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We have devised a universal primer which can be used to sequence the 3′-ends of cloned cDNAs containing a polyA tail. The primer consists of an equimolar mixture of three primers: 20 T nucleotides followed by either an A, C, or G nucleotide (5′→3′). With this primer mixture and the dideoxynucleotide chain termination method, we determined the 3′-terminal sequence of human β-actin cDNA in an Okayama-Berg vector, in four parallel sets of reactions containing either a single primer (T20G, T20C, or T20A) or an equimolar mixture of all three primers. Priming with both T20A and the triple mixture gave clearly readable results that agree with the known sequence of the human β-actin gene, and we have applied this method successfully to several other cDNAs in the Okayama-Berg expression vector. Use of this universal primer mixture facilitates determination of sequences at the 3′-ends of cDNAs while by-passing the polyA tail region.  相似文献   
Representative plant allelochemicals were tested for toxicity to larvae of the cigarette beetle Lasioderma serricorne (F.) that were either untreated, treated with fungicides, or treated to render them free of symbiotic yeast (aposymbiotic) through surface sterilization of eggs. Insects rendered symbiont-free had higher mortality and/or developmental rates than controls when fed diets containing flavone, resorcinol or tannic acid. Fungicides reduced symbiont populations and/or caused morphological abnormalities. Two hydrolytic enzymes, which made up a significant protion of mycetome hydrolytic activity, were absent when symbionts were not present, as indicated by gel electrophoresis. This information indicates symbionts do contribute to the survival of their host by detoxifying toxins.
Résumé La toxicité relative de substances allélochimiques végétales typiques a été examinée sur des larves de L. serricorne F. traitées aux fongicides et rendues aposymbiotiques par stérilisation superficielle des ufs. La toxicité de la nicotine est relativement inaffectée chez les larves aposymbiotiques; cependant les toxicités des resorcinol, flavone et acide tannique sont significativement augmentées chez les insectes ayant reçu un traitement pour éliminer leurs symbiontes. L'électrophorèse sur gel a montré que quelques enzymes responsables de l'hydrolyse du 1-naphthyl acétate, réaction enzymatique de la détoxification enzymatique, sont absentes chez les insectes aposymbiotiques. L'acide sorbique a réduit significativement l'effectif de symbiontes, tandis que le bénomyl a réduit leur gamme provoquant la multiplication anormale d'autres espèces. Ces résultats montrent que les symbiontes contribuent aux possibilités de détoxification de l'insecte. L'élimination des symbiontes peut être une technique efficace pour lutter contre les insectes qui en contiennent, puisqu'elle les priverait de leur contribution à l'alimentation et à la détoxification. Cette stratégie est vraisemblablement compatible avec des programmes de lutte intégrée, puisque les prédateurs et parasites ne contiennent pas de symbiontes.
