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A principal possibility and advantages of the diagnosis of meningococcal infection by means of agglutination of sensibilized latex particles with erythrocytes have been demonstrated. Polysterene carboxylated latex has been sensibilized by rabbit JgG to meningococcus of serogroup A. Dynamics of absorption of meningococcal polysaccharide on erythrocytes in vivo has been studied in mice.  相似文献   
A total of 165 coagulase-positive staphylococcal strains of different origin (142 S. aureus strains and 23 S. intermedius strains) were subjected to biological typing in accordance with the schemes of Hajek-Marsalek and Meyer-Witte. The former of these schemes permitted to identify 68% and the latter 18% of S. aureus strains. The cultures isolated from swine and chickens had the most uniform composition: 85-86% of the strains belonged to biotype B. 44% of the strains isolated from cows and sheep belonged to biotypes C (ecovars bovis and ovis) and A (ecovar hominis); the rest of the strains could not be identified. 96% of the strains isolated from minks were made up of S. intermedius, more than a half of them belonging to biotype E (ecovar canis). In 80% of S. aureus strains and 48% S. intermedius cultures protein A was detected. Only 9% of S. aureus strains of animal origin were found capable of producing enterotoxins (A-D). The expediency of working out a unified scheme for the biotyping of coagulase-positive staphylococci is discussed.  相似文献   
Seventy-one batches of nonspecific gamma-globulin obtained from France, USSR and Mongolia were studied for presence of specific antibody to group A and C meningococcus polysaccharide. Specific activity was tested by two methods: radioimmunoassay (Lyon) and reaction of passive haemagglutination inhibition (Moscow). Antibodies were detected in all the gamma-globulin batches tested, in some of them at high titres. The summary results indicated that approximately equal levels of specific A antibodies were present in preparations obtained from the different regions of the world. Antibodies to group C polysaccharide showed considerable variation in level from selection country to country; the highest level of C antibodies was in gamma-globulin from France. The authors feel entitled by the results to recommend testing of nonspecific gamma-globulin, selection of batches with a high level of specific antimeningococcus antibodies, and their judicious use.  相似文献   
Variations in dosage of some genes can alter the level of translational fidelity. The Saccharomyces cerevisiae genes that act as dosage-dependent suppressors and/or modulators of suppression, are the following: some tRNA genes (for example, tRNA(Gln)) inducing readthrough by mispairing; genes coding for either translational elongation factor or other proteins taking part in translation; and some genes of unknown function. We suggest that the SUP35 protein is a factor which may play a major role in balance-dependent regulation of translational fidelity. Homologues of this genes have been identified in other yeast genera (Pichia), green algae (Chlamydomonas) and various animals including man. No homologies have been found in the polychaeta (Nereis) or in insects (Drosophila). Rates of evolution differ for two separate parts of the genes; the N-terminal part, which is important for ambiguous translation in Saccharomyces, is markedly variable in the organisms tested. However, the C-terminal part which is required for yeast viability has a common origin but a separate evolution from that of the EF-Tu protein family.  相似文献   
The relationship between electrophysiological changes and Na, K-ATPase activity of neuronal membranes in sodium penicillin-induced epileptic foci was studied. Na,K-ATPase activity is inhibited both in the primary focus and in homotopic contralateral area during latent period and in the stage of forming epileptic activity. In the stage of marked convulsive activity Na, K-ATPase is inhibited only in the primary focus. It is shown that penicillin at a concentration range of 2 x 10(-6)--2 x 10(-3) M does not influence Na,K-ATPase activity of crude synaptosomes of the rat brain cortex. It is suggested that Na,K-ATPase inactivation may serve as a pathogenetic factor in the development of convulsive process.  相似文献   
A mathematical model of dynamics of simazine level in soil based on the hypothesis of several forms of simazine in soil and integral influence of environmental factors on inactivation has been worked out. The results of modelling are under discussion.  相似文献   
Systemic investigation of the mechanisms that control locomotions in the man provides elaboration of some problems concerning properties and construction of the locomotory apparatus, especially morphometric characteristics of the muscles--length and shoulder of the thrust force. Various methods for determining length and shoulder of the thrust force are considered. The first method is based on substituting the muscles for mathematical or mechanical model. The second method makes it possible to define the degree of the muscle elongation by means of measuring the distance between the ends of the sectioned tendon; it includes regression equations, connecting a relative elongation of the muscles with the angle change in the joints. As a result of perfection of the previously known methods, mathematical models are made, owing to them it is possible to calculate morphometric characteristics of 8 muscles in the lower extremities using computer facilities. As an example, results of calculations, by means of various methods, morphometric characteristics of the gastrocnemius muscle are presented. They are obtained at registration of the kinematics of the run with a maximal speed. Satisfactive coincidence of the results is obtained.  相似文献   
The specific identification of 271 strains of coagulase-negative staphylococci isolated from different animals (cows, sheep, swine, hens, monkeys, minks, sables, foxes, etc.) was carried out according to the scheme of Akatov--Devriese. Species could be determined in 77.5% of the strains. The representatives of S. sciuri (55.5%) and S. xylosus (11.4%), very seldom occurring in humans, prevailed among the identified cultures. In 31.4% of coagulase-negative strains of animal origin the presence of protein A was established. The study of the time of glucose fermentation in the cultures and the type of colonies formed on agar with crystalline violet permitted the additional characterization of the majority of the strains of coagulase-negative staphylococci. Only in 4.8% of cases the strains under study could be lyzed by typing phages Holmberg and belonged to 6 phage types; of these, 117 A was the most numerous one (7 out of 13 typed cultures). No relationship between the phage type and the species of the strains was established.  相似文献   
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