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CCK acts peripherally as a satiating peptide released during meals in response to lipid feeding and centrally functions in the modulation of feeding, exploratory, and memory activities. The present study determined metabolic parameters, food intake, anxiety-like behaviors, and cognitive function in mice lacking the CCK gene. We studied intestinal fat absorption, body composition, and food intake of CCK knockout (CCK-KO) mice by using the noninvasive measurement of intestinal fat absorption along with quantitative magnetic resonance (QMR) imaging and the DietMax system, respectively. Additionally, exploratory and memory capacities were assessed by monitoring running wheel activity and conducting elevated plus-maze and Morris water-maze tests with these mice. Compared with wild-type (WT) littermate controls, CCK-KO mice had normal food intake, fat absorption, body weight, and body mass. CCK-KO mice ate more food than control animals during the light period and less food during the dark period. Energy expenditure was unchanged between the genotypes; however, CCK-KO mice displayed greater fatty acid oxidation. CCK-KO mice were as active as WT animals in the running wheel test. CCK-KO mice spent more time in the closed arms of an elevated plus-maze, indicative of increased anxiety. Additionally, CCK-KO mice exhibited attenuated performance in a passive avoidance task and impaired spatial memory in the Morris water maze test. We conclude that CCK is involved in metabolic rate and is important for memory and exploration. CCK is intimately involved in multiple processes related to cognitive function and food intake regulation.  相似文献   
Mercury and selenium in whole blood and serum of 245 17-year old Swedish adolescents were analysed. The relationships between these elements' concentrations and the consumption of fish as well as the number of dental amalgam fillings were studied. The geometric means (GM) of the mercury concentrations were 1.1 microg/L in blood and 0.43 microg/L in serum. The mean selenium concentration in blood was 110 microg/L and the GM of the serum selenium concentration 110 microg/L. Fish species with dietary restrictions due to elevated mercury Levels (i.e. pike, perch, pikeperch, burbot, eel and halibut) were consumed on average 0.7 times/month and fish species without such restrictions 4.1 times/month. Despite this comparatively low fish consumption, the adolescents' blood mercury concentrations were positively correlated with fish consumption. Of the adolescents, 39% had amalgam fillings (mean 2 +/- 1.5). Serum mercury was influenced by the number of amalgam fillings, by fish consumption, blood and serum levels of selenium and the residential area. Blood and serum selenium concentrations were not influenced by fish consumption, but were positively associated with the serum mercury concentration.  相似文献   
Recent studies identified YidC as a novel membrane factor that may play a key role in membrane insertion of inner membrane proteins (IMPs), both in conjunction with the Sec-translocase and as a separate entity. Here, we show that the type II IMP FtsQ requires both the translocase and, to a lesser extent, YidC in vivo. Using photo-crosslinking we demonstrate that the transmembrane (TM) domain of the nascent IMP FtsQ inserts into the membrane close to SecY and lipids, and moves to a combined YidC/lipid environment upon elongation. These data are consistent with a crucial role for YidC in the lateral transfer of TM domains from the Sec translocase into the lipid bilayer.  相似文献   
Ozone (O3)-induced accelerated senescence of leaves was measured in four tree species: black cherry ( Prunus serotina ), hybrid poplar ( Populus maximowizii x trichocarpa , clone 245), northern red oak ( Quercus rubra ) and sugar maple ( Acer saccharum ). Seedlings or ramets of the four species were subjected to chronic O3 exposures and designated leaves harvested periodically from emergence to senescence. Gas exchange was analysed, and concentrations of total soluble protein and ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase were measured as indicators of leaf senescence. Total antioxidant potential and ascorbate peroxidase and glutathione reductase activities also were determined. Black cherry and hybrid poplar exhibited O3-induced accelerated leaf senescence, whereas sugar maple and northern red oak did not. When the O3 effects were related to cumulative uptake of the gas, black cherry was the most sensitive of the four species. Although hybrid poplar exhibited similar symptoms of O3-induced accelerated senescence after the same exposure period as did black cherry, this species took up much greater quantities of O3 to achieve the same response. The O3-induced increase in glutathione reductase activity in hybrid poplar was consistent with the capacity of this species to take up high concentrations of the gas. Relative tolerance of northern red oak and sugar maple could be explained only in part by lower cumulative O3 uptake and lower rate of uptake. Sugar maple had the highest antioxidant potential of all four species, which may have contributed to O3 tolerance of this species. Ascorbate peroxidase activity, when expressed on a fresh weight basis, could not account for differential sensitivity among the four species.  相似文献   
