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Lignin is a critical structural component of plants, providing vascular integrity and mechanical strength. Lignin precursors (monolignols) must be exported to the extracellular matrix where random oxidative coupling produces a complex lignin polymer. The objectives of this study were twofold: to determine the timing of lignification with respect to programmed cell death and to test if nonlignifying xylary parenchyma cells can contribute to the lignification of tracheary elements and fibers. This study demonstrates that lignin deposition is not exclusively a postmortem event, but also occurs prior to programmed cell death. Radiolabeled monolignols were not detected in the cytoplasm or vacuoles of tracheary elements or neighbors. To experimentally define which cells in lignifying tissues contribute to lignification in intact plants, a microRNA against CINNAMOYL CoA-REDUCTASE1 driven by the promoter from CELLULOSE SYNTHASE7 (ProCESA7:miRNA CCR1) was used to silence monolignol biosynthesis specifically in cells developing lignified secondary cell walls. When monolignol biosynthesis in ProCESA7:miRNA CCR1 lines was silenced in the lignifying cells themselves, but not in the neighboring cells, lignin was still deposited in the xylem secondary cell walls. Surprisingly, a dramatic reduction in cell wall lignification of extraxylary fiber cells demonstrates that extraxylary fibers undergo cell autonomous lignification.  相似文献   
We have developed a short-term in vitro assay for the detection of sublethal effects produced by very low levels of ionizing radiation. The assay utilizes mouse embryo aggregation chimeras consisting of one irradiated embryo paired with an unirradiated embryo whose blastomeres have been labeled with fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC). X irradiation (from 0.05 to 2 Gy) and chimera construction were performed with four-cell stage embryos, and the chimeras were cultured for 40 h to the morula stage. The morulae were partially dissociated with calcium-free culture medium and viewed under phase contrast and epifluorescence microscopy to obtain total embryo cell number and the cellular contribution of irradiated (unlabeled) and control (FITC labeled) embryos per chimera. In chimeras where neither embryo was irradiated, the ratio of the unlabeled blastomeres to the total number of blastomeres per chimera embryo was 0.50 (17.8 +/- 5.6 cells per unlabeled embryo and 17.4 +/- 5.5 cells per FITC-labeled partner embryo). However, in chimeras formed after the unlabeled embryos were irradiated with as little as 0.05 Gy, the ratio of unlabeled blastomeres to the total number of blastomeres per chimera embryo was 0.43 (P less than 0.01). The apparent decreases in cell proliferation were not observed in irradiated embryos that were merely cocultured with control embryos, regardless of whether the embryos were zona enclosed or zona free. We conclude that very low levels of radiation induce sublethal changes in cleaving embryos that are expressed as a proliferative disadvantage within two cell cycles when irradiated embryos are in direct cell-to-cell contact with unirradiated embryos.  相似文献   
The development of perimicrovillar membranes (PMM) from midgut cells of starved and fed Dysdercus peruvianus was studied by using scanning electron microscopy (SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and assays for specific enzymatic markers of the perimicrovillar membranes (alpha-glucosidase), perimicrovillar space (aminopeptidase) and microvillar membranes (beta-glucosidase). High activities of these enzymes were observed 6h post-feeding and significant production of membranes was observed at 30 h post-feeding. In the gut cells of starved insects, the rough endoplasmic reticulum was organized in concentric bundles, with a greater number of mitochondria in the cellular apex. The presence of electron dense double-membrane vesicles and the production of PMM were not observed in this condition. Thirty hours post-feeding, a disorganization of the rough endoplasmic reticulum was observed, and it was possible to see double-membrane vesicles close to the cell apex. The membrane system formation was evident with a significant development of PMM in the midgut lumen. The luminal surface of the midgut during starvation and up to 48 h post-feeding was monitored using SEM. It was demonstrated that in the starved condition, the PMM was virtually absent from gut cells, except at the base of the microvilli. At 6h post-feeding, the microvilli were already completely covered with PMM, but with a maximum of PMM formation seen at 30 h post-feeding. Signals of PMM degradation were observed 48 h after pulse feeding.  相似文献   
