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Studies on marine fungal-nematode associations and plant degradation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary 1. Studies of the broad-leafed turtle grass,Thalassia testudinum König, have revealed a diverse range of fungal infestation different in generic composition and dynamics of attack from that found on submerged wood. Certain of the fungi, notably the AscomyceteLindra thalassiae, initiate considerable degradation of leaf tissue and show a developmental cycle in nature related to the physiological state of the host plant.2. Use of fungal-cellulose mats as a trapping substrate has been extremely effective for discernment of ecologically significant shifts in nematode concentrations, especially those of the omnivorous species,Metoncholaimus scissus.3. Patterns of activity ofM. scissus, as well as those of various foliicolous nematodes, suggest that loci of organic material, such as fungal infested leaves and decaying plant tissue, significantly affect biological activity of these animals.4. Laboratory analysis of degraded cotton cellulose filters show a striking incidence of fungal reproduction of the ascomycetous fungusLulworthia, along with development of a considerable associated nematode fauna, especially species ofViscosia (V. macramphida) andLeptolaimus (L. plectoides). Successional patterns in nematode development are noted with continued degradation of the cotton cellulose matrix.
Studien über marine Pilz-Nematoden-Assoziationen und Pflanzendegradation
Kurzfassung Untersuchungen am SeegrasThalassia testudinum König haben ergeben, daß sich hier Pilzinfektionen hinsichtlich der Komposition der beteiligten Gattungen und der Dynamik des Befalls von den am untergetauchten Holz festgestellten Infektionen unterscheiden. Bestimmte Pilze, insbesondere der AscomycetLindra thalassiae, leiten eine erhebliche Degradation des Blattgewebes ein und zeigen einen Entwicklungszyklus, welcher in Beziehung steht zum physiologischen Zustand der Wirtspflanze. Die Anwendung von Pilz-Zellulose-Matten als Einfangsubstrat war außerordentlich erfolgreich für das Erkennen ökologisch signifikanter Verschiebungen in den Nematodenkonzentrationen, insbesondere bei der omnivoren ArtMetoncholaimus scissus. Die Aktivitätsmuster vonM. scissus — ebenso wie die verschiedener foliicolöser Nematoden — deuten darauf hin, daß pilzinfizierte und zerfallende Pflanzenteile in entscheidendem Maße die biologische Aktivität dieser Tiere beeinflussen. Laboratoriumsanalysen degradierter Wollzellulosefilter lassen eine überraschend starke Vermehrung des AscomycetenLulworthia erkennen und gleichzeitig die Entwicklung einer beachtlichen Fauna assoziierter Nematodenarten, insbesondere vonViscosia macramphida undLeptolaimus plectoides. Im Verlaufe der weiteren Degradation der Wollzellulosematrix kommt es bei der Nematodenfauna zu entsprechenden Sukzessionen.

Contribution No. 768 from the Institute of Marine Science, University of Miami, Miami, Florida, and from the Canada Department of Agriculture, Ottawa, Canada. This work was supported at the IMS by grant GM 12842 from the National Institutes of Health, USA.  相似文献   
Summary Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS) is a sporadic disorder in which about half of cases have a 15q12 deletion. Although a small number of cases have other rearrangements involving 15q12, the rest of the cases appear to have normal chromosomes. Clinical similarities among all these patients regardless of the karyotype strongly suggests a common etiology. To investigate the nature of this common etiology, we analyzed sister chromatid exchange (SCE) at the 15q11-13 region in 10 PWS patients with the chromosome deletion, 12 PWS patients with normal chromosomes, and 11 normal control individuals. While SCE at the q11-13 region was absent on the 15q12 deleted chromosome, the percentage of SCE on chromosome 15 at q11 was statistically higher for PWS with normal chromosomes (10.1%) compared to that for normal controls (1.9%) and the normal homologue (2.2%) in deleted patients (2=7.7982, df=2, P<0.025). The data suggest relative instability of DNA at the 15q11 region in PWS patients.  相似文献   
Chromosome numbers for 26 different species of the generaPiper, Peperomia andPothomorphe (Piperaceae) are reported. The basic chromosome numbers are 2n = 26, x = 13 (Piper, Pothomorphe) and 2n = 22, x = 11 (Peperomia), polyploid series are characteristic forPiper andPeperomia. Piper has the smallest chromosomes and prochromosomal interphase nuclei,Peperomia the largest ones and mostly reticulate to euchromatic nuclei.Pothomorphe is intermediate in both characters. The karyomorphological differences betweenPothomorphe andPiper underline their generic separation. Interspecific size variation of chromosomes occurs inPiper andPeperomia. Infraspecific polyploidy was observed inPiper betle. C-banding reveals different patterns of heterochromatin (hc) distribution between the genera investigated. The genome evolution is discussed.  相似文献   
The extremely thermophilic, obligately aerobic bacterium Sulfolobus solfataricus forms the tetrapyrrole precursor, -aminolevulinic acid (ALA), from glutamate by the tRNA-dependent five-carbon pathway. This pathway has been previously shown to occur in plants, algae, and most prokaryotes with the exception of the -group of proteobacteria (purple bacteria). An alternative mode of ALA formation by condensation of glycine and succinyl-CoA occurs in animals, yeasts, fungi, and the -proteobacteria. Sulfolobus and several other thermophilic, sulfur-dependent bacteria, have been variously placed within a subgroup of archaea (archaebacteria) named crenarchaeotes, or have been proposed to comprise a distinct prokaryotic group designated eocytes. On the basis of ribosomal structure and certain other criteria, eocytes have been proposed as predecessors of the nuclear-cytoplasmic descent line of eukaryotes. Because aplastidic eukaryotes differ from