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林下层植物在退化马尾松林恢复初期养分循环中的作用   总被引:20,自引:4,他引:20  
以鼎湖山退化马尾松 (Pinusmassoniana)林恢复过程中林下层植物凋落物、分解和养分动态为对象 ,研究了林下层植物在退化马尾松林恢复初期养分循环中的作用。结果表明 ,林下层年凋落物量除在第 5年有所下降外均随时间逐年上升 ,但其增加速率随年份不同而异 ,总平均年增长速率为 3 8%。第 4年凋落物量为 0 .2 0 t· hm- 2 · a- 1,第 1 1年为 1 .1 7t·hm- 2·a- 1。凋落物养分元素平均浓度为 (% ) :N0 .95 ,P0 .0 4,K0 .5 7,Ca0 .1 3和 Mg0 .0 8,基本上以夏季和秋季最高冬春交替月份最低。第 1 1年凋落物各元素养分归还量为 (kg· hm- 2·a- 1) :N1 1 .1 0 ,P0 .47,K6.65 ,Ca1 .48和 Mg 0 .91。凋落物在分解过程中失重率呈直线模型变化 ,第 1年的分解速率为 3 1 % ,至试验结束时凋落物的残存量占起始量的 66%。在凋落物分解过程中 ,N和 P浓度随时间逐渐上升 ,但 N增加的速度较 P快 ,其余元素浓度均下降 ,但 K下降的速度最快。在凋落物分解过程中 ,N是唯一表现残留量呈先上升然后下降变化的元素。P的残留量变化与凋落物的失重率变化几乎一致。各元素在分解试验结束时残留量占起始量的百分比分别为 :N 90 % ,P 67% ,K 9% ,Ca 3 0 %和Mg 1 4%。可见 ,林下层凋落物在退化马尾松林恢复初期碳及其它营养元素循  相似文献   
The search for new microbial strains that are able to withstand inhibitors released from hemicellulosic hydrolysis and are also still able to convert sugars in ethanol/xylitol is highly desirable. A yeast strain isolated from sugarcane juice and identified as Meyerozyma guilliermondii was evaluated for the ability to grow and ferment pentoses in synthetic media and in sugarcane bagasse hydrolysate. The yeast grew in xylose, arabinose and glucose at the same rate at an initial medium pH of 5.5. At pH 4.5, the yeast grew more slowly in arabinose. There was no sugar exhaustion within 60 h. At higher xylose concentrations with a higher initial cell concentration, sugar was exhausted within 96 h at pH 4.5. An increase of 350 % in biomass was obtained in detoxified hydrolysates, whereas supplementation with 3 g/L yeast extract increased biomass production by approximately 40 %. Ethanol and xylitol were produced more significantly in supplemented hydrolysates regardless of detoxification. Xylose consumption was enhanced in supplemented hydrolysates and arabinose was consumed only when xylose and glucose were no longer available. Supplementation had a greater impact on ethanol yield and productivity than detoxification; however, the product yields obtained in the present study are still much lower when compared to other yeast species in bagasse hydrolysate. By the other hand, the fermentation of both xylose and arabinose and capability of withstanding inhibitors are important characteristics of the strain assayed.  相似文献   
The response of decomposition of litter for the dominant tree species in disturbed (pine), rehabilitated (pine and broadleaf mixed) and mature (monsoon evergreen broadleaf) forests in subtropical China to simulated N deposition was studied to address the following hypothesis: (1) litter decomposition is faster in mature forest (high soil N availability) than in rehabilitated/disturbed forests (low soil N availability); (2) litter decomposition is stimulated by N addition in rehabilitated and disturbed forests due to their low soil N availability; (3) N addition has little effect on litter decomposition in mature forest due to its high soil N availability. The litterbag method (a total of 2880 litterbags) and N treatments: Control-no N addition, Low-N: −5 g N m−2 y−1, Medium-N: −10 g N m−2 y−1, and High-N: −15 g N m−2 y−1, were employed to evaluate decomposition. Results indicated that mature forest, which has likely been N saturated due to both long-term high N deposition in the region and the age of the ecosystem, had the highest litter decomposition rate, and exhibited no significant positive and even some negative response to nitrogen additions. However, both disturbed and rehabilitated forests, which are still N limited due to previous land use history, exhibited slower litter decomposition rates with significant positive effects from nitrogen additions. These results suggest that litter decomposition and its responses to N addition in subtropical forests of China vary depending on the nitrogen status of the ecosystem.  相似文献   
We report on an in vitro organ culture method to investigate human conjunctival epithelial basal precursor cells and their progeny within a more natural three-dimensional microenvironment. Conjunctival fragments were cultured on gelatin sponges in medium with 10% FBS. The conjunctival phenotype of the epithelium was confirmed by the expression and distribution of a panel of markers (p63, CK-13/CK-10, CK-19, Ki-67, PAS for goblet cells, CD45 for infiltrating interlamellar leukocytes and nestin for mesenchymal and ocular epithelial precursor cells). After 7 days, the epithelium had exfoliated its superficial layers (mostly CK-19( )positive cells and all goblets), maintaining only 1-2 layers of basal/parabasal cells, p63, CK-13/CK-10 and nestin positive cells, firmly attached to the specimen. After 14 days, a new multilayered epithelium was formed, consisting of p63, CK-13/CK-10, nestin positive cells and in the high-zone CK-19 positive cells with new goblets. Additionally, we found interlamellar leukocytes which had probably migrated from capillaries that continued to be well maintained in the subepithelial stroma. Cells dispersed from conjunctival epithelium and co-cultured with feeder post-mitotic NIH3T3 fibroblasts formed mosaics displaying a basal epithelial phenotype. These cells expressed CD133 as revealed by RT-PCR. These organ cultures provide new opportunities to investigate epithelial reconstitution of the conjunctival surface and changes that may have occurred to their stem/precursor cells during adaptation to varying conditions in vitro.  相似文献   