Hitchhiking effects of advantageous mutations have been invoked to explain reduced polymorphism in regions of low crossing-over in Drosophila. Besides reducing DNA heterozygosity, hitchhiking effects should produce strong linkage disequilibrium and a frequency spectrum skewed toward an excess of rare polymorphisms (compared to the neutral expectation). We measured DNA polymorphism in a Zimbabwe population of D. melanogaster at three loci, yellow, achaete, and suppressor of forked, located in regions of reduced crossing-over. Similar to previously published surveys of these genomic regions in other populations, we observed low levels of nucleotide variability. However, the frequency spectrum was compatible with a neutral model, and there was abundant evidence for recombination in the history of the yellow and ac genes. Thus, some aspects of the data cannot be accounted for by a simple hitchhiking model. An alternative hypothesis, background selection, might be compatible with the observed patterns of linkage disequilibrium and the frequency spectrum. However, this model cannot account for the observed reduction in nucleotide heterozygosity. Thus, there is currently no satisfactory theoretical model for the data from the tip and base of the X chromosome in D. melanogaster.   相似文献   
We have determined the chromosomal locations of the two cholecystokinin (CCK) receptor genes in the mouse. Genetic localization utilized an interspecific backcross panel formed from the cross (C57BL/6J x Mus spretus) F1 x Mus spretus. Genomic DNAs from 94 individuals in the backcross were analyzed by Southern hybridization with rat CCKA and CCKB receptor cDNA probes. Unique map positions were determined by haplotype analysis with 650 previously mapped loci in the mouse backcross. The CCKA receptor gene (Cckar) mapped to mouse Chromosome (Chr) 5, in tight linkage with the DNA marker D5Bir8. The CCKB receptor gene (Cckbr) mapped to mouse Chr 7, tightly linked to the -hemoglobin locus (Hbb). This localization places Cckbr in the same region as the mouse obesity mutation tubby (tub), which also maps near Hbb (2.4±1.4 cM). Since CCK can function as a satiety factor when administered to rodents, localization of Cckbr near the tub mutation identifies this receptor as a possible candidate gene for this obesity mutation.  相似文献   
Oligogalacturonic acids (OGAs), derived from plant cell wall pectin, have been implicated in a number of signal transduction pathways involved in growth, development and defense responses of higher plants. This study investigates the size range of OGAs capable of inducing ethylene synthesis in tomato plants, and demonstrates that in contrast with many other effects, only short chain OGAs are active. Oligomers across a range of DP from 2-15 were separated and purified to homogeneity by QAE-Sephadex anion exchange chromatography using a novel elution system. The OGAs were applied to tomato plants and assayed for their ability to induce ethylene gas release and changes in steady state levels of mRNA encoding the ethylene forming enzyme aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid oxidase (ACO). The study demonstrated that only OGAs in the size range of DP4-6 were active both in eliciting ACO expression and in the production of ethylene.   相似文献   
We have analyzed the junction regions of inserted elements within the human amylase gene complex. This complex contains five genes which are expressed at high levels either in the pancreas or in the parotid gland. The proximal 5'-flanking regions of these genes contain two inserted elements. A gamma-actin pseudogene is located at a position 200 base pairs upstream of the first coding exon. All of the amylase genes contain this insert. The subsequent insertion of an endogenous retrovirus interrupted the gamma-actin pseudogene within its 3'-untranslated region. Nucleotide sequence analysis of the inserted elements associated with each of the five human amylase genes has revealed a series of molecular events during the recent history of this gene family. The data indicate that the entire gene family was generated during primate evolution from one ancestral gene copy and that the retroviral insertion activated a cryptic promoter.  相似文献   
In standard demographic practice, population projections are commonly based on one-sex linear models of the Lotka-Leslie type. We demonstrate here that such projections based solely on time-invariant, age-specific male fertilities and mortalities are incompatible with those based solely on female fertilities and mortalities. This incompatibility obtains even in the singular case where effective male and female fertility functions are equal, and generate equal ultimate rates of growth. In standard demographic practice, the incompatibility is initially masked, since one-sex fertility functions are generally calculated from the same initial-time data and thereby tautologically forced to initially concur; however, with the passage of any finite time, the incompatibility reasserts itself—the only exception being the uninteresting case where the system is already in the stationary age and sex distribution of balanced exponential growth.An example is adduced of a nonlinear (age-free) system whose true rate of ultimate growth is correctly bracketed by the male and female one-sex rates of ultimate growth. Analysis of more general two-sex models shows that the two one-sex growth rates, calculated for arbitrary male and female initial age distributions, need not bracket the true rate. We show, however, that models exist such that with appropriate choices of initial conditions, this bracketing will occur.  相似文献   
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