through further enlargement and elongation, the archesporial cell becomes the megasporocyte. An unequal dyad results from the first meiotic division. A triad of one active chalazal megaspore and two inactive micropylar megaspores are the end products of meiotic division. Callose is present in the cell wall of the megaspore destined to degenerate. In the mature embryo sac the number of nuclei is reduced to six when the chalazal nuclei fail to divide after the first mitotic division. The chalazal nuclei join the polar nucleus and the male nucleus near the center of the embryo sac subsequent to fertilization.  相似文献   
In vitro studies on the structurally related mycosporine-like amino acids (MAAs) porphyra-334 and shinorine in aqueous solutions were carried out aiming at their full photochemical and photophysical characterization and expanding the evidence on the assigned UV-photoprotective role of the molecules in vivo. The experiments on shinorine confirmed a high photostability and a poor fluorescence quantum yield, in concordance with previous results on porphyra-334. The estimation of triplet production quantum yields for both MAAs was achieved by laser-flash photolysis measurements. In particular, photosensitization experiments on porphyra-334 support the participation of the triplet state in the photodecomposition mechanism yielding a more precise value of [capital Phi](T). As well, photoacoustic calorimetry experiments allowed the first direct quantification of the nonradiative relaxation pathways of the excited MAAs in solution, corroborating that the vast majority (ca. 97%) of the absorbed energy is promptly delivered to the surroundings as heat, consistently with the low photodecomposition and emission yields observed.  相似文献   
The importance of the acarine predator, Zetzellia mali, in the control of phytophagous mites in apple orchards is not well understood. Zetzellia mali tends to prefer the eriophyid, Aculus schlechtendali, over the economically more significant tetranychid, Panonychus ulmi, but quite a wide range of preference values have been reported in the literature. In sets of laboratory choice trials, we determined that prey preference of this predator varies with the relative but not absolute density of its prey. We attempt to explain these results in terms of behavioural mechanisms and discuss the potential implications of our results for the effectiveness of Z. mali in the biological control of phytophagous mites in apple orchards.  相似文献   
Multi-colour brightfield in situ hybridisation on tissue sections   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
 We describe the brightfield microscopical detection of multiple DNA target sequences in cell and tissue preparations. For this purpose, chromosome-specific DNA probes labelled with biotin, digoxigenin or fluorescein were simultaneously hybridised and detected by enzyme cytochemistry using two horseradish peroxidase (PO) reactions and one alkaline phosphatase (APase) reaction. For triple-colour detection on single cell preparations, the combination of the enzyme precipitates PO/diaminobenzidine (DAB, brown colour), APase/fast red (FR, red colour) and PO/tetramethylbenzidine (TMB, green colour) resulted in an accurate detection of DNA targets. Embedding of the preparations in a thin cross-linked protein layer further stabilised the enzyme reaction products. For in situ hybridisation on tissue sections, however, this detection procedure showed some limitations with respect to both the stability of the APase/FR and PO/TMB precipitates, and the sequence of immunochemical layers in multiple-target procedures. For this reason, the APase/FR reaction was replaced by the APase/new fuchsin (NF, red colour) reaction and the washing steps after the PO/TMB reaction were restricted to the use of phosphate buffer pH 6.0. Furthermore, to improve the efficiency of the ISH reaction, APase/NF was applied in an avidin-biotin complex detection system and, to avoid target shielding in the triple-target ISH, the third primary antibody was applied prior to the second enzyme cytochemical reaction. These adaptations resulted in stable, well contrasting brown, red and green coloured precipitates. After quick haematoxylin counterstaining, the tissue preparations were directly mounted in phosphate buffer and, optionally, embedded in the cross-linked protein layer. Accepted: 27 June 1997  相似文献   
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