Antimicrobial peptides produced by epithelial cells and neutrophils represent essential elements of innate immunity, and include the defensin and cathelicidin family of antimicrobial polypeptides. The human cathelicidin cationic antimicrobial protein-18 is an antimicrobial peptide precursor predominantly expressed in neutrophils, and its active peptide LL-37 is released from the precursor through the action of neutrophil serine proteinases. LL-37 has been shown to display antimicrobial activity against a broad spectrum of microorganisms, to neutralize LPS bioactivity, and to chemoattract neutrophils, monocytes, mast cells, and T cells. In this study we show that LL-37 activates airway epithelial cells as demonstrated by activation of the mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK)/extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) and increased release of IL-8. Epithelial cell activation was inhibited by the MAPK/ERK kinase (MEK) inhibitors PD98059 and U0126, by the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) tyrosine kinase inhibitor AG1478, by blocking anti-EGFR and anti-EGFR-ligand Abs, and by the metalloproteinase inhibitor GM6001. These data suggest that LL-37 transactivates the EGFR via metalloproteinase-mediated cleavage of membrane-anchored EGFR-ligands. LL-37 may thus constitute one of the mediators by which neutrophils regulate epithelial cell activity in the lung.  相似文献   
Excitatory amino acid transporters (EAATs) are responsible for homeostasis of extracellular L-glutamate, and the glial transporters are functionally dominant. EAAT expression or function is altered in acute and chronic neurological conditions, but little is known about the regulation of EAATs in reactive astroglia found in such neuropathologies. These studies examined the effects of the bacterial endotoxin lipopolysaccharide (LPS) on glial EAATs in vitro. The effects of LPS (1 microg/ml, 24-72 h) on EAAT activity and expression were examined in primary cultures of mouse astrocytes. [(3)H]D-aspartate uptake increased to 129% of control by 72 h treatment with LPS. Saturation analysis revealed that apparent K(m) was unchanged whilst V(max) was significantly increased to 172% of control by 72 h LPS treatment. Biotinylation and Western blotting indicated that cell-surface expression of GLT-1 was significantly elevated (146% control) by LPS treatment whereas GLAST expression was unchanged. Confocal analyses revealed that LPS treatment resulted in cytoskeletal changes and stellation of astrocytes, with rearrangement of F-actin (as shown by phalloidin labelling). Immunocytochemistry revealed clustering of GLAST, and increased expression and redistribution of GLT-1 to the cell-surface following treatment with LPS. Similar experiments were conducted in microglia, where LPS (50 ng/ml) was found to up-regulate expression of GLT-1 at 24 and 72 h in concert with cytoskeletal changes accompanying activation. These findings suggest an association of cytoskeletal changes in glia with EAAT activity, with the predominant adaptation involving up-regulation and redistribution of GLT-1.  相似文献   
Nectar robbers use a hole made in the perianth to extract nectar. Since robbers may modify plant fitness, they play an important role by driving evolution on floral traits, shaping population structure and influencing community dynamics. Although nectar robbing is widespread in angiosperms, the causes and ecological implications of this behaviour on large ecological scales are still unexplored. Our aim is to study the frequency of nectar robbing in plants of temperate and tropical regions and examine its association with plant traits. We characterised the levels of nectar robbing in 88 species of Mediterranean, Alpine, Antillean and Andean plant communities and identified the most important nectar robbers. We analysed associations between the levels of robbing and floral morphology, production and density of energy rewards, mechanisms of protection against nectar robbers, plant life form and geographic origin. Nectar robbing was present at all sampling sites. Within communities two patterns of robbing levels related to the diversity and specialization of robbers were detected. In most communities one plant species presented very high levels of robbing while other species had intermediate to low robbing levels. There, nectar robbers are opportunists, robbing highly rewarding plants. In the Andean community the high specialization of several co‐existing flowerpiercers produced an even pattern of robbing levels in the plant community. Plants with long flowers, abundant nectar and a high energy density are more likely to be robbed by both insects and birds. A high aggregation of the flowers within the plants and the presence of long calyxes and bracts are associated to low robbing rates by insects and to a lesser extent by birds. Besides the morphological constraints that operate on a single flower basis, nectar robbing is a phenomenon dependent upon the density of energy rewards reflecting the presence of mechanisms on higher ecological scales.  相似文献   
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