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Approximately 50% of allergic patients are sensitized against grass pollen allergens. The characterization of specific immunoglobulin E (IgE) reactivity to allergen components in pollen-allergic patients is fundamental for clinical diagnosis and for immunotherapy. Complex allergen extracts are commonly used in diagnostic tests as well as in immunotherapy preparations, but their composition in single allergenic molecules is only partially known. Diagnostic tests which utilize recombinant or immuno-purified allergens have been made available in clinical practice. They allow to obtain specific profiles of IgE reactivity, but the panel of available molecules is far from complete. Here, we used a proteomic approach in order to detect grass allergens from a natural protein extract. A five-grass pollen extract used for diagnosis and immunotherapy was resolved by two dimensional gel electrophoresis (2-DE), and assayed with 9 sera from pollen-allergic patients whose sensitization profile was dissected by using IgE reactivity to recombinant allergens. 2-DE immunoreactivity patterns were matched with IgE reactivity to identify protein spots as candidate allergens. Identity was confirmed by mass spectrometry analysis. We identified 6 out of 8 expected clinically relevant allergens in the natural grass extract. Moreover, we identified different molecular isoforms of single allergens, thus obtaining a more detailed profile of IgE reactivity. Some discrepancies in protein isoform profile and sera immunoreactivity between recombinant and native allergen 5 from Phleum pratense were observed and a new putative allergen was described. The proteomic approach applied to the analysis of a natural allergen allows the comprehensive evaluation of the sensitization profile of allergic patients and the identification of new allergens.  相似文献   
The concept of the oviparity-viviparity continuum refers to the wide range in the length of intrauterine egg retention and, hence, in the stage of embryonic development at oviposition existing in squamates. The evolutionary process underlying this continuum may involve not only a lengthening of egg retention in utero, but also a marked reduction in the thickness of the eggshell. The idea that there may exist a negative correlation between the developmental stage reached by the embryo at oviposition and the eggshell thickness within squamates, although supported by the comparison of oviparous vs. viviparous species, has seldom been evaluated by comparing eggshell thickness of oviparous forms with different lengths of intrauterine egg retention. Eggs of two distinct oviparous clades of the lizard Lacerta vivipara were compared. The eggs laid by females from Slovenian and Italian populations have thicker eggshells, contain embryos on average less developed at the time of oviposition, and require a longer incubation period before hatching than the eggs laid by females from French oviparous populations. Our data and several other examples available from the literature support the idea that the lengthening of intrauterine retention of eggs and the shortening of the subsequent external incubation of eggs are associated with reduction in the thickness of the eggshell, at least in some lineages of oviparous squamates. The current hypotheses that may account for this correlation are presented and a few restrictions and refinements to those hypotheses are discussed. In particular, other changes, such as increased vascularization of the oviduct and of the extraembryonic membranes, may play the same role as the decrease of eggshell thickness in facilitating prolonged intrauterine egg retention in squamates. Future studies should also consider the hypothesis that the length of intrauterine retention might directly depend on the extent of maternal-fetal chemical communication through the eggshell barrier.  相似文献   

Festuca valesiaca Schleich. ex Gaudin subsp. valesiaca is acknowledged as one of the most characteristic grasses of the continental grasslands and steppes of Eurasia. In Italy, the species was known almost only from the continental valleys of the Alpine chain (with the exception of two small populations at the northernmost edge of the Apennines). Here, we report on the first confirmed finding of F. valesiaca subsp. valesiaca in the surroundings of the Fucino Basin, Central Apennines. This finding expands by c. 400?km southwards the species’ range in Italy. The identity of the species was first ascertained by means of leaf cross-sections and stomata measurements, and then confirmed by chromosome count. Its habitat preferences within the area were found to match well with those described in the literature for C-Europe. After discussing some identification issues and the population’s ecological niche, we present the main biogeographic implications of our finding. By recalling and discussing similar examples, we conclude that during the Holocene forest spread some Apennine “dry valleys” performed as refugia for a number of Pleistocene steppic taxa. The grasslands of these areas may thus be ancient and valuable ecosystems maintained by climate and disturbance throughout the Holocene.  相似文献   
The increasing demand for avian influenza diagnostic reagents worldwide, has included requests for significant supplies of product to developing countries. Difficulties in dispatching to remote areas and tropical countries are a major concern to suppliers, international organisations and donors as delays in forwarding parcels often result in storage at non-optimal or inadequate temperatures results in loss in titre and thus wastage of resources.In this study we demonstrate that the heat stability of avian influenza haemagglutination inhibition antigens of the H5, H7 and H9 subtype following 14 days of exposure to 37 °C and 45 °C is significantly increased by adding D-(+)-Trehalose to the freshly prepared antigen. Increased stability was detected both for freeze-dried antigens over an extended period of 6 months and also in heat exposed antigens that were then stored at +4 C for up to 35 days post reconstitution.  相似文献   
Methods for the chromatographic determination of amanitins, toxins of Amanita phalloides (Fr.), Link mushrooms and related toxins are reviewed; particular emphasis is given to high-performance liquid chromatographic methods. The main chemical and toxicological aspects are discussed, but the focus of the present review is on the analytical problems arising in a laboratory charged with the setting up of a procedure which can direct the appropriate clinical management of an intoxicated patient or solve a forensic case.  相似文献   
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