most prokaryotes in their mode of ALA formation, and in view of the proposed affiliation of eocytes to eukaryotes, it was of interest to determine how eocytes form ALA. Sulfolobus extracts were able to incorporate label from [1-14C]glutamate, but not from [2-14C]glycine, into ALA. Glutamate incorporation was abolished by preincubation of the extract with RNase. Sulfolobus extracts contained glutamate-1-semialdehyde aminotransferase activity, which is indicative of the five-carbon pathway. Growth of Sulfolobus was inhibited by gabaculine, a mechanism-based inhibitor of glutamate-1-semialdehyde aminotransferase, an enzyme of the five-carbon ALA biosynthetic pathway. These results indicate that Sulfolobus uses the five-carbon pathway for ALA formation.Abbreviations AHA 4-amino-5-hexynoic acid - ALA -aminolevulinic acid, Gabaculine, 3-amino-2,3-dihydrobenzoic acid - GSA glutamate 1-semialdehyde  相似文献   
Labidocera aestiva and L. scotti were found in the Tamiahua Lagoon, Veracruz, Mexico. Fleminger (1957) found that the populations of these species may overlap geographically, although L. aestiva has affinity to the Carolinian province and L. scotti to the Caribbean province. This study describes the seasonal behavior and succession of this species in the Tamiahua Lagoon, a brackish water system with a high marine influence. A qualitative and quantitative analysis of samples was made in March, July, and September 1985 and January 1986. L. aestiva was found in temperatures below 26 °C in a wide salinity range. At temperatures above 26 °C and up to 32 °C, L. aestiva was present also with euryhaline character. In the Tamiahua Lagoon these two species did not overlap during this study. Both species are considered temporary inhabitants of this estuarine system in the Western Gulf of Mexico.  相似文献   
Cell-substrate adhesion was quantified for two cultured mesothelioma cell lines (epitheliomatus and sarcomatous) on glass, fibronectin and laminin substrates. Interference reflection microscopy (IRM) was used to image the adhesion patterns of cells and a grey level analysis was employed to quantify adhesion. Sarcomatous cells demonstrated marked adhesion to glass and fibronectin-coated substrates but not to laminin-coated substrate, with the greatest adhesion occurring on the fibronectin-coated surface. This adhesion was accompanied by cytoplasmic spreading. By contrast, epitheliomatous cells showed little tendency to adhere to any of the substrates and only showed significant spreading when in contact with the laminin substrate (P < 0.01). A bioassay was used to determine the metastatic potential of each of the cell lines. Via the intravenous route, the sarcomatous cells killed the host rats in 24.7 ± 1.5 (S.D.) days compared to 27.3 ± 0.9 (S.D.) days for the epitheliomatous cells (P < 0.01). After subcutaneous inoculation of tumour cells, the sarcomatous cells killed the host rats in 54.7 ± 0.7 (S.D.) days compared to 48.5 ± 0.5 (S.D.) days for the epitheliomatous cells (P < 0.01). We conclude that the results of the metastasis bioassays were consistent with the predicted behavior of these cell lines based on their ability to adhere to substrates in the in vitro adhesion assays.  相似文献   
Optic morphology (Om) mutations in Drosophila ananassae map to at least 22 loci, which are scattered throughout the genome. Om mutations are all semidominant, neomorphic, nonpleiotropic, and associated with the insertion of a retrotransposon, tom. We have found that the Om(2D) gene encodes a novel protein containing histidine/proline repeats, and is ubiquitously expressed during embryogenesis. The Om(2D) RNA is not detected in wild-type eye imaginal discs, but is abundantly found in the center of the eye discs of Om(2D) mutants, where excessive cell death occurs. D. melanogaster flies transformed with the Om(2D) cDNA under control of the hsp70 promoter display abnormal eye morphology when heat-shocked at the third larval instar stage. These results suggest that the Om(2D) gene is not normally expressed in the eye imaginal discs, but its ectopic expression, induced by the tom element, in the eye disc of third instar larvae results in defects in adult eye morphology.  相似文献   
Subconfluent bovine pulmonary artery endothelial cells on rigid substrates were exposed to 1.5–15 cm H2O sustained hydrostatic pressure for up to 7 days and exhibited elongation, cytoskeletal rearrangement, increased cell proliferation, and bilayering. The role of basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) in the mechanism(s) of these endothelial cell responses to sustained hydrostatic pressure was investigated. Evidence that bFGF was released from endothelial cells exposed to sustained hydrostatic pressure or compression was provided by the following experimental results: (1) Cells exposed to control (3 mm H2O) pressure displayed intense nuclear and cytoplasmic bFGF staining by immunocytochemical techniques; this staining was absent in cells exposed to 10 cm H2O for 7 days. (2) Conditioned medium from endothelial cells exposed to 10 cm H2O for 7 days contained at ansferable, growth-promoting activity exhibiting heparin-Sepharose affinity, lability to both heat and freeze/thawing, and neutralization by anti-bovine bFGF. (3) Suramin (0.1 mM), a growth-factor receptor inhibitor, abrogated the proliferative and morphological responses of endothelial cells exposed to sustained hydrostatic pressure. Endothelial cells exposed to elevated hydrostatic pressure demonstrated no detectable decrement in cell viability as assessed by Trypan blue exclusion. The results of the present study indicate that hydrostatic pressure or compression can induce bFGF release from endothelial cells independent of cell injury or death; bFGF is subsequently responsible for the morphological, proliferative, and bilayering responses of endothelial cells to hydrostatic pressure. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
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