The activity of polymerase γ is complicated, involving both correct and incorrect DNA polymerization events, exonuclease activity, and the disassociation of the polymerase:DNA complex. Pausing of pol-γ might increase the chance of deletion and depletion of mitochondrial DNA. We have developed a stochastic simulation of pol-γ that models its activities on the level of individual nucleotides for the replication of mtDNA. This method gives us insights into the pausing of two pol-γ variants: the A467T substitution that causes PEO and Alpers syndrome, and the exonuclease deficient pol-γ (exo(-)) in premature aging mouse models. To measure the pausing, we analyzed simulation results for the longest time for the polymerase to move forward one nucleotide along the DNA strand. Our model of the exo(-) polymerase had extremely long pauses, with a 30 to 300-fold increase in the time required for the longest single forward step compared to the wild-type, while the naturally occurring A467T variant showed at most a doubling in the length of the pauses compared to the wild-type. We identified the cause of these differences in the polymerase pausing time to be the number of disassociations occurring in each forward step of the polymerase.  相似文献   
Using a computational model, we simulated mitochondrial deoxynucleotide metabolism and mitochondrial DNA replication. Our results indicate that the output from the mitochondrial salvage enzymes alone is inadequate to support a mitochondrial DNA replication duration of as long as 10 hours. We find that an external source of deoxyribonucleoside diphosphates or triphosphates (dNTPs), in addition to those supplied by mitochondrial salvage, is essential for the replication of mitochondrial DNA to complete in the experimentally observed duration of approximately 1 to 2 hours. For meeting a relatively fast replication target of 2 hours, almost two-thirds of the dNTP requirements had to be externally supplied as either deoxyribonucleoside di- or triphosphates, at about equal rates for all four dNTPs. Added monophosphates did not suffice. However, for a replication target of 10 hours, mitochondrial salvage was able to provide for most, but not all, of the total substrate requirements. Still, additional dGTPs and dATPs had to be supplied. Our analysis of the enzyme kinetics also revealed that the majority of enzymes of this pathway prefer substrates that are not precursors (canonical deoxyribonucleosides and deoxyribonucleotides) for mitochondrial DNA replication, such as phosphorylated ribonucleotides, instead of the corresponding deoxyribonucleotides. The kinetic constants for reactions between mitochondrial salvage enzymes and deoxyribonucleotide substrates are physiologically unreasonable for achieving efficient catalysis with the expected in situ concentrations of deoxyribonucleotides.  相似文献   
In the present study, we reinvestigate the diversity of Trichoderma in Poland utilizing a combination of morphological and molecular/phylogenetic methods. A total of 170 isolates were collected from six different substrata at 49 sites in Poland. These were divided among 14 taxa as follows: 110 of 170 Trichoderma isolates were identified to the species level by the analysis of their ITS1, ITS2 rDNA sequences as: T. harzianum (43 isolates), T. aggressivum (35), T. citrinoviride (11), T. hamatum (9), T. virens (6), T. longibrachiatum (4), T. polysporum (1), and T. tomentosum (1); 60 isolates belonging to the Viride clade were identified based on a fragment of the translation-elongation factor 1-alpha (tef1) gene as: T. atroviride (20 isolates), T. gamsii (2), T. koningii (17), T. viridescens (13), T. viride (7), and T. koningiopsis (1). Identifications were made using the BLAST interface in TrichOKEY and TrichoBLAST (). The most diverse substrata were soil (nine species per 22 isolates) and decaying wood (nine species per 75 isolates). The most abundant species (25%) isolated from all substrata was T. harzianum.  相似文献   
Locus-specific databases are the most useful repositories of the sequence information underlying medical genetic conditions and, for this reason, they need our continued support.  相似文献   
Switchgrass (Panicum virgatum) is a perennial warm-season grass native to North America that has been identified as a dedicated cellulosic biofuel crop. We quantified genetic diversity in tetraploid switchgrass germplasm collected at Oklahoma State University and characterized genetic relatedness among the collections from distinct regions. Fifty-six tetraploid accessions, including seven upland and 49 lowland genotypes from throughout the US, were examined. The amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) procedure was utilized to generate DNA profiling patterns that were scored visually. Sixteen selective AFLP primer combinations were used to amplify 452 polymorphic bands. The accessions' genetic similarity coefficients, UPGMA (unweighted pair-group method with arithmetic averaging) cluster analysis and principle coordinate analysis, were performed. The upland and lowland accessions clustered according to ecotypes, with one exception (TN104). Genetic similarity coefficients among the accessions ranged from 0.73 to 0.95. Analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) was performed, showing significant differences between the upland and lowland genotypes. The trnL marker confirmed that TN104 was a lowland genotype, but the trnL marker identification of upland and lowland genotypes was not consistent with the AFLP analysis in two germplasms (Miami and AR4).  相似文献   
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