Glucose utilization by cells and tissues can be followed by measuring the release of [3H]H2O from added -[5-3H]glucose, and we have developed a method whereby the whole reaction and assay can be performed in a single scintillation vial. The basic principle behind our new assay is that the released tritiated hydrogen ion in water can be quantitatively exchanged with the hydroxyl proton of simple alcohols such as isoamyl alcohol. The radiolabeled alcohol can then be extracted into an organic solvent to which 2,5-diphenyloxazole and p-bis[2-(5-phenyloxazoyl)]benzene have been previously added. Using this new assay we studied isolated chromaffin cells and found them to utilize glucose at a linear rate for at least 30 min. The assay was precise and reproducible enough to allow detailed analysis of various inhibitors of glycolysis and of oxidative phosphorylation. The new method is simple and rapid, can be done in open test tubes, requires no complex equipment, and is intrinsically highly accurate.  相似文献   
Residual radiation injury was demonstrated in long-term primary cultures of mouse bone marrow. Control cultures underwent three phases of hematopoietic activity as distinguished by initial establishment, steady high (plateau) production of granulocytes, and gradual decline. Irradiation with 50, 300, or 550 rads, given at the end of the initial phase, did not prevent any culture flasks from entering the plateau phase. However, actual production levels and the time they were maintained varied inversely with the radiation dose so that the accumulated postradiation cell production corresponded to an exponential dose-response relationship at any time after treatment. The accumulated cell productions were found to be similar in all groups when expressed by the number of stem cell doublings necessary to produce them. The findings cannot be explained by reproductive cell death and are consistent with the notion of a limited division capacity in hematopoietic stem cells.  相似文献   
Bromodeoxyuridine-dye technique analysis of X chromosome DNA synthesis in female adult and fetal mice carrying the balanced form of the T(X; 16) 16H translocation demonstrated that the structurally normal X chromosome was late replicating (and hence presumably inactive) in 93% of the adult cells and 99% of the 9-day embryo cells, with the X16 chromosome late replicating in the remaining cells. We conclude from these results that in T16H/+ females either there is preferential inactivation of the normal X chromosome or that, if inactivation is random, cell selection takes place before 9 days of development. Two 9-day female embryos with an unbalanced karyotype were also studied; both had two late-replicating chromosomes in most of their cells, one being the chromosome 16X, the other a normal X chromosome. These results, together with the presence of a late-replicating X16 chromosome in T16H/+ adult and fetal mice, support the concept that more than one inactivation center is present on the X chromosome of the mouse because the X16 and the 16x chromosomes can be late replicating.  相似文献   
Summary Using histochemical techniques, the reactivities of selected enzymes and other metabolic components were examined in the myocardium, coronary arteries, and coronary arterioles of normal, two-week-sympathectomized, and sham-operated canine hearts. There were no differences in the histochemistry of coronary arteries in any of the hearts, but important differences were noted in the myocardium and especially in the arterioles. The reactivities of the enzyme glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase and the nucleic acids were increased in arterioles of the sympathectomized heart, possibly indicating an increased protein synthesis. The reactivities of succinate dehydrogenase, NAD-isocitrate dehydrogenase, and cytochrome oxidase were reduced in myocardium and arterioles of sympathectomized hearts as well as in arterioles of sham-operated hearts; the changes were greater in the sympathectomized arterioles where there was also observed an increase in reactivity of lactate dehydrogenase. These findings suggest a depression in aerobic metabolic capacity and, in the case of the sympathectomized arteriole, imply a possible shift in adaptation from aerobic to anaerobic metabolism.  相似文献   
A multivariate dynamic model of a vector phenotype trait under the influence of a selective mating pattern, a hierarchy of parental-offspring transmission rules, and random environmental effects is developed. The formulation can incorporate age class effects, geographical variation, asymmetric maternal and paternal contributions, sex-differentiated offspring expression, selective family adoption procedures, and classes of family and pedigree influences. The mating, transmissible, and environmental aspects of family structure parameters can vary systematically or randomly in time. Cultural and biological variables are handled in one framework. Results on the dynamic and equilibrium behavior of these multivariate processes are set forth and interpreted.  相似文献   
A temperature-sensitive mutation, isx-1(hc17), is reported in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans which alters the sexual phenotypes of both genotypic sexes. At the restrictive temperature, XX animals are functionally female rather than hermaphroditic due to the absence of spermatogenesis, and XO animals develop as intersexes. These intersexes have normal male head and tail structures and exhibit some mating behavior, but possess hermaphrodite-like gonads which produce no sperm and usually contain a few oocytes. An abortive vulva is usually present and evidence is presented which suggests that the formation of the vulva by the hypodermis is induced by the underlying gonad. The direct effects of the mutation are confined to the descendants of four primordial gonad cells. Gametogenesis and gonad sheath development do not seem to be tightly coupled and are shown to differ in their responses to X-chromosome dosage. The interaction of the intersex mutation with mutant alleles of two transformer genes tra-1 and tra-2 is discussed and a model for the action of these genes in gonad development and sex determination is proposed.  相似文献   
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